Laminate Modeler > Using MSC.Laminate Modeler > Element Library
Element Library
Standard shell elements define the surfaces used in the MSC.Laminate Modeler module. The standard Patran geometry and mesh generation commands can be used to create a valid model.
The elements in the Patran database are used to define the draping surface in addition to acting as analysis elements
Supported Element Topologies
Figure 3‑2 Element Types
After the laminate descriptions have been generated they are applied to the Finite Element model in a controlled manner. The user is allowed to select the type of element for the currently selected analysis preference.
Supported Element Types
1. Property selection and generation has been significantly enhanced from previous versions. MSC.Laminate Modeler is no longer restricted to generating the data for MSC’s own preferences. Any suitably customized database will allow the generation of the required laminate materials and properties.
2. Selection of the thermal composite elements is now possible because of the redesign.
3. SAMCEF is supported by writing an external file for inclusion into the BACON BANQUE file.
Supported Element Property Words
The routine for creating properties extracts the data from the database and compares it against values that are consistently used for the type of data required by MSC.Laminate Modeler.
The PROP_IDS that are recognized are:
Laminated material name generated by MSC.Laminate Modeler.
This will be set to 0.0. The Laminate materials are built to reflect the different relative angles.
This prop_id is used to allow the creation of additional reference coordinate frames. Users are prompted whether or not they wish to create the frames.
The property call is made reflecting the occurrence of this prop_id.
If the applicable data type for the prop_ids described is not available, then the MSC.Laminate Modeler cannot generate the required property cards.