Analysis Manager > Getting Started > ABAQUS Submittals
ABAQUS Submittals
Any standard ABAQUS (up to version 6.x) problem can be submitted using Patran’s Analysis Manager. This is accomplished from the Analysis form with the Analysis Preference set to ABAQUS.
The following rules apply to ABAQUS run-ready input files for submittal:
1. The filename may not have any '.' characters except for the extension. The filename must begin with a letter (not a number).
2. The combined filename and path should not exceed 80 characters.
Run-ready input files prepared by Patran follow these rules. Correct and proper analysis files are created by following the instructions and guidelines as outlined in the Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide.
To submit, monitor, and manage ABAQUS jobs from Patran using the Analysis Manager, make sure the Analysis Preference is set to ABAQUS. This is done from the Preferences menu on the main form. The Analysis form appears when the Analysis toggle, located on the Patran application switch, is chosen. Pressing the Apply button on the Analysis application form with the Action set to Analyze, Monitor, or Abort will cause the Analysis Manager to perform the desired action. A chapter is dedicated to each of these actions in the manual as well as one for custom configuration of ABAQUS submittals.
If multiple file systems have been defined, the Analysis Manager will generate aux_scratch and split_scratch parameters appropriately based on current free space among all file systems for the host on which the job is executing. See Disk Space for more information.
Restarts are handled by the Analysis Manager by optionally copying the restart (.res) file to the executing host first, then running ABAQUS with the oldjob keyword. See Restart for more information.