Laminate Modeler > Using MSC.Laminate Modeler > Data Files
Data Files
MSC.Laminate Modeler uses a variety of files to store and communicate the extensive data required for composites analysis. The file name prefix <filename> is set when entering the MSC.Laminate Modeler. The default prefix is the name of the database. For data files, additional suffices <.bak>, <.igs>, <.dxf> and <.ps> denote backup, IGES, DXF or postscript files respectively.
1. <filename>.Layup
This is the external MSC.Laminate Modeler database.
Do not delete or modify this file manually.
2. <filename>.lm_msg
This message file is produced by the “layup” executable and provides a record of the ply application and manipulation processes. Any errors will always be reported in this file. This file can be displayed automatically after every user command by setting a toggle on the Set Display Options form.
3. <filename>.lm_mould
This file contains mould surface data.
4. <filename>.lm_solid
This file contains data describing solid elements created by extruding the shell elements through the thickness of the plies.
5. <filename>.lm_bacon
This file contains BACON (SAMCEF preprocessor) commands to build the analysis model.
6. <filename>.lm_report
This file contains a text summary of the layup.
7. <filename>.lm_results
This file contains the results of a laminate failure analysis.