Thermal > User-Supplied Routines > User-Supplied Subroutines
User-Supplied Subroutines
This chapter contains subroutines from the ULIBFOR file provided with P/THERMAL. These subroutines are called at various key points in QTRAN’s calculation loop. See Figure 11‑1. Any of these routines may be modified and necessary for the analyses. Then compile and link them with QTRAN using the ULIB command provided with P/THERMAL.
Many of these routines refer to a $INSERT file (a file included at compile time) named COMMONBLK. COMMONBLK is a common block file of parameters used by QTRAN. This file is provided with P/THERMAL, and the file has extensive comments describing the various common block parameters. The user should only use the common blocks required for the individual subroutines being written. Each type of variable is defined in separate include files but all are located through the COMMONBLK file. The COMMONBLK_ALL includes individual files. COMMONBLK does NOT include arrays that are in common. Common arrays may be found in the QTRANFOR file. The QTRAN arrays are defined in section 11.5.
The user should check the COMMONBLK, COMMON****,ULIBFOR and sample QTRANFOR files provided in the P3_HOME/p3thermal_files/lib directory to be sure you have the latest versions.
Figure 11‑1    Top Level QTRAN Flow Diagram