Thermal > Support Scripts and Codes > QINDAT File Listing
QINDAT File Listing
All file names in this listing are generic and may differ slightly for the computer you are using.
*  This is a QTRAN input data file (QIN.DAT).  Note that any
*  line beginning with an asterisk (*) is a comment.  Also note that a
*  semicolon (;) denotes the end of a line so that comments may be placed
*  to the right of any semicolon.  All comments are, of course, optional.
  #   Q T R A N  -  Q T R A N  --  Q T R A N  --  Q T R A N  --  Q T R A N  #
  #   Version: 13.1.082 (haddock.v13)                                       #
  #   Release Date:   Thu Feb 17 11:14:02 PST 2005                          #
  #   Execution Node: blade(0x80fb2476, -2131024778) (SunOS 5.8)            #
  #   Execution Date: 17-FEB-2005                                           #
  #   Execution Time:   13:45:09                                            #
      ###           COPYRIGHT 1986-2004 BY            ###
      ###             MSC.Software CORP.              ###
      ###            ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.             ###
*   File written from P3
*   P3 Version: 2005 r2
*   Database: /users2/haddock/test/v13/pvf_plate/pvfplate01.db
*   Job Name: pvfplate01a
*   Job Description
* pvfplate01a - heated plate radiating to one 0.6 meters away. 
*   File Creation Date: 17-Feb-05
*   File Creation Time: 13:44:48
*  If you wish to restart QTRAN from an existing nodal results file,
*  you may do so with a $RESTART command.  The following $RESTART command
*  (which is commented out) requests QTRAN to be restarted from nodal
*  results file NR10.NRF, and to begin new nodal results file names
*  with "nnn" = 43, where the nodal results files are named NRnnn.NRF.
*  If a third field is not supplied, then the time from the nodal results
*  file NR10.NRF will be used as the initial time for the new run.  If a
*  third field is supplied, it will be used as a new initial time for the
*  new execution. If the newtempflag is not zero then temperatures in the
*  defined initial temperature block will be used.
*  Since this $RESTART command is commented out, it will have no effect and
*  is used here simply as a place keeper for your convenience.
**TRASYS_TR $RESTART   nr000.nrf 43   newTime  newtempflag
**TRASYS_DY $RESTART   nr000.nrf 43   newTime  newtempflag
* Section 5.2.1:  Output Labels
Sample master input file.  Edit to fit your run requirements
$INSERT title.dat                        
*                                           Insert the TITLE.DAT file.  This
*                                           file will contain the neutral
*                                           file title data.  
* Example title data before the $INSERT title.dat command which includes
* the title data from a translated PATRAN neutral file.
*     NOTE: $INSERT records are used throughout the QIN.DAT file to load
*           blocks of specific types of information at the appropriate
*           position.  If the data or file is not available, the insert
*           record will have no effect.  But, it will serve as a place
*           holder for future runs.
$                                        ;  Terminate title data with a "$".
* Section 5.2.2:  Input Data File Echo Option
IECHO              Y                     ;  Data Echo?  (Y=yes,N=no)
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.3:  Temperature Scale Definition
ISCALE             K                     ;  Output temperatures in Kelvin.
ICCALC             K                     ;  Calculate using Kelvin.
*                                           Temperature options are R, F, K,
*                                           and C.
TLABEL       SECONDS                     ;  Time units label is "SECONDS".
*                                           This is label only, no time units
*                                           conversion takes place.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.4:  Transient/Steady State Run Option Selection
*     Options for the hydraulic solution
*       HIOPT    HSOL    NTBHUP
*       -----    ----    ------
HIOPT       0       2    200000        ;  HIOPT = 0 = No hydraulic network
*                                                 1 = Hydraulic network only
*                                                 2 = Hydraulic network coupled
*                                                     to thermal network
*                                         HSOL =  2 = Direct solver
*                                         NTBHUP = Number of thermal iterations
*                                                  between hydraulic solutions
*                                                  for steady state or the
*                                                  number of time steps before
*                                                  hydraulic update for
*                                                  transient calculations.
*     Options for the thermal solution
*       IOPT    SOL    NITBUP   MFLIPF
*       ----    ---    ------   ------
IOPT       1      0        4        8   ;  IOPT = 3 = Steady State
*                                           Other IOPT options are:
*                                               0 = data check only
*                                               1 = transient
*                                               2 = SS + Transient
*                                               3 = Steady State (SS)
*                                               4 = Transient + SS
*                                               5 = SS + Transient + SS
*                                           SOL = 0 = STANDARD SOLUTION
*                                               = 1 = WEAKLY NONLINEAR
*                                                     SOLUTION.
*                                               = 2 = Direct solution
*                                           NITBUP = Number of ITerations
*                                                    Between conductive
*                                                    resistor UPdates if
*                                                    SOL = 1.  If SOL = 0,
*                                                    NITBUP is how frequently
*                                                    all nodes are updated. If
*                                                    SOL=2, its the number of
*                                                    iterative solutions
*                                                    performed before before
*                                                    another direct calculation
*                                           MFLIPF = Number of flip flops in
*                                                    the convergence value
*                                                    before a full bisection
*                                                    solution is used.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.5:  Iteration Limit Parameters
IMAX              36             ; Maximum Iterations per time step.
IMIN               9             ; Minimum Iterations per time step.
*                                  IMAX should always be greater than IMIN by
*                                  a factor of more than 2.  If it is
*                                  desireable to follow a transient very
*                                  close, use value of IMAX = 30, IMIN = 8.  
*                                  If one doesn't care how close the 
*                                  transient is followed, then values such as 
*                                  IMAX = 250, IMIN = 20 could be used.
IMAXSS          2000   2000       ; Maximum number of Steady State Iterations
*                                   for the thermal and hydraulic solutions
*                                   respectively.
ISSDMP          2000              ; Number of Steady State Iterations per 
*                                   output dump.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.6:  Control Parameters
DT            1.000000E-4   1.000000E-30    ; Initial  and minimum
*                                             allowed time step.
TSTART        0.0000000000D-01    ; Start time.
TSTOP        40.0000000000D+00    ; Stop time.
TSFMIN        6.5000000000D-01    ; Shrinking time step factor.
TSFMAX        2.0000000000D+00    ; Expanding time step factor.
HYEPIS        1.0000000000D-04    ; Hydraulic convergence criteria
EPSISS        1.0000000000D-03    ; Steady State Convergence Criteria
*                                   (in degrees ICCALC).
*                        EPSIT    EPSIT2
*             ----------------    ------
EPSIT         1.0000000000D-04    1.0D-07 ; EPSIT is the convergence criteria
*                                           (in degrees ICCALC).  EPSIT2 is
*                                           the iterative delta cutout
*                                           criteria in degrees ICCALC.  For
*                                           transient runs, any node whose
*                                           iterative delta is less than EPSIT2
*                                           will be removed from the iterative
*                                           process, thus conserving CPU time.
*                                           EPSIT2 should be several orders of
*                                           magnitude less than EPSIT.  If
*                                           EPSIT2 is entered as blank or 0.0,
*                                           all nodes are iterated until the
*                                           worst node has converged (this is
*                                           a conservative approach).
PERTUR        5.0000000000D-02            ; PERTUR is the perturbation
*                                           parameter (degrees ICCALC) for the
*                                           Newton's 2nd Order Scheme of the
*                                           SNPSOR algorithm. 
*                       RELAXS   IFSRLX
*                       ------   ------
RELAXS        1.0000000000D+00        1  ; Steady State Relaxation Parameters
*                                          and control flag.  RELAXS is the
*                                          initial relaxation value or a
*                                          constant if input as a negative
*                                          value.  IFSRLX indicates the type
*                                          of relaxation values that are to
*                                          be calculated.
*                        IFSRLX = 0   (default) System relaxation value which
*                                     applies to all nodes is calculated.
*                        IFSRLX = 1   Group relaxation values are calculated.
*                                     Seperate relaxation parameters are 
*                                     determined dependent on the type of 
*                                     boundary condition (Advection,
*                                     radiation, convection or conduction) 
*                                     at the node.
*                        IFSRLX = 2   Individual relaxation parameters are
*                                     determined on a node by node basis.
*        Steady state relaxation controls
*        -------  ------   ----------
RLXSAT   1.999    0.30     1.00        ;  Advection relaxation controls
RLXSRT   1.999    0.80     1.00        ;  Radiation relaxation controls
RLXSHT   1.999    0.94     1.00        ;  Convection relaxation controls
RLXSCT   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  Conduction relaxation controls
RLXSST   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  System relaxation controls
*     The relaxation controls apply to specific nodes that have the specific
*     type of boundary conditions defined.  If any node has advection, then
*     those nodes use the advection controls.  If nodes have more than
*     one type of boundary condition, then the controls with the following
*     order will apply: advection, radiation, convection and conduction.
*     System controls apply when only one relaxation parameter is calculated
*     for the entire system of nodes being analyzed.
*        MAXIMUM     is the upper limit to the relaxation parameter.
*                    Valid values are between 1.0 and 1.999
*        DAMPER      is the factor applied to the increase in the relaxation
*                    parameter.  This serves to retard the rate of increase
*                    in the relaxation parameter.
*                    Valid values are between 0.001 and 1.0
*        MULTIPLIER  is a multiplier that is applied to the application of
*                    the relaxation parameter.  This is a means of applying
*                    under relaxation to node groups.
*                    Valid values are between 0.001 and 1.0
*                       RELAXT   IFTRLX
*                       ------   ------
RELAXT        1.0000000000D+00        1  ; Transient Relaxation Parameters
*                                          and control flag.  RELAXT is the
*                                          initial relaxation value or a
*                                          constant if input as a negative
*                                          value.  IFTRLX indicates the type
*                                          of relaxation values that are to
*                                          be calculated.
*                        IFTRLX = 0   (default) System relaxation value which
*                                     applies to all nodes is calculated.
*                        IFTRLX = 1   Group relaxation values are calculated.
*                                     Seperate relaxation parameters are 
*                                     determined dependent on the type of 
*                                     boundary condition (Advection,
*                                     radiation, convection or conduction) 
*                                     at the node.
*                        IFTRLX = 2   Individual relaxation parameters are
*                                     determined on a node by node basis.
*        Transient relaxation controls
*        -------  ------   ----------
RLXTAT   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  Advection relaxation controls
RLXTRT   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  Radiation relaxation controls
RLXTHT   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  Convection relaxation controls
RLXTCT   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  Conduction relaxation controls
RLXTST   1.999    0.95     1.00        ;  System relaxation controls
*           BETA                 BETMIN         BETMAX
*           -----                ------         ------
BETA        1.0000000000D+00     0.0000D+00     1.0000D+00
*           BETA is the Explicit/Implicit Ratio 
*                          0.0 = fixed fully explicit;
*                         -1.0 = fixed fully implicit;
*                        > 0.0 = adaptive explicit/implicit.
*           BETMIN is the minimum BETA value  (Default = 0.0)
*           BETMAX is the maximum BETA value  (Default = 1.0)
*           DELMAX         MINTMP         MAXTMP
*           ------         ------         ------
DELMAX      1000.0         -1.000D+30      1.000D+30
*           DELMAX is the Maximum allowed iterative delta.
*                  (DEFAULT = 1000.0)
*           MINTMP is the Minimum allowable calculated temperature.
*                  (Default = -1.000D+30)
*           MAXTMP is the Maximum allowable calculated temperature.
*                  (Default = 1.000D+30)
*                       PCBAND  CPDELT
*             ----------------  ------
PCBAND        1.0000000000D-00  1000.0   ; PCBAND is the Phase Change Band
*                                          width in degrees ICCALC for
*                                          problems using QTRAN's standard
*                                          phase change algorithm.  CPDELT 
*                                          (if blank or non-zero) is the
*                                          temperature integration step over 
*                                          which the Cp curve will be 
*                                          evaluated to obtain an integrated 
*                                          average Cp value for a time step.  
*                                          If any Cp curves have "spikes", 
*                                          CPDELT should be set to some 
*                                          temperature value significantly 
*                                          smaller (1/5 to 1/10 of the spike
*                                          width).
*        GRAVTY    GX    GY    GZ
*        ------    --    --    --
GRAVTY      0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0
*                                ; Gravitational constant, GX, GY, GZ Gravity 
*                                ; field in x, y, and z direction for 
*                                ; determination of gravity heads.
SBC           0.0                        ; Stephan-Boltzmann Constant
*                                          (if 0.0 is entered, SBC will
*                                          default according to the ICCALC
*                                          temperature scale to either SI
*                                          units or to English units).
*>>>>>>>>   RADIATION      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*     SBC           1.7140E-9       ; BTU/HR/FT2/R4
*     SBC           1.712E-9        ; BTU/HR/FT2/R4  (EXPERIMENTAL)
*                                      default for English units
*     SBC           2.8567E-11      ; BTU/MIN/FT2/R4
*     SBC           4.7611E-13      ; BTU/SEC/FT2/R4
*     SBC           1.7993E-8       ; BTU/HR/FT2/K4
*     SBC           2.9988E-10      ; BTU/MIN/FT2/K4
*     SBC           4.9980E-12      ; BTU/SEC/FT2/K4
*     SBC           1.1903E-11      ; BTU/HR/IN2/R4
*     SBC           3.3063E-15      ; BTU/SEC/IN2/R4
*     SBC           5.01783E-10     ; WATTS/FT2/R4
*     SBC           3.4846E-12      ; WATTS/IN2/R4
*     SBC           5.26753E-9      ; WATTS/FT2/K4
*     SBC           5.40113E-13     ; WATTS/CM2/R4
*     SBC           3.6580E-11      ; WATTS/IN2/K4
*     SBC           5.6699E-12      ; WATTS/CM2/K4
*     SBC           5.6699E-5       ; ERGS/SEC/CM2/K4
*     SBC           5.6696E-8       ; WATTS/M2/K4  (EXPERIMENTAL)
*                                      default for SI units
*     SBC           5.6696D-14      ; WATT/mm2/K4
* ***************************************************************************
DCMF               1                ; DisContinuous Macrofunction Flag
*                                      0 --> off
*                                      1 --> on (discontinuous 
*                                            macrofunctions may exist).
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.7:  Resistor/Capacitor/Qmacro Data Print Option
*             C    H    R    W    A  Cap    Q  HA HC
*             -    -    -    -    -  ---    -  -- --
IRQFLO        0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0  0
*        Nodal results file format
NRFORM   0     ;  = ->  0  Binary file
*              ;  = ->  1  ASCII file
*        Which records are to be put in the nodal results file
*        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
*        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
IDMNRF   1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
*              ;  = ->  0  Record is not put in nodal results file
*              ;  = ->  1  Record is put in nodal results file
*     Entry Number   1 = Temperatures
*     Entry Number   2 = Net nodal heat flow
*     Entry Number   3 = Explicit stable time step
*     Entry Number   4 = QMACRO function heat input
*     Entry Number   5 = QBASE heat input to each node
*     Entry Number   6 = Total heat input to each node
*     Entry Number   7 = Temperature error
*     Entry Number   8 = Average convection heat transfer coefficient
*     Entry Number   9 = Pressure at a given node from the hydraulic solution
*     Entry Number  10 = Mass flow rate at a given node from the 
*                        hydraulic solution
*     Entry Number  11 = Mass flow rate in hydraulic element
*     Entry Number  12 = Differential head in hydraulic element
*     Entry Number  13 = Fluid velocity in hydraulic element
*     Entry Number  14 = Volume flow rate in hydraulic element
*     Entry Number  15 = Applied heat flux
*     Entry Number  16 = Convective heat flux
*     Entry Number  17 = Radiate heat flux
*     Entry Number  18 = Total heat flux
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.8 Data:  Maximum Time Step Controls
* Section  Initial Maximum Time Step
*          DTMAX     DTMAXH
*          -----     ------
DTMAX       10.0      100.0       ; Initial maximum Thermal and Hydraulic
*                                   time steps.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Section  Maximum Allowable Time Step Adjustments
*        New DT   Time  New HDT
*        ------   ----  -------
*DTMAXA      1.0  14.0     0.8        ; Sets the maximum time step size
*                                       to 1.0 at time = 14.0 and the
*                                       hydraulic time step becomes 0.8.
*                                       The line has been commented
*                                       out.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$                                     ; End DTMAXA input with a "$".
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.9 Data:  Node Definitions
$INSERT pnode.dat
*                                      Pressure nodes that will be used in the
*                                      hydraulic flow network calculations.
*                                      Hydraulic nodes must be the first nodes 
*                                      specified.
$INSERT node.dat                         
*                                        Insert the NODE.DAT file.  This
*                                        file will contain the node numbers
*                                        generated by PATRAN and PATQ.
$INSERT vfnode.dat                       
*                                        Insert the VFNODE.DAT file.  This
*                                        file contains the node numbers
*                                        generated by P/VIEWFACTOR.
$                                   ; Terminate the DEFNOD data with a "$".
$INSERT tcoupl.dat
*                                     Insert the TCOUPL.DAT file.  This
*                                     file contains the node IDs which are
*                                     to be included in the analysis as if
*                                     they were part of the companion node.
*                                     Node location and identity are preserved.
$                                      ; Terminate with a "$"
$INSERT nodxyz.dat
*                                     Insert the NODXYZ.DAT file.  This
*                                     file contains the node locations and
*                                     the values are stored according to
*                                     their definition of the nodes in the
*                                     previous section.
$                                      ; Terminate with a "$"
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.2.10 Data:  Print Controls
* Section  Initial Output Print Interval
TPRINT           1.0                    ; Initial Transient Print Interval.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Section  Output Print Interval Adjustments
*        New TPRINT   Time
*        ----------   ----
*PRINTA        0.2       1.1              ; Sets the print interval size
*                                           This statement forces an output
*                                           at 1.1 eventhough the print 
*                                           increment is 1.0.  The print
*                                           interval is changed to 0.2 and
*                                           resulting print times would be
*                                           1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, etc.
*PRINTA       -0.5       2.3              ; Sets the print interval size
*                                           The negative sign on this 
*                                           statement would force
*                                           print at 2.3 and on multiples
*                                           of 0.5 there after. For example
*                                           2.3, 2.5, 3.0, etc.
*PRINTA        1.0       5.0              ; Sets the print interval size
*PRINTA       10.0      10.0              ; Sets the print interval size
*PRINTA       50.0      50.0              ; Sets the print interval size
*                                           At time 50 the print interval 
*                                           will be changed to 50.
$                                         ; Terminate PRINTA data with a "$".
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Section  Nodal Print Block Definitions
* NOTE:  If no PBLOCK data is specified, the default is
*        to print out all nodal data.  With "PBLOCK 1 1 1" specified as below,
*        printout of all but node 1 into the QOUT.DAT will be suppressed.
*        All node data will still be printed out into the nodal results files
*        generated by QTRAN. 
*PBLOCK  1  1  1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Section  Nodal Plot Block Definitions
* NOTE:  If no IPLTBK data is specified, the plot file is not opened.
*        With "IPLTBK 1 3 1" specified only those nodes between 1 and 3
*        will be output to the plot file after each converged calculation.
*        Also, only temperature in ICCALC units are output to the file.
*IPLTBK  1  3  1
$                 ; The print and plot block is terminated with a "$".
$INSERT mat.dat                          
*                                           Insert the material properties
*                                           data file MAT.DAT.
$                 ; End the material property data Section 5.3 with a "$".
* Section 5.4.1:  Resistor Data Sets
* This portion of the QIN.DAT file has a number of optional "$STATUS message" 
* commands.  These can be of some help in the event that QTRAN encounters an
* error and for some reason you have difficulty in ascertaining where the
* error occurred.
$STATUS Beginning to read conduc.dat
$INSERT conduc.dat,C    ; the ",C" implies a binary file.
$STATUS conduc.dat input finished.
$STATUS Beginning to read fres.dat
$INSERT fres.dat        ; hydraulic data
$STATUS fres.dat input finished.
$STATUS Beginning to read convec.dat
$INSERT convec.dat  
$INSERT gap_convec.dat      ; Gap convection between regions
$INSERT ../convec.dat.apnd  ; Supplemental resistors defined by the user
$STATUS convec.dat input finished.
*  These commands are used to $INSERT the radiation resistor data generated
$STATUS Beginning to read vfres.dat.
$INSERT vfres.dat,RAD   ; the ",RAD" inplies a binary file.
$STATUS vfres.dat input finished.
**TRASYS_SS $INSERT travrc.dat      ; Uncomment the trasys file based on the
**TRASYS_TR $INSERT travrc.dat      ; type of analysis performed.
**TRASYS_DY $INSERT trdynrdk.dat    ; SS Steady State, TR Transient
**TRASYS_DY $INSERT trcdrc.dat      ; DY are for dynamic view factors
$INSERT trarst.dat      ; Radiation resistors defined by TRASYS
$INSERT nevrst.dat      ; Radiation resistors defined by NEVADA
$INSERT ambn_rad.dat    ; Radiation to an ambient node.
$INSERT gap_rad.dat     ; Gap radiation between two nodes.
$INSERT rad_dir.dat     ; Direct translation radiation network.
$STATUS Beginning to read res.dat.
$INSERT res.dat
$STATUS res.dat input finished.
$                       ;  Terminate the resistor input with a "$".
$STATUS All resistor data input is complete.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.4.2:  Capacitor Data Sets
$STATUS Beginning to read cap.dat.
$INSERT cap.dat,CAP      ; the ",CAP" implies a binary file.
$INSERT ../cap.dat.apnd  ; Supplemental capacitors defined by the user
$STATUS cap.dat input complete.
$                       ; Terminate the capacitor data input with a "$".
$STATUS All thermal network data has now been successfully input.
* Section 5.5.1:  Microfunction Definitions
$STATUS Read in the micro.dat file.
$INSERT micro.dat
$INSERT micro_st.dat
**TRASYS_DY $INSERT tramic.dat  ; Uncomment the appropriate file depending
**TRASYS_TR $INSERT tramic.dat  ; if it were a transient or dynamic TRASYS 
$INSERT nevmic.dat  ;  Time dependent heating defined by NEVADA
$STATUS micro.dat input complete.
$                       ; Terminate the microfunction data input with a "$".
$STATUS All microfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.2:  Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definitions
$STATUS Read in the qmacro.dat file.
$INSERT qmacro.dat
$INSERT qmacro_dir.dat
**TRASYS_DY $INSERT traqma.dat  ; Uncomment heat flux file depending if
**TRASYS_TR $INSERT traqma.dat  ; TRASYS run was transient or dynamic
$INSERT nevqma.dat  ;  Variable heat load defined by NEVADA
$STATUS qmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the QMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All QMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.3 Data:  Temperature Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the tmacro.dat file.
$INSERT tmacro.dat
$INSERT tmacro_dir.dat
$STATUS tmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the TMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All TMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.4 Data:  Mass Flow Hydraulic Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the mmacro.dat file.
$INSERT mmacro.dat
$INSERT mmacro_dir.dat
$STATUS mmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the MMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All MMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.5 Data:  Pressure Hydraulic Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the pmacro.dat file.
$INSERT pmacro.dat
$INSERT pmacro_dir.dat
$STATUS pmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the PMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All MMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.6 Data:  Initially Fixed Nodes
$STATUS Read in the tfix.dat file.
$INSERT tfix.dat 
$STATUS tfix.dat input complete.
* Section 5.5.6 Data:  Initially Fixed Pressure Nodes
$STATUS Read in the pfix.dat file.
$INSERT pfix.dat 
$STATUS pfix.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the fixed node data with a "$".
$STATUS Fixed node data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.7 Data:  Nodal Classification Changes
* [ None used for this problem. ]
$                         ; Terminate CLASSification changes with a "$".
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.8 Data:  Initial Global Temperature and Heat Source
TINITL                    20.0 C         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           temperature of  20.0 C      
PINITL                  101325.0         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           pressure of 101325 nt/m2
MGLOBL                       0.0         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           mass flow rate 0.0 kg/sec
*               MPIDGH    MPIDGX    MPIDGY    MPIDGZ
*               ------    ------    ------    ------
MPIDGH               0         0         0         0
*                                        ;  Material property IDs which define
*                                        ;  variable gravity fields.
*                                        ;  MPIDGH - Field value used for units
*                                        ;  conversions  m/sec2
*                                        ;  MPIDGX - Gravity along x-axis
*                                        ;  MPIDGY - Gravity along y-axis
*                                        ;  MPIDGZ - Gravity along z-axis
QGLOBL       0.00000000000D+00           ;  Globally assign a per-unit-volume
*                                           heat flux of 0.0.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.9:  Individual Assignments of Initial Temperatures
$STATUS Read in the temp.dat file.
$INSERT temp.dat
$STATUS temp.dat data input complete.
* Section 5.5.9:  Individual Assignments of Initial Pressures
$STATUS Read in the press.dat file.
$INSERT press.dat
$STATUS press.dat data input complete.
$           ; Terminate the initial temperature and pressure data with a "$".
$STATUS Initial temperature and pressure data input complete.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.10:  Individual Assignments of Constant Heat Sources
$STATUS Beginning to read qbase.dat.
$INSERT qbase.dat  
$INSERT qbase_dir.dat
**TRASYS_SS $INSERT trqbas.dat  ;  uncomment if this is a steady state
*                                  TRASYS run.
$INSERT nevbas.dat  ;  Constant heat load defined by NEVADA
$STATUS qbase.dat data input complete.
* Section 5.5.10:  Individual Assignments of Constant mass flow rate
$STATUS Beginning to read mdbase.dat
$INSERT mdbase.dat
$STATUS     mdbase.dat input complete.
$     ; Terminate the constant heat source and mass flow rate data with a "$".
* ***************************************************************************
* ***************************************************************************
* User input may follow
* ***************************************************************************
; End the material property data Section 5.3 with a "$".
* Section 5.4.1:  Resistor Data Sets
* This portion of the QIN.DAT file has a number of optional "$STATUS message" 
* commands.  These can be of some help in the event that QTRAN encounters an
* error and for some reason you have difficulty in ascertaining where the
* error occurred.
$STATUS Beginning to read conduc.dat
$INSERT conduc.dat,C    ; the ",C" implies a binary file.
$STATUS conduc.dat input finished.
$STATUS Beginning to read fres.dat
$INSERT fres.dat        ; hydraulic data
$STATUS fres.dat input finished.
$STATUS Beginning to read convec.dat
$INSERT convec.dat  
$INSERT gap_convec.dat      ; Gap convection between regions
$INSERT ../convec.dat.apnd  ; Supplemental resistors defined by the user
$STATUS convec.dat input finished.
*  These commands are used to $INSERT the radiation resistor data generated
$STATUS Beginning to read vfres.dat.
$INSERT vfres.dat,RAD   ; the ",RAD" inplies a binary file.
$INSERT trarst.dat      ; Radiation resistors defined by TRASYS
$INSERT nevrst.dat      ; Radiation resistors defined by NEVADA
$INSERT gap_rad.dat     ; Gap radiation between two nodes.
$STATUS vfres.dat input finished.
STATUS Beginning to read res.dat.
$INSERT res.dat
$STATUS res.dat input finished.
$                       ;  Terminate the resistor input with a "$".
$STATUS All resistor data input is complete.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.4.2:  Capacitor Data Sets
$STATUS Beginning to read cap.dat.
$INSERT cap.dat,CAP      ; the ",CAP" implies a binary file.
$INSERT ../cap.dat.apnd  ; Supplemental capacitors defined by the user
$STATUS cap.dat input complete.
$                       ; Terminate the capacitor data input with a "$".
$STATUS All thermal network data has now been successfully input.
* Section 5.5.1:  Microfunction Definitions
$STATUS Read in the micro.dat file.
$INSERT micro.dat
$INSERT tramic.dat  ;  Time dependent heating defined by TRASYS
$INSERT nevmic.dat  ;  Time dependent heating defined by NEVADA
$STATUS micro.dat input complete.
$                       ; Terminate the microfunction data input with a "$".
$STATUS All microfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.2:  Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definitions
$STATUS Read in the qmacro.dat file.
$INSERT qmacro.dat
$INSERT traqma.dat  ;  Variable heat load defined by TRASYS
$INSERT nevqma.dat  ;  Variable heat load defined by NEVADA
$STATUS qmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the QMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All QMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.3 Data:  Temperature Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the tmacro.dat file.
$INSERT tmacro.dat
$STATUS tmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the TMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All TMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.4 Data:  Mass Flow Hydraulic Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the mmacro.dat file.
$INSERT mmacro.dat
$STATUS mmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the MMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All MMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.5 Data:  Pressure Hydraulic Control Macrofunctions
$STATUS Read in the pmacro.dat file.
$INSERT pmacro.dat
$STATUS pmacro.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the PMACROfunction data with a "$".
$STATUS All MMACROfunction data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.6 Data:  Initially Fixed Nodes
$STATUS Read in the tfix.dat file.
$INSERT tfix.dat 
$STATUS tfix.dat input complete.
* Section 5.5.6 Data:  Initially Fixed Pressure Nodes
$STATUS Read in the pfix.dat file.
$INSERT pfix.dat 
$STATUS pfix.dat input complete.
$                         ; Terminate the fixed node data with a "$".
$STATUS Fixed node data has now been successfully input.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.7 Data:  Nodal Classification Changes
* [ None used for this problem. ]
$                         ; Terminate CLASSification changes with a "$".
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.8 Data:  Initial Global Temperature and Heat Source
TINITL                    20.0 C         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           temperature of  20.0 C      
PINITL                  101325.0         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           pressure of 101325 nt/m2
MGLOBL                       0.0         ;  Globally assign an initial 
*                                           mass flow rate 0.0 kg/sec
*               MPIDGH    MPIDGX    MPIDGY    MPIDGZ
*               ------    ------    ------    ------
MPIDGH               0         0         0         0
*                                        ;  Material property IDs which define
*                                        ;  variable gravity fields.
*                                        ;  MPIDGH - Field value used for units
*                                        ;  conversions  m/sec2
*                                        ;  MPIDGX - Gravity along x-axis
*                                        ;  MPIDGY - Gravity along y-axis
*                                        ;  MPIDGZ - Gravity along z-axis
QGLOBL       0.00000000000D+00           ;  Globally assign a per-unit-volume
*                                           heat flux of 0.0.
* ***********************************
*Section 5.5.9:  Individual Assignments of Initial Temperatures
$STATUS Read in the temp.dat file.
$INSERT temp.dat
$STATUS temp.dat data input complete.
* Section 5.5.9:  Individual Assignments of Initial Pressures
$STATUS Read in the press.dat file.
$INSERT press.dat
$STATUS press.dat data input complete.
$           ; Terminate the initial temperature and pressure data with a "$".
$STATUS Initial temperature and pressure data input complete.
* ***************************************************************************
* Section 5.5.10:  Individual Assignments of Constant Heat Sources
$STATUS Beginning to read qbase.dat.
$INSERT qbase.dat  
$INSERT trqbas.dat  ;  Constant heat load defined by TRASYS
$INSERT nevbas.dat  ;  Constant heat load defined by NEVADA
$STATUS qbase.dat data input complete.
* Section 5.5.10:  Individual Assignments of Constant mass flow rate
$STATUS Beginning to read mdbase.dat
$INSERT mdbase.dat
$STATUS     mdbase.dat input complete.
$     ; Terminate the constant heat source and mass flow rate data with a "$".
* ***************************************************************************
* ***************************************************************************