Patran Users Guide > Loads and Boundary Conditions > Defining Load Cases
Defining Load Cases
The Load Cases application enables you to combine a large number of individual loads and boundary condition (LBCs) sets into a single coherent case for application to the model. Each load case you create has a unique user-selected descriptive name as well as an associated descriptive statement. Load case information is permanently stored in the database (unless deleted). You can modify it at any time.
The Load Cases Application Form
Even if you do not create any load cases, your load and boundary conditions will still be placed into a default current load case, named “default.” If you create a special load case and make it the current load case, then all subsequent LBCs will be placed in that load case as long as it is current. Load cases in which none of the constituent loads or boundary conditions sets has a time varying component are called static load cases. Load cases in which one or more of the loads and boundary conditions sets has a time varying component are called time-dependent, or dynamic load cases.
To use the Load Case Application form:
1. Select Load Cases from the Patran Main form.
The Load Cases application form appears in your viewport.
2. Select an Action from the top of the application form.
Note that only the Action option is available on this application form. The rest of the form varies depending on the action you select.
A list of Action follows.
You may select the following actions on the Load Cases form: Create, Modify, Delete, Show, and Assign/Prioritize.
Action Descriptions
Create new load cases either from scratch or by modifying existing load cases.
Modify existing load cases to change the name, type, description, and the Loads/BCs sets included. You can also change the definition of the current load case.
Delete load cases from the database; you may also delete Loads/BCs sets associated with deleted load cases if desired.
Show information about all the load cases in the database. For each load case, display the name, type, description, and list the constituent Loads/BCs sets. Indicate which load case is the current one.
Assign/Prioritize Load/BCs
Assign particular Loads/BCs sets to a load case. Resolves potential conflicts between Loads/BCs set types within a given load case. Assigns scale factors to the load case and to the Loads/BCs sets in the load case.
Sample Load Cases Form
The following form shows the Create action, that creates new load cases, either from scratch or by modification of existing load cases. Each new load case is given a unique name, type (static or time-dependent), and description. You can also assign loads and boundary conditions sets to it. You can set the new load case as the current load case, if desired. All new LBCs that you create are placed in the current load case.
Limit the display of existing load cases by specifying a filter requirement for the load case name of one or more characters.
Existing Load Cases
All load cases in the database appear in this table. You may wish to select a case to modify into a new case.
Load Case Name
The name of a selected case (if any) appears here.
Make Current
Toggles this button ON to make the current load case.
Load Case Type
Selects the load case type (static or time-dependent).
Inputs a load case description (up to 256 characters). It is important to do it now to have a listing later.
Assign/Prioritize Load/BCs
Assigns Load/BCs sets to the Load Case. Modifies the default priority. The default priority is Add (i.e., if a conflict arises then add Load/BCs values together). Sets scale factors for the Load Case and Load/BCs sets in the Load Case.