MSC Sinda > Loads and Boundary Conditions > Coupled Advection
Coupled Advection
Coupled Advection supports 1D, 2D or 3D target. It has 2 application regions. The application region can be 1D, 2D or 3D, and the companion region can be Nodal or 1D.
Coupled Advection is used to simulate the heat exchange between a fluid flow and a surface, a line or a group of nodes and a surface, depends on what kinds of 1D property applied to the 1D elements. The 1D companion region will be converted into nodes in the pat2sdb.exe. Unlike the 1D beam or rod, 1D air or fluid flow uses the 1D flow tube property, the nodal distance is not important for 1D flow. The distance from node to surface elements, or the position of the curve, is not important either. The fluid flow should flow over the whole surface evenly, not be pressed into a pipe (curve). The nearest neighbor method is used to determine the hook-up relations. A special one-way conductor is used for 1D flow. The one-way conductor is the mass flow rate (mass/time) multiplies specific heat (Cp), which has nothing to do with the nodal distance.
If the mass flow rate is positive, the flow direction is from the start point of the curve to the end point. For a 1D element, the flow direction is from the start node (node 1) to end node (node 2). The mass flow rate can be negative, which means the flow is in the reversed direction.
The coupled advection load does not support spatial fields. Like other convection loads, the advanced fluid material can be used for more complex convection situations. The “convection correlation lib” button is enabled when the “input material” option is chosen.