Thermal > Example Problems > Example Problem Number 2--Transient Conduction Problem
Example Problem Number 2--Transient Conduction Problem
Example problem 2 is designed to expose the user to Patran Thermal's material property evaluation options and the required syntax for their use. The features, capabilities, and control parameters of the translator will be demonstrated. This translator is a crucial element of the Patran Thermal system and facilitates the creation and translation of input and output files. Finally, the user will be familiarized with Patran Thermal's run control parameters. Remember, run control parameters provide the versatility needed to control analysis results. It is the specification of these parameters that drives the analysis. The example problem directs you to assign thermodynamic material properties to four different materials. This is accomplished through a combination of accessing material templates supplied by MSc.Software Corporation or defined by the user. You may define your own materials by directly entering data (via your system editor) to your material data file; MATDAT. We will define one of our own materials, “artificial unobtainium” by editing its properties into the MATDAT file in this example problem.
Figure D‑2 Example Problem 2 - 1M x 1M Square