Fatigue User’s Guide > MSC Fatigue Information > MSC.Fatigue and a Corporate Durability Management System
MSC.Fatigue and a Corporate Durability Management System
MSC.Fatigue on its own cannot shorten the time to market for a new or changed product. It must be part of a corporate approach to durability and in particular fatigue design. For example, realistic product life estimates can only be obtained if accurate materials data are available and the loading sequences are well defined or at least typical. This means that a strategy must be adopted for obtaining both of these items. Materials data could be obtained from test by external specialists if necessary (including nCode/MSC.Software Corporation).
Loading information usually requires a measurement team to instrument and collect the required load time histories under realistic conditions. It is also normal to test a product in fatigue prior to releasing to market. MSC.Fatigue helps to eliminate unnecessary tests by allowing the engineer to check out fatigue performance analytically and to optimize the selection of material, manufacturing process, and geometry, within the constraints of total cost and loading environment. Carrying out this optimization analytically, rather than by testing, can shorten the time to market and reduce costs significantly.