Dytran > Read Results > Review of the Read Results Form
Review of the Read Results Form
The Analysis form will appear when the Analysis toggle, located on the Patran control panel, is chosen.
Creation of MPEGs
In recognition of the value of being able to store compactly and quickly replay results animations, utilities are provided within the context of results recovery, to enable a user to save animations in MPEG format. These make use of a public domain program that can be obtained by anonymous ftp from: havefun.stanford.edu/pub/mpeg/MPEGv1.2.2.tar.Z. The terms under which MSC.Software makes use of this program are documented in the following statement.
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993 Andy C. Hung, all rights reserved. PUBLIC DOMAIN LICENSE: Stanford University Portable Video Research Group. If you use this software, you agree to the following: This program package is purely experimental, and is licensed “as is”. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this program without charge for any purpose, provided this license/ disclaimer notice appears in the copies. No warranty or maintenance is given, either expressed or implied. In no event shall the author(s) be liable to you or a third party for any special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, arising out of the use or inability to use the program for any purpose (or the loss of data), even if we have been advised of such possibilities. Any public reference or advertisement of this source code should refer to it as the Portable Video Research Group (PVRG) code, and not by any author(s) (or Stanford University) name.
MSC.Software has integrated the PVRG code within the Patran Dytran preference, “as is,” for the convenience of the users of that preference. No warranty or maintenance of PVRG code is given by MSC.Software, either expressed or implied.
Group Creating/Posting
New groups will be automatically posted to the viewport only when model data are imported. The new groups are still being created and populated during the results import process, but just not posted to the current viewport. However, you still have the option to post these new groups manually under Group/Post menu.
Read Results Form
The Action option menu provides several methods to import and process results.