Laminate Modeler > Using MSC.Laminate Modeler > Setting Options
Setting Options
Options for the display of graphical information in a viewport, and the export of manufacturing data, must be set before creating plies and layups.
Set Export Options Form
Flat Pattern Example
Figure 3‑8 Example Flat Pattern
The 2D flat pattern shape can be generated in different formats. The DXF format is typically used to drive nesting and cutting machines.
Note that the flat pattern shape does not indicate the edges of the fabric where the maximum strain value has been exceeded.
Set Display Options Form
Additional Forms Controlling Ply and Layup Graphics
Flat Pattern Display on Screen
Figure 3‑9 Flat Pattern Displayed on Screen
The flat pattern shape is displayed on the screen perpendicular to the application direction arrow. The variation that occurred between the draped fabric on the model and the undeformed fabric shape can
be seen.
Figure 3‑10 Flat Pattern Displayed for Surface with Split Definition