XY Plotting > Overview of the XY Plot Application > Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions
Filenames for Curve Data Files
Curve data files must be assigned filenames that conform to UNIX or Windows NT file naming conventions. The file extension.xyd is used to identify Patran curve data files.
Names of XY Windows, Curves, and Titles
Names must be assigned to XY windows, curves, and titles at the time they are created. The names of curves and titles are independent from the title character strings displayed in the XY window where the curve or title is posted. Initially, a curve name and title are set equal to each other. The curve title may be modified or the curve may be renamed independently of the other. The same logic applies to title names and text. The names of XY windows, curves, and titles must conform to the naming conventions in the table below.
Uniqueness of Names
Names of each XY window, curve and title must be unique within the name class. For instance, a curve and a title could both have the same name because they are in different name classes, but two curves or two titles cannot both have the same name because they are in the same name class.
Number of Characters
XY Windows: The number of characters (including any prefixes and suffixes) may not exceed 31.
Curves: The number of characters may not exceed 80.
Titles: The number of characters may not exceed 256.
Legal Characters
XY Windows: The letters A to Z (upper or lower case), numbers 0 to 9, underscore, hyphen, and period are legal. Spaces are not allowed.
Curves and Titles: Any printable character in the ASCII character set is legal.
Case Sensitivity
Names are case-sensitive. For example, the names curve_1 and Curve_1 are evaluated as names of separate and distinct curves. (Try not to have names that vary only by case.)