LS-DYNA > Read Results > Results File Size
Results File Size
The default results file size for Patran LS-DYNA is 7 Megabytes. If the results have been created using a different file size, then an environment variable must be set in the Patran shell before reading the results.
This environment variable is ’FAM_SIZE’. This should be calculated as follows:
1. Find the biggest ".ptf" results file, and divide its size in bytes by 1MB (1048576 bytes). If this gives an exact result, use that, otherwise round up by one.
2. Set the environment variable accordingly prior to running the translator. Thus if the file size is 24819794 bytes, this gives 23.67MB, thus
setenv FAM_SIZE 24 (C Shell syntax)
FAM_SIZE=24; export FAM_SIZE (Bourne/Korn shell syntax)
The ‘FAM_SIZE’ environment variable is not needed with the “Attach” method, which is designed to work with arbitrary file sizes.