Fatigue Quick Start Guide > Aerospace Spectrum File Support > File Definitions
File Definitions
Spectrum file
Spectrum files are ASCII and must have a .spe extension. Format, explanation of each input, and a typical file are shown below.
<Spectrum file V2>
<Scatter Factor>
<Number of cycles>
<Number of flights>
<Stress Factor>
Flight, <Flight number>, <Number of sequences>, <Number of repeats>
<Sequence name>, <Repeats>, <Case 1>,...,<Case J>
<Sequence name>, <Repeats>, <Case 1>,...,<Case K>
The header "Spectrum File V2" must be the first line in the .spe file. Scatter factor accounts for scatter in materials and loads data. The calculated life will be divided by this factor.
The Number of Cycles and Stress Factor parameters have not been implemented. Therefore, these values should be set to 1.
The "#" character is used to denote comments. All text appearing after the "#" are ignored.
Example Spectrum File
Spectrum file V2
Flight, 1, 3, 15 	                        # 'Flight', Flight Number, No. of repeats
Push Back, 7, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1 # Sequence name, repeats, cases,...
Engine Run-up, 9, 0, 5, 0, 1, 5, 1
Taxi, 20, 0, 2, 0, 1, 4
Flight, 2, 2, 10 	 
Take-off, 1, 10, 11, 0, 10, 50
Gear retract, 5, 0, 25, 0
Load Control file
Load Control files are ASCII and must have a .lcs extension. Format, explanation of each input, and a typical file are shown below.
<Number of load cases>
<Number of FE cases>
<Divisor 1>,...,<Divisor m>
<ID1>, <Desc1>, < scale 1>,..., <scale m>
<IDn>, <Descn>, <scale 1>,..., <scale m>
The number of FE cases has to be greater than or equal to 2. Blank lines after the 5 header lines are ignored, as is anything after the # character. The ID must be a positive integer. The divisor values are the scale factors (as divisors) for normalizing the stresses, and must not be zero.
Example Load Control File
10 # Number of load cases
5 # Number of FE cases
1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 # Divisor Values for normalizing stresses
0,Load 0,0,0,0,0,0
1,Load 1,-1.000,.5125, 0.2,0.4,-1.8
2,Load 2,.55,-.76, 0.3,0,1.1
3,Load 3,0.5,-0.4,1.8,3.3,1.0
4,Load 4,-2.000,.5, 0.6,0.7,1.9
5,Load 5,.65,-.77,3.4,9.1,2.5
10,Load 10,1.1,2.5,6.8,9.0,-2.0
11,Load 11, 4.1,1.4,-4.3,-2.4,-1.0
25,Load 12, 4.2,2.4,-3.4,-2.4,-1.0
50,Load 50, 4.4,-0.4,-6.5,-2.4,-1.0
In the example files above, the spectrum file is made up of 2 flights that references one or more of the 10 load cases. Each load case is comprised of 5 static FE Cases that are factored to compute the stress for the given load case.