Installation and Operations Guide > Installing on UNIX and LINUX > 3.2 Silent Installation
3.2 Silent Installation
The Patran installation supports silent installations, which run in the background with no graphical interface or interaction with the desktop. Installations running in Silent mode rely on a preconfigured answer file to do the installation. Silent installations are generally used in a batch manner to facilitate installation on many machines on a network
Creating the Answer file
To create the answer file you need to run the Patran installation in normal (GUI) mode with a special switch which instructs the installation to record all of your answers in a specified answer file. The following example is for Linux. For other platforms use appropriate setup1 instead of setupLinux.bin
To build response file run installer with the following options:
Patran2010_Linux-x86 -options-record response-file-name 
(response file will be generated at the very end of the installer run)
Running the Silent mode installation
To run installation in silent mode use the
following command and specify the answer file in this manner:
Patran2010_Linux-x86 -silent -options  response-file-name

1 See the table in Creating a New Installation, 28 for the actual setup command for the platform of interest.