Functional Assignments > Introduction to Functional Assignment Tasks > 1.2 Naming Conventions
1.2 Naming Conventions
Since all Functional Assignments deal with named items or groups of items (sets or cases), it is important that users be aware of the conventions and restrictions that exist for names. These are summarized below.
Length - 1 to 31 characters
Permitted Characters - A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore, hyphen, period
Not Allowed - Spaces, parenthesis, brackets, commas, +, !, ?, =, etc.
Case Sensitive - Yes
It is recommended that the user provide names that describe the FA being created.
When a field is to be used as input to a databox, the field name must be preceded by “f:.” This identifies it as a field. Similarly, materials are preceded by “m:” when they are entered into element property databoxes.