Analysis Manager > Monitor > Completed Job
Completed Job
This is an Analysis Manager utility that allows the user to graph a particular completed job run by the Analysis Manager
This form is not displayed if this action is selected directly from the Analysis application form in Patran. Instead, only the monitoring form is displayed as shown on the next page. The Windows interface is also shown
The .mon file is created when a job is first submitted to Patran’s Analysis Manager. Information on all the job tasks is written to the .mon file. Time submitted, job name, job number, time actually run, time finished and completion status are all recorded in the file, so that this Analysis Manager function can read the file and have enough information to graph the job’s progress completely.
The explanation of the graphs on this form is identical to that of a Running Job except that the Update slider bar does not show up since it is not applicable to a completed job.
Windows Interface
For Completed Jobs, the Windows interface displays them under the Completed Jobs tab in the
Monitor tree.