Fatigue User’s Guide > Loading Management > File Definitions
File Definitions
Spectrum file
Spectrum files are ASCII and must have a .spe extension. Format, explanation of each input, and a typical file are shown below.
<Spectrum file V2>
<Scatter Factor>
<Number of cycles>
<Number of flights>
<Stress Factor>
Flight, <Flight number>, <Number of sequences>, <Number of repeats>
<Sequence name>, <Repeats>, <Case 1>,...,<Case J>
<Sequence name>, <Repeats>, <Case 1>,...,<Case K>
The header "Spectrum File V2" must be the first line in the .spe file. Scatter factor accounts for scatter in materials and loads data. The calculated life will be divided by this factor.
The Number of Cycles and Stress Factor parameters have not been implemented. Therefore, these values should be set to 1.
The "#" character is used to denote comments. All text appearing after the "#" are ignored.