SuperModel > CAE File Management > Repository and Workspace
Repository and Workspace
In order to provide efficient operations, concurrent access, and improved “what if” capabilities, File Manager introduces the concepts of a repository and workspace. In general, these components are invisible to the user and are briefly discussed here for completeness. Detailed information associated with the user’s workspace can be found in the following Workspace section. For additional information regarding the repository please refer to the File Manager Administrator’s Guide.
The repository is the physical disk location(s) used to hold all of the files under the control of the File Manager. In effect, the hierarchy is a view into the repository.
The workspace is a local holding place for files that are currently accessed. Access to a file in File Manager is actually accomplished by copying the original file from the repository to the workspace. The benefits of providing this working file are:
Improved performance by eliminating the need to transmit changes via the network (we pay only for the initial copy and any forced saves).
Concurrent access by providing multiple copies and controlling the user’s ability to move the copy back into the repository.
Enhanced “what if” capability by allowing the local copy to be thrown away and replaced by a fresh copy from the repository.
The workspace provides local disk resources for working with a file from the File Manager repository (which most likely is not resident on the user’s machine and may have high overhead associated with accessing it via a network). This workspace is invisible to the user and is maintained by the File Manager, including its clean-up following a session. The workspace serves as the home for a working copy of a file that is maintained by File Manager.
Working Copies
Access to files in the repository are provided only through working copies. This is done to ensure that no two users can make simultaneous, and quite possibly conflicting, modifications to the same original file. In addition, this allows files in the repository to be maintained in the most convenient physical state (e.g., compressed) without the users being burdened with the task of changing that state every time they access the file (the File Manager simply supplies the copy and then modifies its state automatically).
Because workspaces can potentially be shared between users, a naming convention has been adopted for working copies that eliminates the chance of two working copies of the same original existing in the same workspace. The name is composed of the user-id and unique file-id in the form:
<users id>-<file id>.<ext> (e.g., jones-1432.db)
This provides the added benefit of presenting the unique file-id to the user while accessing a file. The above name appears in the MSC Patran model window banner allowing the user to identify the file-id.
As previously mentioned, the filename extension (.<ext>) is managed by the File Manager for each of the physical files. Users do not have to concern themselves with the extension.