Results Postprocessing > Fringe Plots > 5.2 Target Entities
5.2 Target Entities
Fringe plots can be displayed on various model entities. By default fringe plots are displayed on all free faces of everything displayed in the current viewport. To change target entity selection for fringe plots, press the Target Entities selection button with the Object set to Fringe.
Toggles the form to select target display entities for fringe plots.
The following table describes in detail to which entities fringe plots can be targeted. Fringe plots can only be plotted onto elements or surfaces of elements.
Current Viewport
By default fringe plots are displayed on all finite element entities displayed in the currently active viewport. The only exception to this is when layered results exist and are associated to only certain element types. Then only those elements will display the fringe plot.
Individual elements may be selected on which to display the fringe plot. You may type in any element numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). To select all elements use the syntax “Elem 1:#.”
Fringe plots can be limited to only selected groups. A selected group or groups must have elements in them otherwise the plot will not appear. A listbox allows selection of the group(s) to which the fringe plot will be applied. This is handy in that the same finite element entities can belong to multiple groups. Only those groups selected will be displayed with a fringe plot while all other non-selected groups will remain unaffected and retain their own display attributes.
Fringe plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the materials for whose elements will be targeted for a fringe display.
Fringe plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the properties for whose elements will be targeted for a fringe display.
Element Types
Fringe plots can be limited to only certain element types also.
In addition to targeting the above entities for a fringe plot, the fringe plot can be isolated to attributes of the entities as described in the following table:
Free Faces
By default all free faces of the target entities will display the fringe plot.
The fringe display will be plotted on all faces of every element for the target entities.
Free Edges
This will display a fringe plot on the edges that only have one common element. This results in a 1D line or edge type fringe as opposed to a 2D surface display and will generally give you the outline of your model.
This will display a fringe plot on all the edges of every element. This results in a 1D wireframe fringe type plot as opposed to a 2D surface display.
Target Deformations
By default, fringe plots that are to be displayed on the deformed shape will be displayed on all deformation plots posted. You can select which deformation plots to target the fringe plot to by selecting deformation plots form this listbox. This listbox will only appear when more than one deformation plot exists and is posted.
Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the fringe plot until the user physically changes it.