MSC Nastran Thermal > Getting Started - A Guided Exercise > 2.2 Objectives
2.2 Objectives
The objectives in this exercise are to:
Create a new database defined for MD Nastran thermal analysis.
Define geometry for a rectangular plate.
Mesh the structure with quadrilateral elements.
Modify the mesh.
Define the plate’s material as aluminum. Specify a thermal conductivity of 204 W/m-oC, specific heat of 896 J/kg-oC, and a density of 2707 kg/m3.
Define the plate’s thickness to be 0.1 m.
Clean up the display.
Apply a temperature of 50 oC to the bottom edge of the plate.
Apply heat flux of 5000 W/m2 to the right edge of the plate.
Apply to the left edge of the surface a convection boundary condition with heat transfer coefficient of 10.0 W/m2-oC and ambient temperature of 20 oC.
Perform a steady-state thermal analysis using MD Nastran within the Patran system.
Visualize the temperature distribution as a contour plot.