Ansys > Running an Analysis > Review of the Analysis Form
Review of the Analysis Form
The Analysis form appears when the Analysis toggle, located on the Patran main form, is chosen. This form is used to request an analysis of the model with the ANSYS finite element program. This form is also used to incorporate the contents of an ANSYS results file into the Patran database.
The Analysis form is used to prepare an ANSYS analysis, and is introduced on the next page, followed by detailed descriptions of the subordinate forms. For further information, see The Analysis Form (p. 8) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual.
Analysis Form
Set ACTION to Analyze to prepare an analysis run.
The following table outlines the Object and Method selections when Analyze is the selected Action.
Entire Model
Full Run
Check Run
Analysis Deck
Current Group
Full Run
Check Run
Analysis Deck
The Object indicates which part of the model is to be analyzed. There are two choices: Entire Model or Current Group.
Entire Model is the selected Object if the whole model is to be analyzed.
Current Group is the selected Object if only part of the model is to be analyzed. Create a group of that part, confirm it is the current group, then select Current Group as the Object. For more information, see The Group Menu (p. 270) in the Patran Reference Manual.
The Method indicates how far the translation will be taken. There are three choices:
Full Run: An Analysis Deck translation is done and the resulting input deck is submitted to ANSYS for complete analysis.
Check Run: An Analysis Deck translation is done and the resulting input deck is submitted to ANSYS for a check run only. This is accomplished by including an ANSYS /CHECK command in the input deck for ANSYS Revision 4.4A, or a /RUNSTAT and a RALL command in the input deck for ANSYS Revision 5.
Analysis Deck: The model is translated along with all of the loads and boundary conditions for the selected load case(s). This will create a complete input deck, ready for ANSYS.