PCL Examples > Finite Element Functions > Create Action
Create Action
This section contains examples of some of the functions used to create finite element model (FEM) nodes, elements, multi-point constraints (MPCs), meshes, and mesh seeds.
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_nodes_1()
#                      This session file create a new database by name
#                      new.db. A point will be created and this point
#                      will be used for creating a node.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_nodes()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_nodes_1
#     (  ref_coord_frame,
#        anly_coord_frame,
# 		flag_geometry,
#        node_select,
#        point_select )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_ref_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_anly_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER 		i_flag_geometry
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_point_select[32]
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  A point is created by giving ’xyz’ coordinates.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_grid_xyz("1", "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", sv_created_ids)
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
point_label( TRUE )
#  Calling function to create node at the point.
s_ref_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
s_anly_coord_frame   = "Coord 0"
i_flag_geometry = TRUE
s_node_select        = "11"
s_point_select       = "Point 1"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes                              @
      (  s_ref_coord_frame,                      @
         s_anly_coord_frame,                     @
		i_flag_geometry, 			 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	@
         s_node_select,                          @
         s_point_select,                         @
         sv_fem_nodes_created )
dump i_return_value
dump sv_fem_nodes_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_elems_1()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and nodes will be created. The 
#                      nodes will be used to create elements.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_elems()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_elems_1
#     (  shape,
#        element_type,
#        element_select,
#        connection_pattern,
# 	 	flag,
#        corner1_node_select,
#        corner2_node_select,
#        corner3_node_select,
#        corner4_node_select,
#        corner5_node_select,
#        corner6_node_select,
#        corner7_node_select,
#        corner8_node_select,
#        fem_elements_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_shape[32]
STRING   s_element_type[32]
STRING   s_element_select[32]
STRING   s_connection_pattern[32]
INTEGER 		i_flag
STRING   s_corner1_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner2_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner3_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner4_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner5_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner6_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner7_node_select[32]
STRING   s_corner8_node_select[32]
STRING   s_fem_elements_created[260]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating 16 nodes without using any geometry.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes("Coord 0", "Coord 0", FALSE, @
      "1", "[0 0 0][0 1 0][1 0 0][0.5 1 0]"//    @
      "[1 0 1][0.5 1 1][0 0 1][0 1 1][0 1 0]"//  @
      "[0 2 0][1 1 0][0.5 2 0][1 1 1][0.5 2 1]"//@
      "[0 1 1][0 2 1]", sv_fem_nodes_created)
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set(23., -34., 0.)
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
hex_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Calling function to create 2 HEX27 elements.
s_shape               = "Hex"
s_element_type        = "Hex27"
s_element_select      = "1 10"
s_connection_pattern  = "Standard"
i_flag 						 = TRUE
s_corner1_node_select = "Node 1 2"
s_corner2_node_select = "Node 3 4"
s_corner3_node_select = "Node 5 6"
s_corner4_node_select = "Node 7 8"
s_corner5_node_select = "Node 9 10"
s_corner6_node_select = "Node 11 12"
s_corner7_node_select = "Node 13 14"
s_corner8_node_select = "Node 15 16"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_elems_1 				 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	@
      (  s_shape,                                @
         s_element_type,                         @
         s_element_select,                       @
         s_connection_pattern,                   @
		i_flag,                      				 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	@
         s_corner1_node_select,                  @
         s_corner2_node_select,                  @
         s_corner3_node_select,                  @
         s_corner4_node_select,                  @
         s_corner5_node_select,                  @
         s_corner6_node_select,                  @
         s_corner7_node_select,                  @
         s_corner8_node_select,                  @
         s_fem_elements_created )
dump i_return_value
dump s_fem_elements_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mpc_nodal()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db. Two 2D circle will be created.
#                      These two curves will be meshed and the above
#                      mentioned function will be called to create a
#                      mpc between two nodes.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mpc_nodal()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mpc_nodal
#     (  mpc_id,
#        mpc_type,
#        constant,
#        num_terms,
#        dependancy_state,
#        term_coefficients,
#        node_select,
#        freedom_select )
#  Variable Declarations
INTEGER  i_mpc_id
STRING   s_mpc_type[32]
REAL     r_constant
INTEGER  i_num_terms
LOGICAL  la_dependancy_state(3)
REAL     ra_term_coefficients(3)
STRING   saa_node_select[16](3)
STRING   saa_freedom_select[4](3)
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_num_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_elems
STRING   sv_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_elems_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating two circles.
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_circle_v1( "1", 1, 1.,     @
      "Coord 0.3", "", "[0 0 0][0 0 0.1]", FALSE, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Meshing the two curves with Bar elements.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mesh_curv( "Curve 1 2 ", 0.2,      @
      "Bar2", "1", "1", "Coord 0" , "Coord 0",   @
      i_num_nodes, i_num_elems, sv_nodes_created, sv_elems_created )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
mpc_label( TRUE )
#  Calling function to create a mpc between two nodes.
i_mpc_id             = 1
s_mpc_type           = "Explicit"
r_constant           = 1.11
i_num_terms          = 3
la_dependancy_state  = [TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]
ra_term_coefficients = [0., 2., 2.]
saa_node_select(1)   = "Node 4"
saa_node_select(2)   = "Node 37"
saa_node_select(3)   = "Node 35"
saa_freedom_select(1)= "UX"
saa_freedom_select(2)= "UX"
saa_freedom_select(3)= "UX"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mpc_nodal                          @
      (  i_mpc_id,                               @
         s_mpc_type,                             @
         r_constant,                             @
         i_num_terms,                            @
         la_dependancy_state,                    @
         ra_term_coefficients,                   @
         saa_node_select,                        @
         saa_freedom_select )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mpc_sliding_surface()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db. A surface and a solid will be 
#                      created and meshed. The above mentioned 
#                      function will be called to create mpc between 
#                      the surface and solid.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mpc_sliding_surface()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mpc_sliding_surface
#     (  mpc_id,
#        tolerance,
#        coord_option,
#        coord_frame,
#        normal_axis,
#        dependent_region,
#        independent_region )
#  Variable Declarations
INTEGER  i_mpc_id
REAL     r_tolerance
STRING   s_coord_option[32]
STRING   s_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_normal_axis[32]
STRING   s_dependent_region[32]
STRING   s_independent_region[32]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_num_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_elems
STRING   sv_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_elems_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a patch and meshing it with Quad elements.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_patch_xyz( "1", "<1 0 01>",         @
      "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mesh_surf_2( "IsoMesh", 0,         @
      "Surface 1 ", 1, [0.2], "Quad4", "1", "1", @
      "Coord 0", "Coord 0", i_num_nodes,         @
      i_num_elems, sv_nodes_created, sv_elems_created )
dump i_return_value
#  Creating a hpat and meshing it with Hex elements.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_hpat_xyz( "1", "<1 1 1>",           @
      "[0 0.1 0]", "Coord 0", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mesh_sol_3( "IsoMesh", 0, "Solid 1"@
      , 1, [0.2], "Hex8", "37", "26", "Coord 0", @
      "Coord 0", i_num_nodes, i_num_elems,       @
      sv_nodes_created, sv_elems_created )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
mpc_label( TRUE )
surface_label( TRUE )
solid_label( TRUE )
#  Calling function to create sliding surface mpc between the surface
#  and one face of the solid.
i_mpc_id             = 1
r_tolerance          = 0.15
s_coord_option       = "User Specified"
s_coord_frame        = "Coord 0"
s_normal_axis        = "Axis 2"
s_dependent_region   = "Surface 1"
s_independent_region = "Solid 1.3"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mpc_sliding_surface                @
      (  i_mpc_id,                               @
         r_tolerance,                            @
         s_coord_option,                         @
         s_coord_frame,                          @
         s_normal_axis,                          @
         s_dependent_region,                     @
         s_independent_region )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_2curve_1()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create two 2D circles. The 
#                      above mentioned function will be called to mesh
#                      the space between the two curves.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_2curve_1()
#  has the following arguments:
#  i_return_value =
#     fem_create_mesh_2curve_1(
#        s_curve1_select,
#        s_curve2_select,
#        i_size_method,
#        i_flag,
#        r_global_edge_length,
#        i_num_along_curve,
#        i_num_across_curve,
#        s_element_topology,
#        s_node_select,
#        s_element_select,
#        s_anly_coord_frame,
#        s_ref_coord_frame,
#        i_num_fem_nodes,
#        i_num_fem_elements,
#        sv_fem_nodes_created,
#        sv_fem_elements_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve1_select[32]
STRING   s_curve2_select[32]
INTEGER  i_size_method
INTEGER	 i_flag
REAL     r_global_edge_length
INTEGER  i_num_along_curve
INTEGER  i_num_across_curve
STRING   s_element_topology[32]
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_element_select[32]
STRING   s_anly_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_ref_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_fem_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_fem_elements
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_elements_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating two circles.
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_circle_v1( "1", 1, 1.,     @
      "Coord 0.3", "", "[0 0 0][0 0 0.5]", FALSE, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
surface_label( TRUE )
quad_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the space between the two curves with Quad elements.
s_curve1_select      = "Curve 1"
s_curve2_select      = "Curve 2"
i_size_method        = 1
r_global_edge_length = 0.0
i_num_along_curve    = 20
i_num_across_curve   = 4
s_element_topology   = "Quad4"
s_node_select        = ""
s_element_select     = ""
s_anly_coord_frame   = "Coord 0"
s_ref_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
i_return_value = @
   fem_create_mesh_2curve_1( @
      s_curve1_select, @
      s_curve2_select, @
      i_size_method, @
      i_flag, @
      r_global_edge_length, @
      i_num_along_curve, @
      i_num_across_curve, @
      s_element_topology, @
      s_node_select, @
      s_element_select, @
      s_anly_coord_frame, @
      s_ref_coord_frame, @
      i_num_fem_nodes, @
      i_num_fem_elements, @
      sv_fem_nodes_created, @
      sv_fem_elements_created )
dump i_return_value
dump i_num_fem_nodes
dump i_num_fem_elements
dump sv_fem_nodes_created
dump sv_fem_elements_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_curv_1()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create two 2D circles. The 
#                      above mentioned function will be called to 
#                      mesh the curves.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_curv_1()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mesh_curv_1(
#     s_curve_select,
#     i_flag,
#     r_global_edge_length,
#     s_element_topology,
#     s_node_select,
#     s_element_select,
#     s_anly_coord_frame,
#     s_ref_coord_frame,
#     i_num_fem_nodes,
#     i_num_fem_element,
#     sv_fem_nodes_created,
#     sv_fem_elements_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER		i_flag
REAL     r_global_edge_length
STRING   s_element_topology[32]
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_element_select[32]
STRING   s_anly_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_ref_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_fem_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_fem_element
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_elements_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating two circles.
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_circle_v1( "1", 1, 1.,     @
      "Coord 0.3", "", "[0 0 0][0 0 0.5]", FALSE, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
bar_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the two curves with Bar elements.
s_curve_select       = "Curve 1 2"
r_global_edge_length = 0.5
s_element_topology   = "Bar4"
s_node_select        = "3"
s_element_select     = "10"
s_anly_coord_frame   = "Coord 0"
s_ref_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
fem_create_mesh_curv_1( @
   s_curve_select, @
   i_flag, @
   r_global_edge_length, @
   s_element_topology, @
   s_node_select, @
   s_element_select, @
   s_anly_coord_frame, @
   s_ref_coord_frame, @
   i_num_fem_nodes, @
   i_num_fem_element, @
   sv_fem_nodes_created, @
   sv_fem_elements_created )
dump i_num_fem_nodes
dump i_num_fem_element
dump sv_fem_nodes_created
dump sv_fem_elements_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_sol_3()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a hpat solid. This solid
#                      will be meshed using above function.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_sol_3()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mesh_sol_3(
#     s_mesher,
#     i_options_control,
#     s_solid_select,
#     i_num_values,
#     ra_value_array,
#     s_element_topology,
#     s_node_select,
#     s_element_select,
#     s_anly_coord_frame,
#     s_ref_coord_frame,
#     i_num_fem_nodes,
#     i_num_fem_element,
#     sv_fem_nodes_created,
#     sv_fem_elements_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_mesher[32]
INTEGER  i_options_control
STRING   s_solid_select[32]
INTEGER  i_num_values
REAL     ra_value_array(32)
STRING   s_element_topology[32]
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_element_select[32]
STRING   s_anly_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_ref_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_fem_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_fem_element
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_elements_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a hpat solid.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_hpat_xyz( "1", "<1 1 1>",           @
      "[0 0.1 0]", "Coord 0", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
solid_label( TRUE )
node_label( TRUE )
hex_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the solid with Hex elements.
s_mesher             = "IsoMesh"
i_options_control    = 16384
s_solid_select       = "Solid 1"
i_num_values         = 1
ra_value_array(1)    = 0.25
s_element_topology   = "Hex8"
s_node_select        = ""
s_element_select     = ""
s_anly_coord_frame   = "Coord 0"
s_ref_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
fem_create_mesh_sol_3( @
   s_mesher, @
   i_options_control, @
   s_solid_select, @
   i_num_values, @
   ra_value_array, @
   s_element_topology, @
   s_node_select, @
   s_element_select, @
   s_anly_coord_frame, @
   s_ref_coord_frame, @
   i_num_fem_nodes, @
   i_num_fem_element, @
   sv_fem_nodes_created, @
   sv_fem_elements_created )
dump i_num_fem_nodes
dump i_num_fem_element
dump sv_fem_nodes_created
dump sv_fem_elements_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_sol_5()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a hpat solid. This solid
#                      will be meshed using above function.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_sol_5()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mesh_sol_5(
#     s_solid_list,
#     s_mesher_pick,
#     s_elem_topo,
#     i_mesher_val_qtt,
#     sa_mesher_val,
#     i_flags,
#     i_FMF_perform,
#     i_FMF_make_dup_node,
#     i_FMF_stop_when_interf_meshed,
#     i_FMF_use_prox_tol,
#     r_FMF_prox_tol,
#     s_FMF_solid_neighbors,
#     s_node_list,
#     s_elem_list,
#     s_a_coord_frame,
#     s_r_coord_frame,
#     i_num_nodes,
#     i_num_elems,
#     sv_nodes_created,
#     sv_elems_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_solid_list[1001]
STRING   s_mesher_pick[32]
STRING   s_elem_topo[32]
INTEGER  i_mesher_val_qtt
STRING   sa_mesher_val[32](4)
INTEGER  i_flags
INTEGER  i_FMF_perform
INTEGER  i_FMF_make_dup_node
INTEGER  i_FMF_stop_when_interf_meshed
INTEGER  i_FMF_use_prox_tol
REAL     r_FMF_prox_tol
STRING   s_FMF_solid_neighbors[1001]
STRING   s_node_list[32]
STRING   s_elem_list[32]
STRING   s_a_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_r_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_elems
STRING   sv_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_elems_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a hpat solid.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_hpat_xyz( "1", "<1 1 1>",           @
      "[0 0.1 0]", "Coord 0", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
solid_label( TRUE )
node_label( TRUE )
hex_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the solid with Hex elements.
s_solid_list         = "Solid 1"
s_mesher_pick        = "IsoMesh"
s_elem_topo          = "Hex8"
i_mesher_val_qtt     = 4
sa_mesher_val(1)     = "0.25"
sa_mesher_val(2)     = "0.05"
sa_mesher_val(3)     = "0.1"
sa_mesher_val(4)     = "0.0"
i_flags              = 16384   /* FEM_MF_USE_NEW_NUMBERING_CONTROL_F */  + @
                       1048576 /* FEM_MF_GRADE_MESH_F                */  + @
                       16      /* FEM_MF_CURVATURE_CHECK_F           */
                               $ Developer's note: /src/fem/mesh/free/NEW6/include/fem_publ_mf_defs.h
i_FMF_perform        = 0
i_FMF_make_dup_node  = 0
i_FMF_stop_when_interf_meshed = 0
i_FMF_use_prox_tol   = 0
r_FMF_prox_tol       = 0.1
s_FMF_solid_neighbors= ""
s_node_list          = ""
s_elem_list          = ""
s_a_coord_frame      = "Coord 0"
s_r_coord_frame      = "Coord 0"
fem_create_mesh_sol_5( @
   s_solid_list, @
   s_mesher_pick, @
   s_elem_topo, @
   i_mesher_val_qtt, @
   sa_mesher_val, @
   i_flags, @
   i_FMF_perform, @
   i_FMF_make_dup_node, @
   i_FMF_stop_when_interf_meshed, @
   i_FMF_use_prox_tol, @
   r_FMF_prox_tol, @
   s_FMF_solid_neighbors, @
   s_node_list, @
   s_elem_list, @
   s_a_coord_frame, @
   s_r_coord_frame, @
   i_num_nodes, @
   i_num_elems, @
   sv_nodes_created, @
   sv_elems_created )
dump i_num_nodes
dump i_num_elems
dump sv_nodes_created
dump sv_elems_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_surf_3()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a curved  surface. This 
#                      surface will be meshed by calling above 
#                      function.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_surf_3()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mesh_surf_3(
#     s_mesher,
#     i_options_control,
#     s_surface_select,
#     i_num_values,
#     sa_value_array,
#     s_element_topology,
#     s_node_select,
#     s_element_select,
#     s_anly_coord_frame,
#     s_ref_coord_frame,
#     i_num_fem_nodes,
#     i_num_fem_element,
#     sv_fem_nodes_created,
#     sv_fem_elements_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_mesher[32]
INTEGER  i_options_control
STRING   s_surface_select[32]
INTEGER  i_num_values
STRING   sa_value_array[32](32)
STRING   s_element_topology[32]
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_element_select[32]
STRING   s_anly_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_ref_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_fem_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_fem_element
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_elements_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a curved surface by extruding a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_surface_extrude( "3", "<0 0 1>", 1.,@
      0., "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", "Curve 1 ", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
surface_label( TRUE )
node_label( TRUE )
quad_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the two surfaces using Paver with Quad elements. Only the 
#  check about the 'global space' is not performed on the mesh.
s_mesher             = "Paver"
i_options_control    = 8724
s_surface_select     = "Surface 3"
i_num_values         = 4
sa_value_array(1)    = "0.5"
sa_value_array(2)    = "0.1"
sa_value_array(3)    = "0.11"
sa_value_array(4)    = "0.13"
s_element_topology   = "Quad4"
s_node_select        = ""
s_element_select     = ""
s_anly_coord_frame   = "Coord 0"
s_ref_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
fem_create_mesh_surf_3( @
   s_mesher, @
   i_options_control, @
   s_surface_select, @
   i_num_values, @
   sa_value_array, @
   s_element_topology, @
   s_node_select, @
   s_element_select, @
   s_anly_coord_frame, @
   s_ref_coord_frame, @
   i_num_fem_nodes, @
   i_num_fem_element, @
   sv_fem_nodes_created, @
   sv_fem_elements_created )
dump i_num_fem_nodes
dump i_num_fem_element
dump sv_fem_nodes_created
dump sv_fem_elements_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_mesh_surf_4()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a curved  surface. This 
#                      surface will be meshed by calling above 
#                      function.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_mesh_surf_4()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_mesh_surf_4(
#     s_mesher_pick,
#     i_flag,
#     s_surface_list,
#     i_num_val,
#     sa_val_array_str,
#     s_elem_topo,
#     s_node_list,
#     s_elem_list,
#     s_a_coord_frame,
#     s_r_coord_frame,
#     i_num_nodes,
#     i_num_elems,
#     sv_nodes_created,
#     sv_elems_created )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_mesher_pick[32]
INTEGER  i_flag
STRING   s_surface_list[32]
INTEGER  i_num_val
STRING   sa_val_array_str[32](4)
STRING   s_elem_topo[32]
STRING   s_node_list[32]
STRING   s_elem_list[32]
STRING   s_a_coord_frame[32]
STRING   s_r_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_num_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_elems
STRING   sv_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_elems_created[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a curved surface by extruding a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_surface_extrude( "3", "<0 0 1>", 1.,@
      0., "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", "Curve 1 ", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
surface_label( TRUE )
node_label( TRUE )
quad_elem_label( TRUE )
#  Meshing the two surfaces using Paver with Quad elements. Only the 
#  check about the 'global space' is not performed on the mesh.
s_mesher_pick        = "Paver"
i_flag               = 4 + 16 + 512 + 8192 
s_surface_list       = "Surface 3"
i_num_val            = 4
sa_val_array_str(1)  = "0.5"
sa_val_array_str(2)  = "0.1"
sa_val_array_str(3)  = "0.11"
sa_val_array_str(4)  = "0.13"
s_elem_topo          = "Quad4"
s_node_list          = ""
s_elem_list          = ""
s_a_coord_frame      = "Coord 0"
s_r_coord_frame      = "Coord 0"
fem_create_mesh_surf_4( @
   s_mesher_pick, @
   i_flag, @
   s_surface_list, @
   i_num_val, @
   sa_val_array_str, @
   s_elem_topo, @
   s_node_list, @
   s_elem_list, @
   s_a_coord_frame, @
   s_r_coord_frame, @
   i_num_nodes, @
   i_num_elems, @
   sv_nodes_created, @
   sv_elems_created )
dump i_num_nodes
dump i_num_elems
dump sv_nodes_created
dump sv_elems_created
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_create_surface_mesh_control()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a curved  surface. This 
#                      surface will be meshed using Paver. The above
#                      mentioned function will be called to change the
#                      mesh parameters. The surface will be remeshed.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_create_surface_mesh_control()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_create_surface_mesh_control
#     (  surface_list,
#        num_int_arg,
#        num_float_arg,
#        float_arg_list )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   sv_surface_list[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_num_int_arg
INTEGER  ia_int_arg_list(4)
INTEGER  i_num_float_arg
REAL     ra_float_arg_list(3)
INTEGER  i_return_value
INTEGER  i_num_fem_nodes
INTEGER  i_num_fem_element
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_elements_created[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a curved surface by extruding a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_surface_extrude( "3", "<0 0 1>", 1.,@
      0., "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", "Curve 1 ", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
#  Meshing the surface using Paver with Quad elements.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mesh_surf_2("Paver", 8724,         @
      "Surface 3", 4, [0.5, 0.1, 0.11, 0.13],    @
      "Quad4", "", "", "Coord 0", "Coord 0",     @
      i_num_fem_nodes, i_num_fem_element,        @
      sv_fem_nodes_created, sv_fem_elements_created )
dump i_return_value
#  Calling function to set mesh control parameters.
sv_surface_list   = "surface 3"
i_num_int_arg     = 0
ia_int_arg_list   = [0, 0, 0, 0]
i_num_float_arg   = 1
ra_float_arg_list = [0.1, 0.0, 0.0]
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_surface_mesh_control               @
      (  sv_surface_list,                        @
         i_num_int_arg,                          @
         ia_int_arg_list,                        @
         i_num_float_arg,                        @
         ra_float_arg_list )
$? YES 2001026
#  Delete the originally existing mesh seed.
dump i_return_value
#  Remeshing the surface with same arguments.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_mesh_surf_2("Paver", 8724,         @
      "Surface 3", 4, [0.5, 0.1, 0.11, 0.13],    @
      "Quad4", "", "", "Coord 0", "Coord 0",     @
      i_num_fem_nodes, i_num_fem_element,        @
      sv_fem_nodes_created, sv_fem_elements_created )
$? YESFORALL 2001103
#  Delete the existing mesh.
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_prj_nod_surf_norm()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a curved  surface. By 
#                      calling the above mentioned function after a 
#                      pause the nodes will be moved to the surface.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_prj_nod_surf_norm()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_prj_nod_surf_norm
#     (  node_select,
#        surface_select )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_surface_select[32]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a curved surface by extruding a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_surface_extrude( "1", "<0 0 1>", 1.,@
      0., "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", "Curve 1 ", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Calling function to create nodes.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes(  "Coord 0", "Coord 0",      @
      FALSE, "1", "[3 1 0][-2 0 0.5][0 -1 1]", sv_fem_nodes_created )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_display_lines_set( "general", 4 )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue..
#  Calling function to move nodes to the surface.
s_node_select    = "Node 1:3"
s_surface_select = "Surface 1"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_prj_nod_surf_norm                         @
      (  s_node_select,                          @
         s_surface_select )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_prj_nod_surf_vect()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a curved  surface.
#                      These nodes will be moved onto the surface
#                      by calling the above mentioned function after 
#                      a pause. The nodes will be moved to the surface
#                      by using the vector projection method.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_prj_nod_surf_vect()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_prj_nod_surf_vect
#     (  node_select,
#        surface_select,
#        projection_option,
#        projection_vector,
#        coord_frame )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_surface_select[32]
INTEGER  i_projection_option
STRING   s_projection_vector[32]
STRING   s_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Creating a curved surface by extruding a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_surface_extrude( "1", "<0 0 1>", 1.,@
      0., "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0", "Curve 1 ", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Calling function to create nodes.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes(  "Coord 0", "Coord 0",      @
      FALSE, "1", "[0.3 0.1 0][2 0.5 0.5][0 -1 1]", sv_nodes_created )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_display_lines_set( "general", 4 )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue..
#  Calling function to move the nodes to the surface by specifying a 
#  vector.
s_node_select       = "Node 1:3"
s_surface_select    = "Surface 1"
i_projection_option = 2
s_projection_vector = "<1 1 0>"
s_coord_frame       = "Coord 0"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_prj_nod_surf_vect                         @
      (  s_node_select,                          @
         s_surface_select,                       @
         i_projection_option,                    @
         s_projection_vector,                    @
         s_coord_frame )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_prj_nod_curve_norm()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create nodes and curve. After 
#                      resuming from the pause the above mentioned 
#                      function will be called to move the nodes to
#                      the curve.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_prj_nod_curve_norm()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_prj_nod_curve_norm
#     (  node_select,
#        curve_select )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_node_select[32]
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Calling function to create nodes.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes(  "Coord 0", "Coord 0",      @
      FALSE, "1", "[3 1 0][-2 0 0][0 -1 0]", sv_fem_nodes_created )
dump i_return_value
#  Creating a curve.
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_line_3point( "1", "[0 0 0]",        @
      "[0.5 -1 0]", "[1 0 0]", 1, 0.5, sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
node_label( TRUE )
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue..
#  Calling function to move nodes to the curve.
s_node_select  = "Node 1:3"
s_curve_select = "Curve 1"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_prj_nod_curve_norm                        @
      (  s_node_select,                          @
         s_curve_select )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function fem_prj_nod_cplane()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create nodes. After resuming 
#                      from pause the above mentioned function will be
#                      called to move the nodes to X=1.0 plane.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function fem_prj_nod_cplane()
#  has the following arguments:
#  fem_prj_nod_cplane
#     (  node_select,
#        direction,
#        constant_value,
#        coord_frame )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_node_select[32]
INTEGER  i_direction
REAL     r_constant_value
STRING   s_coord_frame[32]
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_fem_nodes_created[VIRTUAL]
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
node_label( TRUE )
#  Calling function to create nodes.
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_create_nodes(  "Coord 0", "Coord 0",      @
      FALSE, "1", "[3 1 0][-2 0 0][0 -1 0]", sv_fem_nodes_created )
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue..
#  Calling function to move nodes to plane X=1.0
s_node_select    = "Node 1:3"
i_direction      = 1
r_constant_value = 1.0
s_coord_frame    = "Coord 0"
i_return_value =                                 @
   fem_prj_nod_cplane                            @
      (  s_node_select,                          @
         i_direction,                            @
         r_constant_value,                       @
         s_coord_frame )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_create()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a circular arc. The 
#                      above mentioned function will be called to
#                      create and display a mesh seed on the curve
#                      based on a one-way bias mesh seed spacing.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_create()
#  has the following arguments:
#  mesh_seed_create
#     (  curve_select,
#        seed_option,
#        num_seeds,
#        ratio,
#        length_1,
#        length_2 )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_seed_option
INTEGER  i_num_seeds
REAL     r_ratio
REAL     r_length_1
REAL     r_length_2
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select = "Curve 1 "
i_seed_option  = 3
i_num_seeds    = 6
r_ratio        = 2.
r_length_1     = 0.
r_length_2     = 0.
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create                              @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         i_seed_option,                          @
         i_num_seeds,                            @
         r_ratio,                                @
         r_length_1,                             @
         r_length_2 )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_create_curv_based()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a circular arc.The above
#                      mentioned function will be called to create and
#                      display a mesh seed on the curve based on the
#                      allowable curve error and length of an element.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_create_curv_based()
#  has the following arguments:
#  mesh_seed_create_curv_based
#     (  curve_select,
#        element_length_type,
#        allow_curve_error,
#        constraint_option,
#        minimum_id_length,
#        maximum_id_length,
#        minimum_number,
#        maximum_number )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
STRING   s_element_length_type[32]
REAL     r_allow_curve_error
STRING   s_constraint_option[32]
REAL     r_minimum_id_length
REAL     r_maximum_id_length
INTEGER  i_minimum_number
INTEGER  i_maximum_number
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select        = "Curve 1 "
s_element_length_type = "Uniform"
r_allow_curve_error   = 0.01
s_constraint_option   = "Length"
r_minimum_id_length   = 0.1
r_maximum_id_length   = 0.2
i_minimum_number      = 0
i_maximum_number      = 0
mesh_seed_create_curv_based                      @
   (  s_curve_select,                            @
      s_element_length_type,                     @
      r_allow_curve_error,                       @
      s_constraint_option,                       @
      r_minimum_id_length,                       @
      r_maximum_id_length,                       @
      i_minimum_number,                          @
      i_maximum_number )
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_create_tabular()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a circular arc.The above
#                      mentioned function will be called to create and
#                      display a mesh seed at specific points on the
#                      curve using a table of arc length percentages.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_create_tabular()
#  has the following arguments:
#  mesh_seed_create_tabular
#     (  curve_select,
#        coord_type,
#        num_entries,
#        table_of_values )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
STRING   s_coord_type[32]
INTEGER  i_num_entries
REAL     ra_table_of_values(7)
INTEGER  i_return_value
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select     = "Curve 1 "
s_coord_type       = "Arc_Length"
i_num_entries      = 5
ra_table_of_values = [ .2, .3, .6, .7, .9, 0., 0. ]
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create_tabular                      @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         s_coord_type,                           @
         i_num_entries,                          @
         ra_table_of_values )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_create_tabular_points()
#                      This session file will create a new database by
#                      name new.db and create a circular arc. The 
#                      above mentioned function will be called to
#                      create and display a mesh seed at the specified
#                      points and locations on the curve.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_create_tabular_points()
#  has the following arguments:
#  mesh_seed_create_tabular_points
#     (  curve_list,
#        point_list,
#        tolerance )
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   sv_curve_list[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_point_list[VIRTUAL]
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
REAL     r_tolerance
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
sv_curve_list = "Curve 1"
sv_point_list = " Point 1:2, [ 0., 3., 0.],      @
                  [ 0.450, 2.95, 0.],            @ 
                  [ 0.755, 2.90, 0.],            @
                  [ 0.210, 2.99, 0.],            @
                  [ -0.27, 2.99, 0.]   "
r_tolerance   = .03
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create_tabular_points               @
      (  sv_curve_list,                          @
         sv_point_list,                          @
         r_tolerance )
dump i_return_value
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_display_mgr.init()
#                      This session file creates a new database
#                      "new.db", creates an arc and a mesh seed on it.
#                      The above mentioned function is called to
#                      initialize the mesh seed display manager. The
#                      mesh seed is then erased to verify.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_display_mgr.init() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_seed_option
INTEGER  i_num_seeds
REAL     r_ratio
REAL     r_length_1
REAL     r_length_2
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select = "Curve 1 "
i_seed_option  = 3
i_num_seeds    = 6
r_ratio        = 2.
r_length_1     = 0.
r_length_2     = 0.
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create                              @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         i_seed_option,                          @
         i_num_seeds,                            @
         r_ratio,                                @
         r_length_1,                             @
         r_length_2 )
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue
#  Initialize the mesh seed display manager
#  Erase the mesh seed from the viewport
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_display_mgr.plot()
#                      This session file creates a new database
#                      "new.db", creates an arc and a mesh seed on it.
#                      The mesh seed display manager is initialized &
#                      mesh seed is erased. Above mentioned function
#                      is called to display the mesh seed again.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_display_mgr.plot() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_seed_option
INTEGER  i_num_seeds
REAL     r_ratio
REAL     r_length_1
REAL     r_length_2
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select = "Curve 1 "
i_seed_option  = 3
i_num_seeds    = 6
r_ratio        = 2.
r_length_1     = 0.
r_length_2     = 0.
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create                              @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         i_seed_option,                          @
         i_num_seeds,                            @
         r_ratio,                                @
         r_length_1,                             @
         r_length_2 )
dump i_return_value
#  Initialize the mesh seed display manager & erase the mesh seed
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue
#  Plot the mesh seed in the viewport
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_display_mgr.erase()
#                      This session file creates a new database
#                      "new.db", creates an arc and a mesh seed on it.
#                      The mesh seed display manager is initialized.
#                      The above mentioned function is called to erase
#                      the mesh seed from the viewport.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_display_mgr.erase() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_seed_option
INTEGER  i_num_seeds
REAL     r_ratio
REAL     r_length_1
REAL     r_length_2
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Create a circular curve
i_return_value =                                 @
   sgm_const_curve_2d_arcangles                  @
      (  "1", 3., 70., 100., "Coord 0.3",        @
         "[0 0 0]", sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on the curve
s_curve_select = "Curve 1 "
i_seed_option  = 3
i_num_seeds    = 6
r_ratio        = 2.
r_length_1     = 0.
r_length_2     = 0.
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create                              @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         i_seed_option,                          @
         i_num_seeds,                            @
         r_ratio,                                @
         r_length_1,                             @
         r_length_2 )
dump i_return_value
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue
#  Initialize the mesh seed display manager
#  Erase the mesh seed from the viewport
#  Purpose          :  This file provides an example of a call to the
#                      function mesh_seed_display_mgr.refresh()
#                      This session file creates a new database
#                      "new.db", creates a solid and a mesh seed on
#                      one of its edge. The solid is then shaded. The
#                      above mentioned function is called to refresh
#                      the mesh seed shown in the viewport.
#                      This file can be run by starting a session of
#                      Patran, and running this session file
#                      through the "File","Session","Play" pulldown
#                      menus on the menu bar.
#  The function mesh_seed_display_mgr.refresh() has no arguments.
#  Variable Declarations
STRING   s_curve_select[32]
INTEGER  i_seed_option
INTEGER  i_num_seeds
REAL     r_ratio
REAL     r_length_1
REAL     r_length_2
STRING   sv_created_ids[VIRTUAL]
INTEGER  i_return_value
#  Open a new database "new.db"
$? YES 36000002
#  Construct a solid
i_return_value =                                 @
   asm_const_hpat_xyz                            @
      (  "1", "<1 1 1>", "[0 0 0]", "Coord 0",   @
         sv_created_ids )
dump i_return_value
dump sv_created_ids
i_return_value =                                 @
   ga_view_aa_set( 23., -34., 0. )
dump i_return_value
#  Create a mesh seed on one edge of the solid
s_curve_select = "Solid 1.5.4"
i_seed_option  = 1
i_num_seeds    = 4
r_ratio        = 0.
r_length_1     = 0.
r_length_2     = 0.
i_return_value =                                 @
   mesh_seed_create                              @
      (  s_curve_select,                         @
         i_seed_option,                          @
         i_num_seeds,                            @
         r_ratio,                                @
         r_length_1,                             @
         r_length_2 )
dump i_return_value
#  Plot the mesh seed
#  Shade the solid
renderstyle( "Shaded/Smooth" )
#  Session file paused. Press "Resume" to continue
#  Refresh the mesh seed shown in the viewport