Installation and Operations Guide > Installing the MSC.License Server > A.2 Installing the MSC.License Server Using a New UNIX Server
A.2 Installing the MSC.License Server Using a New
UNIX Server
Obtain a Patran License File for Your Server
To obtain a license file from MSC, you need to determine the hostid of the machine that will function as your license server. On Unix workstations the mscsetup utility obtains this information for you, or you can run the lmhostid utility:
# /msc/msc_licensing/bin/lmhostid
Use the mscsetup utility to create an Authorization Request form. Send this form to your MSC.Software Corporation sales representative to obtain your permanent license.
Place the License File on the Server
The mscsetup utility automatically installs the license.dat file if you provide it during installation.
If you have other FLEXlm products you will need to integrate the new Patran license. See Additional Documentation, 132 for documents that will provide instructions.
The license file may be located anywhere on your license server. MSC recommends locating it in /msc/flexlm/licenses/license.dat.
Clients with network-licensed MSC software installations are encouraged to employ the most recent versions of the FLEXlm and MSC licensing daemons (lmgrd,lmutil,msc). These binaries maintain downward compatibility, and regular upgrades are recommended, regardless of whether or not the current software application level requires the upgrade. Updates are available at:
or from the MSC external ftp site:
Check Paths and Server Names in the license.dat File
Check that the license.dat file for your installation contains the correct server and port settings.
Below is an example of a license file supplied by MSC:
------Begin File--------
# The authorization line length has necessitated display on multiple
# lines. A “\” is used to signify a line continuation. Please enter
# the codes exactly the way they are printed, including the “\”
# continuation character. The VENDOR_STRING field on a feature line must be
# entered on one line only, and must not span more than one line.
SERVER UNKNOWN 72767c4d 1700
DAEMON MSC /user_defined_path/msc
FEATURE PATRAN MSC 1997.0801 15-AUG-1997 5 5C22EC5AE79928E63033 \
				ISSUED=10-JUL-1997 ck=86 SN=12345678
FEATURE PA_ADVANCED_FEA MSC 1998.1201 24-APR-1998 600 CC0207085167EC550247 \
    VENDOR_STRING=BLV:120 ISSUED=24-APR-1997 SN=12345678
FEATURE PA_PATRAN MSC 1998.1201 24-APR-1998 390 ACA207581166B271A261 \
    VENDOR_STRING=BLV:78 ISSUED=24-APR-1997 SN=12345678
---------End File----------
The first 5 lines are comments. They can be removed or ignored.
On the 6th line, SERVER must be in all caps followed by the hostname, then the lmhostid, then the port the daemon will run on.
The hostname can be determined by typing “hostname” on the machine you wish to be your license server. Replace “UNKNOWN” on the SERVER line with this hostname.
Verify the lmhostid listed on the SERVER line by running “mscsetup id.” If the lmhostid is not correct, new codes must be generated. Contact your local MSC sales office.
The default port is defaulted to 1700 but can be any free port. If you don’t know what ports are free, use the default.
The 7th line is the DAEMON line.
DAEMON must be in all caps, followed by MSC which also must be in all CAPS. This is followed by the path to the msc vendor daemon executable which is in lower case.
The executable is found in the FLEXlm directory. If your installation directory is /msc/msc_licensing, then the executable is found in /msc/msc_licensing/flexlm/<arch>/msc where <arch> is machine dependent - either hpux, irix, solaris, aix, alpha (for Tru64 systems).
Here is an example of the changes needed to be made for the above file. In this example, the server name is kasane, the installation directory is /msc, and port 1700 is busy (1701 is free).
# The authorization line length has necessitated display on multiple
# lines. A “\” is used to signify a line continuation. Please enter
# the codes exactly the way they are printed, including the “\”
# continuation character.The VENDOR_STRING field on a feature line must be
# entered on one line only, and not span more than one line.
SERVER kasane 72767c4d 1701
DAEMON MSC /msc/flexlm/solaris/msc 
FEATURE PATRAN MSC 1997.0801 15-AUG-1997 5 5C22EC5AE79928E63033 \ 
ATIA,PT=PA_Euclid_3,PT=PA_Unigraphics,PT=PA_IGES \
         ISSUED=10-JUL-1997 ck=86 SN=12345678
FEATURE PA_ADVANCED_FEA MSC 1998.1201 24-APR-1998 600 CC0207085167EC550247 \
    VENDOR_STRING=BLV:120 ISSUED=24-APR-1997 SN=12345678
FEATURE PA_PATRAN MSC 1998.1201 24-APR-1998 390 ACA207581166B271A261 \
    VENDOR_STRING=BLV:78 ISSUED=24-APR-1997 SN=12345678
Start the Manager Daemons
On the license server, start the license manager daemon with the FLEXlm script. Do not execute this as root since it may create a security risk on your network.
% /msc/msc_licensing/bin/flexlm lmgrd
If the license.dat file is located in /msc/msc_licensing/flexlm/licenses, this script will start the following daemons:
lmgrd - the server daemon
msc - the vendor daemon
Set the lmgrd Daemon to Execute on Reboot
If you are installing using mscsetup on UNIX, the remaining steps should be done automatically.
Modify the /etc/inittab script to start the lmgrd daemon as a user (this is all one line):
msc1:23456:once:su username -c ’(umask 022; /msc/msc_licensing/bin/lmgrd -c <license_path> -l <log_file>)’
Where $P3_HOME is the actual installation location and license_path is the location of the license.dat file (i.e. /msc/msc_licensing/flexlm/licenses/license.dat), and log_file is the file to which the daemon will write messages.
Set Up Clients to Access the Floating License
You have two options for setting the file location on clients:
Make the license.dat file available on each client. The default location is: /msc/msc_licensing/flexlm/licenses/licenses.dat
Set the MSC_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to “<port>@<hostname>”. See Environment Variables, 50 for information on setting environment variables for Patran.