Fatigue User’s Guide > Limitations and Error Messages > Error Messages
Error Messages
The following are possible error messages, their corresponding explanations and possible solutions. Only messages which are not self explanatory are elaborated upon. This list is not a comprehensive listing.
PCL Form Messages
Jobname "%A%" already exists. Do you want to overwrite (yes or no?)
Enter a jobname first!
Select a job first!
Error reading fin file!
Usually more information comes with this message. Check the jobname.fin file for improper parameter cards.
Error reading fnf file. Material information may not be complete!
When the jobname.fnf file is not read properly, materials spreadsheet on the Materials Info form does not get filled out completely.
Version number must be #2.5 or #3.0 on first line!
Check the jobname.fin file.
No equal sign in the following line:%A%
Check the jobname.fin file.
There is no 'ANALYSIS TYPE' defined!
Check the jobname.fin file.
The first parameter must be 'ANALYSIS TYPE'!
Check the jobname.fin file.
There is no 'FEA RESULTS LOCATION' defined!
Check the jobname.fin file.
The second parameter must be 'FEA RESULTS LOCATION'!
Check the jobname.fin file.
The %A%.fnf file does not exist. The material information will be incomplete!
When the jobname.fnf file is not read properly, materials spreadsheet on the Materials Info form does not get filled out completely.
File %A%.fnf is not a proper neutral file!
Check the format.
More materials defined in .fnf file than in  .fin file!
Only five materials are allowed. The program keys off of the set ID of neutral packet types 10 or 11. When an ID changes during a sequential read, it assumes that a new material is being defined. The IDs must be sequential also. Otherwise this message can occur. Those IDs encountered after five materials have been detected are ignored.
Time History %A% not found!
Check that the appropriate filename.dac file exists and that it has been loaded properly into the PTIME module. A file called ptime.adb should have the header information for the time history in it.
File %A% does not exist.
Materials Information not properly defined!
A job submission is not allowable until the materials information is filled out properly in the Materials Info form.
Load Information not properly defined!
A job submission is not allowable until the loading information is filled out properly in the Loading Info form.
There are no nodes in region %A%.
A nodal fatigue analysis has been detected but the group defined for analysis has no nodes in it.
There are no elements in region %A%.
An elemental fatigue analysis has been detected but the group defined for analysis has no elements in it.
Warning: The system environment variable p3fpath has not been set properly. No job submission or module spawning will be possible!
The MSC.Fatigue executable is not loaded on this computer system. Check that the environment variable p3fpath is set properly!
Check with your system manager to determine if you are licensed to run MSC.Fatigue on this machine and that all environment variables and paths have been set up properly.
No MSC.Patran FEA job has been specified!
No MSC.Patran FEA job.res file has been selected in the listbox on the Loading Info form.
Select a compliance function first!
No compliance function has been selected!
No filename.ksn file has been selected in the listbox on the Solution Parameters form for Crack Growth.
No compliance function template data exists. Run PKSOL!
Two files are created when plotting a compliance function. One contains the XY data (filename.xyd) and the other (filename.tem) contains PCL function calls to make the plot and plot the data. This is the template file and is created in PKSOL when a compliance function is created. PKSOL needs to be run and the compliance function redefined in order to create this file.
No compliance function XY data exists for %A%. Run PKSOL!
Two files are created when plotting a compliance function. One contains the XY data (filename.xyd) and the other (filename.tem) contains PCL function calls to make the plot and plot the data. If either one of these do not exist, PKSOL needs to be run and the compliance function redefined in order to create these files.
Plot template information not compatible with curve data. Plot may be in error!
When plotting compliance functions or sensitivity data two files are created. PKSOL creates an XY data file (filename.xyd) and a template file (filename.tem) containing PCL commands as does DESOPT. If this message occurs simply redefine the compliance function or replot the sensitivity data in DESOPT to recreate these files.
Select sensitivity data first!
The sensitivity x-y data file, %A%, does not exist. Run FEFAT!
Two files are created when plotting sensitivity data. One contains the XY data (filename.fal/rfl/...) and the other (filename.tem) contains PCL function calls to make the plot and plot the data. This is the template file and is created in FEFAT when sensitivity data is plotted. FEFAT needs to be run and the sensitivity data replotted in order to create these files.
Life results for a Component S-N job relate to the component or critical feature (e.g., a weld). Life contour plots may be misleading.
It is not recommended to make fringe plots of Component S-N jobs since component S-N results are based on an S-N curve of a specific geometry (such as a weld) whereas the rest of the structure’s fatigue life (such as away from the weld) will not follow that predicted by the S-N curve.
Do you wish to read in existing job '%A%'?
Delete job '%A%' and all associated files?
The material %A% is not iron or steel and therefore surface finish and treatments are invalid. They will be ignored in the analysis.
Steel is the only material in which surface finish and treatments are valid.
It is not necessary to select Time Steps. All Time 	Steps appearing in the Listbox will be used in the analysis. Use the Filter form to modify the contents of the Listbox.
All time steps appearing in the listbox will be used in a fatigue analysis using transient data. Use the Filter form to eliminate unwanted time steps or other unwanted results appearing in the listbox.
It appears that Jobname "%A%" is still running from a previous submittal. Do you still want to submit this job (yes or no?)
On submission of a fatigue analysis throughout the PCL forms, a file is created to signal that a job is running. If a job aborts unceremoniously, this file will not be deleted properly. It may be necessary for the user to manually delete it.
The PAT3FAT translation was not successful. No input file was created. Check the message file for possible problems.
Warning: A normal vector file "%A%.vec" has been detected. Do you wish to do surface stress/strain extraction? 
Shells and solids have been detected in the same group. Please separate them into distinct groups in order to calculate surface normals.
When calculating nodal normal vectors, only shell or only solid elements are allowed in the current group.
The "Current spectrum" as been set to "fatigue spectrum" for life contouring. Change it under "Display/Spectrums" if necessary.
When fatigue results are read into the database a new spectrum is created for plotting life results. Damage results and biaxial parameters should use the Standard Spectrum.
A biaxiality analysis has been requested but normal vectors have not been calculated to extract surface stress/strain. ("Calculate Normals" option in the "Control Job" form.) Are the stresses/strains already surface resolved (Y/N?)
Run the Calculate Normals option if surface stresses are required.
Translator (PAT3FAT) Messages
First argument must be the jobname!
PAT3FAT must have a jobname as the first argument. (e.g., pat3fat myjob)
End of PAT3FAT translation.        
Messages output from the PDA %A% translator:%A% %A% on %A% at %A%. \n
Total execution time in real seconds: %G%
Total execution time in CPU seconds: %G%
***Error: Not able to open message file.
***Error: Not able to open .fin file.
PAT3FAT could not find a jobname.fin file for the submitted job.
***Error: Not able to open .fnf file.
PAT3FAT could not find a jobname.fnf file for the submitted job.
***Error reading .fin file. Check message file.
***Error reading .fnf file. Check message file.
***Error writing .fes file. Check message file.
***Error: Not able to open .vec file.
***Job aborted due to user request.
PAT3FAT reading the FIN file...
PAT3FAT reading the FNF file...
PAT3FAT reading the FE results...
PAT3FAT writing the FES input file...
PAT3FAT terminated normally.        
***Error: Invalid version number on the first line of the .fin file. It must be "#3.0".
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error: There is a line in the .fin file that is missing an equals sign.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error: The first parameter in the .fin file must be the ANALYSIS TYPE.
Check jobname.fin file.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error: An invalid RESULTS LOCATION has been detected. You must use NODE or ELEMENT CENTROID
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error: Input %I% for %A% is outside the valid range ( %I% to %I% ).
Check jobname.fin file.
***Warning:  Invalid parameter in the .fin file ignored for %A% = %A%: %A%
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid TENSOR TYPE detected. You must use STRESS or STRAIN.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid TENSOR TYPE detected for the ANALYSIS TYPE selected.  Set it to STRESS.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid STRESS UNITS detected in the .fin file.  Use only MPA, PASCALS, PSI, KSI, or KG/M**2.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid STRESS or STRAIN COMBINATION. Use only MAX ABS PRINCIPAL, SIGNED VON MISES, SIGNED TRESCA, or one of the components.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid MEAN STRESS CORRECTION method detected for given ANALYSIS TYPE.
Check jobname.fin file. This could be the ANALYSIS METHOD also.
\n***Error: Input %F% for %A% is outside the valid range ( %F% to %F% ).
Check jobname.fin file.
\n***Error reading the %A% parameter.
Check jobname.fin file.
\n***Error:  Zero (0.0) not allowed in parameter %A%.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error: Invalid CRACK LENGTH UNITS have been detected. Use only INCHES, METERS, MILLIINCHES, or MILLIMETERS.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Transient FE analysis results not allowed for CRACK GROWTH analyses.
***Error:  Invalid FEA ANALYSIS TYPE detected.  It must be either STATIC or TRANSIENT.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid FEA RESULTS TYPE detected.  It must be either DATABASE, MSC.Patran FEA, or EXTERNAL.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid external RESULTS COLUMNS detected.  There must be six separated by commas and they must be in the range 0 to 200.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid SHELL SURFACE parameter as been detected.  It must be set to either TOP or BOTTOM or not included at all.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  FEA load case informational parameters must be preceeded by a LOAD CASE parameter in the .fin file.
Check jobname.fin file.
\n***Warning:  An unrecognized parameter has been detected in the .fin file: %A%
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  Invalid TRANSFORMATION value detected.  It must be either NONE or BASIC.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  An invalid load case ID has been detected in a FE LOAD CASE ID card.  The ID must look like "n.n-" when referencing database results.
Check jobname.fin file.
***Error:  It appears that the .fnf file is not a properly formatted neutral file.  The first record must be packet type 25.
Check jobname.fnf file format.
***Error:  No data of set IDs %I% - %I% found in the neutral (.fnf) file.  Make sure at least one group of nodes and/or elements has been defined for fatigue properties.
Check jobname.fnf file.
***Error:  No nodes or elements appear in the .fnf neutral file packet 26 summary.  Not able to allocate memory.
Check jobname.fnf file. Check that proper regions (groups) have been set up for the fatigue analysis and that they have nodes or elements in them.
***Error allocating memory in neutral file (.fnf) read routine.
***Error allocating memory in fin file (.fin) read routine.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error reading the MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error:  There are no nodal stress/strain results in the indicated MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error:  There are no load cases in the indicated MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error:  There are no static results in the MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error:  There are no transient results in the MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error:  The number of time steps requested exceeds the number of time steps in the MSC.Patran FEA results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error allocating memory in FE results read routine.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error reading MSC.Patran FEA results for load case header for load case/step number %I%.
Check the job.res file.
***Error reading MSC.Patran FEA results for load case/time step number %I%.
Check the job.res file.
***Error: There are no MSC.Patran FEA results for shell elements in the results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error opening the specified MSC.Patran database.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error in external results file name(s).  There must be a "#" in the place of the load case or time step number.
Specify the file name as sub#.nod as an example, where sub1.nod, sub2.nod, and sub3.nod would be read if the job had been set up for three load cases.
***Error reading an external results file. See the message file.
Check the external file format.
***Error opening external file %A%, for load case %I%.
Check the external file format.
***Error reading external file header in file %A% for load case %I%.
Check the external file format.
***Error reading external results in file %A% for load case %I%.
Check the external file format.
***Error closing external file %A%, for load case %I%.
***Error allocating memory while writing output (.fes) file.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error creating (opening) the fatigue input file (.fes).
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error opening MSC.Patran FEA (.res) results file.
Check the job.res file.
***Error writing the header to the .fes file.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error writing stress/strains data to .fes file.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error closing the fatigue input file (.fes).
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error reading results from the MSC.Patran database.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error:  No global variables of type "Time" are associated with results case %I%.%I%.
To use transient results from the data base in a fatigue analysis, they must have a tag (global variable) associated with them. This tag is “TIME.” Call MSC.Software Corporation if standard results importing techniques are being followed.
\n***Error:  There are no appropriate stress/strain tensor results associated with results case %I%.%I%.
Results in the database do not have tensor stress or strain result types in them. Try re-importing the results and make sure the appropriate results types are not being filtered out inadvertently.
Using results type "%A%" of ID %I% for load case/time step %I%.
***Error allocating memory to read database results.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error:  Results load case %I%.%I% is associated with Nodes yet an Elemental based fatigue analysis has been selected.  This is not possible at this time!
Change the analysis to be a nodal fatigue job.
***Error:  There are no elements in the model.  Cannot continue with translation.
***Warning:  A results type "%A%" of ID %I% was encountered. If you wish to use it, change the FEA RESULTS LOCATION to ELEMENTAL or ELEMENT CENTROID.
Change the analysis to be an elemental fatigue job.
***Warning:  A results type "%A%" of ID %I% was encountered. If you wish to use it, change the FEA RESULTS LOCATION to NODE or NODAL.
Change the analysis to be a nodal fatigue job.
MSG_FAT_SURFACE_STRESS_EXTRACTION Surface stress/strain extraction has been initiated by detection of normal vectors file. Check results carefully since this has feature has not been validated.
***Error allocating memory for surface stress/strain extraction.
Call MSC.Software Corporation.
***Error:  There are no nodes in the model.
***Error reading the ".vec" file.
***Error:  There are more nodes in the ".vec" file than there are in the model.
This should not happen. Check the regions (groups) defined for the fatigue analysis.
Analyzers (FEFAT, PCRACK)
Only FES files with a revision level of 2.0 or greater are supported.
The jobname.fes file format changed after MSC.Fatigue version 1.0. Check to see that "File Revision = 2" in the ASCII format of jobname.fes file. Use FESTXT.
The number of load cases must be less than 40 and greater than zero.
This file contains one or more zero load values.
Something went wrong when defining the load cases. Redefine the job setup.
This file contains information for static load cases only. No damage will accumulate therefore processing is terminated. Static load cases are only allowed when mixed with dynamic load cases.
Make sure at least one load case has a load time history associated with it.
This file has an invalid analysis type. If you use the program FESTXT and examine the output file, the "Fatigue code" value in the header must be set to 1 for critical location analysis, 2 for component S-N analysis or 4 for material S-N analysis. Any other value is invalid.
Nodal strain data is only allowed in the "local strain" analysis. Stress data must be used for stress-life and critical location analyses.
The analysis type of this file is invalid. Only 0 for linear static and 1 for transient dynamic are allowed.
Check that the "Analysis Code = " either 0 or 1 for nodal data or 10 or 11 for elemental data in the ASCII form of the jobname.fes file. Use FEFAT.
Exiting due to lack of input.
Default not allowed.
Enter Yes or No !!
This is not a valid time history file.
Validate the DAC file using PTIME; check to see that there are cycles (peaks and valleys) in the file.
Maximum and minimum of this signal are the same. This file cannot be cycle counted.
There are no peaks and valleys in the time history.
The sample rate of all time histories must be identical.
Use PTIME to change the sample rate.
The number of values in all time histories must be identical.
Use PTIME graphical editor or X-Y point editor to adjust length of all P(t)s to be identical. This can be accomplished by just extending the length out to be identical.
The same time history cannot be used for different load cases.
Time history not found in database - run PTIME.
Incompatible loading type - run PTIME.
The load type is defined in the jobname.fes file for each load case. The load time history supplied must have the same load type as that expected by FEFAT. Load type can be changed using PTIME. In some cases, deleting the ptime.adb and ptime.mdb files and re-loading all the *.dac files in PTIME can clear this problem.
Incompatible units - run PTIME.
The unit type is defined in the jobname.fes file for each load case. The load time history supplied must have the same load type as that expected by FEFAT. Units can be changed using PTIME units conversion capability. In some cases, deleting the ptime.adb and ptime.mdb files and re-loading all the *.dac files in PTIME can clear this problem.
A value must be entered.
The number of fatigue equivalent units must be positive.
An unspecified error has occurred in the fef analyser.
Check executable and directory privileges and links/symbols. Try running directly from the system prompt.
An error has occurred loading the fatigue analyser.
Check executable and directory privileges and links/symbols. Try running directly from the system prompt.
A read/write error has occurred on either the input or output file.
Check directory and file privileges.
The fef analyser was unable to find one or more material data sets.
Check that material name exists in PFMAT databank and pfmat.adb file.
An calculation error occurred in the fatigue analyser.
Check scaling of inputs for realistic stress/strain values.
An error occurred calculating the surface finish stress concentration.
Check that the UTS value for the material is reasonable.
A linear elastic stress exceeds 1.0E10. This has been detected during the superposition calculation prior to calculating a combined strain parameter.
Check scaling of inputs for realistic stress-strain values.
An error has occurred opening the output file.
Check privileges.
An error has occurred opening a time history  file.
Check privileges. Does the DAC file exist; validate using PTIME.
An error has occurred initialising the rainflow count.
An error has occurred reading the time series data.
An error has occurred in the rainflow counting process.
An error has occurred accumulating the cycles for processing.
Warning - no turning points at this node.
There are no peaks or valleys in the load time history.
No reference nodes have been found in this file.
Check the jobname.fes file that the reference node/element is there. Use FEFAT.
Error writing nodal information to the fpp file.
Check privileges.
S-N data set not found - #
Check that material name exists in PFMAT databank and pfmat.adb file.
Unable to open database to read material #
Check privileges.
Unable to read or close database searching for material #
Check privileges.
Material not found - #
Check that material name exists in PFMAT databank and pfmat.adb file.
No strain data available for material #
Check that the appropriate dataset exist for the material.
Invalid or unknown Young’s Modulus or UTS for material #
Duplicate data sets found for material #
Delete one of them using the PFMAT delete option.
No component S-N data available for data set #
Check that the appropriate dataset exist for the material.
Unable to open database to read data set #
Unable to read or close database searching for data set #
Data set not found - #
Check that the appropriate dataset exist for the material.
No S-N data available for data set #
Check that the appropriate dataset exist for the material.
Invalid or unknown UTS for data set #
Duplicate data sets found for S-N data #
Error closing down rainflow count - Stack empty
Report to MSC.
Error closing down rainflow count - Failure in ZIP routine
Report to MSC.
Error closing down rainflow count - Too many cycles closed at once.
Report to MSC.
Error closing down rainflow count - Invalid stack
Report to MSC.
Error in preprocessor during input phase#
Check jobname.msg file.
Error during preprocessing - see message file for details#
Check jobname.msg file.
Unable to load fatigue analyser FEF#
Check jobname.msg file.
User abort of preprocessor. Job terminated.#
Check jobname.msg file.
An error has occurred setting up the tables for fatigue analysis.
Report to MSC.
Too many reference nodes have been specified. A maximum of 5 is allowed.
Only five (S-N) materials allowed; therefore, only five reference nodes/elements allowed.
Error calculating surface finish. Either UTS is unavailable, the surface file has not been found or the UTS is out of the allowed range.
Mean stress has exceeded fatigue strength coefficient (Sf'). Check your load case scaling.
Check scaling of inputs for realistic stress-strain values.
Error in fatigue analysis module during input phase#
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in processing during fatigue analysis - see .msg file#
Check jobname.msg file.
User abort of fatigue analysis - Job terminated.#
Check jobname.msg file.
This file is of an unknown analysis type. If you use the program FEFAT and examine the output file, the "Fatigue code" value in the header must be set to 3 for crack growth analysis. Any other value is invalid.
Nodal strain data is not allowed for crack growth analysis. Stress data must be used for this analysis.
Program FEFAT terminated by CNTRL-C, CNTRL-Y or abnormal exit.
Error in preprocessor during input phase#
Check jobname.msg file.
Error during preprocessing - see message file for details#
Check jobname.msg file.
Unable to load crack growth analyser PCRACK#
Check jobname.msg file.
User abort of preprocessing - Job terminated.#
Check jobname.msg file.
The specified environment was not found. The program will use the data for air then ask further questions which will enable the simulation of the change in environment.
This input file does not contain any tension stress cycles. It can therefore not be processed.
Cracks cannot grow if they are always experiencing crack closure.
The divisor in the KSN file is invalid.
No keyword found.
No value found.
Value is not a real number.
Error reading local material database.
Error reading central material database.
Material exists in the database, but there are no LEFM data sets associated with it.
No material entered. Program exiting.
The specified environment was not found. The program will use the data for air then ask further questions which will enable the simulation of the change in environment.
Unable to create toggle file correctly.  Please contact nCode International Ltd / MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation.
Notch depth and initial crack size cannot both be zero.
Notch depth must not exceed specimen thickness.
The material identity you have entered either does not exist in the materials data bank or there are no fracture mechanics data associated with this material name. 
To obtain a list of materials which have fracture mechanics data stored in the data bank, use the F3/List option.  To define new fracture mechanics data for this analysis only, select any valid material and edit the parameters on the next page.  To store fracture mechanics data in the materials databank permanently, use the materials data manager, PFMAT.
The material selected could not be found on the database !! Possible causes are: database corrupted, database changed while PCRACK was accessing it
The environment entered is not applicable to the material selected
An error occurred while Writing a Toggle File
Report to MSC.
An error occurred while Setting the Toggle File line length
Report to MSC.
Error in input phase of PCRACK (time history + k solution) #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in input phase of PCRACK (materials) #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in input phase of PCRACK (crack lengths) #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in input phase of PCRACK (notch details) #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in input phase of PCRACK (environment) #
Check jobname.msg file.
		Error in input phase of PCRACK (history effects) #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error opening input files for PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error opening output files for PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error in calculation of crack length #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error closing input files for PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error closing output files for PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error closing output files for PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Error writing session file in PCRACK #
Check jobname.msg file.
Analyzer FEVIB
A zero divide error has been encountered.
All the NUMERICAL EXECPTION ERROR errors occur during the fatigue calculations from the PSD. They typically occur if the PSD is full of zeros.
A numerical overflow error has been encountered.
Possible causes are :
Incorrect units defined on input PSD.
Incorrect calibration factor on 'Other' units.
A negative argument was passed to a square root function.
A zero or negative argument was passed to a logarithm function.
A negative value was raised to a real power.
#P20001 Not enough memory to run this FES file #
This message appears if a large FES file is used and there is not very much free memory available. FEVIB might be able to run the FES file if more memory is made available, either by adding memory or increasing the swap file size.
#P20002 Possibly not enough memory to run this FES file #
#P30002 Syntax error in file #
This occurs if the PMX file does not have a number on the first line.
#P30003 Incorrect number of load cases in #
The number of load cases in the PMX file is not equal to the number of load cases in the FES file.
#P30004 Number of loads out of range #
The number of load cases is either less than 1 or greater than 20.
#P30005 Keyword NONE cannot appear on diagonal of PMX matrix #
The PMX File can only have the word NONE on non-diagonal members. An example PMX file is:
s01.dac NONE NONE
NONE s02.dac NONE
NONE NONE s03.dac
#P30009 Cannot allocate enough memory #
The PSD file contains too many points. A smaller PSD file should be used. (PSD files are usually less than 10,000 points).
#P30010 Negative value in PSD file #
Values in the PSD must be greater than zero.