Abaqus > Running an Analysis > Step Creation
Step Creation
This subordinate form appears whenever the Step Creation button is selected on the Analysis form. A step is defined by associating the load cases created and stored on the database, with the ABAQUS analysis procedure that best addresses that load case, and the relevant associated parameters that guide the solution path for the chosen analysis procedure. There is no importance to the order in which the Job Steps are created on this form--they will be ordered for the job in the Step Selection form.
Select Load Cases
This subordinate form appears whenever the Select Load Cases button is selected on the
Step Creation form.
Output Requests
This subordinate form appears whenever the Output Requests button is selected on the Step Create form. It is used for specifying the specific variables to be included in the output from ABAQUS options such as: ∗EL PRINT, ∗ENERGY PRINT, ∗MODAL PRINT, ∗NODE PRINT, ∗PRINT, ∗EL FILE, ∗ENERGY FILE, ∗FILE FORMAT, ∗MODAL FILE, and ∗NODE FILE *ELEMENT MATRIX OUTPUT. An explanation of the output variables that can be requested is included in the Output Requests description for each solution type.
Direct Text Input
This subordinate form appears whenever the Direct Text Input button is selected.
This widget is to facilitate the input of the ABAQUS input data that cannot be created using the functionality available in Patran menus. All data input here will be appended to the ABAQUS step history being created.
There is no checking available for invalid data.
The font for the text input may vary from one system to another. A default font is specified in app_defaults/Patran file:
Patran*fixedFont: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1
For any problems with the text on a particular system, change the font specifications in the Patran file which should reside in your ~home directory. Use xfontsel, or xlxfonts commands to get the list of available fonts on a given system.
Solution Types
Each step has an associated Solution type, and the information that is requested on the Solution Parameters and Output Requests forms varies based on this selection. ABAQUS calls these analysis procedures, and the full explanations of these procedures can be found in Chapter 2 “Procedures Library” of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Parameter Type
Linear Static
Static stress analysis is used when inertia effects can be neglected. During a linear static step, the model’s response is defined by the linear elastic stiffness at the base state, the state of deformation and stress at the beginning of the step. For ∗HYPERELASTIC and ∗HYPERFOAM materials, the tangent elastic moduli in the base state is used. Contact conditions cannot change during the step--they remain as they are defined in the base state.
Natural Frequency
This solution type uses eigenvalue techniques to extract the frequencies of the current system. The stiffness determined at the end of the previous step is used as the basis for the extraction, so that small vibrations of a preloaded structure can be modeled.
Bifurcation Buckling
Eigenvalue buckling estimates are obtained. Classical eigenvalue buckling analysis (e.g., “Euler” buckling) is often used to estimate the critical (buckling) load of “stiff” structures. “Stiff” structures are those that carry their design loads primarily by axial or membrane action, rather than by bending action. Their response usually involves very little deformation prior to buckling.
Direct Linear Transient
This solution procedure integrates all of the equations of motion through time, and is significantly more expensive than modal methods for finding dynamic response for linear systems. For linear systems, the dynamic method, using the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor operator, is unconditionally stable, meaning there is no mathematical limit on the size of the time increment that can be used to integrate a linear system. Since the procedure uses a fixed time increment, the HAFTOL parameter on the *DYNAMIC card is not required.
Direct Steady State Dynamics
Calculates steady state response for the given range of frequencies. The damping may be created by dashpots, by “Rayleigh” damping associated with materials, and by viscoelasticity included in the material definitions.
Modal Linear Transient
This solution type gives the response of the model as a function of time, based on a given time dependent loading. The procedure is based on using a subset of the eigenmodes of the system, which must first be extracted using the NATURAL FREQUENCY solution type.The number of modes extracted must be sufficient to model the dynamic response of the system adequately. This is a matter of judgment on the part of the user. The modal amplitudes are integrated through time and the response synthesized from these modal responses.
Modal Steady State Dynamics
This solution type provides the response of the system when it is excited by harmonic loading at a given frequency. This procedure is usually preceded by extraction of the natural modes using the NATURAL FREQUENCY solution type, although ABAQUS also allows the response to be calculated directly from the system matrices for use in those cases where the eigenvalues cannot be extracted, such as a nonsymmetric stiffness case, or models in which the behavior is itself a function of frequency, such as frequency dependent material damping.
Response Spectrum
This solution type provides an estimate of the peak response of a structure to steady-state dynamic motion of its fixed points (“base motion”). The method is typically used when an approximate estimate of such peak response is required for design purposes. The procedure is based on using a subset of the eigenmodes of the system, which must first be extracted using the NATURAL FREQUENCY solution type.
Random Vibration
This solution type predicts the response of a system which is subjected to a nondeterministic continuous excitation that is expressed in a statistical sense using a power spectral density function. The procedure is based on using a subset of the eigenmodes of the system, which must first be extracted using the NATURAL FREQUENCY solution type.
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear static analysis requires the solution of nonlinear equilibrium equations, for which ABAQUS uses Newton’s method. Many problems involve history dependent response, so that the solution is usually obtained as a series of increments, with iteration within each increment to obtain equilibrium. For most cases, the automatic incrementation provided by ABAQUS is preferred, although direct user control is also provided for those cases where the user has experience with a particular problem.
Nonlinear Transient Dynamic
This solution type is used when nonlinear dynamic response is being studied. Because all of the equations of motion of the system must be integrated through time, direct integration methods are generally significantly more expensive than modal methods. For most cases, the automatic incrementation provided by ABAQUS is preferred, although direct user control is also provided for those cases where the user has experience with a particular problem.
This analysis procedure performs a transient, static, stress⁄displacement analysis. It is especially provided for the analysis of materials which are described by the ∗CREEP material form.
Viscoelastic (Time Domain)
This is especially provided for the time domain analysis of materials which are described by the ∗VISCOELASTIC, TIME material option. The dissipative part of the material behavior is defined through a Prony series representation of the normalized shear and bulk relaxation moduli, either specified directly on the ∗VISCOELASTIC, TIME material option, determined from user input creep test data, or determined from user input relaxation test data.
Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain)
This is especially provided for the frequency domain analysis of materials which are described by the ∗VISCOELASTIC, FREQUENCY material option, which is activated by a ∗STEADY STATE DYNAMICS, DIRECT procedure.The dissipative part of the material behavior is defined by the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transforms of the nondimensional shear viscoelasticity parameter g and, for compressible materials, of the bulk viscoelasticity parameter k.
Steady State Heat Transfer
This solution type is for pure heat transfer problems for which the ∗HEAT TRANSFER option is used and where the temperature field can be found without knowledge of stress and deformation of the bodies being studied.
Transient Heat Transfer
This solution type is for pure transient heat transfer problems for which the ∗HEAT TRANSFER option is used and where the temperature field can be found without knowledge of stress and deformation of the bodies being studied. For all transient heat transfer cases, the time increments may be specified directly, or will be selected automatically based on a user prescribed maximum nodal temperature change in a step. Automatic time incrementation is generally preferred.
Linear Static
Read Temperature File
This option is used to specify temperatures via the results file which has been generated from a previous heat transfer analysis. Only one temperature results file is allowed in an analysis but the same file can be referenced by many steps.
Linear Static
If the selected solution type is Linear Static then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Elem Energy Densities
The strain energy per unit volume of each element. Plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities should not be affected by linear static analysis.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The strain energy of each element. Plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities should not be affected by linear static analysis.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Natural Frequency
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution types is Natural Frequency. This generates FREQUENCY procedures (see Section 9.3.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). The optional NLGEOM parameter on the STEP option may be included, as defined below. None of the other optional parameters on the STEP option (AMPLITUDE, INC, or MONOTONIC) are used.
Natural Frequency
If the selected Solution Type is Natural Frequency, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form. A complete discussion of the ABAQUS results file can be found in Chapter 6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual. Note that the Natural Frequency solution type extracts the frequency and corresponding mode shapes (eigenvalues and eigenmodes), usually for use in a later analysis (e.g., Response Spectrum). The stresses and strains corresponding to the mode shapes can be output, but are usually of limited direct value except as a possible means for guiding mode limitations for future analyses.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, First principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Bifurcation Buckling
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Bifurcation Buckling. This form defines the data required for a *BUCKLE command (see Section 9.3.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). This step may be included either as the first step or when the structure has already been preloaded. If the structure has been preloaded, the buckle sensitivity around the preloaded state is calculated. The problem is a classical eigenvalue problem, with the eigenvalues defined as the load multipliers of the load pattern for which buckling sensitivity is being investigated.
Bifurcation Buckling
If the selected Solution Type is Bifurcation Buckling then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes.
These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Sectiono 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Direct Linear Transient
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type is Direct Linear Transient. This generates a *DYNAMIC procedure, with the optional DIRECT parameter included (see Section 9.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). Note that modal methods are usually more economical for linear dynamic analysis. Many of the parameters described in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual for the *DYNAMIC option are not used for this option.
Direct Linear Transient
If the selected Solution Type is Direct Linear Transient then the following parameters may be defined on this form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Elem Energy Densities
The strain energy per unit volume of each element.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The strain energy of each element.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as
for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as
for displacements.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Direct Steady State Dynamics
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type is Direct Steady State Dynamics. This generates a STEADY STATE DYNAMIC procedure.
Direct Steady State Dynamics
If the selected solution type is Direct Steady State Dynamics, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Ph Angle Stress Components
The phase angle shift of the stress components.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain Components
The phase angle shift of the strain components.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Phase Angle Rel. Displacements
The phase angle shift of the relative displacement components.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle Reaction Forces
The phase angle shift of the reaction force components.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Modal Linear Transient
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type is Modal Linear Transient. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure (see Section 9.3.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual) followed by a MODAL DYNAMIC procedure (see Section 9.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). A MODAL DAMPING option will also be generated, as required. Only one load case may be selected.
Modal Linear Transient
This subordinate form appears whenever the Output Request button is selected on the Step Create form, and the Solution Type is Modal Linear Transient.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal tress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N)
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Total Displacements
The summation of all individual modal components of displacement. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Total Velocities
The summation of all individual modal components of velocity. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Total Accelerations
The summation of all individual modal components of acceleration. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads, (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Generalized Displacements
The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities
The velocities associated with the modes of vibration.
Generalized Accelerations
The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration.
Strain Energy per Mode
Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode.
Kinetic Energy per Mode
Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode.
External Work per Mode
External work for the entire model per each mode.
Base Motion
The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Define Damping Direct
When the type of Modal Damping selected is Direct, this subordinate form appears whenever Define Damping is selected. The data is used to define the *MODAL DAMPING option (see Section 9.6.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual) with the MODAL parameter set to DIRECT.
Define Damping Rayleigh
When the type of Modal Damping selected is Rayleigh, this subordinate form appears whenever Define Damping is selected. This form defines the data required for the *MODAL DAMPING, RAYLEIGH option (see Section 9.6.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
Base Motion
This subordinate form appears whenever Define Base Motion is selected from the Modal Linear Transient, Steady State Dynamics, or Viscoelasticity Frequency Domain Solution Parameter forms.
It defines the values on the ∗BASE MOTION option (see Section 9.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual).
Steady State Dynamics
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Steady State Dynamics. This generates a *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS procedure (see Section 9.3.13 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). A *FREQUENCY procedure may also be created prior to the *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS procedure, if required.
Steady State Dynamics
If the selected solution type is Steady State Dynamics, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Ph Angle Stress Component
The phase angle shift of the stress components.
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain Component
The phase angle shift of the strain components.
Element Energy Magnitudes
A scalar value for the energy content of the element.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Total Displacements
The summation of all individual modal components of displacement. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Total Velocities
The summation of all individual modal components of velocity. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Total Accelerations
The summation of all individual modal components of acceleration. The output follows the same convention as for the individual modal components.
Phase Angle Rel. Displacements
All components of the phase angle of the displacements at the node.
Phase Angle Total Displacements
All components of the phase angle of the total displacements at the node.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and so, therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle Reaction Forces
All components of the phase angle of the reaction forces at the node.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads, (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Generalized Displacements
The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities
The velocities associated with the modes of vibration.
Generalized Accelerations
The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration.
Phase Angle Generalized Displacements
The phase angle of displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Phase Angle Generalized Velocities
The phase angle of velocities associated with the modes of vibration.
Phase Angle Generalized Accelerations
The phase angle of accelerations associated with the modes of vibration.
Strain Energy per Mode
Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode.
Kinetic Energy per Mode
Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode.
External Work per Mode
External work for the entire model per each mode.
Base Motion
The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Define Frequencies
The data on this form is used to define the input for the *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS option (see Section 9.3.13 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
Response Spectrum
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Response Spectrum. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure, and a *RESPONSE SPECTRUM procedure (see Sections 9.3.5 and 9.3.10, respectively, of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). A ∗SPECTRUM option is also created (see Section 7.11.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual).
Define Response Spectra (Response Spectrum)
This subordinate form appears whenever the Define Response Spectra button is selected on the Response Spectrum Solution Parameter form.
Define Spectrum (Response Spectrum)
This form appears whenever the Define Spectrum button is selected on the Response Spectra form, which is itself subordinate to the Response Spectrum Solution Parameter Form. Similar forms are used for the second and third directions.The data on this form will define the *SPECTRUM option (see Section 7.11.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
Response Spectrum
If the selected solution type is Response Spectrum, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Generalized Displacements
The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities
The velocities associated with the modes of vibration.
Generalized Accelerations
The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration.
Strain Energy per Mode
Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode.
Kinetic Energy per Mode
Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode.
External Work per Mode
External work for the entire model per each mode.
Base Motion
The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Random Vibration
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Random Vibration. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure and a *RANDOM RESPONSE procedure (see Sections 9.3.5 and 9.3.9 of the ABAQUS⁄Standard User’s Manual).
Define Spectrum (Random Vibration)
The Spectrum Data Table form is used to define the power spectral density function data for the PSD-DEFINITION option (see Section 7.11.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
Random Vibration
If the selected solution type is Random Vibration, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
R.M.S. Stress Components
The root mean square value of the stress components.
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
R.M.S. Strain Components
The root mean square value of the strain components.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as
for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as
for displacements.
R.M.S. Relative Displacement
The root mean square value of the displacement components relative to the base motion.
R.M.S. Relative Velocities
The root mean square value of the velocity components relative to the base motion.
R.M.S. Relative Acceleration
The root mean square value of the acceleration components relative to the base motion.
Total Displacements
The total displacement (including base motion) of the nodes.
Total Velocities
The total velocity (including base motion) of the nodes.
Total Acceleration
The total acceleration (including base motion) of the nodes.
R.M.S. Total Displacements
The root mean square value of the displacement components including the base motion.
R.M.S. Total Velocities
The root mean square value of the velocity components including the base motion.
R.M.S. Total Accelerations
The root mean square value of the acceleration components including the base motion.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
R.M.S. Reaction Forces
The root mean square value of the modal component of the reaction forces.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Generalized Displacements
The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities
The velocities associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Accelerations
The accelerations associated with the modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Base Motion
The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Nonlinear Static
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Nonlinear Static. This generates a *STATIC procedure with the associated *STEP option. The NLGEOM parameter on the *STEP command is included. The NLGEOM parameter is included on the *STEP option.
More data input is available for defining the Nonlinear Static Solution Parameters shown on the
previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu if the Riks method is not selected.
Parameter Name
Max No of Increments
Defines the maximum number of increments that can be used within a single step. This is a positive integer value. This is the optional INC parameter on the ∗STEP option.
Initial DELTA-T
Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant. This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T
Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T
Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step
Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu if the Riks method is selected.
Parameter Name
Initial Load Fraction
Defines the initial load fraction to be applied to the model. This is a real constant. This is the initial time increment data value on the ∗STATIC command.
Minimum Load Fraction
Defines the minimum load fraction which will be added during any increment. These are real constants.
Maximum Load Fraction
Defines the maximum load fraction which will be added during any increment. These are real constants.
Stopping Condition
Indicates which stopping condition is to be used. This can be set to “Max. no. increments”, “Max. load multiplier”, or “Monitor a Node.” This indicates which stopping condition data values are to be defined on the ∗STATIC option.
Max. Load Multiplier
This defines the maximum load multiplier allowed before the iteration will be stopped. This is only used if “Max. load multiplier,” or “Monitor a Node” are selected.
Node Number
Indicates the node ID to be monitored. This is only used if “Monitor a Node” is selected.
Limit Value
Defines the limiting displacement at the node being monitored. This is only used if “Monitor a Node” is selected.
DOF Number
Indicates which degree-of-freedom at this node is to be monitored. This is only used if “Monitor a Node” is selected.
Nonlinear Static
If the selected solution type is Nonlinear Static, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains
The plastic strain component of the total strain.
Creep Strains
The creep strain component of the total strain.
Elastic Strains
The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the elastic strain component is the component from which the stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains
The total strain minus the elastic strain component.
Elem Energy Densities
The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Nonlinear Transient Dynamic
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Nonlinear Transient Dynamic. This generates a DYNAMIC procedure, with the associated STEP option. The DIRECT and HAFTOL parameters are available on the DYNAMIC option.
More data input is available for defining the Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Solution Parameters shown on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.
Parameter Name
Initial DELTA-T
Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant. This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T
Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T
Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step
Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Max Error in Mid Increment Residual
This is the HAFTOL parameter on the ∗DYNAMIC option. See Section 9.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual and Section 5.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard Example Problems.
Nonlinear Transient Dynamic
If the selected solution type is Nonlinear Transient Dynamics, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains
The plastic strain component of the total strain.
Creep Strains
The creep strain component of the total strain.
Elastic Strains
The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the elastic strain component is the component from which the stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains
The total strain minus the elastic strain component.
Elem Energy Densities
The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution Type is Creep. This generates a VISCO procedure, with the associated STEP option.
More data input is available for defining the Creep Solution Parameters shown on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.
Parameter Name
Initial DELTA-T
Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant. This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used.
Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T
Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T
Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step
Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Admissable Error in Strain Increment
This is the CETOL parameter on the ∗VISCO option. See Section 9.3.15 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. In addition, the total strain component can be separated into its contributory parts (e.g., elastic strain, plastic strains, etc.) and these are reported separately.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains
The plastic strain component of the total strain.
Creep Strains
The creep strain component of the total strain.
Elastic Strains
The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the elastic strain component is the component from which the stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains
The total strain minus the elastic strain component.
Elem Energy Densities
The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Viscoelastic (Time Domain)
This subordinate form appears whenever Solution Parameters is selected and the Solution Type is Viscoelastic (Time Domain). This generates a VISCO procedure, with the associated STEP command.
More data input is available for defining the Viscoelastic (Time Domain) Solution Parameters shown on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.
Parameter Name
Initial DELTA-T
Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant. This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T
Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T
Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step
Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Viscoelastic (Time Domain)
If the selected Solution Type is Viscoelastic (Time Domain), then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains
The plastic strain component of the total strain.
Creep Strains
The creep strain component of the total strain.
Elastic Strains
The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the elastic strain component is the component from which the stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains
The total strain minus the elastic strain component.
Elem Energy Densities
The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy Magnitudes
The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress Forces
The forces that are found at each node by summing the element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to
as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model Energies
The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain)
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type is Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain). This generates a *STEADY STATE DYNAMIC procedure.
Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain)
If the selected solution type is Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain), then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Stress Components
The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23
Stress Invariants
The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Ph Angle Stress Components
The phase angle shift of the stress components.
Strain Components
This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain Components
The phase angle shift of the strain components.
Section Forces
Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains
Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
For shell elements, the section strains include the direct membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness
Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, SAX2, SAXA1N, SAXA2N).
Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows:
1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:
1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for displacements.
Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for displacements.
Phase Angle Rel. Displacements
The phase angle shift of the relative displacement components.
Reaction Forces
The forces at the nodes which are constrained and so, therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle Reaction Forces
The phase angle shift of the reaction force components.
Point Forces
The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on adjacent elements).
Element Mass Matrix
Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Steady State Heat Transfer
This subordinate form appears whenever Solution Parameters is selected and the solution type is Steady State Heat Transfer. This generates a ∗HEAT TRANSFER, STEADY STATE procedure.
Steady State Heat Transfer
If the selected solution type is Steady State Heat Transfer, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Element Temperature
Heat Flux
Current magnitude and components of the heat flux vector. The integration of points for these values are located at the Gauss points.
Nodal Temperatures
All temperature values at a node. These will be the temperatures defined as degrees-of-freedom if heat transfer elements are connected to the node, or predefined temperatures if the node is only connected to stress elements without temperature degrees-of-freedom.
Reaction Fluxes
All reaction flux values (conjugate to temperature).
Concentrated Fluxes
All concentrated flux values.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.
Transient Heat Transfer
This subordinate option is Transient Heat Transfer. This generates a ∗HEAT TRANSFER procedure.
Transient Heat Transfer
If the selected solution type is Transient Heat Transfer, then the following parameters may be defined on the Output Requests form.
Parameter Name
Output Variable Identifier
Element Temperature
Heat Flux
Current magnitude and components of the heat flux vector. The integration of points for these values are located at the Gauss points.
Nodal Temperatures
All temperature values at a node. These will be the temperatures defined as degrees-of-freedom if heat transfer elements are connected to the node, or predefined temperatures if the node is only connected to stress elements without temperature degrees-of-freedom.
Reaction Fluxes
All reaction flux values (conjugate to temperature).
Concentrated Fluxes
All concentrated flux values.
Element Stiffness Matrix
Stiffness matrices output.