Patran Users Guide > Introduction > A First Look at Patran
A First Look at Patran
Patran lets you manage and carry out several phases of the VPD process in one place. It is a product design model builder, an environment simulator, a finite element analysis manager, and a numerical results interpreter all in one. You can use Patran by itself to complete all of your simulation tasks, or you can use it in conjunction with other CAD software, modeling packages, and analysis codes.
Before you embark on learning to use Patran, briefly look behind the scenes. Understanding how Patran is put together makes it easier to apply its many capabilities.
Five key features form the foundation for Patran and a unique infrastructure, linking these features, gives Patran power and versatility.
Task Interface
The Task Interface is what you see on the screen when you use Patran. The interface includes menus and toolbars for using tools and applications, forms for inputting data, icons for showing the status of operations, and viewports for rendering computer models. The interface provides access to all the functions and capabilities of Patran.
Tools and Applications
The Tools and Applications are the mainstay of Patran. Tools help you carry out tasks inside Patran. There are literally hundreds of tools that help you create product simulations, set up analysis cases, and compile the analysis results. Many of the tools automate repetitive tasks that could take hundreds of hours if performed manually. Other tools are in place to check for errors or to signal you in case of inconsistencies. Application modules perform larger, more specialized tasks, often outside Patran. You use application modules to conduct the finite element analysis. Together the tools and applications help you carry out the simulation project.
Data Management
An important feature of the Patran infrastructure is the integrated database system. All of the information about your model and any analyses are stored here. This means you always have a complete history of your simulation project and a convenient means for partitioning the model into parts, comparing models, studying design changes, and evaluating compound effects of the environment.
A Link to Other Software
Another important attribute of Patran is its open architecture. With open data exchange you can share information with a variety of sources and software programs, including leading CAD systems, FEA codes, specialized modeling and graphics programs, and material and product knowledge databases. Using different software programs for different phases of the simulation process adds versatility. It also increases productivity since data and models created by one program can simply be brought into Patran with little or no time wasted in data conversion.