MSC Sinda > Properties > 2D Axisym Solid – [Axisym Coordsys]
2D Axisym Solid – [Axisym Coordsys]
MSC Sinda for Patran allows the user to use [Axisym Coordsys] to define an arbitrary rotation axis for a 2D Axisym model. The brackets [ ] here also indicate optional input. Regardless of how the coordinate system is rotated, the third axis is the designated axis of rotation. For rectangular coordinate system, it is Z axis.
The 2D model must be inside the X-Z plane of this coordinate system, and X 0. If the [Axisym Coordsys] is empty, then CID 0 will be the default and CID0.3 (Z axis) will be the rotation axis. During rotation, the Y coordinate will be ignored. If the 2D model is not inside X-Z plane of this CID, then the “projection” model will be created, which is not the desired result. These restrictions only apply to 2D elements with 2D Axisym property, not to the elements in the whole model.
Regarding [Material Orientation] and [Material Align Axis] for 2D axisym solid, the material orientation setting is the same as the normal 2D shell element, except that the material orientation will rotate by the axis 3 of [Axisym Coordsys]. However, since the model is always 2D in [Axisym Coordsys], the user never deals directly with this.