XY Plotting > Overview of the XY Plot Application > Notes on Managing XY Plots
Notes on Managing XY Plots
Displaying New Curves
When displaying a new curve for the first time, it is recommended that it be the only curve posted to the XY window. The following plot specifications and axis option selections are recommended:
Plot Specifications: All data points selected for plotting (Start Point = 1, End Point = highest numbered data point, Frequency = 1); Least Squares curve fit method selected; Display Symbol option selected.
Axes Scales and Labels: Logarithmic scale method; Automatic assignment method; Display Labels option selected; Power label format selected.
Axis Tick Marks: Primary display selected.
With these selections, all data points are plotted and a good curve display is produced regardless of plot range or sharp changes in direction. Adjust the number of PCs and the number of lines per PC for the desired accuracy. Refer to Modify a Curve’s Fit Method and Display Attributes, 43. After evaluating the resulting plot, the plot specifications or axis options can be modified as needed to optimize the display.
Effect of Changing the Active Color Table
All color selections for XY Plot objects are determined by the active color table selected on the Color Configurations form accessed through the Display menu. Changing the active color table will change all XY Plot color selections.
Background Colors
The background color of the XY window is always the first color in the active color table. The first color is black if the Patran standard color table is selected. Any background color may be selected for the graph area (see page 19) and legend box (see page 58). Be sure that the colors selected for display objects (e.g., window titles, legend titles, curve names, axis titles, labels, borders, axis lines, tick marks, gridlines, curve plot lines, and data point symbols) are different from the background colors of the areas where these objects are displayed.
If you intend to produce black and white hardcopy printouts of XY windows, select the background colors to achieve the best contrast between the printed background and the various objects displayed. Refer to the section on File>Print (p. 225) in the Patran Reference Manual for more information.
Using Colors, Line Styles, and Data Point Symbol Types to Visually Distinguish Curves
When two or more curves are posted to the same XY window, visual distinction among them (both in the legend and in the graph area) is necessary. This is accomplished by selecting a different plot line color, line style and/or a different data point symbol color or type for each curve. See Modify a Curve’s Fit Method and Display Attributes, 43. With up to fifteen colors (not including background colors,) seven line styles, and fourteen symbol types, visual distinction can be maintained among a large number of curves posted to the same window.
Locating Titles and Legend Boxes
The location of titles and legend boxes are specified by X,Y locations relative to the upper left corner of the XY window. The locations are specified as percentages of the X and Y dimensions of the XY window. For example, if an X,Y location of 10, 10 (i.e., 10% of the X and Y dimensions of the window) is specified and the XY window has dimensions of 6 x 6 inches, the actual location would be 6 inches vertically and horizontally from the upper left corner of the window.
For legend boxes, the X,Y location defines the location of the upper left corner of the legend box relative to the upper left corner of the window. See Modify Legend Display Attributes, 58. Since the height and width of the legend box are specified as percentages of the X and Y dimensions of the XY window, care must be taken to assure that the specified X,Y location will permit the entire legend box to fit inside the XY window without intruding into the graph area or posted titles.
For titles, the X,Y location defines the location of the top of the first character of the title relative to the upper left corner of the window. See Modify a Title, 46. Care must be taken to assure that the specified X,Y location will permit the entire title string to fit inside the XY window without intruding into the legend box or the graph area.
Multi-Line Titles
Each defined title is limited to a single line with a maximum of 256 characters. If a multi-line title is required, create two or more title definitions and locate each title line as described above.