Tutorial Toolkit Code Examples > User Interface > Introduction
This chapter provides code examples for the PCL function described in Volume 1. These examples are designed so that they can be cut and pasted into a file and, by following the instructions listed with each example, executed in MSC Patran.
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of three calls to 
#                      the function app_count_list()
#                      A list containing 6 points, 4 curves and
#                      25 nodes is passed to the function. In the
#                      first call, list processor is asked to count
#                      the number of points in the list. In the 
#                      second call, it is asked to count the number
#                      of curves and in the final call, it is asked
#                      to count the number of nodes in the list.
#                      Before running this file the database should be
#                      created by running the session file “cube.ses”
#                      To run this session file, first start
#                      a session of MSC Patran,then run this session
#                      file by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  app_count_list
#     ( type
#       list
#       domesg
#       status )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_type,i_status
STRING  s_list[128]
LOGICAL l_domesg
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
# opening the existing database cube.db
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_POINT. List 
#  processor will count the  points in the input list.
#  The relevant integer value for the particular item type can be 
#  found in file “lpenums.i”
i_type = 4          /* For LP_SUBLIST_POINT from “lpenums.i” */
s_list = “Node 1:25 Point 1:6 Curve 1:4”
l_domesg = TRUE
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of points in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Observe number of points dumped and press 
#  “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_CURVE. List
#  processor will count the number of curves in the list supplied.
i_type = 8   /* For LP_SUBLIST_CURVE from “lpenums.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of curves in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Observe number of curves dumped and press 
#  “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_NODE. List
#  processor will count the number of NODES in the list supplied.
i_type = 512   /* For LP_SUBLIST_NODE from “lpenums.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of nodes in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Observe number of curves dumped. 
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of three calls to
#                      the function app_count_list()
#                      A list containing 6 points, 4 curves and
#                      25 nodes is passed to the function. In the
#                      first call, list processor is asked to count
#                      the number of points in the list. In the
#                      second call, it is asked to count the number
#                      of curves and in the final call, it is asked
#                      to count the number of nodes in the list.
#                      Before running this file the database should be
#                      created by running the session file “cube.ses”
#                      To run this session file, first start
#                      a session of MSC Patran,then run this session
#                      file by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  app_count_string
#     ( type
#       list
#       domesg
#       status )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_type,i_status
STRING  s_list[128]
LOGICAL l_domesg
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
# opening the existing database cube.db
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_POINT. List
#  processor will count the  points in the input list.
#  The relevant integer value for the particular item type can be
#  found in file “lpenums.i”
i_type = 4          /* For LP_SUBLIST_POINT from “lpenums.i” */
s_list = “Node 1:25 Point 1:6 Curve 1:4”
l_domesg = TRUE
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of points in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Observe number of points dumped and press
#  “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_CURVE. List
#  processor will count the number of curves in the list supplied.
i_type = 8   /* For LP_SUBLIST_CURVE from “lpenums.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of curves in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Observe number of curves dumped and press
#  “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with item type LP_SUBLIST_NODE. List
#  processor will count the number of NODES in the list supplied.
i_type = 512   /* For LP_SUBLIST_NODE from “lpenums.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_count_list                                   @
      ( i_type,                                     @
        s_list,                                     @
        l_domesg,                                   @
        i_status )
#  Checking the status(Success) of List processor
dump i_status
#  The number of nodes in the in put list(i.e)s_list
dump i_return_value
#  Observe number of curves dumped.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function app_db_err_msg()
#                      In this file, a standard error message code
#                      is used. The app_db_err_msg() function  
#                      will show a error message form upon being 
#                      called with this error code.
#                      To run this session file,start a session of
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  app_db_err_msg
#     ( msgcode
#       ints
#       reals
#       chars
#       string )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
LOGICAL l_domesg
STRING  s_db_routine[64], s_caller[64]
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function with db_routine=db_get_pref(), status code
#  13000088 and id=DISPLAYMETHOD. Id of the item causing error can be
#  found in the file “P3_HOME/customization/pref_names.i”. In this 
#  file, DISPLAYMETHOD has been defined a value of 501.
#  ( When db_get_pref() is called with pref_id=DISPLAYMETHOD, if
#    preference is not found, then MSC Patran gives the return value of
#    13000088. Refer Chapter 16,Section 16.1 of MSC Develop Manual
#    for db_get_pref() function )
l_domesg = TRUE
s_db_routine = “db_get_pref”
s_caller = “uil_primary.default_graphics”  
i_status = 13000088     /* return value of db_get_pref() */
DISPLAYMETHOD = 501     /* from “pref_names.i” */
app_db_err_msg                                   @
   ( l_domesg,                                   @
     s_db_routine,                               @
     s_caller,                                   @
     i_status,                                   @
     i_id )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of three calls to 
#                      the function app_ids_to_vstring()
#                      A id array containing 4 ids is passed to the
#                      function. In the first call to the function,
#                      LpCURVE is selected as the list processor
#                      type. In the subsequent calls, LpLINE and 
#                      LpSURFACE is selected as List processor type.
#                      List processor will process the input array
#                      and output a string according to its type.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  app_ids_to_vstring
#     ( idarray
#       numval
#       type
#       appstr )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_idarray(4)=[1, 2, 3, 5] /* 4 id values supplied as input */
INTEGER i_numval,i_type
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with List Processor type LpCURVE. List 
#  processor will consider input idarray as array of Curve ids.
#  The relevant integer value for the particular List Processor type
#  can be found in file “lpkeywords.i”
i_numval=4               /* Number of id values supplied */
i_type = 3               /* For LpCURVE from “lpkeywords.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_ids_to_vstring                               @
      ( i_idarray,                                  @
        i_numval,                                   @
        i_type,                                     @
        s_appstr )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_appstr
#  Session file paused. Observe the string created by List Processor
#  and press “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with List Processor type LpLINE. List 
#  processor will consider input idarray as array of Line ids.
i_type = 4            /* For LpLINE from “lpkeywords.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_ids_to_vstring                               @
      ( i_idarray,                                  @
        i_numval,                                   @
        i_type,                                     @
        s_appstr )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_appstr
#  Session file paused. Observe the string created by List Processor
#  and press “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with List Processor type LpSURFACE. List 
#  processor will consider input idarray as array of Surface ids.
i_type = 5            /* For LpSURFACE from “lpkeywords.i” */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_ids_to_vstring                               @
      ( i_idarray,                                  @
        i_numval,                                   @
        i_type,                                     @
        s_appstr )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_appstr
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of two calls to 
#                      the function app_int_array_to_vstring()
#                      A id array containing 4 ids is passed to the
#                      function. In the first call to the function,
#                      “Point” is sent as prefix. In the second call
#                      to the function,”Line” is sent as prefix. The
#                      list processor will prepend this prefix to the
#                      id array and create the output string.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  app_int_array_to_vstring
#     ( prefix
#       numval
#       inlist
#       virtsym )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
STRING  s_prefix[8]
INTEGER i_inlist(4)=[1, 2, 3, 4] /* 4 id values supplied as input */
INTEGER i_numval
STRING  s_virtsym[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with prefix = “Point”
i_numval=4               /* Number of id values supplied */
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_int_array_to_vstring                         @
      ( s_prefix,                                   @
        i_numval,                                   @
        i_inlist,                                   @
        s_virtsym )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_virtsym
#  Session file paused. Observe the string created by List Processor
#  and press “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with prefix = “Line”
i_return_value =                                    @
   app_int_array_to_vstring                         @
      ( s_prefix,                                   @
        i_numval,                                   @
        i_inlist,                                   @
        s_virtsym )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_virtsym
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function appcode()
#                      In this example, an error code 1000001 has 
#                      been passed as argument. The function returns
#                      1000000 showing that the error occured from
#                      application 1000000 (i.e ASM)
#                      To run this session file,first start
#                      a session of MSC Patran,open a database or
#                      start a new database,then run this session
#                      file by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  appcode
#     ( status )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_status = 1000001
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
i_return_value =                                 @
   appcode                                       @
      ( i_status )
dump i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function asm_u_coord_global_to_local()
#                      This function transforms points from global
#                      coordinates to a local coordinate frame.
#                      This file transforms a given point from
#                      global coordinates to local coordinates.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, and running this session file 
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function asm_u_coord_global_to_local()
#  has the following arguments:
#  asm_u_coord_global_to_local
#     (  p,
#        t,
#        r,
#        itype,
#        npts )
#  Variable Declarations
REAL     ra_p(3) = [2, 3, 0]
REAL     ra_t(3) = [1, 1, 1]
REAL     ra_r(9) = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
INTEGER  i_itype
INTEGER  i_npts
#  Setting the preference to MSC.Nastran.
       uil_pref_analysis.set_analysis_pref( "MSC.Nastran",    @
                                   "Structural",              @
                                   "",                        @
                                   ".op2" )
#  The rotation matrix interchanges the x and y axis of the
#  present coordinate system to get the local coordinate system.
#  i_itype = 1 (rectangular coordinate frame )
i_itype = 1
i_npts = 1
i_npts = 1
asm_u_coord_global_to_local                       @
   (  ra_p,                                       @
      ra_t,                                       @
      ra_r,                                       @
      i_itype,                                    @
      i_npts )
#  The local coordinates of the points
dump ra_p
#  Closes the Patran Environment
#  End of File.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function asm_u_lp_get_entity_label()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function asm_u_lp_get_entity_label() has the following
#  arguments:
#  asm_u_lp_get_entity_label
#     (  label_handle,
#        list,
#        last_supplied_label,
#        domesg,
#        label,
#        status )
#  Variable Declarations
INTEGER  i_label_handle
STRING   s_list[128]
LOGICAL  l_last_supplied_label,l_domesg
INTEGER  i_label, i_status
INTEGER  i_method,i_count
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Call lp_eval() to initialize the list processor with
#  LP_EVAL_FOR_TOKENS as evaluation method.
s_list   = “10 2.345 6 9.455”
#    Use the LP_EVAL_FOR_TOKENS evaluation method.
#    from lpenum.i for LP_EVAL_FOR_TOKENS
i_method = 3
i_return_value =  lp_eval(s_list, i_method, i_label_handle)
dump i_return_value
l_last_supplied_label   =  FALSE
l_domesg                =  TRUE
i_count                 =  0
WHILE ((i_return_value == 0) && (i_count < 4))
   asm_u_lp_get_entity_label                   @
     (i_label_handle,                          @
      s_list,                                  @
      l_last_supplied_label,                   @
      l_domesg,                                @
      i_label,                                 @
   dump i_count
   dump i_status
   dump i_label
   write (“ “)
   i_count = i_count + 1
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of two calls to 
#                      the function asm_u_lp_get_point()
#                      This file will open a new database and creates
#                      a point in it. Then, it calls  the function
#                      asm_u_lp_get_point() to get the coordinates of
#                      the created point.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  asm_u_lp_get_point
#     ( point_list
#       do_message
#       point_coords
#       status )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
STRING  s_point_list[32]
LOGICAL l_do_message
REAL    r_point_coords(3)
INTEGER i_status
STRING  asm_create_grid_xyz_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Open a new database. Creating FOUR points by calling the function 
#  asm_const_grid_xyz(). Function assigns default id numbers to the 
#  created points.
$? YES 36000002
asm_const_grid_xyz                                  @
   ( ““,                                            @
     “[5 10 0]”,                                    @
     “Coord 0”,                                     @
     asm_create_grid_xyz_created_ids )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function with point_list=”Point 1” to get the coordinates
#  of the point 1.
s_point_list=”Point 1”
asm_u_lp_get_point                                  @
   ( s_point_list,                                  @
     l_do_message,                                  @
     r_point_coords,                                @
     i_status )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_status
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump r_point_coords
#  Observe the coordinates given by List Processor.
#  Session file paused.Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Closing the database..
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function asm_u_lp_get_vector()
#                      This file will open a new database and create a
#                      vector in it.Then it calls asm_u_lp_get_vector
#                      to get the coordinates of the  vector.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  asm_u_lp_get_vector
#     ( vector
#       do_message
#       vector_coords
#       status )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
STRING  s_vector[32]
LOGICAL l_do_message
REAL    r_vector_coords(3)
INTEGER i_status
STRING  sgm_create_vector_m_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Open a new database. Create a VECTOR by calling the function 
#  sgm_const_vector_magnitude().
$? YES 36000002
sgm_const_vector_magnitude                         @
   ( “1”,                                          @
     “1.0”,                                        @
     “<4 2 4>”,                                    @
     “[0 0 0]”,                                    @
     “Coord 0”,                                    @
     sgm_create_vector_m_created_ids )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function with vector list “Vector 1” to get the 
#  coordinates of the Vector 1.
s_vector=”Vector 1”
asm_u_lp_get_vector                                @
   ( s_vector,                                     @
     l_do_message,                                 @
     r_vector_coords,                              @
     i_status )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_status
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump r_vector_coords
#  Observe the coordinates given by List Processor.
#  Close the database.
#  Free the memory of virtual array.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to 
#                      the function lp_eval_cleanup()
#                      A simple list processor operation is selected
#                      to see when lp_eval_cleanup() should be called.
#                      First, list processor is initialized by calling
#                      the function lp_eval(). A small list is passed
#                      to the list processor. Number of Points and
#                      number of Nodes are counted by calling the 
#                      function lp_sublist_count(). Finally,memory
#                      occupied by list processor is freed by calling
#                      lp_eval_cleanup()
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  lp_eval_cleanup
#     ( handle )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_handle, i_count
INTEGER i_method, i_filter
STRING  s_list[32]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Initializing List Processor to process a List.
s_list=”Point 1 3 5 8 9 Node 1:10”  /* Input list */
i_method=4          /* from lpenums.i for LP_EVAL_FOR_ID */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_eval                                          @
      ( s_list,                                     @
        i_method,                                   @
        i_handle )
#  Count the number of points in the input list by calling the
#  function lp_sublist_count(). This function requires a filter to
#  evaluate the list.To count the points LP_SUBLIST_POINT is selected
#  as the filter.
i_filter=4    /* from lpenums.i for LP_SUBLIST_POINT */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_sublist_count                                 @
      ( i_handle,                                   @
        i_filter,                                   @
        i_count )
#  The number of Points in the input list is
dump i_count
#  Count the number of Nodes in the input list by calling the
#  function lp_sublist_count(). This function requires a filter to
#  evaluate the list.To count the Nodes LP_SUBLIST_NODE is selected
#  as the filter.
i_filter=512    /* from lpenums.i for LP_SUBLIST_NODE */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_sublist_count                                 @
      ( i_handle,                                   @
        i_filter,                                   @
        i_count )
#  The number of Nodes in the input list is
dump i_count
#  After finishing the list processor operations, memory should be 
#  freed by calling  lp_eval_cleanup().
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_eval_cleanup                                  @
      ( i_handle )
#  Checking the success of function
dump i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of two calls to 
#                      the function lp_geometry_text()
#                      In the first call to the function,POINT is
#                      selected as the geometry type. In the next
#                      call, GRID is selected as geometry type.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  lp_geometry_text
#     ( geo_keyword,
#       geo_id_count,
#       geo_id_list,
#       text_len_max,
#       text )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_geo_keyword
INTEGER i_geo_id_list(4)=[1, 2, 3, 4] 
INTEGER i_geo_id_count
INTEGER i_text_len_max
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with geometry type “Point”. geo_keyword for 
#  point from “lpkeywords.i” is 1.
i_geo_keyword=1          /* from lpkeywords.i for LpPOINT */
i_geo_id_count=4         /* Number of id values supplied */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_geometry_text                                 @
      ( i_geo_keyword,                              @
        i_geo_id_count,                             @
        i_geo_id_list,                              @
        i_text_len_max,                             @
        s_text )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_text
#  Session file paused. Observe the string created by List Processor
#  and press “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with geometry type “Grid”. “geo_keyword” for 
#  point from “lpkeywords.i” is 2.
i_geo_keyword=2          /* from lpkeywords.i for LpGRID */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_geometry_text                                 @
      ( i_geo_keyword,                              @
        i_geo_id_count,                             @
        i_geo_id_list,                              @
        i_text_len_max,                             @
        s_text )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_text
#  Observe the string created by List Processor
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of two calls to 
#                      the function lp_keyword_text()
#                      In the first call to the function,LpPOINT 
#                      is selected as the Keyword and LpGEOMETRY is
#                      selected as Family. In the second call,
#                      LpNODE is selected as Keyword and 
#                      LpFINITE_ELEMENT is selected as Family.
#                      The function gives the keyword which MSC Patran
#                      uses to describe the entity.
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of 
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu 
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  lp_keyword_text
#     ( keyword,
#       family,
#       text )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_keyword
INTEGER i_family
STRING  s_text[32]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with family “LpGEOMETRY” and keyword “LpPOINT”
#  Both from “lpkeywords.i” 
i_keyword=1          /* from lpkeywords.i for LpPOINT */
i_family =3          /* from lpkeywords.i for LpGEOMETRY */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_keyword_text                                  @
      ( i_keyword,                                  @
        i_family,                                   @
        s_text )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_text
#  Session file paused. Observe the string created by List Processor
#  and press “Resume” to continue.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Calling the function with family “LpFINITE_ELEMENT” and keyword
#  “LpNODE”.  Both from “lpkeywords.i” 
i_keyword=1          /* from lpkeywords.i for LpNODE */
i_family =4         /* from lpkeywords.i for LpFINITE_ELEMENT */
i_return_value =                                    @
   lp_keyword_text                                  @
      ( i_keyword,                                  @
        i_family,                                   @
        s_text )
#  Checking the success of the command
dump i_return_value
#  Dumping the string created by the List Processor
dump s_text
#  Observe the string created by List Processor
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of two calls to the
#                      function msg_format_string()
#                      In the first call to the function, standard
#                      MSC Patran message has been called. In the second
#                      call to the function, an user message has been
#                      called from the file “user_message.database”.
#                      To run this session file, first place the file
#                      “user_messages.database” in the MSC Patran path,
#                      preferably in the current directory.
#                      Start a session of MSC Patran, run the session
#                      file by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  msg_format_string
#     ( msgcode
#       ints
#       reals
#       chars
#       string )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_msgcode,i_ints(1)
REAL    r_reals(1)
STRING  s_chars[128],s_op_string[128]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the standard MSC Patran message(from messages.database)
#  To know the message related to i_msgcode, call msg_get_string()
#  as follows.
#  i_msgcode=36000003   (From utility FILE)
dump s_op_string
#  Session file paused. Observe the string and press “Resume” to
#  continue.
#  Now format the message.
#  i_ints(1)=0
#  r_reals(1)=0.0
#  s_chars=”new.db”
i_return_value =                                  @
   msg_format_string                              @
      ( i_msgcode,                                @
        i_ints,                                   @
        r_reals,                                  @
        s_chars,                                  @
        s_op_string )
dump i_return_value
dump s_op_string
#  Compare this formatted output with the previous one.
#  Press “Resume” to continue session file.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the user message  from user_message.database
#  Again to know the message related to i_msgcode, call
#  msg_get_string()  as follows.
#  i_msgcode=1000000001
dump s_op_string
#  Session file paused. Observe the string and press “Resume” to
#  continue.
#  Now format the message.
#  i_ints(1)=10
#  r_reals(1)=10.0
#  s_chars=”new.db”
i_return_value =                                  @
   msg_format_string                              @
      ( i_msgcode,                                @
        i_ints,                                   @
        r_reals,                                  @
        s_chars,                                  @
        s_op_string )
dump i_return_value
dump s_op_string
#  Compare this formatted output with the previous one.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function msg_get_application()
#                      In this example, a message code 36000001 has 
#                      been passed as argument. The function returns
#                      36000000 showing that the message occured from
#                      application 36000000 (i.e FILE)
#                      To run this session file,select “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the menu
#                      bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  msg_get_application
#     ( msgcode )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_msgcode = 36000001
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
i_return_value =                                             @
   msg_get_application                                       @
      ( i_msgcode )
dump i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function msg_string_more()
#                      The call to the function uses standard MSC Patran
#                      messages from the file “messages.database”
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play”pulldown menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  msg_string_more
#     ( string )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_msgcode,i_msgtype,i_appcode,i_ints(1)
REAL    r_reals(1)
STRING  s_chars[128],s_op_string[128]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the message  with msg_code=36000001 from the messages.database 
#  Format the message using the following parameters. 
#  i_msgcode=36000001
#  i_msgtype=4    ( value 4 stands for error message )
#  i_appcode=36000000
#  i_ints(1)=0
#  r_reals(1)=0.0
#  s_chars=”new.db”
#  To see what message is there for msg_code=36000001 call
#  msg_to_form() function. It displays the message.Note the 
#  message and Press O.K to proceed.
msg_to_form                                       @
   ( i_msgcode,                                   @
     i_msgtype,                                   @
     i_appcode,                                   @
     i_ints,                                      @
     r_reals,                                     @
     s_chars )
i_return_value =                                  @
   msg_to_string                                  @
      ( i_msgcode,                                @
        i_msgtype,                                @
        i_appcode,                                @
        i_ints,                                   @
        r_reals,                                  @
        s_chars,                                  @
        s_op_string )
dump i_return_value
dump s_op_string
#  Compare this output with the message form displayed earlier.
#  Also note that the return value shows the number of characters 
#  left in the string. To get it, call the function msg_string_more().
#  Dump the string to see the string.
WHILE ( 0 != i_return_value )
   i_return_value =                               @
      msg_string_more                             @
         ( s_op_string )
   dump i_return_value
   dump s_op_string
#  Note that function msg_string_more() gets the next piece of message
#  string till the end of the message.
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function msg_to_file()
#                      The call to the function uses standard MSC Patran
#                      messages from the file “messages.database”
#                      It writes this message to a file “msg.file”
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play”pulldown menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  msg_to_file
#     ( msgcode
#       msgtype
#       appcode
#       ints
#       reals
#       chars
#       maxout
#       unit )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_msgcode,i_msgtype,i_appcode,i_ints(1),i_chan
REAL    r_reals(1)
STRING  s_chars[128]
INTEGER i_maxout, i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the message  with msg_code=36000001 from the messages.database
#  Format the message using the following parameters.
#  i_msgcode=36000001
#  i_msgtype=4    ( value 4 stands for error message )
#  i_appcode=36000000
#  i_ints(1)=0
#  r_reals(1)=0.0
#  s_chars=”new.db”
#  i_maxout = 1
i_maxout = 1
#  To see what message is there for msg_code=36000001 call
#  msg_to_form() function. It displays the message.Note the
#  message and Press O.K to proceed.
msg_to_form                                       @
   ( i_msgcode,                                   @
     i_msgtype,                                   @
     i_appcode,                                   @
     i_ints,                                      @
     r_reals,                                     @
     s_chars )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                  @
   msg_to_file                                    @
      ( i_msgcode,                                @
        i_msgtype,                                @
        i_appcode,                                @
        i_ints,                                   @
        r_reals,                                  @
        s_chars,                                  @
        i_maxout,                                 @
        i_chan )
dump i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function msg_to_string()
#                      The call to the function uses standard MSC Patran
#                      messages from the file “messages.database”
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play”pulldown menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  msg_to_string
#     ( msgcode
#       msgtype
#       appcode
#       ints
#       reals
#       chars
#       string )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_msgcode,i_msgtype,i_appcode,i_ints(1)
REAL    r_reals(1)
STRING  s_chars[128],s_op_string[128]
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the message  with msg_code=36000001 from the messages.database 
#  Format the message using the following parameters. 
#  i_msgcode=36000001
#  i_msgtype=4    ( value 4 stands for error message )
#  i_appcode=36000000
#  i_ints(1)=0
#  r_reals(1)=0.0
#  s_chars=”new.db”
#  To see what message is there for msg_code=36000001 call
#  msg_to_form() function. It displays the message.Note the 
#  message and Press O.K to proceed.
msg_to_form                                       @
   ( i_msgcode,                                   @
     i_msgtype,                                   @
     i_appcode,                                   @
     i_ints,                                      @
     r_reals,                                     @
     s_chars )
i_return_value =                                  @
   msg_to_string                                  @
      ( i_msgcode,                                @
        i_msgtype,                                @
        i_appcode,                                @
        i_ints,                                   @
        r_reals,                                  @
        s_chars,                                  @
        s_op_string )
dump i_return_value
dump s_op_string
#  Compare this output with the message form displayed earlier.
#  Also note that the return value shows the number of characters 
#  left in the string. To get it, call the function msg_string_more().
#  Dump the string to see the string.
WHILE ( 0 != i_return_value )
   i_return_value =                               @
      msg_string_more                             @
         ( s_op_string )
   dump i_return_value
   dump s_op_string
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function notemessage.text()
#                      In this example, a warning message form has
#                      been created.
#                      To  run  this  session  file,  first  start
#                      a session of MSC Patran, run this session file
#                      by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on
#                      the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  notemessage.text
#     ( label 
#       message )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
STRING  s_label[64], s_message[128]
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Assign values to the variables.
#  s_label   = “Warning”
#  s_message = “You are closing the current database.” //   @
#               “Do you really want to?”
s_label   = “Warning”
s_message = “You are closing the current database.” //      @
            “ Do you really want to?”
notemessage.text                                            @
   ( s_label, s_message )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_add_help()
#                      A medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl. A help file is
#                      created and added to the help record.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as:
#                      cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization user_form.pcl  user_form.pob
#                      can be used to generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_list() has the following
#  arguments:
#  ui_add_help
#     (  keyword,
#        path,
#        marker )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_form_id
STRING   s_keyword[16], s_path[32], s_marker[16]
STRING   s_info[128]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the form widget is the first
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_form_id
w_form_id = wa_wid_ids(1)
#  Create a frame maker file by calling ui_form_to_frame().This will
#  create a file “USER_FORM.mif” in the working directory. To execute
#  this function, USER_FORM should be displayed.
#  Register the help for “USER_FORM” widget using “user_form_help” as
#  the keyword.
s_keyword = “user_form_help”
ui_register_help( w_form_id,s_keyword )
#  Add a record to the help table, providing the connection between
#  keyword and the help file.Here the help file “USER_FORM.mif” is
#  in the working directory.
s_path = “./USER_FORM.mif”
s_marker = “framemaker_hypertext_marker”
i_return_value =                                  @
   ui_add_help                                    @
      ( s_keyword,                                @
        s_path,                                   @
        s_marker )
#  Checking the success of function call
dump i_return_value
s_info = “Click on USER FORM and Press F1 to”//   @
         “ see the help file just created”
#  After seeing the help file, Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_clear_focus()
#                      In this file, a medium width half height sized
#                      form, “USER_FORM”, which contains a databox
#                      widget is created using user_form.pcl.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains an include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_clear_focus() has the following arguments:
#  ui_clear_focus
#     (  wid )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   w_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_wid
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  The form “USER_FORM” is displayed.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the
#  databox widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the databox widget is the fifth
#  element in w_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_wid
w_wid = w_wid_ids(5)
#  Setting the focus on databox widget:
#  Session file paused.
#  Observe the form displayed. Note that the focus is on databox
#  widget and it is active.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Clear the focus on databox widget by calling the function.
ui_clear_focus                                 @
      (  w_wid )
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_exec_command()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_exec_command() has the following arguments:
#  ui_exec_command
#    ( cmd )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_cmd[128],s_stat[32]
#  Run a ui_write() command using ui_exec_command().
s_stat=”Welcome to MSC Patran”
s_cmd = “ui_write(s_stat)”
ui_exec_command                                @
   ( s_cmd )
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_form_delete()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains several widgets is
#                      created using user_form.pcl. Then the form is
#                      deleted using ui_form_delete().
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_form_delete() has the following arguments:
#  ui_form_delete
#    ( class )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_class[128]
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Session file paused to observe the form.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Delete the form by calling ui_form_delete()
s_class = “USER_FORM”
ui_form_delete                                 @
   ( s_class )
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_form_exists()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains several widgets is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Then the function
#                      ui_form_exists() is called to  check whether
#                      the form exists.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains an include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_form_exists() has the following arguments:
#  ui_form_exists
#    ( class )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_class[128]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
s_class = “USER_FORM”
#  Call the function ui_form_exits() with s_class=”USER_FORM” to check
#  whether the USER_CLASS exists or not.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_exists                                 @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM exists.”)
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM does not exist.”)
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function( s_class, “display”)
#  Call the function ui_form_exits() with s_class=”USER_FORM” to check
#  whether the USER_CLASS exists or not.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_exists                                 @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM exists.”)
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM does not exist.”)
#  Session file paused to see the result of the call.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Delete the USER_FORM by calling function ui_wid_exit().
#  Call the function ui_form_exists() to check whether USER_FORM
#  exists now.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_exists                                 @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM exists”)
    ui_write(“ USER_FORM does not exist.”)
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_form_is_displayed()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a text widget is
#                      created using user_form.pcl. Then the function
#                      ui_form_is_displayed() is called to check
#                      whether the form is displayed or not. Finally
#                      form is hidden and this function is called.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_form_is_displayed() has the following arguments:
#  ui_form_is_displayed
#    ( class )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_class[100]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
s_class = “USER_FORM”
#  Check to see whether USER_FORM is displayed.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed.”)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed.”)
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(s_class, “display”)
#  Call the function to check whether the form is displayed or not.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed.”)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed.”)
#  Session file paused to observe the result of the function call.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Hide the form.
#  Check to see whether USER_FORM is displayed.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed.”)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed.”)
#  Delete the form.
#  Check to see whether USER_FORM is displayed.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
dump l_return_value
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed.”)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed.”)
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_form_is_displayed()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a text widget is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Then the function
#                      ui_form_is_displayed() is called to check
#                      whether the form is displayed or not. Finally
#                      form is hided and this function is called.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_form_is_displayed() has the following arguments:
#  ui_form_is_displayed
#    ( class )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_class[100]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function to check whether the form is displayed or not.
s_class = “user_form”
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed “)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed “)
#  Session file paused to observe the result of the function call.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Hide the form.
#  Check to see whether USER_FORM is displayed.
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_form_is_displayed                           @
   ( s_class )
IF (l_return_value == TRUE) THEN
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is displayed “)
   ui_write(“ Form USER_FORM is NOT displayed “)
#  Delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_get_client()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_get_client() has the following arguments:
#  ui_get_client
#    ( client_info )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_client_info[100]
#  Get the client information by calling the function ui_get_client()
ui_get_client                                  @
   ( s_client_info )
#  The X Client is
dump s_client_info
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_get_help()
#                      A medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A help file is
#                      created and registered for the “USER_FORM”.
#                      ui_get_help() is called to get the keyword
#                      registered for the “USER_FORM”. Finally, the
#                      help file is added to the help record.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()has the following
#  arguments:
#  ui_get_help
#     (  wid,
#        help )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_wid
STRING   s_help[16], s_path[32], s_marker[16]
STRING   s_info[128]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the form widget is the first
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_wid
w_wid = wa_wid_ids(1)
#  Create a frame maker file by calling ui_form_to_frame().This will
#  create a file “USER_FORM.mif” in the working directory. To execute
#  this function, USER_FORM should be displayed.
#  Register the help for “USER_FORM” widget using “user_form_help” as
#  the keyword.
s_help = “user_form_help”
ui_register_help                                  @
   ( w_wid,                                       @
     s_help )
#  Get the help keyword registered for “USER_FORM” by calling
#  ui_get_help() function.
s_help = ““
ui_get_help                                       @
   ( w_wid,                                       @
     s_help )
#  Dump s_help to see the key word registered.
dump s_help
#  Add a record to the help table, providing the connection between
#  keyword and the help file.Here the help file “USER_FORM.mif” is
#  in the working directory.
s_path = “./USER_FORM.mif”
s_marker = “hypertext_marker”
i_return_value =                                  @
   ui_add_help                                    @
      ( s_help,                                   @
        s_path,                                   @
        s_marker )
#  Checking the success of function call
dump i_return_value
s_info = “Click on USER FORM and Press F1 to”//   @
         “see the help file just created”
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_get_server()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_get_server() has the following arguments:
#  ui_get_server
#    ( server_info )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_server_info[100]
#  Get the X server information by calling ui_get_server()
ui_get_server                                  @
   ( s_server_info )
#  X Server is:
dump s_server_info
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_graph_create()
#                      A small width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_GRAPH”, which contains a GRAPHICS widget
#                      is created using user_graph.pcl.The functon
#                      call to ui_graph_create() can be seen in
#                      user_graph.pcl
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, opening a new or existing database,
#                      and running this session file through the 
#                      “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus
#                      on the menu bar.
#  Note             :  Since the parameters to this function requires
#                      precompilation to expand the symbolic values,
#                      function has NOT been called in this session
#                      file. Instead, a function call can be found
#                      in file “user_graph.pcl”
#  The function ui_graph_create() has the following arguments:
#  ui_graph_create
#    ( parent,
#      name,
#      x,
#      y,
#      width,
#      height )
#  Compile and make the functions in user_graph.pob available to 
#  MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_graph.pob user_graph.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_graph.plb
#  Create a form “USER_GRAPH”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_GRAPH”, “display”)
#  Press “OK” to delete the USER GRAPH
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_graph_create()
#                      A small width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_GRAPH”, which contains a GRAPHICS widget
#                      is created using user_graph.pcl.The functon
#                      call to ui_graph_create() can be seen in
#                      user_graph.pcl
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, opening a new or existing database,
#                      and running this session file through the
#                      “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus
#                      on the menu bar.
#  Note             :  Since the parameters to this function requires
#                      precompilation to expand the symbolic values,
#                      function has NOT been called in this session
#                      file. Instead, a function call can be found
#                      in file “user_graph.pcl”
#  The function ui_graph_create() has the following arguments:
#  ui_graph_create
#    ( parent,
#      name,
#      x,
#      y,
#      width,
#      height )
#  Compile and make the functions in user_graph.pob available to
#  MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_graph.pob user_graph.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_graph.plb
#  Open a new database “new.db”
$? YES 36000002
ga_viewport_size_set( “default_viewport”, 3.5, 3.5, 1 )
ga_viewport_location_set( “default_viewport”, 0.0, 5.0, 1 )
#  Create a form “USER_GRAPH”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_GRAPH”, “display”)
#  Press “OK” to delete the USER GRAPH
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_is_initialized()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_is_initialized() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
LOGICAL  l_is_initialised
#  Check to see user interface has been initialised or not.
l_is_initialised = ui_is_initialized()
dump l_is_initialised
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_register_help()
#                      A medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A help file is
#                      created and registered for the USER_FORM
#                      This help file is added to the help record.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()has the following
#  arguments:
#  ui_register_help
#     (  wid,
#        help )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_wid
STRING   s_help[16], s_path[32], s_marker[16]
STRING   s_info[128]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the form widget is the first
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_wid
w_wid = wa_wid_ids(1)
#  Create a frame maker file by calling ui_form_to_frame().This will
#  create a file “USER_FORM.mif” in the working directory. To execute
#  this function, USER_FORM should be displayed.
#  Register the help for “USER_FORM” widget using “user_form_help” as
#  the keyword.
s_help = “user_form_help”
ui_register_help                                  @
   ( w_wid,                                       @
     s_help )
#  Add a record to the help table, providing the connection between
#  keyword and the help file.Here the help file “USER_FORM.mif” is
#  in the working directory.
s_path = “./USER_FORM.mif”
s_marker = “hypertext_marker”
i_return_value =                                  @
   ui_add_help                                    @
      ( s_help,                                   @
        s_path,                                   @
        s_marker )
#  Checking the success of function call
dump i_return_value
s_info = “Click on USER FORM and Press F1 to” //  @
         “ see the help file just created”
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_sys_command()
#                      The file calls the function to execute the
#                      system command “ls”. This will list all the
#                      files/directories present in current directory
#                      on the standard output.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_sys_command() has the following arguments:
#  ui_sys_command
#    ( cmd )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_cmd[128]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Run the system command “ls” inside MSC Patran
s_cmd = “ls”
xf_write_stdout(“Executing ls command from MSC Patran “)
l_return_value =                                  @
   ui_sys_command                                 @
      ( s_cmd )
#  Checking the success of function:( “False” means Successful. )
dump l_return_value
#  Output of the system command is seen in the Standard Output.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_sys_return()
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_sys_return() has no arguments.
#  Upon calling,the function return to operating system command prompt
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_text_select()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a text widget is
#                      created using user_form.pob. User is requested
#                      to cursor select the text in the text widget.
#                      Then the function ui_text_select()is called to
#                      output the selected text and its position in
#                      the history window.
#                      The user_form.pob contains an include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_text_select() has the following arguments:
#  ui_text_select
#    ( textwid,
#      left,
#      right,
#      vstr )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   w_wid_ids(VIRTUAL), w_textwid
INTEGER  i_left
INTEGER  i_right
STRING   s_vstr[128]
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  The form “USER_FORM” is displayed.Cursor select the text in the
#  text widget. Press “Resume” to continue the session file.
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the text
#  widget. This function is in user_form.pob
#  As the function call informs, the text widget is the second element
#  in w_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_textwid
w_textwid = w_wid_ids(2)
#  Call the function to return the text selected and its left and
#  right position in the string in which it resides.
ui_text_select                                    @
   ( w_textwid,                                   @
     i_left,                                      @
     i_right,                                     @
     s_vstr )
#  The selected text is:
dump s_vstr
#  The position of the selected text in the string from left is:
dump i_left
#  The position of the selected text in the string from right is:
dump i_right
#  Press “OK” to delete the form “USER_FORM”.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_text_select()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a text widget is
#                      created using user_form.pob. User is requested
#                      to cursor select the text in the text widget.
#                      Then the function ui_text_select()is called to
#                      output the selected text and its position in
#                      the history window.
#                      The user_form.pob contains an include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I $P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_text_select() has the following arguments:
#  ui_text_select
#    ( textwid,
#      left,
#      right,
#      vstr )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   w_wid_ids(VIRTUAL), w_textwid
INTEGER  i_left
INTEGER  i_right
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  The form “USER_FORM” is displayed.Cursor select the text in the
#  text widget. Press “Resume” to continue the session file.
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the text
#  widget. This function is in user_form.pob
#  As the function call informs, the text widget is the second element
#  in w_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_textwid
w_textwid = w_wid_ids(2)
#  Allocate storage for the string used as a return value for
#  the ui_text_select function.
ui_wid_get_vstring(w_textwid, “VALUE”, s_vstr)
dump str_length(s_vstr)
#  Call the function to return the text selected and its left and
#  right position in the string in which it resides.
ui_text_select                                    @
   ( w_textwid,                                   @
     i_left,                                      @
     i_right,                                     @
     s_vstr )
#  The selected text is:
dump s_vstr
#  The position of the selected text in the string from left is:
dump i_left
#  The position of the selected text in the string from right is:
dump i_right
#  Execute the function user_form.exit() to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_wid_exit()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains several widgets is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Then the function
#                      ui_wid_exit()is called to  exit the USER_FORM
#                      The user_form.pcl contains an include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate the file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_wid_exit() has no arguments:
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Session file paused. Observe the form and press “Resume” to
#  continue.
#  ui_wid_exit() function is called to execute the exit function in all
#  of the displayed windows. USER_FORM displayed has an exit() function
#  in its class USER_FORM. This function in turn calls a function
#  ui_form_delete() to exit the USER_FORM.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_wid_hide_forms()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains sseveral widgets is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Then the function
#                      ui_wid_hide_forms() is called to hide the non
#                      modal form.Finally ui_form_display() is called
#                      to display the form “USER_FORM”
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_wid_hide_forms() has the following arguments:
#  ui_wid_hide_forms
#    ( parm )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_parm[128]
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Session file paused to notice the form. Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Calling the function with s_parm=”NONMODAL” to hide all non modal
#  forms. Note that form “USER_FORM” is an non modal form.
s_parm = “NONMODAL”
ui_wid_hide_forms                              @
   ( s_parm )
#  Session file paused to observe that the form “USER_FORM” is hided,
#  but not deleted. Press “Resume” to continue.
#  To display “USER_FORM” again, call the function  ui_form_display().
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_wid_restore_widget()
#                      First a medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains several widget is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Initial value is
#                      set in Text widget and List box widget.The 
#                      values are saved and changed afterwards.
#                      Original values are restored by calling 
#                      ui_wid_restore_widget().
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_wid_save_widget() has the following arguments:
#  ui_wid_restore_widget
#     (  wid )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_wid,w_lbox_id,w_text_id
LOGICAL  l_return_value
STRING   sa_list[16](2) = [“First”,”Second”]
INTEGER  i_listcnt
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  The form “USER_FORM” is displayed. Call the function
#  get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of all the widgets. This
#  function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the form widget is the first element
#  in wa_wid_ids. Similarly, list box widget is the forth element in 
#  wa_wid_ids.Assigning these values
w_wid = wa_wid_ids(1)
w_text_id = wa_wid_ids(2)
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list of items in the list box.
i_listcnt = 2
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                         @
   ( w_lbox_id,                                       @
     sa_list,                                         @
     i_listcnt )
#  Save the values of USER_FORM and its child widget by calling 
#  function ui_wid_save_widget() with w_wid as the argument.
l_return_value =                                      @
   ui_wid_save_widget                                 @
         (  w_wid )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file paused to observe the widgets and their values.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Change the values of the widgets.
#  New text is set in text widget. List box items deleted.
ui_wid_set                                            @
   ( w_text_id,                                       @
     “VALUE”,                                         @
     “Changed Text” )
uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list                    @
   ( w_lbox_id,                                       @
     i_listcnt,                                       @
#  Session file paused to observe the widgets and their values.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Restore the original values of USER_FORM
l_return_value =                                      @
   ui_wid_restore_widget                              @
         (  w_wid )
dump l_return_value
#  Observe the Widgets and their values.
#  Press “OK” to delete the form “USER_FORM”
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function ui_wid_save_widget()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains several widgets is
#                      created using user_form.pcl.Initial value is 
#                      set in Text widget and List box widget. This
#                      value is saved using ui_wid_save(). Values are
#                      changed. Finally, values are restored.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function ui_wid_save_widget() has the following arguments:
#  ui_wid_save_widget
#     (  wid )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_wid,w_lbox_id,w_text_id
LOGICAL  l_return_value
STRING   sa_list[16](2) = [“First”,”Second”]
INTEGER  i_listcnt
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  The form “USER_FORM” is displayed. Call the function
#  get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of all the widgets. This
#  function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the form widget is the first element
#  in wa_wid_ids. Similarly, list box widget is the forth element in 
#  wa_wid_ids.Assigning these values
w_wid = wa_wid_ids(1)
w_text_id = wa_wid_ids(2)
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list of items in the list box.
i_listcnt = 2
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                         @
   ( w_lbox_id,                                       @
     sa_list,                                         @
     i_listcnt )
#  Save the values of USER_FORM and its child widget by calling 
#  function ui_wid_save_widget() with w_wid as the argument.
l_return_value =                                      @
   ui_wid_save_widget                                 @
         (  w_wid )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file paused to observe the widgets and their values.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Change the values of the widgets.
#  New text is set in text widget. List box items deleted.
ui_wid_set                                            @
   ( w_text_id,                                       @
     “VALUE”,                                         @
     “Changed Text” )
uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list                    @
   ( w_lbox_id,                                       @
     i_listcnt,                                       @
#  Session file paused to observe the widgets and their values.
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Restore the original values of USER_FORM
l_return_value =                                      @
   ui_wid_restore_widget                                 @
         (  w_wid )
dump l_return_value
#  Observe the Widgets and their values.
#  Press “OK” to delete the form “USER_FORM”
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function uid_get_border_sizes()
#                      This function gives the size of the borders
#                      in all the four directions for a specific
#                      type of window.
#                      To run this session file,first start a session
#                      of MSC Patran, then run this session file by
#                      “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the
#                      menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  uid_get_border_sizes
#     ( type,
#       pos_is_frame,
#       leftoffset,
#       topoffset,
#       rightoffset,
#       bottomoffset )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_type
LOGICAL l_pos_is_frame
INTEGER i_leftoffset,i_topoffset
INTEGER i_rightoffset,i_bottomoffset
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function to get the information of dialog window.
i_type = 0     /* For dialog window */
uid_get_border_sizes                               @
   ( i_type,                                       @
     l_pos_is_frame,                               @
     i_leftoffset,                                 @
     i_topoffset,                                  @
     i_rightoffset,                                @
     i_bottomoffset )
#  Setting of PositionIsFrame
dump l_pos_is_frame
#  Thickness of left border in Pixels
dump i_leftoffset
#  Thickness of right border in Pixels
dump i_rightoffset
#  Thickness of top border in Pixels
dump i_topoffset
#  Thickness of bottom border in Pixels
dump i_bottomoffset
#  ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function uid_get_font_heights()
#                      This function gives the size of the fonts in
#                      pixels.
#                      To run this session file,first start a session
#                      of MSC Patran, then run this session file by
#                      “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus on the
#                      menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  uid_get_font_heights
#     ( font_h,
#       textfont_ht,
#       spreadfont_h )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_font_h
INTEGER i_textfont_h
INTEGER i_spreadfont_h
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function to get the information of font heights
uid_get_font_heights                             @
   ( i_font_h,                                   @
     i_textfont_h,                               @
     i_spreadfont_h )
#  Font height in pixels
dump i_font_h
#  Text font height in pixels
dump i_textfont_h
#  Spread sheet font height in pixels
dump i_spreadfont_h
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function uid_get_screen_info()
#                      This function gives the screen size in pixels
#                      and pixels per inch.
#                      To run this session file,first start
#                      a session of MSC Patran,open a database or
#                      start a new database,then run this session
#                      file by “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  uid_get_screen_info
#     ( xpix,
#       ypix,
#       xpixperinch,
#       ypixperinch )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
INTEGER i_xpix,i_ypix
INTEGER i_xpixperinch,i_ypixperinch
INTEGER i_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function to get the screen information.
uid_get_screen_info                               @
   ( i_xpix,                                      @
     i_ypix,                                      @
     i_xpixperinch,                               @
     i_ypixperinch,                               @ 
     i_value )
#  Setting of screen size is
dump i_xpix
dump i_ypix
dump i_xpixperinch
dump i_ypixperinch
dump i_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uid_set_sys_pix()
#                      This function sets the pixel per inch and
#                      display factor for the monitor.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uid_set_sys_pix()
#  has the following arguments:
#  uid_set_sys_pix
#    ( pix_per_inch,
#      new_disp_factor )
#  Variable Declarations
REAL     r_pix_per_inch
REAL     r_new_disp_factor
#  Set the monitor pixels per inch and display factor
uid_set_sys_pix                                @
   ( r_pix_per_inch,                           @
     r_new_disp_factor )
INTEGER i_xpix,i_ypix
INTEGER i_xpixperinch,i_ypixperinch
INTEGER i_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the function to get the screen information.
uid_get_screen_info                               @
   ( i_xpix,                                      @
     i_ypix,                                      @
     i_xpixperinch,                               @
     i_ypixperinch,                               @
     i_value )
#  Setting of screen size is
dump i_xpix
dump i_ypix
dump i_xpixperinch
dump i_ypixperinch
dump i_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_app_analysis.get_real_name().
#                      This file opens a database spool.db which has
#                      an analysis code name of “MSC.Nastran” and an
#                      analysis type of “mscnastran”.
#                      This function gets the real name of analysis
#                      preference.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, opening a new or existing database,
#                      and running this session file through the
#                      “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown menus
#                      on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_app_analysis.get_real_name()
#  has the following arguments:
#  uil_app_analysis.get_real_name
#    ( user_name,
#      real_name )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_user_name[100]
STRING   s_real_name[100]
INTEGER  i_return_value
# opening the existing database spool.db
#  Get the user name of current analysis code by calling
#  db_get_default_anal_code().
db_get_default_anal_code( s_user_name )
#  The current analysis code name is
dump s_user_name
#  Call the function to get real name of the Analysis preference.
i_return_value =                                  @
   uil_app_analysis.get_real_name                 @
   ( s_user_name,                                 @
     s_real_name )
#  Real name of the analysis type is
dump s_real_name
#  Number of characters in s_real_name is
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This function create the percentage complete
#                      ruler in the patran environment.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, and running this session file with
#                      the "File","Session","Play" pulldown menus
#                      on the menu bar.
#   The function uil_pcntcomplete.close()
#   has no arguments.
#   Variable Initialization
STRING label[15] = "My_scale"
#  Initializing the scale.
#  Using the function uil_pcntcomplete.close() to close the scale.
#  End of file
#  Purpose          :  This function create the percentage complete
#                      ruler in the patran environment.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran, and running this session file with
#                      the "File","Session","Play" pulldown menus
#                      on the menu bar.
#   The function uil_pcntcomplete.initlz()
#   has the following arguments:
#   uil_pcntcomplete.initlz
#    ( 
#      label  )
#   Variable Initialization
STRING label[15] = "My_scale"
#  Using the function uil_pcntcomplete.initlz() to start the ruler 
#  scale.
#  Closes the scale to be used for the label 'My_scale'.
#    uil_pcntcomplete.close()
#  End of file
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_primary.get_menubar_id()
#                      This function returns the widget id of the 
#                      main menu bar.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran  and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown 
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_primary.get_menubar_id() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET  w_return_value
#  Get the widget id of the main menu bar.
w_return_value =                        @
dump w_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.append_list()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      Then the list is appended by calling the 
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.append_list().
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.append_list() has the following
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.append_list
#     (  lbox_id,
#        labellist,
#        listcnt )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL), w_lbox_id
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](2) = [“List 1”, “List 2”]
STRING   sa_labellist[8](1) = [“List 3”]
INTEGER  i_listcnt
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 2
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                               @
      sa_labellist_c,                          @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Append the list by calling uil_utils_listbox.append_list().
i_listcnt = 1
uil_utils_listbox.append_list                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                               @
      sa_labellist,                            @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Press “OK”  to delete the USER_FORM
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#  has the following arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.create_list
#     (  lbox_id,
#        labellist,
#        listcnt )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL), w_lbox_id
STRING   sa_labellist[16](2)= [“List 1”,”List 2”]
INTEGER  i_listcnt
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 2
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                               @
      sa_labellist,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.delete_item()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      One of the list is deleted using the function
#                      uil_utils_listbox.delete_item()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.delete_item()has the following 
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.delete_item
#     (  lbox_id,
#        name )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist[8](3)=[“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   s_name[16]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                               @
      sa_labellist,                            @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Delete the item “List 3” from the List items in list box widget.
s_name = “List 3”
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.delete_item                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         s_name )
#  Checking the success of the function call
dump l_return_value
#  Observe the List box Widget to note that “List 3” is deleted.
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are deleted by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_
#                      list().
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list()has the following
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list
#     (  lbox_id,
#        nitems
#        itemlist )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt, i_nitems
STRING   sa_labellist[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   sa_itemlist[8](2) = [“List 1”, “List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist,                               @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Delete the items “List 1” and “List 3” from the list items in
#  list box widget.
i_nitems = 2
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.delete_item_list             @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         i_nitems ,                               @
dump l_return_value
#  Observe the item deleted and remaining in the List Box widget.
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.delete_selected()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are selected by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      Function uil_utils_listbox.delete_selected() is
#                      called to delete the selected items.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.delete_selected()has the following
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.delete_selected
#     (  lbox_id   )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   sa_labellist[8](2) = [“List 2”, “List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist_c,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select “List 2” and “List 3”  from the List items in list box 
#  widget.
i_listcnt = 2
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_list                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         sa_labellist,                            @
         i_listcnt )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file stopped to observe the selected items in the List Box
#  Widget.Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Get the selected items in the list box.
uil_utils_listbox.delete_selected                 @
   (  w_lbox_id  )
#  Observe that “List 2” and “List 3” are deleted.
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.get_all()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.get_all()has the following arguments
#  uil_utils_listbox.get_all
#     (  lbox_id,
#        items,
#        num )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt, i_num
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist_c,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Get all the items in the listbox by calling uil_utils_listbox_get_
#  all().
sys_allocate_string(svv_items, 16)
uil_utils_listbox.get_all                         @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      svv_items,                                  @
      i_num )
#  The number of items in the Listbox Widget
dump i_num
#  The items are
dump svv_items
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.get_selected()
#                      A medium width half height sized form,
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are selected by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      Function uil_utils_listbox.get_selected() is
#                      called to output the selected items.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob”
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to
#                      generate a file user_form.pob.
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.get_selected()has the following
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.get_selected
#     (  lbox_id,
#        items,
#        num )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt, i_num
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   sa_labellist[8](2)   = [“List 2”, “List 3”]
STRING   sav_items[16](VIRTUAL)
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist_c,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select “List 2” and “List 3”  from the List items in list box
#  widget.
i_listcnt = 2
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_list                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         sa_labellist,                            @
         i_listcnt )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file stopped to observe the selected items in the List Box
#  Widget.Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Get the selected items in the list box.
uil_utils_listbox.get_selected                    @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sav_items,                                  @
      i_num )
#  Number of selected items are
dump i_num
#  Selected items are
dump sav_items
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.get_unselected()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are selected by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      Function uil_utils_listbox.get_unselected() is
#                      called to output the unselected items.
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.get_unselected()has the following
#  arguments: 
#  uil_utils_listbox.get_unselected
#     (  lbox_id,
#        item,
#        num )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt, i_num
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   sa_labellist[8](2) = [“List 2”, “List 3”]
STRING   sav_items[16](VIRTUAL)
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist_c,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select “List 2” and “List 3”  from the List items in list box 
#  widget.
i_listcnt = 2
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_list                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         sa_labellist,                            @
         i_listcnt )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file stopped to observe the selected and unselected items
#  in the List Box Widget.Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Get the unselected items in the list box.
uil_utils_listbox.get_unselected                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sav_items,                                  @
      i_num )
#  Number of unselected items are
dump i_num
#  Unselected items are
dump sav_items
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.select()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      One of the list is selected using the function
#                      uil_utils_listbox.select()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select()has the following arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.select
#     (  lbox_id,
#        label )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist[8](3)=[“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   s_label[16]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                  @
   (  w_lbox_id,                               @
      sa_labellist,                            @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select (Highlight) “List 3” from the List items in list box widget.
s_label = “List 3”
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select                       @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         s_label )
dump l_return_value
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.select_all()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      Full List items are selected by calling the 
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.select_all()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_all()has the following
#  arguments: 
#  uil_utils_listbox.select_all
#     (  lbox_id )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist,                               @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select (Highlight) all the items in the List box in the List box
#  widget.
uil_utils_listbox.select_all                      @
   (  w_lbox_id  ) 
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are selected by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()has the following
#  arguments: 
#  uil_utils_listbox.select_list
#     (  lbox_id,
#        label
#        listcnt )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist_c[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
STRING   sa_labellist[8](2) = [“List 2”, “List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist_c,                             @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select (Highlight) “List 2” and “List 3”  from the List items in
#  list box widget.
i_listcnt = 2
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_list                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         sa_labellist,                            @
         i_listcnt )
dump l_return_value
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      A medium width half height sized form, 
#                      “USER_FORM”, which contains a List box widget
#                      is created using user_form.pcl.A list is 
#                      created using uil_utils_listbox.create_list()
#                      A portion of List items are selected by calling
#                      the function uil_utils_listbox.select_list()
#                      Selection is cleared by calling the function
#                      uil_utils_listbox.select_none()
#                      The user_form.pcl contains a include file.
#                      To expand the symbols defined in the included
#                      file and to create a file “user_form.pob” 
#                      C preprocessor should be used. A command line
#                      command such as : cpp -I$P3_HOME/customization 
#                      user_form.pcl  user_form.pob can be used to 
#                      generate a file user_form.pob. 
#                      See the Part 9:PCL and Customization Chapter 3
#                      C Preprocessor for more information.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      MSC Patran and running this session file 
#                      through the “File”,”Session”,”Play” pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function uil_utils_listbox.select_none()has the following
#  arguments:
#  uil_utils_listbox.select_none 
#      ( lbox_id )
#  Variable Declarations
WIDGET   wa_wid_ids(VIRTUAL),w_lbox_id
INTEGER  i_listcnt
STRING   sa_labellist[8](3) = [“List 1”,”List 2”,”List 3”]
LOGICAL  l_return_value
#  Compile and make the functions in user_form.pob available to MSC Patran
!!COMPILE user_form.pob user_form.plb
!!LIBRARY ADD user_form.plb
#  Create a form “USER_FORM”, by executing the “display” function
#  using ui_exec_function()
ui_exec_function(“USER_FORM”, “display”)
#  Call the function get_widget_ids()to get the widget id of the list
#  box widget. This function is in user_form.pcl
#  As the function call informs, the list box widget is the forth 
#  element in wa_wid_ids. Assigning this value to w_lbox_id 
w_lbox_id = wa_wid_ids(4)
#  Create a list by calling the function.
i_listcnt = 3
uil_utils_listbox.create_list                     @
   (  w_lbox_id,                                  @
      sa_labellist,                               @
      i_listcnt )
#  Session file paused to observe the List box widget in USER_FORM
#  Press “Resume” to continue.
#  Select (Highlight) all the items from the List items in list box 
#  widget.
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_list                  @
      (  w_lbox_id,                               @
         sa_labellist,                            @
         i_listcnt )
dump l_return_value
#  Session file paused to observe the selected  items in list box
#  widget. Press “Resume to continue”
#  Clear all selected (Highlighted) items in the list box.
l_return_value =                                  @
   uil_utils_listbox.select_none                  @
      ( w_lbox_id )
#  Check the success of function call
dump l_return_value
#  Press “OK” to delete the form.
#  Purpose          :  This file gives an example of a call to the
#                      function user_message()
#                      The call to the function uses standard MSC Patran
#                      messages from the file “messages.database”
#                      To run this session file, Start a session of
#                      MSC Patran, run the session file by “File”,
#                      “Session”,”Play”pulldown menus on the menu bar.
#  The function has the following arguments:
#  user_message
#     ( type
#       appcode
#       appname
#       message )
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Variable Declaration
STRING  s_type[16], s_appname[64], s_message[128]
INTEGER i_appcode
INTEGER i_return_value
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Call the user_message()  with following parameters :
#  s_type = “C_YN_Y”
#  i_appcode=1000000101
#  s_appname=”FILE”
#  s_message = “Database does not exist. Do you wish to “ //    @
#              “ create a new database? “
s_type    = “C_YN_Y”
i_appcode = 1000000101
s_appname = “FILE”
s_message = “Database does not exist. Do you wish to “ //       @
            “ create a new database? “
i_return_value =                                  @
   user_message                                   @
      ( s_type,                                   @
        i_appcode,                                @
        s_appname,                                @
        s_message )
dump i_return_value
#  Note that the i_return_value depends upon your answer YES/NO to the
#  question in the form displayed.This can be used further in any
#  application.( A sample is given below )
IF ( 1== i_return_value ) THEN
   ui_write(“ You have selected YES in the form “)
   ui_write(“ You have selected NO in the form “)
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------
10000000000       Example Customization
10000000001       There are %I% elements with %F% average length in database %A%