SuperModel > File Manager Administrator’s Guide > Copying MSC.SuperModel Installation
Copying MSC.SuperModel Installation
UNIX Instructions
Use the following steps to move an entire File Manager Hierarchy from the present location to new location.
All actions must be performed with root authority.
Step 1: Login as Root
Step 2: Determine location of File Manager Hierarchy
# cd $P3_HOME/Filemanager/install
# more Defaults
The Defaults file looks similar to the following:
#1 : What is the name of the server machine: medan
#2 : What is the program number assigned to the server: 123456789
#3 : Where does the hierarchy reside:
#4 : Where does the remote workspace reside:
#5 : Where does the local work space reside:
Step 3: Temporarily shutdown the server
# ps -ef | grep smdl_fm_server
# kill <pid>
where <pid> is the smdl_fm_server process ID.
Step 4: Backup the hierarchy on tape.
# cd <fm_dir>
# tar cvf /dev/tape ./
where <fm_dir> is the File Manager Hierarchy location, as obtained in Step 2.
Step 5: Restart the server if necessary.
Step 6: Go to the destination machine.
Step 7: Install MSC.Patran and MSC.SuperModel.
Step 8: Temporarily shutdown the server
# ps -ef | grep smdl_fm_server
# kill <pid>
where <pid> is the smdl_fm_server process ID.
Step 9: Expand the hierarchy and File Manager database from the tape.
# cd <dir_path>
# rm -rf ./*
# tar xvf /dev/tape
where <dir_path> is the File Manager Hierarchy location specified in the installation in Step 7.
Step 10: Modify the File Manager database to reference its new location.
# /usr/interbase/bin/qli
Welcome to QLI
Query Language Interpreter
QLI> ready smdl_fm.database
QLI> list adp_info	(to review value of root_dir)
QLI> Update adp_info -
CON> set root_dir = ‘dir_path/hier’
QLI> list adp_info
QLI> quit
Do you want to rollback updates for QLI_0? yes
where dir_path is the File Manager Hierarchy location specified in the installation in Step 7.
Step 11: Restart the server, if necessary.