Basic Functions > Printing Options > B.2 Device-dependent Hardcopy File
B.2 Device-dependent Hardcopy File
Postscript Default
This will translate a file into a device-specific file called ps.plt. This file consists of commands which have been translated into the PostScript language. The PostScript driver will support gray scale or 256 colors, depending on the hardcopy parameter setup and/or the type of printer to which the device-specific file is sent.
PatranHard Default
Produces a patran.hrd file which cannot be sent to a printer.
This will generate and translate a temporary patran.hrd file into a device specific file called cgm.plt. This file consists of commands which have been translated to conform to the Computer Graphics Metafile Standard.
This will generate and translate a temporary patran.hrd file into an hpgl.plt device-specific file. This file consists of commands which have been translated into the Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language.
HPGL/2 Default
This will generate and translate a temporary patran.hrd file into a device-specific file called hpgl2.plt. This file consists of commands which have been translated into the Hewlett-Packard/2 Graphics Language. The HPGL-2 Graphics Language is a new standard for sending information to HPGL-2 plotters. It uses a new data compacted feature to shorten transmission time, and new high level HPGL-2 commands for maximum efficiency. All new plotters sold by Hewlett‑Packard support the HPGL-2 language.
PatranHard to PostScript Default
This will translate a patran.hrd file into a device-specific file called ps.plt. This file consists of commands which have been translated into the PostScript language. The PostScript driver will support gray scale or 256 colors, depending on the hardcopy parameter setup and/or the type of printer to which the device-specific file is sent.