Fatigue User’s Guide > Vibration Fatigue > FE Vibration Fatigue Analysis (FEVIB)
FE Vibration Fatigue Analysis (FEVIB)
The MSC Fatigue analysis module FEVIB performs many different tasks from simple file conversions to full blown vibration fatigue analysis. Module operation of each of these tasks is described in detail in this section.
FEVIB handles all the processing, data file import and export or conversion, the actual S-N fatigue analysis and all post-processing and design optimization activities. In many ways, it is very similar to the standard fatigue analysis module FEFAT described in Total Life and Crack Initiation (Ch. 5).
The operation of FEVIB can be in one of two modes: within the MSC Fatigue Pre & Post and MSC Patran environments or in stand-alone mode from the system prompt. The only difference is that in stand alone mode, the user must supply the jobname when asked to perform the analysis. (In direct mode from a preprocessor such as MSC Patran, these are passed to FEVIB automatically.) FEVIB can be accessed directly from the operating system prompt by typing the symbol fevib. Once FEVIB has been initiated in either of these modes, two windows will be presented. The top, small form is a generic form and allows for general program control. This is discussed in detail in Module Operations (Ch. 17) for the Motif driver.
Figure 8‑13 FEVIB Utility Form
The main menu appears as follows. Each item is discussed in this section.
Figure 8‑14 FEVIB Main Menu Form
Global Vibration Fatigue Analysis
A standard S-N or crack initiation fatigue analysis is split into two parts: the pre-processing (cycle counting) and the analysis. For vibration fatigue analysis, these processes are integral. A rainflow cycle count and the actual fatigue life are the results of a vibration fatigue analysis only when the Dirlik + mean method is used. Other methods only produce a fatigue life. Therefore, when running the global multi-node/element analysis, FEVIB will always run the complete analysis without stopping after a preprocessing stage, unlike FEFAT.
Remember that the fatigue analysis may take some time so it may be beneficial to ensure that the terminal is available for a long interactive session. It may be worth considering operating FEVIB in batch. Batch operation of these programs is discussed in FEVIB Batch Operation, 653. Typically though, vibration fatigue analyses are faster than standard time-based fatigue analyses.
When the Global option has been selected, the user will be presented with a number of questions. The first question asks for the input file name. Click the OK button once a file name (jobname.fes) has been selected. Use the List button to list all available fatigue input files. These files have been created by the PAT3FAT or FATTRANS translator. The default will be the last jobname.fes created. Once a valid file name has been entered, the user will be presented with a summary of the jobname.fes file that has been opened. Each of these parameters can be changed or edited.
Figure 8‑15 FEFAT Preprocessor Form
The following table explains each entry on the previous form:
Input FES File
This is the fatigue input file (jobname.fes) to be used in the fatigue pre-processing. The job must have already run at least through the PAT3FAT or FATTRANS translator to produce a jobname.fes file. This is achieved by carrying out a full or translate only submission from the job submit options in the MSC Fatigue menus, or by running PAT3FAT or FATTRANS in stand alone mode (see Job Setup, 609).
A fatigue input file can also be created using FEVIB’s Utilities, 653.
FEVIB accepts both frequency response and power spectrum types of jobs.
Output file name
The default is the jobname. After completion, a file called jobname.fef will exist. You will be requested to overwrite any existing output file of the same name if one exists. This output file can be read back into the pre- or postprocessor for result contouring (see Job Setup, 609) or can be listed in tabular form (see Results Postprocessing, 652).
Select Nodes/Elements
This field accepts a list of nodes or elements or the word ALL. The job automatically detects whether a nodal or elemental-based analysis is to be performed from the jobname.fes file. The processing can be time consuming for many nodes or elements in an interactive mode but is generally quick relative to a typical time-based fatigue analysis.
Nodes or element numbers may be specified in the following ways:
1,2,3,4 - or the equivalent - 1:4 - or @pfatigue.ents - which is an ASCII file containing a list of node or element id numbers. A complete list of all nodes/elements is available by pressing the List button.
Combination Method
For response PSD input you must select one of the six components. It is possible that one of the six actually represents something other than one of the components such as a maximum absolute principal. The jobname.fes file containing a response PSD from a FE analysis stores the six component values for each location for each frequency. The program makes no actual distinction as to what they actually are. If you select X-component it will simply use the first column of data of the 6 columns representing the 6 components.
For transfer function input, your choices are: Abs. Max Principal, von Mises, Tresca/Shear. These values will be derived from the six components. How this is done is described in Theory section.
Rainflow Matrix Size
This sets the number of bins for cycle counting; more bins means a higher matrix resolution which will increase accuracy but also increase processing time and file sizes.
The matrix size is remembered and any further jobs that are run in the same directory will use the size set here.
Interpolation Method
For the transfer function (frequency response) type input, it may be necessary to interpolate between frequency steps and/or actual power values. This options specifies how that interpolation should be performed: linearly on both axes, Log x and linear y, or log on both axes.
Do Stationarity Check
Selecting Yes provides a number of outputs which can be plotted. Two basic plots are generated:
- a file defining the stationarity angle vs loadcase ID relationship (.LBP)
- and for loadcases, a plot of frequency vs stationarity parameter (.EBP). This is presented as an error bar plot.
All existing files will be overwritten and there is no .LBP file for single loadcase jobs.
It is recommended that No is selected for a global analysis.
For an initial global analysis, you will be presented with a tabular listing of the top most damaged locations. For more result and postprocessing options, you can now proceed to Design Optimization, 634 or Results Postprocessing, 652.
Design Optimization
Having completed a global multi-node or multi-element analysis, the user will have identified an area of the structure that is either liable to fail at a life less than the design life or has such a long life that he wishes to explore manufacturing options using more cost effective methods and materials which will still achieve the target life. Alternatively, the user may already have some options for material selection or geometry detail which he wants to assess in terms of their effect on fatigue life.
The MSC Fatigue design optimization FEVIB provides a set of semi-automatic tools to assess fatigue design options. It is almost identical in its usage to the standard time-based fatigue module FEFAT. Unlike FEFAT, it does not begin with a rainflow histogram but rather, uses the same input file as the global analysis, the difference being that you are investigating a single location as opposed to the entire model (or a portion thereof). It supports a number of options including back calculation of parameter values which meet a target life, sensitivity studies on critical parameters, and an automatic material selection option based on fatigue criteria.
Having selected the node or element of interest, FEVIB will carry out a single fatigue calculation based on the default parameters from the global multi‑node/ element analysis and present the results in more comprehensive form than that available in the global analysis. The design optimization analysis options are then presented on a main analysis page from which the user can set up the optimization calculations.
FEVIB presents its results in the form of analysis summary reports, 3‑dimensional cycle histograms, and fatigue life sensitivity tables.
Stage 1: Module Operation
The operation of FEVIB from within the MSC Patran environment is almost identical to its operation in stand alone mode. The only difference is that in stand-alone mode, the user must supply the jobname on entry to the program. (In direct mode from MSC Fatigue Pre & Post or MSC Patran, this is passed to FEVIB automatically.)
The first screen to be presented when the program starts is shown in Figure 8‑16. This screen will be skipped if FEVIB is entered from MSC Patran and the screen in Figure 8‑17 will be presented instead. This is because FEVIB already knows the jobname as specified from the MSC Fatigue menus. The node/element number will also be passed to FEVIB.
Figure 8‑16 Design Optimization Job Entry Screen
Figure 8‑17 Design Optimization Job Entry Screen
The fields on these screens are described below.
Input File Name
This is the name of the job which is to be used in the fatigue design optimization analysis. The job must have already run at least through the translator stage using PAT3FAT or FATTRANS, to produce a jobname.fes file. This is achieved by carrying out a full analysis or translate only from the job submit options in the MSC Fatigue menus, or by running FEVIB utilities to create a simple input file. To select a jobname from a list of available jobs, use the List button. FEVIB accepts two types of FE input: response PSDs, and frequency response analysis (transfer functions).
Once the jobname has been supplied, a new form will be displayed with the rest of the initial input options on it. These are described below.
Node/Element Selection
There are three options offered on this field:
Last Used recalls the number of the node or element used in the last job. This number is shown in the Node/Element field. If the last job used a different geometry model, this option is unlikely to offer a meaningful node or element number.
User Select allows for typing in a number in the Node/Element field shown below the Node/Element selection menu. A list of possible node or element numbers is available using the List button.
The Worst Case node or element option is only available if a valid jobname.fef file exists. When this option is selected, the jobname.fef file is searched to find the node or element with the most damage as calculated by the global fatigue analysis. Once the critical node or element is found, its number is presented in the Node/Element field.
The number displayed in this field depends upon the choice made in the Node/Element selection described above. Use the List button to display a list of valid node or element numbers.
Design Life
The design life is a target life which is associated with the component or structure being analyzed. The life should be specified in the user units. These units are always either years or seconds.
A design life MUST be entered here.
Units of Design Life
The units must be in years or seconds. Actually the units are always in seconds from a vibration fatigue analysis, but you may specify the design units in years for convenience.
Combination Method
For response PSD input you must select one of the six components. It is possible that one of the six actually represents something other than one of the components such as a maximum absolute principal. The jobname.fes file containing a response PSD from a FE analysis stores the six component values for each location for each frequency. The program makes no actual distinction as to what they actually are. If you select X-component it will simply use the first column of data of the 6 columns representing the 6 components.
For transfer function input, your choices are: Abs. Max Principal, von Mises, Tresca/Shear. These values will be derived from the six components. How this is done is described in the Theory section.
Rainflow Matrix Size
This sets the number of bins for cycle counting; more bins means a higher matrix resolution which will increase accuracy but also increase processing time and file sizes.
The matrix size is remembered and any further jobs that are run in the same directory will use the size set here.
Interpolation Method
For the transfer function (frequency response) type input, it may be necessary to interpolate between frequency steps and/or actual power values. This options specifies how that interpolation should be performed: linearly on both axes, Log x and linear y, or log on both axes.
The default data in the rainflow histogram is normalized to 1 second but may be rescaled to any duration of hours, minutes, or seconds. This field is used to define the total duration of the rainflow data.
The value should be given as a real number greater than zero.
When all fields are filled in appropriately, click the OK button. At this stage, FEVIB carries out an initial analysis using the original fatigue analysis parameters defined when the fatigue job was set up. The life computed from this “stage 1" analysis is used as a benchmark against which all subsequent optimization calculations can be judged.
The results from this analysis are presented in a summary table on the screen and also written to the pfatigue.prt file. See Figure 8‑18.
Figure 8‑18 Results of the “stage 1" Fatigue Analysis for a Vibration Fatigue Job
If a design life has been defined, a message will be written under the life result indicating whether the design life has been met or not. The three possible messages are:
Design life exceeded
Life within a factor of 3 of the design life
Life less than the design life
The other details presented summarize the analysis parameters. These details are specific to the type of job being carried out and not all parameters will always be present.
Some of the parameters are not defined in the global analysis such as other analysis methods, global offset stress, the Miner’s constant, and others. While these parameters are not available for editing at this stage, they are provided as analysis options in the design optimization input screens described later.
For the Dirlik + mean analysis option a cycle histogram file is created. The generic histogram name is made up from the jobname and the node or element number. This name is used for the cycles file which has the following naming conventions:
Rainflow cycle histogram for node or element nn
Stage 2: Module Operation
After going through the initial reanalysis of a particular node or element, the main analysis screen is shown in Figure 8‑19. From this menu, all the analysis options are available. The current jobname and node or element identity is shown at the top of the screen together with the design life. When a “back” or sensitivity analysis is defined, the type of analysis is reported in this area of the screen also.
Figure 8‑19 Fatigue Design Optimization Main Menu
To use this menu, choose the required option, set up the analysis parameters, and finally, when ready, select the Recalculate option to submit the analysis. A percentage complete message will inform the user of the progress of the calculations. A description of each menu pick follows.
Parameter Optimization
This option is the back calculation facility where a design life is supplied and FEVIB’s automatic routines calculate the value of the chosen parameter that will achieve the target life; see Figure 8‑20. There are three fatigue analysis parameters which may be used in this type of calculation. The parameters on which back calculation may be carried out are:
Figure 8‑20 Parameter Optimization Submenu
Global Offset Stress
This back calculation parameter calculates the constant global stress value offset required to reach the specified design life. Once this parameter is calculated you are given the option to use it in subsequent sensitivity studies.
Design Criterion
This is the confidence of survival parameter which is based on the standard error of the S-N curves. Using this parameter will tell how much confidence the user can have in the product reaching the target life. However, the user should also consider the error in other parameters such as the stress computed in the FE analysis which may cause the life to be different from the estimate.
Design Life
This is not an optimization parameter but is used as a target for the optimization process. The design life may be changed or defined using this option. If a design life has not been indicated initially, the user will be prompted for one before being able to take advantage of any of the above back calculation options.
Having set up one of the optimization calculations, it is necessary to unset it in order to carry out any other kind of analysis. The easiest way to do this is to select the Original parameters option from the main menu. The other way is to select Change parameters followed by the parameter that was last set to back. The original default value will be offered and if accepted, the back calculation facility will be turned off. See also the section under User Preferences, 649 on Back calculation accuracy.
Sensitivity analysis
A sensitivity analysis allows the effect of variation in any of the input parameters on fatigue life to be explored, see Figure 8‑21. For some parameters, all possible values are used in the sensitivity analysis. Parameters which fall into this category are:
surface finish
surface treatment
mean stress correction method
analysis method
Figure 8‑21 Sensitivity Analysis Submenu
To use one of these types of analysis, simply select the option followed by Recalculate on the main menu. For other parameters which are specified in a numerical form, the user is requested to enter a range of values for the chosen parameter. Parameters which fall into this category are:
scale factor
global offset stress
design criterion
To select one of these types of analysis, simply select the option which will then present the user with a data input form at the bottom of the screen. In the box on this form, the user will be asked to provide a range of numbers for the parameter. Having done this, it is necessary to select the Recalculate option on the main menu.
Scale Factor
This factor is applied to the output stress PSD. The user may enter a range of values separated by spaces or commas. The user may also specify a range of values by inputting a start value, end value, and increment, i.e., (1, 10, 2).
Note: This value needs to be a positive real number.
Global Offset Stress
This factor can be thought of as a stress offset. The user may enter a range of value separated by spaces or commas. The user may also specify a range of values by inputting a start value, end value, and increment, i.e., (1,10,2). A tabular display of the results will be displayed when the Recalculate button is pressed.
Design Criterion
This is the confidence of survival parameter which is based on the standard error of the S-N curve. Using this parameter will tell the user how much confidence he can have in the product reaching the target life. However, the user should also consider the error in other parameters such as scaling factor which may cause the life to be different from your estimate. The user may enter a single value in the input bar that appears at the bottom of the screen or a range of values separated by spaces or commas. The user may also specify a range of values by inputting a start value, end value, and increment, i.e., (1,10,2). A sensitivity plot can be created from this calculation.
Mean Stress Correction (all)
All mean stress correction methods are automatically calculated and a table of corresponding lives given when the Recalculate option is invoked.
Analysis Methods (all)
All analysis types are automatically calculated and a table of corresponding lives given when the Recalculate option is invoked.
Surface Finishes (all)
All surface finishes are automatically calculated and a table of corresponding lives given when the Recalculate option is invoked.
Surface Treatment (all)
All surface treatments are automatically calculated and a table of corresponding lives given when the Recalculate option is invoked.
Changes in material properties are not modeled here but are available from the Material optimization submenu.
Material Optimization
The material optimization allows for changing to a different material, editing the parameters associated with the current material dataset, and searching for a better or worse material. These tools facilitate the optimization of the materials selection in terms of fatigue performance. For example, a new material may be found that offers the same fatigue performance but has a lower raw material cost and is easier to work with in the manufacturing process. Alternatively, a possible fatigue failure could be designed out of the product by switching material and these tools would give a selection of alternative materials based on a fatigue selection criterion. Figure 8‑22 shows the Material optimization form.
Figure 8‑22 Material Optimization Form
Data Source
There are three sources of materials data in all MSC Fatigue analyzers. They are:
The Standard Database, which can be the central database or a user-specific local database (which is usually a modified copy of the standard database).
A user database which contains data in the format of the standard database but which is specific to the user, i.e. a custom database.
Generated - which are generated from the UTS - the results of this type of calculation are an approximation, they should NOT be used in a final sign off.
Database Name
This field becomes live if User database is selected. The user database is created using the tools in PFMAT documented in Material Management (Ch. 3).
Material Name
This field becomes live if Standard or User database is selected. All materials currently available can be viewed using the List button.
Material Type
This field becomes live if ‘Generated’ is selected. Options available are Steel, Aluminum, Titanium, and Other.
If Other is selected, then a Young’s modulus and Area Reduction must be supplied in addition to the UTS.
See Material Type above.
Young’s Modulus
See Material Type above.
Area Reduction (%)
See Material Type above.
Search Database
If search database is set to Yes then a range of materials will be evaluated and the10 best will be listed in a pick list.
One of the ten should be selected for further consideration.
Target life
A target life is required so that the search database option can use it as a benchmark against which it can compare the relative performances of all the materials in the chosen database.
When the material choice has been optimized you the user will be returned to the main Design Optimization menu.
Change Parameters
This design optimization option allows for changing individual parameters or to reset individual parameters back to their original values. This form is shown in Figure 8‑23.
Figure 8‑23 Change Parameters Form
Scale Factor
This value is applied to the output stress PSD. Since the PSD has units 12/Hz the scale factor is squared by FEVIB before being multiplied by the values in the output PSD.
Global Offset Stress
This factor can be thought of as a stress offset. The user must enter a single value.
Design Criterion
The % certainty of survival is a statistical parameter between 0.1 and 99.9% which is based on the standard error of the S-N curve. Using this parameter will tell you how much confidence you can have in the product reaching the target life. A low confidence is associated with long lives whereas the probability of reaching a short life is high. However, you should also consider the error in other parameters such as scaling factor which may cause the life to be different from your estimate. You can accept the default to reset to the original value or you can supply a single design criterion.
Mean Stress Correction
Goodman and Gerber mean stress correction methods are supported as well as no mean stress correction.
Analysis Method
The user may chose to change the analysis type or reset it back to its original value by accepting the default. The user will be presented with a submenu with the list of choices. These are Dirlik, Narrow Band, or All. All stipulates about seven different types of analyses. The difference between these is discussed in the Theory section.
Surface Condition
(finish and treatment)
You may choose to change this surface finish or reset it back to its original value by accepting the default. The user will be presented with a submenu with the list of choices. These are: Polished, Ground, Good Machined, Average Machined, Poor Machined, Hot Rolled, Forged, Cast, Water corroded, Seawater corroded, user defined, unchanged.
You may choose to change the surface treatment or reset it back to its original value by accepting the default. The user will be presented with a submenu with the list of choices. These are: No Treatment, Nitrided, Cold rolled, Shot peened.
Fatigue Strength r.f.
Since not all stress raisers may be modeled correctly in the FE analysis the effect of additional stress concentration factors on fatigue life may be modeled. Normally this is modified to a fatigue strength reduction factor Kf.
Alternatively, an elastic stress concentration factor Kt can be entered and are available from standard reference texts such as Peterson’s book.
Kf factors must be in the range 1 to 100 inclusive.
The default data in the rainflow histogram is normalized to 1 second but may be rescaled to any duration of hours, minutes, or seconds. This field is used to define the total duration of the rainflow data.
The value should be given as a real number greater than zero.
Results Display
The presentation of the results in both tabular and graphical form is handled from this menu. The options available are shown in Figure 8‑24 and discussed below:
Figure 8‑24 Results Display Submenu
View Notebook
Allows the review of the results of all analyses written to the Notebook (including the latest analysis if Notebook is set to On). To view the Notebook FEVIB uses whichever text processor has been nominated, e.g. vi on a Unix platform.
Plot Cycles Histogram
Plots the 3-dimensional rainflow cycle counted histogram using the MP3D module after scaling to the local stresses at the node or element being analyzed. A description of the graphical histogram display is given in Matrix Options, 318.
Plot Output Spectrum
This plots the output response PSD using the MTPD module as explained in Graphically Display a PSD, 652.
Select New Node/Element
Normally, design optimization will be carried out on the node or element which has the shortest life based on the assumption that the lives at all other nodes and elements will show at least the same change in life as the critical node/element. However, the lives at other nodes or elements will need checking, especially where the surface parameters or additional local effects such as mean stress or stress concentration are different from those at the critical node or element. When this option is selected, a new node or element entry screen is presented with the same select options used on the main input screen such as already shown in Figure 8‑17. Having selected a new node or element, the user will be returned to the Design Optimization Analysis menu.
Select New Job
This option returns the user to the first input screen where the jobname is requested (see Figure 8‑16). The current jobname is presented as a default.
User Preferences
The preferences that may be set here are generally items which are not normally changed for every analysis (i.e., they are not job specific). Each parameter is described in Figure 8‑25.
Figure 8‑25 User Preferences Submenu
Back Calculation Accuracy
The normal convergence accuracy for the back calculation is 5% (i.e., the iteration will stop once the life is within 5% of the target or design life).
Note: Higher accuracy will take longer for the calculation to converge.
Miner’s Constant
This constant is normally set to a value of 1.0. Some situations may call for it to be set to a different value, usually less than 1.0 for more conservative life predictions.
Caution: Once this value has been set, it will be used in all fatigue calculations carried out in the current directory including global multi‑location jobs.
Original Parameters
If at any stage in the design optimization, the user wants to recall the original analysis parameters as defined in the global analysis, then this option will do this. This facility is particularly useful for turning off a previously defined back or sensitivity analysis setup. If the user only wants to reset certain parameters, then he should use the Change Parameters main menu pick.
Once the new analysis parameters have been defined, it is necessary to pick this option to start the re-analysis. Once this option has been selected, a message will appear to tell the user that the analysis parameters are being written to the pfatigue.prt file. A “fatigue analysis xx complete” message is used to report the stage of the analysis, where “xx” is a number between 0 and 100.
Exit to Main Menu
Picking this option causes FEVIB to return to the main menu, saving the analysis results summaries in the pfatigue.prt file.
Output Power Spectrum
Output power spectrum provides an important link between test and analysis in the integrated durability management of which MSC Fatigue is a core tool.
It allows the output response power spectrum to be output at a node or element to be exported and written to a standard time history .dac format (with a .psd extension). One or more nodes can be processed in a single run of this option resulting in a number of .psd files.
The output power spectrum .psd file is extremely useful to the understanding of local stress or strain response when working with strain measurements taken from a fatigue test component. These responses can be used in subsequent single location analyses such as those provide by Frequency Fatigue Life Estimation (MFLF), 656 which may provide even more insight into the results of the analysis.
The option automatically also allows for graphical display of the output response spectrum. You can also use the Graphically Display a PSD, 652 option from the main menu.
Output Power Spectrum creation consists of two forms. First you specify the input jobname.fes file. Then a form displaying the output .psd file names and a number of other inputs is shown. See Figure 8‑26.
Figure 8‑26 Power Spectrum Creation Form
The fields are as follows:
Input FES File
The name of a binary MSC Fatigue input file (.fes). Such a file is normally produced from PAT3FAT or FATTRANS or by converting an ASCII file to jobname.fes format using Utilities/Binary create from the FEVIB main menu.
Generic Output Filename
The power spectrum that will be created for each node or element will have a file name which is comprised of a generic root, taken from the input file name, and a node or element id number. A .psd extension will be automatically appended to each output.
Nodes/Elements to Select
Power spectra will be created at a user-defined number and designation of nodes or elements. Up to 100 locations can be processed.
Ranges can be entered in the normal way but the word ALL will not be accepted because ALL could exceed the limit of 100 nodes/elements.
Combination Method
For PSD input you must select one of the components. It is possible that one of the components actually represents something other than one of the components such as a maximum absolute principal. The program makes no actual distinction. If you select X-component it will use the first column of data of the 6 columns representing the 6 components.
For transfer function input, your choices are: Abs. Max. Principal, von Mises, Tresca/Shear. These values will be derived from the components. How this is done is described in the Theory section.
Interpolation Method
For the transfer function (frequency response) type input, it may be necessary to interpolate between frequency steps and/or actual power values. This options specifies how that interpolation should be performed: linearly on both axes, Log x and linear y, or log on both axes.
Stationarity Check Output
Turn this on if you wish to do a stationarity check to ensure that the principals are remaining stationary. This is equivalent to a multiaxial assessment in the time domain. The mechanics of this operation is described in the Theory section.
Graphically Display a PSD
Once a power spectrum has been created via the Output Power Spectrum option or created by any other means within PTIME, the time history or FEVIB, it can be graphically displayed. The module MTPD is used to display these plots. The explanation of power spectrum graphical displays is identical to that already discussed in Plot an Entry Option, 217.
Results Postprocessing
This option reviews the fatigue job output file jobname.fef and displays user selected items to a tabular listing using the module PFPOST.
Detailed descriptions of the operation of PFPOST are given in Reviewing Results (PFPOST), 328.
For vibration fatigue, the content of the jobname.fef file is different than that of the time-based fatigue result files. It consists of seven columns of data aside from the location (node/element) number itself. The columns of data in this file are:
Column 1
Irregularity Factor
Column 2
Root Mean Square
Column 3
Damage (per second)
Column 4
Life (seconds)
Column 5
Log of Damage
Column 6
Log of Life
Column 7
Angle Range
The actual format of this file is either a MSC Patran nodal or elemental results file described in The Results Files (jobname.fef/fos), 382.
This option consists of a number utilities for converting .dac files between various formats. Once the program has started, the user will be presented with a menu of options as described in Figure 8‑27.
The options menu looks like this:
Figure 8‑27 Utilities Menu Options
The utilities are identical to those described in the FEFAT module. See Utilities, 324.
FEVIB Batch Operation
FEVIB analysis can be operated in batch mode with the following keywords:
To specify main option. The capitalized letter of any option on the interactive form is generally the letter to use when specifying a batch operation (G, D, O, P, R, U, X) e.g.,/OPT=G
Utilities options. A, B, L, C, M, R
Design optimization options. First issue the /OPT=D option and then specify the command again with the design optimization option (P, S, M, C, D, N, J, U, O, R) e.g., /OPT=D /OPT=P
Design optimization suboptions. Parameter Optimization. G, D, L, C
Design optimization suboptions. Sensitivities. G, D, F, T, A, C
Design optimization suboptions. Results Display. V, C, O
Design optimization suboptions. Preferences. B, M
Input file name.
Generic output name.
Node or element list. Use ‘ALL’ for all locations.
Interpolation method.
Stationarity check. Y,N
Power spectrum.
Matrix size. 3, 6, 1
Design life
Time units.
Global offset stress.
Design criterion.
Mean stress correction. None, Goodman, Gerber
Surface finish.
Surface treatment.
Vibration analysis method. D, N, A
S-N data source. S, U, G
Material database name.
Material type. S, A, T, O
Ultimate tensile strength.
Material name.
Young’s modulus.
Reduction in area.
Search database. Y, N
Search life.
Miner’s sum.
Use optimized value. Y, N
Run mode.
Number of RMS.
Node/element selection option for design opt., User, Last, Worst
Job filename
Plot option
Load case number
If the user wishes to see output sent to the screen, he must include this parameter exactly as shown. Any other value other than TT after the equal sign will send the output to a file by that name.
Design optimization mode is generally not used in batch mode.
fevib /opt=g/inp=mymodel/loc=all/ov=yes
This batch line would open mymodel.fes and perform the vibration fatigue analysis with defaults used for all other parameters. Any existing output files with the same prefix name as the input file would be overwritten.
FEVIB Batch Operation for Utilities
To specify utility option.
The utility options are A, B, E, M, and R corresponding to the submenu picks under the utilities menu.
Output file name. Only the jobname need be input. A file suffix of ASC or FES is assumed depending on the main menu option. The default is the input jobname.
The input file name. This is usually the jobname. A file suffix of ASC or FES is assumed depending on the main menu option.
This parameter sets automatic overwrite of existing files on or off.
/OV=Y sets overwrite on. /OV=N sets overwrite off. Off is the default.
If it is desirable to see output sent to the screen this parameter can be included exactly as shown. Any other value other than TT after the equal sign will send output to a file by that name.
fevib /opt=u/uopt=a/inp=mymodel/out=mymodel/ov=y/*=tt
This example selects the utility option in FEVIB and executes the submenu option of creating an ASCII file from a binary file (A), with a jobname of mymodel. It will search for a file called jobname.fes and create an output file called jobname.asc.