Fatigue User’s Guide > Using MSC Fatigue > Job Setup
Job Setup
When the Analysis switch is selected from MSC Fatigue Pre & Post or MSC Fatigue is selected from the Tools pull-down menu from MSC Patran, the following form appears.
General Setup Parameters
The following table explains each of the options for the general setup parameters:
Three basic fatigue analysis types are possible: Crack Initiation, Crack Growth, and Total Life (S-N). Other types of analysis are available also and explained in their respective chapters. See Vibration Fatigue (Ch. 8), Multiaxial Fatigue (Ch. 6), Rotating Structures Analysis (Ch. 10), Software Strain Gauges (Ch. 11), and Weld Analysis (Ch. 9).
Results Location
This parameter tells MSC Fatigue whether to expect Nodal stress/strain results or Elemental centroid stress/strain results. This dictates whether the user is setting up a global multi-node or global multi-element fatigue analysis. Subsequent parameters, results file types, and results displays are dependent on whether nodal or elemental data is being considered. If nodal data is being considered, the resulting fatigue lives are reported at the nodes. Conversely, if elemental data is being considered, the fatigue lives are reported at the element centroids. Fatigue cracks invariably occur at free surfaces, and hence when a crack initiation method is used, node points results are usually required. The exception is when a shell model is used, element centroid results may be extrapolated to the top or bottom surface. This is useful when there may be some doubt as to the accuracy of the node point results due to extrapolation and/or nodal averaging practices. The spot weld analyzer uses forces and moments from both nodes and elements. The SEAM-weld analyzer takes stresses from both the top and bottom surface and needs both nodes and elements for this.
Nodal Averaging
Depending on how the finite element results are defined, nodal averaging of the stresses or strains may take place. If grid point stresses exist and are selected, no averaging will occur. However if the stresses or strains selected for the fatigue analysis are elemental based, such as results at integration points or elemental nodal values such that each element has a different value at the shared grid points, then nodal averaging will occur. This averaging is done on a global basis such that every contributing element surrounding a particular node will be used in the averaging. The exception to this is if Group is selected in which case only elements in the Current Group will be used in the averaging. For the SEAM-weld analyzer only the current group can be used and no choice will be given.
F.E. Results
For crack initiation, the fatigue analyzer may use either Stress, Strain, or E-P Input results from the finite element analysis. For crack growth and total life, only stress results can be used and no choice will be given. If Stress is selected, the intermediate jobname.fes file will contain nodal or element stresses for each load case or time step as opposed to strains. This selection should make no difference to the final results of a crack initiation calculation, as MSC Fatigue will always calculate the strains. The exception is when shell results are used. In this case, Stress should be selected because only 2D results are available and the absence of the out-of-plane strains will cause incorrect calculation of combined parameters. Another exception: when Strain results are selected, the analyzer requires finite element results in the form of six (6) components of strain, three (3) direct strains and three (3) engineering shear strains (i.e. two times the tensor shear strains). If FE strains are not available in this form, Stress results should be selected. Selecting E-P Input allows for elastic-plastic input when doing a crack imitation or a multiaxial CI analysis. The spotweld analyzer uses only forces and no choice will be given.
Results Units
This option menu is active for all analysis types utilizing stress results. The stress unit type must be identified for proper conversions within the fatigue analyzer. Available units are MPa, Pascals, PSI, KSI, KG/M**2. This parameter is set to None if the Tensor parameter is set to strain. The spot weld analyzer requires both cross sectional forces and moments from the CBAR elements representing the spot welds. For this reason, both the force and dimension units are required. Allowable options for forces & dimensions are: N and m, N and mm, lbf and in, and kip and in.
In this databox, the user supplies a unique name by which to distinguish the fatigue job. All subsequent forms will key off of this jobname when performing certain tasks. If the jobname already exists when submitting the job, permission for overwrite will be requested. This jobname is limited to thirty-two (32) characters. Also, if a jobname is typed into this databox and the user presses the <RETURN> key the program will check for its existence and ask the user if he wishes to read in the old job parameters.
A descriptive textual title can be supplied in this databox. The length is limited to eighty (80) characters.
The same answers should result whether stress or strain FE results are used in a crack initiation analysis. However, if the Young’s modulus is different between the finite element analysis and the MSC Fatigue material being used, significant differences in fatigue results can occur when comparing between stresses and strains. For strain results, no conversion is necessary. Total life and crack growth jobs use stress tensors, so no conversion is required or allowed. Also, there could be a problem using strains with 2-D elements if any combined strain component is used which includes the Z-component strain. This is because the Z‑component strain appears as zero from 2D elements in the .fes file which is not generally true. Absolute maximum principal, x and y component strain should be unaffected.
The MSC Fatigue Jobname
The MSC Fatigue jobname is used in all unique file names created during a MSC Fatigue run, and is used for retrieving previously executed MSC Fatigue jobs for editing, rerunning, and results display. The jobname is a character string containing a maximum of 32 characters with no spaces. On some systems, characters such as [, *, /, or : , are not allowed, and in fact only alphanumeric characters are recommended. The jobname related files generated during a MSC Fatigue run are shown in the table below.
Job parameter file (ASCII).
MSC Fatigue Input file (Binary).
ASCII version of the jobname.fes file.
MSC Fatigue intermediate results file (Binary).
MSC Fatigue message and log files (ASCII).
Job status file (ASCII).
Global multi-node/element results file (ASCII).
Factor of Safety results file(ASCII).
Job abort file (ASCII).
Time ordered stress cycles file (Binary).
Crack growth results file (Binary).
Surface normals file (ASCII).
Job currently active alert file (ASCII).
Stress concentration-Life XY data for specific node/element, nn (ASCII/Binary).
Design criterion-Life XY data (ASCII/Binary).
Scale factor-Life XY data (ASCII/Binary).
Residual stress-Life XY data (ASCII/Binary).
Rainflow cycle distribution at node/element (ASCII).
Damage distribution at node/element (ASCII).
K solution files (Binary).
*.dac, *.cyh
Loading time history/rainflow matrix files (Binary).
K solution XY data (ASCII).
Plotting format data (ASCII PCL file).
Results template files (ASCII).
Nodal results files from coordinate transforms (ASCII).
Time history and Materials database description files (ASCII/Binary/Binary).
Solution Parameters
Each analysis type has its own unique set of solution parameters. These are described in Total Life (S-N) Solution Parameters, Crack Initiation Solution Parameters, and Crack Growth Solution Parameters.
Total Life (S-N) Solution Parameters
The following forms appear when invoking the Solution Parameters button on the main MSC Fatigue setup form for the S-N analysis type.
The following table describes each parameter in detail:
Mean Stress Correction
Acceptable values of mean stress are Goodman, Gerber, Multiple Mean Curves, or None. These mean stress correction methods are described in detail in Fatigue Theory (Ch. 15). Although one of the above must be selected, a sensitivity study allows the comparison of results using all of these correction methods. Goodman and Gerber are two methods of correcting S-N curves for mean tensile stress with Goodman being the most conservative. (For compressive mean stresses, both methods as applied in MSC Fatigue may be nonconservative. It may be better to chose None. Also BS 5400 pt 10 requires that no mean stress correction be made.)
Biaxiality Analysis
It is possible to request that a Biaxiality analysis be performed. This requires, first, that the stresses be aligned to the surface of the component. If the stresses from the FE analysis are not aligned to the surface, it is possible to accomplish this by selecting the Calculate Normals from the Job Control form before submitting the analysis. This option only makes sense when using nodal stress values or elemental stress values for shell elements. For the latter, the stresses must be aligned by the FE code as opposed to allowing MSC Fatigue to do it by requesting it to calculate normals. The biaxial parameters which are calculated inform the user as to the amount of multiaxiality present in the component due to the loading applied allowing for the user to determine the validity of the fatigue analysis. Please refer to Multiaxial Fatigue (Ch. 6) for further discussion of this feature.
Stress Combination
This option menu selects the stress parameter used in the fatigue analysis. The six multiaxial component stresses defined by the stress tensor are resolved into one uniaxial or combined value for fatigue calculations for each node for each time step. This is necessary since the fatigue damage models used in MSC Fatigue are based on theories which deal with uniaxial stress. These stress scalar combinations can be either one of these components, X Normal, Y Normal, Z Normal, X-Y Shear, Y-Z Shear, Z-X Shear, Max. Abs. Principal, Max. Principal, Min. Principal, von Mises, Signed von Mises, Signed Max. Shear, Signed Tresca, or Critical Plane. For Stress-Life, the Signed von Mises will be smaller than the Max. Abs. Principal when there is positive biaxiality and hence this selection would be less conservative. (Note also that some weld classes in BS 5400 pt10 require shear stress to be used, the Signed Tresca parameter.) The sign on the signed parameters is taken from the sign of the absolute maximum principal value. It is necessary to sign these stress parameters otherwise non-conservative fatigue life estimates will result!
Certainty of Survival
This defines the Certainty of Survival based on the scatter of the S-N curve. For example, to be 96% certain that the life will be achieved, set the slider bar at 96. This value is used to modify the S-N curve according to the standard error scatter parameter (SE). The design criterion parameter will be meaningless if the value of SE is 0. A Design Criterion value of 50 leaves the S-N curve unmodified.
Factor of Safety Analysis
This option will cause a type of Factor of Safety or over design analysis to be performed. It informs the user as to how much stress may be modified for optimization purposes based on fatigue life. This analysis is in addition to the normal fatigue calculations and must be requested. This analysis method can be very useful for those components which predict an infinite life, providing a measure of the risk of fatigue failure. The results of this analysis are stress factors for each location (node or element) for which the analysis has been performed. A value of one suggests that the specified life will be exactly attained whereas a factor less than one means the desired life will not be attained. Factors greater than one are, therefore, most desirable. Certain parameters must be supplied in order to proceed with this analysis. They comprise the remainder of the parameter descriptions in this table.
A Factor of Safety analysis can be performed based on Life Based or Stress Based. If Life Based is selected, then three additional parameters are needed: the Design Life, the Maximum Factor, and whether to use the Material Cutoff value or not. For a Stress based analysis, one parameter is required: the Reference Stress.
Reference Stress
For a Stress based Factor of Safety analysis, enter the reference stress (stress fatigue limit) level at which the life is assumed to be infinite.
Design Life
For a Life based Factor of Safety analysis, enter the target design life.
Maximum Factor for Calculation
Enter a maximum factor (default is 100) to be used in the analysis. This number can be lowered to speed up the calculation if it is known that the maximum stress factor of interest will be less that the default.
Material Cutoff
This toggles the usage of the material cutoff value in the analysis.
Crack Initiation Solution Parameters
When the analysis type is set to Initiation (crack initiation or strain-life or local strain analysis), the form as shown appears.
The following table describes each parameter in detail:
Analysis Method
Acceptable values of the Analysis Method (sometimes referred to as Mean Stress Correction) are S-T-W (Smith-Topper-Watson), Morrow or Strain-Life. These methods are described in detail in Fatigue Theory (Ch. 15). Although one of the above must be selected, sensitivity study allows the comparison of results using all of these correction or analysis methods. Of the two methods, the Smith-Topper-Watson is most commonly used, especially with variable amplitude loadings. However, it cannot deal with wholly compressive cycles (for which it will predict zero damage) and when the loading is predominately compressive, the Morrow correction will be more conservative. The Morrow method may also be useful where mean tensile stresses are very high and the Smith-Topper-Watson method may give answers that are overly conservative.
Plasticity Correction
This option selects the method used to carry out the conversion from elastic to elastic-plastic stresses and strains. Acceptable values for this widget are: Neuber, Mertens-Dittmann, Seeger-Beste, or None. The default is Neuber. The other options, the Mertens-Dittmann and Seeger-Beste methods, are based on the Neuber method but include modifications which cause them to give better answers (and more conservative) results when geometries are unnotched, or plasticity is not highly localized. The latter two methods are very similar, with the Seeger-Beste method being more conservative. Both require an elastic strain concentration or shape factor which is a function of the shape of the cross section of the component and the type of loading. For instance, the shape factor for a rectangular beam in bending is 1.5. The shape factor for a notched beam could be estimated from the product of the shape factor for the unnotched geometry and the stress concentration factor of the notch. When the shape factor ap tends toward infinity, both methods reduce to the Neuber method. These shape factors are input via the Materials Information form. See Elastic-Plastic Corrections for an explanation of these various correction methods.
Biaxiality Analysis
It is possible to request a Biaxiality analysis to be performed. This requires, first, that the stresses be aligned to the surface of the component. If the stresses from the FE analysis are not aligned to the surface, it is possible to accomplish this by selecting the Calculate Normals from the Job Control form before submitting the analysis. This option only makes sense when using nodal stress values or elemental stress values for shell elements. For the latter, the stresses must be aligned by the FE code as opposed to allowing MSC Fatigue to do it by requesting it to calculate normals. The biaxial parameters which are calculated inform the user as to the amount of multiaxiality present in the component due to the loading applied and allows for the user to determine the validity of the fatigue analysis. Please refer to Multiaxial Fatigue (Ch. 6) for further discussion of this feature.
Biaxiality Correction
This option selects the method used to correct the treatment of material properties in the application of the Neuber method in order to take account of the biaxiality of the loading. Acceptable values include: None, Material Parameter, or Hoffman-Seeger. If None is selected, the software will carry out the Neuber method using the chosen Strain Combination and the uniaxial cyclic stress-strain curve. The Hoffmann-Seeger method uses the biaxiality ratio to convert the combined strain parameter to an equivalent strain (based on the von Mises Strain) before carrying out the Neuber correction and then recalculating the elastic-plastic stresses and strains. It is applicable to the Maximum Absolute Principal and the Signed Tresca strain combinations. In the case of the Signed von Mises, it reduces to the unmodified Neuber method. The Material Parameter modification (Ratio) method works by calculating a new cyclic stress-strain curve for each node or element on the basis of the mean biaxiality ratio. The new curve relates Maximum Absolute Principal stress and strain amplitudes. This method is therefore only applicable when using this strain combination. The latter two corrections require the mean biaxiality ratio. Therefore, the Biaxiality Analysis toggle must be set on to select these methods. They should only be used where surface resolved stresses are available. See Biaxiality Correction Options for more explanation of the different correction methods. These methods require that the loading be approximately proportional. The Neuber method in conjunction with the Maximum Absolute Principal strain is the method of choice if the mean biaxiality ratio is close to zero. Otherwise the biaxiality is better taken into account either by using the Neuber correction in conjunction with a yield criterion-based parameter such as Signed von Mises or Signed Tresca, or by using the Hoffmann-Seeger or the Material Parameter modification (Ratio) method.
Stress/Strain Combination
This option menu selects the stress or strain parameter used in the fatigue analysis. The six multiaxial stress/strain components defined by the stress or strain tensor are resolved into one uniaxial or combined value for fatigue calculations for each node for each time step. This is necessary since the fatigue damage models used in MSC Fatigue are based on theories which deal with uniaxial stress or strain. These stress or strain scalar combinations can be either one of these components, X Normal, Y Normal, Z normal, X-Y Shear, Y-Z Shear, Z-X Shear, Max. Abs. Principal, Max. Principal, Min. Principal, Signed von Mises, von Mises, Signed Max. Shear, Signed Tresca or Critical Plane. Note that the shear strain components are engineering shear strains (two times the tensor shear strains). When the stress state is uniaxial or the maximum shear stress is more than half the absolute maximum principal, the most appropriate selection is Max. Abs. Principal. In other circumstances, the Signed von Mises will be more conservative. The sign on the Signed von Mises and Signed Tresca is taken from the sign of the absolute maximum principal value. It is necessary to sign these stress/strain parameters otherwise non-conservative fatigue life estimates will result.
Certainty of Survival
This defines the Certainty of Survival based on the scatter of the e-N curve. For example, to be 96% certain that the life will be achieved, set the slider bar at 96. This value is used to modify the e-N curve according to the standard error scatter parameter (SE), so the design criterion parameter will be meaningless if the value of SE is 0. A Design Criterion value of 50 leaves the e-N curve unmodified.
Factor of Safety Analysis
This option will cause a type of Factor of Safety or over design analysis to be performed. It informs the user how much stress may be modified for optimization purposes based on fatigue life. This analysis is in addition to the normal fatigue calculations and must be requested. This analysis method can be very useful for those components which predict an infinite life providing a measure of the risk of fatigue failure. The results of this analysis are stress factors for each location (node or element) for which the analysis has been performed. A value of one suggests that the specified life will be exactly attained whereas a factor less than one means the desired life will not be attained. Factors greater than one are, therefore, most desirable. Certain parameters must be supplied in order to proceed with this analysis. They comprise the remainder of the parameter descriptions in this table.
Design Life
For a Life based Factor of Safety analysis enter the target design life.
Maximum Factor for Calculation
Enter a maximum factor (default is 100) to be used in the analysis. This number can be lowered to speed up the calculation if it is known that the maximum stress factor of interest will be less that the default.
Material Cutoff
This toggles the usage of the material cutoff value in the analysis.
Crack Growth Solution Parameters
This form appears when the Analysis type is set to Growth (Crack Growth).
The following table describes the parameters in detail:
Compliance Function
Compliance Functions (denoted by Y or b parameters) which have been created by the MSC Fatigue module PKSOL will appear in this listbox. A crack growth analysis cannot proceed without a compliance function and must be selected. The compliance generator (PKSOL) can be invoked from this form by selecting the Compliance Generator button. After a compliance function has been created, it will appear in the listbox. The XY Plot application can also be used to plot the compliance function by using the Plot button. XY data values are used from a file called function.xyd and format information is retrieved from a file called function.tem where function is the name of the compliance function. Full operational instructions for PKSOL are provided in K Solution Library (PKSOL). The compliance function will have a file extension of function.ksn.
Plane Stress Correction
To cause the crack growth code to correct for plane stress, turn this toggle ON.
Stress Combination
This option menu selects the stress parameter used in the fatigue analysis. The six multiaxial stress components defined by the stress tensor are resolved into one uniaxial or combined value for the crack growth calculation. This is necessary since the crack growth models used in MSC Fatigue are based on theories which deal with uniaxial stress. These stress or strain scalar combinations can be either one of these components, Max. Abs. Principal, Max. Principal, Min. Principal, Signed von Mises, von Mises, Signed Max. Shear, Max. Shear/Tresca, X Normal, Y Normal, Z Normal, X-Y Shear, Y-Z Shear, or Z-X Shear. When the stress state is uniaxial, or the maximum shear stress is more than half the absolute maximum principal, the most appropriate selection is Abs. Max. Principal. In other circumstances, the Signed von Mises will be more conservative. The sign on the Signed von Mises and Signed Max. Shear is taken from the sign of the absolute maximum principal value. It is necessary to sign these stress/strain parameters otherwise overly conservative fatigue life estimates will result.
Crack Length Units
Choose the crack length units that are convenient for defining the crack parameters below. Choices are Millimeters, Meters, Inches, Milli inches.
Initial Crack Length
Enter a crack size greater than or equal to 0.0 in the units specified above. If zero is entered, the actual starting crack size will be calculated from a consideration of the limits of fracture mechanics. See Fatigue Theory (Ch. 15) for a technical explanation.
Final Crack Length
Enter a crack length greater than the initial crack length in the units specified above. Note that the final crack length cannot exceed physical dimensions of the structure.
Notch Depth
It is possible to compensate for the effect of a notch (not necessarily represented by the K solution or the FEA analysis solution) analytically by filling in this and the next two databoxes. If it is not desirable to enter a notch depth, a notch radius, and/or a sharp crack radius, then enter zeros. If the Notch Depth is zero, then the other two parameters are not needed and are automatically set to zero in the analysis. Since zero values are not actually allowed, default values are used. These default values are explained in Crack Growth Prediction (PCRACK) (Ch. 7).
Notch Radius
This input defines the radius of the imposed notch which defaults to 0.000039 inches (0.001 mm) if the Notch Depth is zero or this parameter is set to zero.
Sharp Crack Radius
This input defines the root radius of a sharp notch or real fatigue crack which defaults to 0.000039 inches (0.001 mm) if the Notch Depth is zero or this parameter is set to zero.
Materials Information Form
By selecting the Material Information button located on the main MSC Fatigue setup form, a Materials form will appear. This form differs for the various fatigue analysis types. Each analysis type and its form variations will be discussed separately. The form is divided into two basic parts: the material setup (spreadsheet) and the input selection area.
The area of the form below the spreadsheet will update itself depending on which cell of the spreadsheet is active.
From this area, the user selects the necessary input either from a listbox, an option menu, or a databox, all of which appear as the appropriate cell becomes active. When the appropriate input has been selected the adjacent cell automatically becomes active and the bottom of the form updates itself until the spreadsheet is completely filled out. The user may click on any cell at any time in order to modify the spreadsheet.
The input to the spreadsheet is different for each analysis type. The spreadsheet in the form on the previous page is representative of the Crack Initiation Material Parameters and the S-N Material Parameters analysis type. However, for the Crack Growth Material Parameters analysis type the spreadsheet appears as shown below. If the analysis type is changed on the Main Setup form, the Materials form will be closed automatically to ensure the proper input in the spreadsheet.
Hundreds of combinations of material data sets, surface finish and surface treatment may be defined for all analysis types except Crack Growth which can only have one (1). The default is one (1) material for any analysis type and the number of rows of the spreadsheet is dependent on the Number of Materials entered at the top of the form.
For the spreadsheet to update, the user MUST use the <RETURN> key after entering the number of materials or when entering any number into a databox.
Materials Form -- Definition of Buttons
Materials Database Manager
Also, at the top of the form, the user may access MSC Fatigue’s materials Database Manager (PFMAT) by clicking on this button with the mouse. This option initiates a separate program in the MSC Fatigue system. The program may also be started from the operating system prompt by typing the symbol pfmat. The program operates interactively. The technical background for the materials data is described in Fatigue Theory (Ch. 15) and the detailed operation of PFMAT is described in Material Management (Ch. 3).
PFMAT accesses a central or a local materials database and is invoked for browsing or adding materials. The central database is protected and can only be read (unless the password is known and protections are set properly), whereas the local database may be edited freely. The local database is called nmats.mdb and may be seen in the working directory when a local copy of the database has been made. A file called nmats.adb will also reside in the local directory if a local database is created. This file is read by the MSC Fatigue PCL menus when referencing a material from the database. It is possible to also have a user-defined materials database. These databases must have the extension .mdb and .adb but the prefix may be any name. Both local and users defined material databases are created via the PFMAT module.
The default directory is always the central directory and shows up greyed out in the Current Mat Database box. When a material is added (normally it is not a good idea to touch the central database even if you have a password to access it), a local copy of the master database is made by copying the central database and is renamed to nmats.mdb & nmats.adb. Note that the user does not need to perform this 'copy', it is done automatically if the user tries to create or edit a material in the central database and enters a blank password. The contents of central are added to the local directory copy. The current Mat database box now shows the database it is using for the subsequent analysis.
It allows the addition of 2 materials in data set 1 and 2 at any one time. To address the addition of more than 2 materials, the user can unload the contents of data sets 1 and 2. Data set 1 and 2 only refer to what is currently loaded for display, not what is accessible during an analysis.
Select Standard Database
Scans the local directory for an nmats database and if one exists this is used. The message in the text box shows that the nmats directory is being used. If a local copy (nmats) does not exist the central directory is used and the message in the text box reflects this. This is the 'standard' method.
Select User Database
Allows the user to select a named database on any path accessible to the user. This would normally be the company's or the department's own preferred materials, either copied from MSC Fatigue supplied standard database, or their own test results.
In the case of the user created database, a password previously defined by the user at the creation stage, must be entered to add/remove or modify properties. Note that both a User database and a local (nmats) database can coexist in the run directory and selection is made by using the Select User Database button. However, it is recommended that the users create their own (company) named database and do not rely on the local nmats copy, for reasons of good data management.
S-N Material Parameters
The following tables explain each of the possible materials input of the spreadsheets for each of the fatigue analysis types.
When this cell is selected, a listbox of available S-N curves appears at the bottom of the form. These are the available S-N curves that are defined in the MSC Fatigue material database. Selecting one of these curves from the listbox will fill the active cell with the material name and make the adjacent cell active. Although the cell and listbox refer to these curves as materials, they are actually S‑N curves. All datasets stored in the MSC Fatigue materials database are referred to as materials. Datasets which have strain data (ε-N) associated with them also appear in the listbox since S-N curves can be synthesized from strain data. Care must be taken if both S-N and e-N datasets have been defined in the same material entry. S-N datasets take precedence. There are two types of S-N curves, component and material. See Component vs. Material S-N Curves for more details.
The possible surface finish choices are No Finish, Polished, Ground, Good Machined, Ave. Machined, Poor Machined, Hot Rolled, Forged, Cast, Water Corroded, Seawater Corr., and User Defined. Unless modified, the User Defined, Polished, and No Finish picks are the same. The No Finish simply treats the material properties ‘as-is’ with no modifying effects as does Polished. To modify the User Defined surface finish use the Loading Management (Ch. 4) module and load in the file csuser.sur delivered with the MSC Fatigue system in the ptime directory where it can then be modified. This file defines the relationship between the notch sensitivity and the UTS of the material for a particular surface finish. The edited cfuser.sur file must then be copied to the mats delivery directory before MSC Fatigue will recognize its presence. In certain instances, the surface treatment and surface finish menus may not be applicable. See Treatment below.
A surface treatment may also be specified. This is a process which may be used to enhance the fatigue life as opposed to the surface finish which is normally a result of the manufacturing process. In certain instances, the surface treatment and surface finish menus may not be applicable. This is dependent on the type of material used. For instance, certain types of metals do not have data to support surface treatment and finish, and therefore are not allowed by the program. For these materials, a Polished finish and No Surface Treatment is assumed no matter what the user has set. Also certain surface finishes (Water Corroded and Seawater Corr.) do not allow surface treatment and therefore suppress the surface treatment menu assuming no treatment. The user will be informed of any inconsistencies at submit time. Available options are No Treatment, Nitrided, Cold Rolled, and Shot Peened. Component S-N curves ignore surface finish and treatment.
When this cell is active a listbox will appear in which all existing groups will be listed. There is always one group called the default_group. Other groups must be created and/or modified using the Group facilities available from the main menu bar in either MSC Patran or MSC Fatigue Pre & Post. The groups selected for a fatigue analysis must have the nodes or elements of interest defined in them. For fatigue analyses which use more that one material dataset, care must be taken to ensure that there are no overlapping or duplicately defined nodes or elements. If multiple materials and surface finish/treatment combinations are used and there is an overlap in the defined regions, the last material combination will take precedence for that node or element. FE results at these nodes or elements will be used in the subsequent fatigue analysis. Only results for 2D and 3D elements are supported. For this reason, these groups should not reference entities of any other type. Important Note: Even though groups names allow spaces, for use with fatigue regions they cannot have any spaces in the name, either leading, trailing or anywhere in between.
This cell is only available on the spreadsheet when the "Temp. Type" optionmenu is set to "Region". It allows the users to specify temperatures on the analysis groups.
A concentration factor can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is 1.0 (no modification) and must be a number greater than zero.
If a fatigue analysis based on the British Standard BS5400 standard is being prepared, the S-N dataset name will be one of the weld classes, (e.g., CLASSC or CLASSF2). BS5400 also makes a further distinction between welded and non‑welded details. Consequently, if an S-N data set name beginning with the word CLASS is supplied, an option menu will appear. If a weld is to be analyzed, the response should be Yes. Answering No implies that the actual detail is not a welded connection but is classified correctly by BS5400 under the S-N data set name supplied. (This can be confirmed by using the weld classification option in the materials database manager, PFMAT.) Weld S-N curves are considered component S-N curves. See Component vs. Material S-N Curves for more details.
A multiplier can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is 1.0 (no modification). The multiplier and the offset below are useful when applying a correction over a region, e.g. for a residual stress or preload corresponding to a particular group that is not modeled or taken into account in the FE analysis.
An offset can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is zero (no modification). See Multiplier.
For a material, the scaling is applied to the local response in the materials units. For an SN calculation, it will be applied in Stress, in the units used in the FE analysis, subject to the scaling factor if used. The offset is applied after the scaling factor.
Crack Initiation Material Parameters
When this cell is selected a listbox of available material datasets appears at the bottom of the form. These are the available datasets containing strain-life (e-N) data that are defined in the MSC Fatigue material database. Selecting one of these from the databox will fill the active cell with the material name and make the adjacent cell active.
A poor surface finish will cause a significant reduction in the crack initiation life. For this reason, it is important to consider surface finish when carrying out such a life analysis. The possible choices are available in the resulting option menu. They are No Finish, Polished, Ground, Good Machined, Ave. Machined, Poor Machined, Hot Rolled, Forged, Cast, Water Corroded, Seawater Corr., and User Defined. Unless modified, the User Defined, Polished, and No Finish picks are the same. The No Finish simply treats the material properties ‘as-is’ with no modifying effects as does Polished. To modify the User Defined surface finish, use the Loading Management (Ch. 4) module and load in the file csuser.sur delivered with the MSC Fatigue system where it can then be modified. This file defines the relationship between the notch sensitivity and the UTS of the material for a particular surface finish. The edited cfuser.sur file must then be copied to the mats delivery directory before MSC Fatigue will recognize its presence.
A surface treatment may also be specified. This is a process which may be used to enhance the fatigue life as opposed to the surface finish which is normally a result of the manufacturing process. In certain instances, the surface treatment and surface finish menus may not be applicable. This is dependent on the type of material used. For instance, certain types of metals do not have data to support surface treatment and finish and therefore are not allowed by the program. For these materials a Polished finish and No Surface Treatment is assumed no matter what the user has set. Also, certain surface finishes do not allow surface treatment (Water Corroded and Seawater Corr.) and therefore suppress the surface treatment menu assuming no treatment. The user will be informed of these inconsistencies at submit time. Available options are No Treatment, Nitrided, Cold Rolled, and Shot Peened.
When this cell is active a listbox will appear in which all existing groups will be listed. There is always one group called the default_group. Other groups must be created and/or modified using the Group facilities available from the main menu bar in either MSC Patran or MSC Fatigue Pr & Post. The groups selected for a fatigue analysis must have the nodes or elements of interest defined in them. For fatigue analyses which use more that one material dataset, care must be taken to ensure that there are no overlapping or duplicately defined nodes or elements. The last time a node or element encountered in the analysis, its corresponding material dataset will be used. FE Results at these nodes or elements will be used in the subsequent fatigue analysis. Important Note: Even though groups names allow spaces, for use with fatigue regions they cannot have any spaces in the name, either leading, trailing or anywhere in between.
This cell is only available on the spreadsheet when the "Temp. Type" optionmenu is set to "Region". It allows the users to specify temperatures on the analysis groups.
A concentration factor can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is 1.0 (no modification) and must be a number greater than zero.
Shape Factor
The default for this parameter is infinity which implies a Neuber elastic-plastic correction. When selecting the Mertens-Dittmann or Seeger-Beste methods, any value greater than 1.0 may be defined. Only these methods use this parameter and setting the parameter to infinity reverts this method back to the traditional Neuber elastic-plastic correction. See the explanation on plasticity corrections in Crack Initiation Solution Parameters.
A multiplier can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is 1.0 (no modification). The multiplier and the offset below are useful when applying a correction over a region, e.g. for a residual stress or preload corresponding to a particular group that is not modeled or taken into account in the FE analysis.
An offset can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is zero (no modification). See Multiplier above.
For a material, the scaling is applied to the local response in the materials units. For an EN calculation, this should be in strain -- and the units are always micro-strain. The offset is applied after the scaling factor.
Please note that this is fixed, whatever the units are in the general setup.
For example, a user may specify that they want an initiation life (also known as the strain-life method), based on Stress -- this is perfectly acceptable as MSC Fatigue converts the elastic stress into local elastic-plastic stress and strain during the Neuber and Rainflow calculations. The offset specified on the material form (to represent residual stress) MUST still be supplied in strain (micro-strain) and will be used on the elastic values before Neuber and Rainflow.
Crack Growth Material Parameters
When this cell is selected, a listbox of available material datasets appears at the bottom of the form. These are the available datasets containing Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) data that are defined in the MSC Fatigue material database. Selecting one of these from the databox will fill the active cell with the material name and make the adjacent cell active.
In the case of crack growth data, multiple data sets may be stored in the materials database representing different environments and so the relevant environment must also be selected. Hence, the environments being offered will depend on the materials dataset being used. In all cases the available environments will appear in the resulting listbox. User-defined corrosive environments may be specified using the data entry and environment modelling tools in Material Management (Ch. 3).
Since the crack growth model uses a remote stress and corrects for geometry in the compliance function, it is necessary to define a node or element or set of nodes or elements in the nominal region only. The stresses should correspond to the stress that would have been computed if the crack or notch were not present. In the case of a set of nodes or elements, the stresses will be averaged for all nodes or elements to obtain a working nominal (or far field) stress. When this cell is active, a listbox will appear in which all existing Groups will be listed. There is always one group called the default_group. Other groups must be created and/or modified using the Group facilities available from the main menu bar in either MSC Patran or MSC Fatigue Pre & Post. The groups selected for a fatigue analysis must have the nodes or elements of interest defined in them. It is not recommended to use the default_group for this analysis type since it contains all the nodes and all the elements. Important Note: Even though groups names allow spaces, for use with fatigue regions they cannot have any spaces in the name, either leading, trailing or anywhere in between.
A multiplier can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is 1.0 (no modification).
An offset can be specified for each material and surface finish/treatment combination. The default is zero (no modification).
The offset is applied after the scaling factor to the time history file (.DAC) and the offset should be defined in the loading units.
If a crack growth analysis is being performed using transient FE results, results from only the first node or element in the region (group) defined in the Materials Information form will be used in the analysis. Results from all nodes or elements in the defined region are averaged for crack growth analysis using static FE results.
Loading Information Form
By selecting the Loading Information button located on the main MSC Fatigue setup form, a Loading form will appear. This form applies to all of the basic fatigue analysis types. Each aspect of this form is discussed in detail in this section. The form is divided into three basic parts: general results parameters, loading setup (spreadsheet), and the input selection area.
Time History Database Manager
About a third of the way down the form, the user may access MSC Fatigue’s time history Database Manager (PTIME) by clicking on the Time History Manager button with the mouse. This option initiates a separate program in the MSC Fatigue system. The program may also be started from the operating system prompt by typing the symbol ptime. The program operates interactively.
The detailed operation of PTIME is described in Loading Management (Ch. 4). PTIME manages a local database containing details of the loading time histories and rainflow matrices in the local directory. It enables the user to manipulate the time histories and matrices in order to prepare them for use during fatigue analysis. PTIME creates two files in the local user directory called ptime.tdb and ptime.adb. In most cases, these must exist for MSC Fatigue to operate successfully. The one exception to this is when the user uses finite element results from a Transient analysis as opposed to a Static analysis in which case no external time history or matrix data is necessary.
The two additional buttons at the same level on the form as the Time History Manager button allow for selection of the database directory. The Select Standard Directory button will select the local working directory as the location of the time history database (ptime.adb). The Select User Directory button will select a specified user directory where a time history ptime.adb may exist. Anytime a cell is selected under the Time History column of the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet that appears at the bottom of the form will be filled with the contents of the time history database from the selected directory. This enables users to keep libraries of time histories in separate locations and allows easy access to them without having to copy the needed time histories to the local working directory.
General Results Parameters
General results parameters that are set on the Loading Information form are described in the table below.
Results Type
There are two basic result types that MSC Fatigue can accept. These are Static Analysis Results and Transient Analysis Results. The Loading Information form updates itself when this parameter is changed. The additional information needed when using one of these result types is described later in this section. For random vibration and frequency response analyses, see Vibration Fatigue (Ch. 8).
Job Setup For
This optionmenu has three possible values that are available depending on the Analysis type selected. The table below shows the available options for each analysis type:
Analysis Type Options Available
S-N - Static results Single, Duty Cycle, Load Spectrum
S-N - Transient results Single, Duty Cycle
E-N - Static results Single, Duty Cycle, Load Spectrum
E-N - Transient results Single, Duty Cycle
Growth (Static & Transient) Single
Vibfat (Transfer Function & Single, Duty Cycle
Direct PSD )
Wheels None
Multiaxial CI Single, Duty Cycle
(Static & Transient)
Multiaxial FOS Single
(Static & Transient)
SeamWeld (Static & Transient) Single, Duty Cycle
Spotweld (Static & Transient) Single, Duty Cycle
If the widget is set to "Single" then a single analysis is run. If this widget is set to "Duty Cycle" then a multiple analysis is run. Finally if the widget is set to "Load Spectrum" then a single analysis using the .spe and .lcs files is run.
Results From
The results can come from three different locations. The most common is directly from the Database Results. Other options are directly from a MSC Patran FEA Results file or from MSC Patran External Results files (nodal or elemental).
Results are typically stored in the database in layers. For example, shell elements might have results at the top, middle, and bottom of the element and are reported as layers. Fatigue occurs at the surface generally; and therefore, the user is presented with the option of using FE results from the Top or Bottom. Top is the automatically default to be used. This parameter is unavailable and not used when the results are from MSC MSC Patran external files.
Strain Type
Fatigue analyses based on FE strains must use engineering strain. Typically strains stored in the database are in tensor form. This means that in order to use them in a fatigue analysis, the shear strains must be multiplied by 2.0 to convert them to engineering strain. Unless it is known otherwise, strain quantities stored in the database are in tensor form. Strain from MSC Patran FEA is already in engineering strain. Strain from external results files is unknown and it is incumbent upon the user to be aware that engineering strains are necessary for a proper fatigue analysis when requesting direct calculation from FE strains. Stresses do not have the same concern.
Results Transformations
This option is only available when the results are from the database. Also, this option is only applicable when doing a nodal‑based fatigue calculation using FE results which are associated with elements. Often times elemental results from FE codes are output in the element coordinate systems. In order to properly calculate averaged nodal stresses from elemental FE results, it is necessary to transform them from their elemental systems to the basic coordinate system. The default is No Transformation in which the user must take responsibility that the elemental results are all in the same coordinate system, otherwise the choice is to Transform to Basic in which it is ensured that all results are in the basic coordinate system before any nodal averaging takes place.
Finite Element Results
Finite element results can be extracted and used in an MSC Fatigue analysis and can come from one of three distinct locations: directly from the MSC Fatigue Pre & Post or MSC Patran database, directly from an MSC Patran FEA results file, or from external MSC Patran results files. In all cases, only results for 2D and 3D elements are supported. 1D elements are not supported and their results should never be referenced.
An FE analysis may be carried out for a number of different purposes, and the modelling requirements depend on its intended use. For fatigue analysis, the results are very sensitive to the accuracy of the calculated stresses and strains in localized regions of a component. To achieve acceptable levels of accuracy, the following are essential requirements:
1. The geometry must be represented accurately.
2. Externally applied loads and constraints must also be represented accurately. Apparently insignificant changes to the way the loads and constraints are applied to the FE model can make surprisingly large changes to the deformation and hence the strains.
3. Shell elements must be used with care, and in particular, only where the structure is one which can reasonably be treated as a shell (i.e., where the thickness is small compared to significant geometric features).
4. It is important that elements are chosen with a view to generating accurate grid point stresses and strains as fatigue cracking usually starts at free surfaces and edges. In general, better results are likely to be achieved by using higher order elements, even if they are fewer in number. Use of higher order elements also permits better representation of geometric features.
5. Ideally, the mesh should be refined to a point where further refinement produces little change. The criterion used must be local stress and strain and not global stiffness. There is little to be gained by excessive refinement in non-critical areas; the sole requirement in these parts is that they transfer loads correctly to the critical areas.
6. Use of triangular and wedge elements should be minimized and care should be taken with aspect ratios. The effects of joins between elements of different types and shells of different thicknesses need to be carefully considered as these have the capacity to act as fictitious stress raisers.
7. Wherever possible, verification of the FE calculated strains should be made by comparing with strain gauge measurements.
Database Results
If the results are contained in the MSC Fatigue Pre & Post or MSC Patran database, set the Results From option menu to Database. For Static results, a listbox will appear each time the user selects the Load Case ID cell in the spreadsheet from which he can select an appropriate database results case. For Transient results, a similar listbox appears except that the user does not need to select the results. All results cases (time steps) that appear in the listbox will be used in the fatigue analysis.
Figure 2‑2 Database results
It is appropriate to review the manner in which results are stored in the database in order to avoid confusion as to what results type will be used in a fatigue analysis.
Results stored in the database can be associated with either the nodes or the elements of a model. When the results are associated with nodes each node will have six (6) component stresses or strains when considering tensor results.
Results associated with elements have element positions defined. This means that there will be multiple results for each element. These element positions can be the nodes, gauss points or the element centroid. If only one element position exists, then generally this means the results exist at the element centroid in which case each element will have six (6) component stresses or strains. If more than one element position exists then there will be six (6) component stresses or strains for each element position for each element.
In addition, multiple layered results can exist for results associated with both nodes and elements. When multiple layers exist, it is necessary to select the Surface as either Top or Bottom. Top is the default if no Surface option is selected and the program encounters results with more than one layer.
With all these in mind, four basic scenarios are possible:
Nodal fatigue analysis-
results associated with nodes
This is the simplest case where a nodal-based fatigue calculation has been requested. If MSC Fatigue encounters stress or strain tensor results associated with nodes it will use them directly. No coordinate transformations are necessary and the results will be used ‘as-is’ from the database at each node.
Nodal fatigue analysis-
results associated with elements
This is a secondary situation if the above situation does not exist. If MSC Fatigue encounters stress or strain tensor results associated with elements it will first determine how many element positions there are. If only one element position is encountered, the program will stop and suggest (via the jobname.msg file) that the user change the analysis to an element based fatigue analysis. If more that one element position is encountered the program will first transform the element based results to the basic coordinate system (if this option has been selected). Secondly, it will extrapolate the results from the element positions out to the nodes. Thirdly, it will average the results at the nodes for each element.
Elemental fatigue analysis-
results associated with nodes
If this situation is encountered, the program stops and warns the user in the jobname.msg file to change the job to a nodal based fatigue analysis. The program was unable to find element based results in the database.
Element fatigue analysis-
results associated with elements
This case has two scenarios possible. The first is if the results have only one element position. This is the simplest and preferable case. It means that the element results are at the element centroids and the results will be used directly with no changes. If there is more than one element position, the results at all positions are averaged to give a single tensor result for each element. This is the second condition. The first takes precedence if both of these results types are encountered.
MSC Patran FEA Results
If the results are contained in an MSC Patran FEA results file, set the Results From option menu to MSC Patran FEA. A databox and button will appear at the side. Either enter the name of the job that contains the results of interest or select the name from the listbox that comes up when the Select File button has been pressed. Results from MSC Patran FEA are stored in these files as nodal element results, or in other words, results for each element are reported at the nodes. MSC Fatigue averages the results at the nodes from each element. No consideration of element coordinate systems or other coordinate systems is given when doing the averaging. The results are used as contained in the results file. If it is necessary to consider element or other coordinate systems before averaging, the user will have to import the results into the database and use the transformation options available under the Database results option menu pick.
If shell elements are used, it is also necessary to specify the appropriate layer or Surface of results to use, either Top or Bottom.
It is highly recommended that when using shell elements from MSC Patran FEA, a local coordinate frame be referenced to define the elemental x-coordinate direction. This ensures that all elemental stresses-strains are relative to the same coordinate frame to produce correct averaged nodal stresses and strains. This is only necessary when using MSC Patran FEA nodal stress-strain results with shell elements.
External Results
If the results are in MSC Patran external results files, set the Results From option menu to External. (These files are generated typically from old PATRAN 2.5 translators.) At the side of the form two databoxes will appear to allow specification of the external results files. In the top one, enter the generic filename for the results, with a # symbol where the load case ID should be placed. For example, if the load case results for load cases 1, 3 and 4 are stored in files results1.nas, results3.nas and results4.nas, respectively, enter the response results#.nas. The program will automatically insert the load case IDs into the filename. This is necessary even if there is only one load case. These load case IDs are determined from the Load Case ID column of the spreadsheet on this form.
In the bottom databox, identify the locations (Columns) of the component stress or strain results within the results files. The columns must be specified in the order X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX, even if some of the columns may be zero. For example, if the six component stresses or strains are in columns 1 through 6, respectively, enter “1,2,3,4,5,6”.
Using different elements in the same FE analysis could pose a problem if the stresses-strains for these different elements are not in the same columns. You may have to run separate fatigue jobs corresponding to the separate element types if this is the case. Also, if some components of stress-strain are known to be zero, make sure you reference null columns.
Results Types
MSC Fatigue accepts result from either a linear Static analysis or from a linear Transient/forced vibration analysis. The former requires that a definition of the variation in loading with time be defined by an external time history whereas the latter takes this into account automatically due to its nature.
Static Analysis Results
When performing a fatigue analysis using MSC Fatigue there is a distinction between load cases and separate fatigue analyses. A fatigue analysis can have associated with it up to 200 different static finite element load cases. These finite element load cases must have already been defined when setting up the model for an initial fatigue analysis. They MUST exist prior to setting up a fatigue analysis as well as their results.
The Number of Static Load Cases can be updated by changing the value in the corresponding databox. The user must use the <RETURN> key to make the change effective. The spreadsheet appearing below this will update itself to reflect the number of static load cases to be defined.
Again, the results by default are assumed to be in the database but can come from either MSC Patran FEA results files or from MSC Patran external results files also. The following table explains the rest of the input necessary to fully define the static load cases and their corresponding time history information. When a cell in the spreadsheet is activated the bottom of the form updates to allow for input. When the input has been accepted the next adjacent cell is selected and so forth until all the data has been completed.
Load Case ID
When this cell is activated a listbox or databox appears below the spreadsheet. When the results are from the Database, a listbox appears with a list of results contained in the database. At first this listbox will appear empty. To fill it with results contained in the database use the Getting and Filtering Database Results button. Select one of the results cases with the mouse to insert the ID into the cell. When the results are from MSC Patran FEA or external files a databox is displayed where the load case identity must correspond to either the load case ID from MSC Patran FEA, or to the load case ID to be inserted into the generic results file name when the code is External. In order for the spreadsheet to accept the Load Case ID, the user must use the <RETURN> key.
Time History
When this cell is activated another spreadsheet appears at the bottom of the form. The existing time histories and rainflow matrices available in the time history database appear here. Clicking on any portion of the row will input the time history name into the cell. The time history spreadsheet shows the name of the time histories with their corresponding load types, unit types, and maximum and minimum values. Only one time history is allowed per load case. Rainflow matrices can only be used for single load cases. The same time history cannot be used for two separate load cases even though the spreadsheet will allow it. (Use the Duplicate option in Loading Management (Ch. 4) to create an identical time history.) If more than one load case has been defined, a STATIC Offset entry will appear. A STATIC Offset load case means that the stresses/strains from this particular load case will be used as offsets to the stresses/strains used in the fatigue analysis from the other load case(s). This may represent a gravity or centrifugal loading, or a stress state arising from the manufacturing and assembly process. Also the type and units of the specified time histories must match those of the finite element load cases.
Load Magnitude
The magnitude of the FEA load must be supplied in the same units as those reported above for the time history. This magnitude is used as a scale factor to normalize the finite element stresses or strains to obtain the stress/strain distribution due to a unit loading. It is necessary to enter the total value of the loading applied in the FE load case. If multiple-point loads are applied across an edge (e.g., to simulate a distributed load), the time variation in this loading may be described using a single time history and therefore the sum of all loads should be entered. If a non-uniform distributed load is applied in the FEA, you should use a parameter proportional to the loading (e.g., displacement) and supply the value of this parameter resulting from the loading. This value will be used to normalize the stresses or strains computed in the FE analysis. The time history is then used to scale the stresses dynamically for each time increment. This calibration can be thought of as the following mathematical statement:
Similarly, you may use the stresses/strains directly from the finite element analysis by specifying unity as the FE load magnitude.
If a rainflow matrix is used, the same basic procedure is used where the matrix range and mean axes are scaled by the applied FE stress and divided by the applied load. In addition, if the applied FE stress is negative, then the matrix cycled are mirrored around zero.
Scale Factor
A scale factor can be applied to the load or time history. The default is 1.0 (no scaling).
A scalar offset can be applied to the load or time history. The default is 0.0 (no offset). This is valuable to show uniform offset loading such as assembly or gravity loads.
If a nonlinear relationship between stress and loading exists, this can be compensated for in two different ways. First, the nonlinear relation could be built into the accompanying time history created in PTIME. The second is to use an actual time step FE analysis. For the former case, the Load Magnitude would be set to unity. The latter case would be set up under the Transient Analysis Results variation of this form.
The Fill Down toggle allows for easy and quick setup of multiple load cases. With the toggle set to OFF, the selected cell of the spread sheet simply moves from cell to cell in a horizontal manner until the end of the row is reached at which time it moves to the first cell of the next row. If the toggle is set to ON then, starting at the selected cell, if an input is selected the cells directly below in the column are automatically filled beginning at the selected input. For example, if there are five load cases and the Load Case ID cell is selected in row 2, when a Results Load Case is selected it will fill all rows starting at 2 to the end with the next four Results Load Cases. It will do the same with the other columns and their corresponding inputs of the spreadsheet.
Transient Analysis Results
For a Transient analysis, the form updates as shown.
For a Transient analysis, no spreadsheet appears and only three basic pieces of information are needed.
Scale Factor
If it is desirable to use the transient dynamic results ‘as-is’, then use the default value of 1.0. Otherwise, enter an appropriate scale factor. No load case data or time history loading is necessary.
No. of Time Steps
When using results directly from the database this parameter is not necessary and will be updated automatically when results are selected from the listbox. Otherwise, enter the number of time steps desired to use in the fatigue analysis. If the results are from MSC Patran FEA, this defines the number of time steps to use from an existing MSC Patran FEA results file. If the results are from MSC Patran external files, this defines the number of external results files to read.
Results Time Steps
This listbox contains the time step results data that exist in the database. This listbox will be empty when the Loading Information form is first invoked or if the Results Type is changed. The user must use the Getting and Filtering Database Results button in order to fill the listbox. Once the listbox is filled with the appropriate time steps the form may be closed by clicking on the OK button. It is not necessary to select any of the time steps in the listbox. All time steps appearing will be used. If unwanted results appear in the listbox, it will be necessary to eliminate them from the list using the Filter form.
If a crack growth analysis is being performed using transient FE results, results from only the first node or element in the region (group) defined in the Materials Information form will be used in the analysis. Results from all nodes or elements in the defined region are averaged for crack growth analysis using static FE results.
Getting and Filtering Database Results
When the Loading Information form is first presented, the listbox containing the database result cases or time steps appears empty. It is necessary to invoke the Get/Filter Results form in order to fill the listbox with the relevant results.
Static Result Cases
For static result cases, the following form allows for result filtering and selection.
Results are stored in the database by Primary Results Case IDs and Subcase IDs. The results can be filtered using these IDs so that only the result of interest show in the listbox. To quickly fill the listbox without regard to which results cases show, simply click on the Defaults button or turn on the Select All Results Cases toggle. This will automatically determine the range of primary and secondary IDs. By clicking on Apply, the form will be put away and the filtering will take place filling the listbox. The Select All Results Cases toggle will cause all results cases to be displayed in the listbox and will ignore any filtering requests.
The other switches (Below, Above, and Between) will find all results with IDs less than or equal to or greater than or equal to the numbers appearing in the databoxes. If after filtering nothing appears in the listbox or the minimum and maximum number in the databoxes are zero after clicking the Defaults button, check to see that the results have been imported into the database.
Transient Result Cases
A different filtering form is used to filter and select transient result time steps.
For transient result cases, the following form allows for result filtering and selection.
This form is expandable (by dragging the corners or edges) to allow you to view the entire Result Case names and global variable if necessary.
The general use of this form to select the appropriate time steps for a fatigue analysis is as follows:
1. Select the Result Case. The top of the form lists all available Result Cases with the number of subcases associated with the Result Case. These subcases can be time steps, load steps, frequency steps, design cases, or static subcases.
2. Set the Filter Method and Criteria.
3. Click the Filter button. To select all subcases of a particular Result Case, simply click the Filter button after the first step. The default filtering should allow for selection of all subcases.
4. Click the Apply button to transfer the selected subcases (time steps) to the Loading Information form.
Because this form treats all Result Cases and their subcases in a general way, it is up to the user to ensure that the results selected are truly from linear static time step analysis.
Table 2‑1
Global Variable
Any global variables associated with the selected Result Case will show up in the Variable option menu. Select the one you would like to filter with, change the criteria using the Values option menu and enter the value or range to filter by. Click the Filter button to complete the filter action. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase selection.
Enter a string and use wild cards (the * character) to filter results. For example if you wanted all subcases with the string Time in it then you would use *Time* as the string with wild cards on each end of the word. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase selection.
Subcase IDs
Subcases can be filtered on Subcase IDs by entering the appropriate IDs. To select separate IDs, separate them by spaces (1 3 5). To select a range use a colon between the numbers (1:5). To select by increments use two colons, for example: 1:10:2, which interpreted means select subcases 1 through 10 by twos. Or use any combination of spaces and colons between subcase IDs to select as many as you wish. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase selection.
No filter method is selected. No options are available. Simply press filter and all subcases will be selected from whatever primary Result Case is selected. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase selection.
Subcases from only one Result Case can be filtered and transferred to the Loading Information form.