Fatigue Quick Start Guide > Fatigue Utilities > Other Utilities
Other Utilities
Environment Settings - MENM
This module allows the user access to the nSoft environment files: the local environment (ENVI.USR), the global or central environment (ENVI.SYS), and the home environment (ENVI.HOM). Each of these three environment files is made up of a keyword/value string pair where the keyword can be up to 8 characters in length and the value up to 120 characters in length. They are used to define the default settings (e.g. pen colors) and to pass information from program to program (e.g. last used file).
Local environment - Only programs running in the directory where the file resides can access the local environment file.
Global environment - The global environment file resides in the NSSYS directory and may be accessed by many users.
Home environment - The home environment file resides in the home directory as is defined in the system registry on Windows or it resides in the same directory as the normal logon home directory for UNIX. Only the owner of the home directory can access this file.
This utility can be invoked by selecting the Environment Settings option from under Tools | MSC.Fatigue (for Patran) or under Tools | Fatigue Utilities (for Pre & Post).
For each of the three environment settings the user can do the following:
1. List environment to screen - this option lists all the defined keyword/value pairs to the screen.
2. Output environment to file - this option outputs all the defined keyword/value pairs to an ASCII file. It allows the file to be overwritten or to have the pairs appended to it. The character separating the keyword and value may be specified, along with a filter to allow a subset of keywords to be written.
3. Add or alter keyword - this option allows the addition of new keyword/value pairs to the selected environment, and also allows existing keyword values to be modified. If altering a keyword, the keyword may be selected from a list using the F3 key or ‘List’ button.
4. Remove keywords - this option allows keywords to be deleted from the environment. A single keyword may be typed in, or a ‘wildcard’ may be used to define a set of keywords to be deleted. Keywords may be selected from a list using the F3 key or ‘List’ button.
5. Clear environment - this option allows the environment to be deleted. All keywords will be destroyed. If the environment file is to be deleted, answer Yes.
Environment Copy – Allows the user to specify the source and target environments to use in the copy process. Individual entries, selected entries or all entries may be copied from the source environment to the target.
An example of an environment variable that the user might want to create is PFCONAMP. This environment variable is used for constant amplitude zero mean time histories. It allows life to be calculated directly from the true max-min cycle, which is stored along with the matrix. In order to make use of this environment variable the user would need to invoke MENM and set the environment keyword PFCONAMP to ON.