PCL and Customization > Broken, Obsolete, Modified and New Functions > Modifying the Database Using PCL (Chapter 7)
Modifying the Database Using PCL (Chapter 7)
Issue:Not specified in Patran.
Resolution:Removed the function decription from the documentation.
This function requires the same arguments as the add function.
Issue:Argument list changed.
Resolution:Updated the function listing in the body of the document.
Original Description Information:
( <load_id>, <category>, <targ_elem_dim>, <variable_label>, <variable_id>, <display_order>, <data_type>, <scal_or_vect>, <null_flag>, <norm_flag>, <graph_sym>, <connect_label>, <anchor>, <conflict_flag>, <display_type>, <eval_flag> )
The ID of this load type. This ID must have been previously defined.
Specifies what type of entities the LBC will eventually be evaluated at.
1 = Nodal.
2 = Element Uniform.
3 = Element Variable.
Specifies the dimensionality of the element the LBC will eventually be applied to.
1 = one dimensional.
2 = two dimensional.
3 = three dimensional.
Specifies the string associated with the variable’s data box (e.g. “Moment <M1 M2 M3>”). If no input data is to be specified, this label must be a blank string.
Specifies the id associated to this variable. Ids must be unique within each load type.
Specifies in what order this databox is to be displayed. Valid numbers are from 1 to n, where n is the number of variables defined for this load type.
Specifies the data type which is valid for this databox.
1 = integer.
3 = real/field to be evaluated by LBC
4 = character (not implemented).
5 = node id.
7 = field (not evaluated by LBC application).
If data type is real, specifies whether it is a scalar or vector quantity.
0 = scalar.
1 = vector.
Flag specifying whether blank components of a vector load are to be interpreted as zeroes (as with forces) or nulls (as with displacements):
0 = interpret blank components as zeroes.
1 = interpret blank components as nulls.
Specifies the positive direction for a local normal vector.
0 = local normal is not used.
1 = positive is into the body.
2 = positive is out of the body.
Specifies the graphic symbols to be used for this variable. The first element in this array specifies the symbol for the first application region, the second element specifies the symbol for the second application region. The third element is reserved for future use. The second element is not used unless two application regions are specified. Refer to Table 7‑1 for definition of the graphics symbols.
Specifies the label used to connect application regions. This specification applies to load types with multiple application regions only. The array elements have the following meaning:
0 = no connection is displayed between the application regions.
1 = a solid line is displayed connecting the application regions with the label specified in connect_label(2).
2 = no label is displayed.
3 = the LBC set name is used as the label.
7 = the variable’s Field name is used as the label.
Not implemented, set to zero.
Not implemented, set to zero.
Specifies the anchor style for vectors. The first element in this array specifies the anchor style for the first application region, the second element specifies the anchor style for the second application region. The third element is reserved for future use. The second element is not used unless two application regions are specified. The following anchor styles are available:
1= anchor at base.
2 = anchor at tip.
3 = anchor at middle.
Specifies whether conflicts for this variable should be resolved.
0= do not resolve conflicts.
1= resolve conflicts.
Specifies the display style to be used with the graph_sym parameters. The display style controls whether or not symbols and labels will be plotted for this variable. The ability to specify Lbc Set Name or Field Name as a label can also be specified here. The first element in this array specifies the display style for the first application region, the second element specifies the display style to be used with the second application region. The third element is reserved for future use. The second element is not used unless two application regions are specified.
0= no display.
1= marker with standard label (the variable quantity).
2= marker with no label.
3= marker with LBC set name label.
4= label only, no marker.
5= graphics symbol at node with node id (for node id data type only).
6= marker with constrained DOF and coordinate frame id label (for null flag = 1 only).
7= marker with Field name label.
Specifies which entities fields will be evaluated at. Used for load types with multiple application region only.
0= evaluate at entities in all application regions.
1= evaluate at entities in first application region only.
2= evaluate at entities in second application region only.
<Return Value>
Status return value. The value will be 0 if the routine is successful.
New Description Information:
( load_id, category, targ_elem_dim, variable_label, variable_id, display_order, data_type, scalar_or_vector, null_type, normal_direction, graph_symbol, connect_label, anchor, conflict_resolution, display_style, evaluation_location )
This function will assign input data variable definitions to a load type.
This value specifies the load type identifier. This identifier must reference an existing load type.
This value specifies the type of entities at which the loads and boundary conditions will be evaluated. This value can be set to 1 for nodal entities, 2 for uniform element entities, or 3 for variable element entities.
This value specifies the dimensionality of the element to which the load and boundary condition will be applied. This value can be set to 1 for one dimension, 2 for two dimensions, or 3 for three dimensions.
When the input value category is set to 1 for nodal entities, this value is not used because the dimensionality for nodes is undefined and this input value should be set to 0.
variable_label [31]
This value specifies the text that will be associated with the input value variable_id. This text will be used to label the display of the information associated with the input value variable_id. If input data is not specified for this load type then this value must be an empty string.
This value specifies the identifier for the variables associated with this load type. This identifier must be unique within each load type.
This value specifies the order in which variables associated with this load type would be displayed in a data box. This value can range from 1 to the number of variables associated with the identifier specified by the input variable variable_id.
This value specifies the data type for the variables associated with the input value variable_id. This value can be set to 1 for integers, 3 for real or field values evaluated by the loads and boundary conditions, 5 for a node identifier, or 7 for a field that is not evaluated by the loads and boundary conditions.
This value specifies when set to 0 that the data type is a scalar value or when set to 1 that the data type is a vector value.
This value is used only if the input argument data_type is set to 3 for real or field values evaluated by the loads and boundary conditions.
This value specifies, when set to 0, that blank components of a vector load are to be interpreted as zeros, as with forces. When this value is set to 1, blank components of a vector load will be interpreted as nulls, as with displacements.
This value specifies, when set to 0 that a local normal is not used. When this value is set to 1, the positive direction for a local normal vector will be into the body. When this value is set to 2, the positive direction for a local normal will be out of the body.
This value specifies the graphic symbols to be used for the variable assigned to the load type. The first array element specifies the symbol for the first application region, the second element the symbol for the second application region, and the third element is reserved for future use. The second element is not used unless two application regions are specified. Refer to Table 7‑1 for the definitions of the graphic symbols that can be used with this value.
This value specifies the label used to connect the application regions. This value applies to load types with multiple application regions only.
The first array element can be set to 0 to specify that no connection is displayed between the application regions or 1 to specify that a solid line is displayed connecting the application regions with the label specified in the second array element of this input value.
The second array element can be set to 2 to specify that a label is not displayed, 3 to specify that the load and boundary condition set name is used as a label, or 7 to indicate that the variable field name is to be used as a label.
The third array element should always be set to 0 and is reserved for future use.
The fourth array element is reserved for future use.
This value specifies the anchor style for vectors.
The first array element specifies the anchor style for the first application region.
The second array element specifies the anchor style for the second application region.
The third array element is reserved for future use.
The following anchor style values are available: 1 to anchor at the vector base, 2 to anchor at the vector tip, and 3 to anchor at the middle of the vector.
This value specifies, when set to 0, that variable conflicts will not be resolved. Setting this value to 1 will allow variable conflicts to be resolved.
This value specifies the display style that will be used to display the values specified with the input argument graph_symbol. The display style controls the use of symbols and labels plotted with the variable definitions.
This value can be used to specify the use of the loads and boundary condition set name or field name that can be displayed as a label.
The first array element specifies the display style for the first application region.
The second array element specifies the display style for the second application region and is used only if two application regions are specified.
The third array element is reserved for future use.
The following display style values can be used: 0 for no display, 1 for a display with markers with standard or variable quantity labels, 2 for a display with no marker labels, 3 for a display with markers with loads and boundary condition set name labels, 4 for a display with labels with no markers, 5 for a display with a graphics symbol at the node with the node id, 6 for a display with markers with constrained degree of freedom and coordinate frame id labels, or 7 for a display with markers with field name labels.
A display style value of 5 can be used with an input value data_type that specifies node identifiers only. A display style value of 6 can be used with a null_type input value of 1 only.
This value specifies the application regions at which entity fields will be evaluated. This value is used only with load types that specify multiple application regions. The following values can be used: 0 to evaluate the entity fields in all application regions, 1 to evaluate the entity fields in the first application region, or 2 to evaluate the entity fields in the second application region.
<Return Value>
This function returns a value of 0 when executed successfully and a non zero value to indicate a change in status or an error.
Error Conditions:
This function should be called only for new load types. Existing load types will already have an input data definition assigned.