PCL and Customization > Accessing the Patran Database > Syntax of Documented Calls
Syntax of Documented Calls
The PCL functions described in this chapter can be called from PCL, FORTRAN and C, unless otherwise noted. Typically, only the PCL syntax of the call will be documented. The name of the FORTRAN call can be derived from the PCL name by simply capitalizing the entire name. The name of the C call can be derived by capitalizing the first letter of each word in the name and removing all underscores. For example, if a function is documented as the PCL function db_get_group_id(), then the FORTRAN call name would be DB_GET_GROUP_ID() and the C call name would be DbGetGroupId(). Sometimes, there are slight differences between the PCL calls and their FORTRAN and C equivalents. Whenever the FORTRAN or C calls cannot be derived from the PCL call by using the rules stated above, the syntax of the actual C or FORTRAN call will be listed in addition to the PCL syntax. For example, the “Db” prefix in many C calls is followed by a capital F to signify that the function contains no C specific data types such as C pointers or structures. Such a function is db_count_nodes() and it would be documented as follows.
This function will count the number of nodes in the database.
This value will return the number of nodes defined in the database.
<Return Value>
This function returns a value of 0 when executed successfully and a non zero value to indicate a change in status or an error.
Error Conditions:
The FORTRAN call name for this function is DB_COUNT_NODES().
The C call name is DbFCountNodes() and has the following prototype:
int DbFCountNodes ( int * number_nodes );