Thermal > PATQ Preference Program > PATQ Limitations
PATQ Limitations
This subsection contains a brief description of certain limitations that exist in the PATQ program (e.g., maximum number of MID templates, etc.). Although it has been the author's philosophy to avoid coding in such limitations (especially in QTRAN, where there are virtually NO coded limitations visible to the user), expediency has caused a few such limitations to find their way into PATQ for the time being.
These limitations are as follows. First, MID templates may not have a TID number greater than 1000000 (remember also that all TID numbers must be greater than 0). MACRO templates TID number may not be greater than 1000000. The total number of Microfunctions referenced by the MACRO templates must not exceed 1000000. The maximum CONV template TID number may not exceed 1000000. The maximum count of CONV template MPID values and GP values may not exceed 1000000. These limitations are presented in a brief form below.
Maximum MID Template TID Number
Maximum MACRO Template TID Number
Maximum number of Microfunctions
Maximum CONV Template TID Number
Maximum number of MPID + GP Values
In general, the maximum values are high enough that they are unlikely to cause anyone serious problems, but keep these limits in mind when building the thermal model.