Fatigue User’s Guide > Material Management > PFMAT in BATCH Mode
The whole of PFMAT cannot be operated in batch, however, to automate the creation of the materials database, the Create option may be operated from batch. This will be useful for those who have existing material databases in ASCII format who wish to transfer these to MSC Fatigue.
The format for entering materials data in batch is slightly different than other batch operations of MSC Fatigue programs described throughout the guide. The batch file command line points to a file which contains the list of keywords, material parameters, and values required to describe the particular materials. The command below references the ASCII file mymat.mat as an example.
pfmat @mymat.mat
Note that there should be NO space between the @ and the file name.
The format of the lines in this ASCII file is:
These keywords are described below. There are certain keywords which are mandatory and others which are optional. In addition, there are groups of keywords which must either all be included or all excluded. These are indicated. Also, only the capitalized portions of the keyword need be input. An example is given for each keyword and an example input file is shown at the end of this section. Note that no spaces are allowed between the equal signs.
Batch operation is restricted to the Create and eXit options of PFMAT. This keyword is mandatory and must appear as the first and last lines in the file. (/OPT=CREATE, /OPT=EXIT)
This is mandatory. It means, put the material IN the DAtabase.
This specifies whether loading material data into material dataset number 1 or 2. This keyword is optional. (/MATNO=1)
If the user wishes to load the data into the central database, he must supply the password. This keyword is optional and a local database must be present if it is not supplied. (/PASS=PFATIGUE)
This is the primary name the user is giving to the material he is loading. This keyword is mandatory. (/PRI=MYMAT)
This is the secondary name the user wishes to give to the material he is loading. He may specify up to 9 secondary or alternative names by using this keyword repeated times. This keyword is optional.
It is possible to specify a reference for the material. This is a character string up to 64 characters long. This keyword is optional. (/REF=FROM SOME HANDBOOK)
It is possible to also specify two comment lines using this option. The first is a character string up to 64 characters in length. The second is a character string up to 32 characters in length. To specify two comment lines, use this keyword twice. This keyword is optional. (/COM=HIGH STRENGTH STEEL)
The following keywords define the generic properties of the material. Of these, all are optional except /TYPE, /UTS, and /E1 which are required.
This is the material type code. This keyword is mandatory. However, it can be left blank. It is suggested that either 0 or 99 is used if it is not known to which family of materials it should be grouped. A listing of all current material type codes. (/TYPE=99) is given in Table 3‑1
This defines the yield strength of the material in stress units.
This defines the ultimate tensile strength of the material in stress units. (/UTS=552)
This defines the Young's modulus of the material in stress units.
This defines the fracture toughness of the material in units of
MPa*m1/2 or KSI*inch1/2. (/K1C=121)
This defines the work hardening exponent. (/N1=0.21)
This defines the work hardening coefficient in units of stress.
This defines the elastic Poisson's ratio. (/ME=0.3)
This defines the plastic Poisson's ratio. (/MP=0.5)
The next set of keywords define the strain-life (E-N) dataset. Either all must be present or none when defining strain-life data.
This defines the fatigue strength coefficient in units of stress.
This defines the fatigue strength exponent. (/EB=-0.095)
This defines the fatigue ductility coefficient. (/EC=-0.47)
This defines the fatigue ductility exponent. (/EF=0.26)
This defines the cyclic strain hardening exponent. (/EN1=0.19)
This defines the cyclic strength coefficient in stress unit. (/EK=1103)
This defines the cut-off in reversal. The default is 2E8 reversals.
This defines the standard error of log (N) (Elastic). The default is zero. (/EESE=0)
This defines the standard error of log(N) (Plastic). The default is zero.
This defines the standard error of log(N) (Cyclic). The default is zero.
The next set of keywords define the stress-life (S-N) dataset. Either all must be present or none when defining stress-life data.
This defines the S-N type, either Material, Component, or Spot Weld. (/SNT=M)
This defines the stress range intercept in stress units. (/SRI=8948)
This defines the first fatigue strength exponent. (/B1=-0.2)
This defines the fatigue transition point in cycles. (/NC1=2E8)
This defines the second fatigue strength exponent. (/B2=-0.2)
This defines the stress range fatigue limit in stress units. (/SFL=10)
This defines the mean stress sensitivity factor used with Spot Weld. (/SMSS=0.1)
This defines the standard error of log (N). (/SE=0.137)
This defines the R-Ratio of test. (/RRAT=-1)
The next set of keywords define the fracture mechanics (LEFM) dataset. Either all must be present or none when defining fracture mechanics data. This group of keywords may be repeated for as many environments as are being defined.
This is the name of the environment under consideration. It is a character string up to 20 characters in length. (/ENV=AIR)
This defines the unnotched fatigue strength in stress units. (/FL=226)
This defines the Paris law coefficient in units of meters/cycle or inches/cycle. (/C=3E-12)
This defines the Paris law exponent. (/M=3.43)
This defines the delta K threshold at R=0 in units of MPa*m1/2 or KSI*inch1/2. (/D0=8)
This defines the delta K threshold at R=1 in units of MPa*m1/2 or KSI*inch1/2. (/D1=2)
This defines the stress ratio at threshold knee. (/RC=0.75)
The following batch section shows how a full set of materials data can be entered from a batch environment.
The command below points to the ASCII file example.mat.
pfmat @example.mat
This ASCII file contains the following keywords, materials parameters and values to specify the material MYMAT, and is listed below. First, however, the following notes should be made:
1. It is necessary to create a local database, either by manually editing or creating a material but not giving the password or by using the utility under the Create option to initialize a new empty database. The batch load will fail if there is not a local database already created.
2. The units used must be those expected by PFMAT. Check before the batch load that the units preference has been set properly and is what is expected. See the Preferences Option, 127 for details.
3. If entering data values outside of the acceptable, preset ranges of PFMAT, Material checking must be set to OFF. Check before batch load operation that this is set properly. See the Preferences Option, 127 for details.
4. If there are problems loading or the data loaded is not what was expected, check the pfatigue.prt files for a description of the batch load operation.
The contents of example.mat are:
/SEC=first alternative
/SEC=second alternative
/REF=Data from somewhere
/COM=Example for manual