Analysis Manager > Overview > How this Manual is Organized
How this Manual is Organized
This manual is organized into various chapters, each dealing with certain functions of the product. The manual includes the following chapter topics:
Overview provides general information and an overview of the features of MSC Patran
Analysis Manager.
Getting Started describes rules for analysis input decks, how to invoke MSC Patran’s Analysis Manager and gives the details involved in setting up, submitting, monitoring, and aborting an analysis job directly from within MSC Patran.
Submit describes the use of the job submittal capability from the MSC Patran Analysis Manager
user interface.
Configure describes how to configure various options such as memory, disk space, restarts, time of submittal, host or queue selection, and a number of other options.
Monitor describes the monitoring capability of jobs, completed jobs, and hosts or queues. The graphical monitoring window is also described in detail.
Abort describes how to abort running jobs.
System Management details the system management. The individual program executables are described as well as the necessary configuration files, installation, guidelines and requirements. This chapter is mainly for the system administrator that must install and configure the Analysis Manager.
Error Messages gives descriptions and solutions to error messages.