Abaqus > Overview > Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File
Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File
The AbaqusSubmit script file controls the execution of the PAT3ABA translator and the ABAQUS analysis code. It is located in the Patran directory called
The information that AbaqusSubmit uses to perform its operations can be categorized as specific to the job and the site. The job specific information is automatically supplied by Patran as command line arguments at run time. The site specific information is set within the script file at the time of installation.
The Host parameter defines the machine that is used to perform the ABAQUS analysis. When this parameter is set to LOCAL, the analysis is performed on the same machine as the Patran session (PAT3ABA translations are always performed on the same machine as the Patran session.)
The Scratchdir parameter defines the directory on the host machine that temporarily holds the analysis files as they are created. The advantage of having a scratch directory is that the contents of the analysis scratch files are never transferred across the network. This benefit is not achieved when the Host parameter is set to LOCAL, so the Scratchdir parameter is ignored for this condition.
The Acommand is the ABAQUS analysis code executable. If the Host is not LOCAL then the executable should include the complete pathname.