MSC Nastran > Building A Model > 2.9 Loads and Boundary Conditions
2.9 Loads and Boundary Conditions
The Loads and Boundary Conditions form will appear when the Loads/BCs toggle, located on the Patran main form, is chosen. When creating a load and boundary condition there are several option menus. The selections made on the Loads and Boundary Conditions menu will determine which load and boundary conditions form appears, and ultimately, which MD Nastran loads and boundary conditions will be created.
The following pages give an introduction to the Loads and Boundary Conditions form and details of all the loads and boundary conditions supported by the Patran MD Nastran Analysts Preference.
Loads & Boundary Conditions Form
This form appears when Loads/BCs is selected on the main menu. The Loads and Boundary Conditions form is used to provide options to create the various MD Nastran loads and boundary conditions. For a definition of full functionality, see Loads and Boundary Conditions Form (p. 21) in the Patran Reference Manual. Options for defining slide line contact are also accessed from this main Loads and Boundary Conditions form. For more information see Defining Contact Regions, 242.
The following table outlines the options when Create is the selected Action.
Element Uniform
Element Variable
Element Uniform
Element Variable
Element Uniform
Element Variable
Element Uniform
Element Uniform
Element Variable
CID Distributed Load
Element Uniform
Element Variable
Total Load
Element Uniform
Element Uniform
Initial Plastic Strain
Element Uniform
Initial Stress
Element Uniform
Initial Temperature
Planar Rigid Wall *
Init. Rotation Field *
* For SOL 700 only.
This subordinate form appears when the Input Data button is selected on the Loads and Boundary Conditions form and the Current Load Case Type is Static. The Current Load Case Type is set on the Load Case form. For more information see Loads & Boundary Conditions Form, 219. The information on the Input Data form will vary depending on the selected Object. Defined below is the standard information found on this form.
Time Dependent
This subordinate form appears when the Input Data button is selected on the Loads and Boundary Condition form and the Current Load Case Type is Time Dependent. The Current Load Case Type is set on the Load Case form. For more information see Loads & Boundary Conditions Form, 219 and Load Cases, 241. The information on the Input Data form will vary, depending on the selected Object. Defined below is the standard information found on this form.
Object Tables
These are areas on the static and transient input data forms where the load data values are defined. The data fields that appear depend on the selected load Object and Type. In some cases, the data fields also depend on the selected Target Element Type. The following Object Tables outline and define the various input data that pertains to a specific selected object:
Displacement / Velocty / Acceleration
Analysis Type
Creates MD Nastran SPC1 and SPCD Bulk Data for Displacement entries. All non blank entries will cause an SPC1 entry to be created. If the specified value is not 0.0, an SCPD entry will also be created to define the non zero enforced displacement or rotation. Phase angle specifications will create DPHASE entries for all corresponding non blank translational or rotational data in frequency response analysis. Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration LBCs used in frequency response / dynamic analysis also define the RLOAD1 entries with DISP, VELOC, and ACCEL keywords, respectively. For frequency response analysis, the LBCs must reference a frequency range of interest defined as a non-spatial frequency field such that a TABLEDi entry is created. The load case needs to be defined as Time/Frequency dependent to do this. Values given via this option are total enforced values. For relative enforced values used in SOL 400, see the description for the Relative Displacement option below.
Input Data
Translations (T1,T2,T3)
Defines the total enforced translational values. These are in model length units.
Rotations (R1,R2,R3)
Defines the total enforced rotational values. These are in radians.
Translational Phase Angles (Tth1,Tth2,Tth3)
Defines the phase angle for out-of-phase loading in frequency response analysis for the translational values. These are in degrees.
Rotational Phase Angles (Rth1,Rth2,Rth3)
Defines the phase angle for out-of-phase loading in frequency response analysis for the rotational values. These are in degrees.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
Element Variable
Applies a zero or nonzero total displacement boundary condition to the face of solid elements. The primary use of this boundary condition is to apply constraints to p-elements; but it may also be used for standard solid elements. If applied to a p-element solid, the appropriate FEFACE and GMBC entries are created. If applied to a standard solid element, the appropriate SPC1 and SPCD entries are created. In frequency response analysis, the phase angles are written as DPHASE entries. See comments above for nodal displacements.
Input Data
Translations (T1,T2,T3)
Defines the enforced translational displacement values. These values are in model-length units.
Translation Phases (Tth1,Tth2,Tth3)
Defines the phase angle for out-of-phase loading in frequency response analysis for the translational displacement values. These are in degrees.
Analysis Type
Relative Displacement
Applies a zero or nonzero relative displacement boundary condition as opposed to a total magnitude. This is used in SOL 400 only with multiple steps and not applicable to other solution sequences. This LBC will be ignored if present in a referenced load case for solution sequences other than SOL 400. The appropriate SPC1 and SPCR entries are created. For example, if a DOF is specified on a SPCR with 0.0 for step 2, the relative displacement of this DOF for step 2 with respective to step 1 is 0.0. The total displacement of step 2 is 0.2 if the solution of step 1 for this DOF is 0.2.
Input Data
Relative Translations (T1,T2,T3)
Defines the relative enforced translational displacement values in vector form, each value separated by a comma between the brackets <>. If no enforced translation is to be specified, the particular component should be left blank.
Relative Rotations (R1,R2,R3)
Defined the relative enforced rotational displacement values in vector form, each value separated by a comma between the brackets <>. If no enforced rotation is to be specified, the particular component should be left blank.
Analysis Type
Creates MD Nastran FORCE and MOMENT Bulk Data entries. Creates the DPHASE entries in frequency response analysis when specifying phase angles for out-of-phase loading. RLOAD1 entries are created for dynamic analysis and reference the appropriate FORCE entries. For frequency response analysis, the force LBCs must reference a frequency range of interest defined as a non-spatial frequency field such that a TABLEDi entry is created. The load case needs to be defined as Time/Frequency dependent to do this.
Input Data
Force (F1,F2,F3)
Defines the applied forces in the translation degrees of freedom. This defines the N vector and the F magnitude on the FORCE entry.
Moment (M1,M2,M3)
Defines the applied moments in the rotational degrees of freedom. This defines the N vector and the M magnitude on the MOMENT entry.
Force Phase Angles (Fth1,Fth2,Fth3)
Defines the phase angle for out-of-phase loading in frequency response analysis for the corresponding force components. These are in degrees.
Moment Phase Angles (Mth1,Mth2,Mth3)
Defines the phase angle for out-of-phase loading in frequency response analysis for the corresponding moment components. These are in degrees.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
Creates MD Nastran, PLOAD4, PLOADX1, or FORCE Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Top Surf Pressure
Defines the top surface pressure load on shell elements using a PLOAD4 entry. The negative of this value defines the P1, P2, P3, and P4 values. These values are all equal for a given element, producing a uniform pressure field across that face.
Bot Surf Pressure
Defines the bottom surface pressure load on shell elements using a PLOAD4 entry. This value defines the P1 through P4 values.These values are all equal for a given element, producing a uniform pressure field across that face.
Edge Pressure
For Axisymmetric Solid elements (CTRIAX6), defines the P1 through P3 values on the PLOADX1 entry where THETA on that entry is defined as zero. For other 2D elements, this will be interpreted as a load per unit length (i.e. independent of thickness) and converted into equivalent nodal loads (FORCE entries). If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated at the middle of the application region.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
Creates MD Nastran PLOAD4 Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Defines the face pressure value on solid elements using a PLOAD4 entry. This defines the P1, P2, P3, and P4 values. If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated once at the center of the applied region.
Analysis Type
Element Variable
Creates MD Nastran, PLOAD4, PLOADX1, or FORCE Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Top Surf Pressure
Defines the top surface pressure load on shell elements using a PLOAD4 entry. The negative of this value defines the P1, P2, P3, and P4 values. If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated separately for the P1 through P4 values.
Bot Surf Pressure
Defines the bottom surface pressure load on shell elements using a PLOAD4 entry. This value defines the P1 through P4 values. If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated separately for the P1 through P4 values.
Edge Pressure
For Axisymmetric Solid elements (CTRIAX6), defines the P1 through P3 values on the PLOADX1 entry where THETA on that entry is defined as zero. For other 2D elements, this will be interpreted as a load per unit length (e.g., independent of thickness) and converted into equivalent nodal loads (FORCE entries). If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated independently at each node.
Analysis Type
Element Variable
Creates MD Nastran PLOAD4 Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Defines the face pressure value on solid elements using a PLOAD4 entry. This defines the P1, P2, P3, and P4 values. If a scalar field is referenced, it will be evaluated separately for each of the P1 through P4 values.
Analysis Type
Creates MD Nastran TEMP Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Defines the T fields on the TEMP entry.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
Writes the TEMPP1 entry. For 2D Target Elements, T1/T2 or TBAR/TPRIME are written to the TEMPP1 entry but not both. For Equivalent Section shell properties or shell properties that have Z1/Z2 defined, T1/T2 is written and TBAR/TPRIME left blank on the TEMPP1 entry. Nastran determines the correct TPRIME. For all other shell properties TBAR/TPRIME are written and T1/T2 left blank. TBAR/TPRIME are computed by Patran from T1/T2 using the thickness property value. This is for Element Variable Temperature LBCs. For Element Uniform Temperature LBC, only TBAR is written or necessary. All others fields are left blank.
Creates MD Nastran TEMPRB Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Defines a uniform temperature field using a TEMPRB entry. The temperature value is used for both the TA and TB fields. The T1a, T1b, T2a, and T2b fields are all defined as 0.0.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
Creates MD Nastran TEMPP1 Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Defines a uniform temperature field using a TEMPP1 entry. The temperature value is used for the T field. The gradient through the thickness is defined to be 0.0.
Analysis Type
Element Variable
Creates MD Nastran TEMPRB Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Centroid Temp
Defines a variable temperature file using a TEMPRB entry. A field reference will be evaluated at either end of the element to define the TA and TB fields.
Axis-1 Gradient
Defines the temperature gradient in the 1 direction. A field reference will be evaluated at either end of the element to define the T1a and T1b fields.
Axis-2 Gradient
Defines the temperature gradient in the 2 direction. A field reference will be evaluated at either end of the element to define the T2a and T2b fields.
Analysis Type
Element Variable
Creates MD Nastran TEMPP1 Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Top Surf Temp
Defines the temperature on the top surface of a shell element. The top and bottom values are used to compute the average and gradient values on the TEMPP1 entry.
Bot Surf Temp
Defines the temperature on the bottom surface of a shell element. The top and bottom values are used to compute the average and gradient values on the TEMPP1 entry.
Analysis Type
Element Uniform Element Variable
1D, 2D, 3D
This option applies only to the P-formulation elements. A TEMPF and DEQATN entry are created for the constant temperature case. A TEMPF and TABLE3D entry are created for the case when a spatial field is referenced. Writes the TEMPP1 entry. For 2D Target Elements, T1/T2 or TBAR/TPRIME are written to the TEMPP1 entry but not both. For Equivalent Section shell properties or shell properties that have Z1/Z2 defined, T1/T2 is written and TBAR/TPRIME left blank on the TEMPP1 entry. Nastran determines the correct TPRIME. For all other shell properties TBAR/TPRIME are written and T1/T2 left blank. TBAR/TPRIME are computed by Patran from T1/T2 using the thickness property value. This is for Element Variable Temperature LBCs. For Element Uniform Temperature LBC, only TBAR is written or necessary. All others fields are left blank.
Input Data
Defines the temperature or temperature distribution in the element.
Inertial Load
Analysis Type
Inertial Load
Element Uniform
Creates MD Nastran GRAV and RFORCE Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Trans Accel (A1,A2,A3)
Defines the N vector and the G magnitude value on the GRAV entry.
Rot Velocity (w1,w2,w3)
Defines the R vector and the A magnitude value on the RFORCE entry.
Rot Accel (a1,a2,a3)
Defines the R vector and the RACC magnitude value on the RFORCE entry.
The acceleration and velocity vectors are defined with respect to the input analysis coordinate frame. The origin of the rotational vectors is the origin of the analysis coordinate frame. Note that rotational velocity and rotational acceleration cannot be defined together in the same set.In generating the GRAV and RFORCE entries, the interface produces one GRAV and/or RFORCE entry image for each Patran load set.
Initial Displacement
Analysis Type
Initial Displacement
Creates a set of MD Nastran TIC Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Translations (T1,T2,T3)
Defines the U0 fields for translational degrees of freedom on the TIC entry. A unique TIC entry will be created for each non blank entry.
Rotations (R1,R2,R3)
Defines the U0 fields for rotational degrees of freedom on the TIC entry. A unique TIC entry will be created for each non blank entry.
Initial Velocity
Analysis Type
Initial Velocity
Creates a set of MD Nastran TIC Bulk Data entries.
Input Data
Trans Veloc (v1,v2,v3)
Defines the V0 fields for translational degrees of freedom on the TIC entry. A unique TIC entry will be created for each non blank entry.
Rot Veloc (w1,w2,w3)
Defines the V0 fields for rotational degrees of freedom on the TIC entry. A unique TIC entry will be created for each non blank entry.
Distributed Load
Analysis Type
Distributed Load
Element Uniform Element Variable
Defines distributed force or moment loading along beam elements using MD Nastran PLOAD1 entries. The coordinate system in which the load is applied is defined by the beam axis and the Bar Orientation element property. The Bar Orientation must be defined before this Distributed Load can be created. If the Bar Orientation is subsequently changed, the Distributed Load must be updated manually if necessary.
For the element variable type, a field reference is evaluated at each end of the beam to define a linear load variation.
Input Data
Edge Distributed Load (f1,f2,f3)
Defines the FXE, FYE, and FZE fields on three PLOAD1 entries.
Edge Distributed Moment (m1,m2,m3)
Defines the MXE, MYE, and MZE fields on three PLOAD1 entries.
Analysis Type
Distributed Load
Element Uniform Element Variable
Defines a distributed force or moment load along the edges of 2D elements. The coordinate system for the load is defined by the surface or element edge and normal. The x direction is along the edge. Positive x is determined by the element corner node connectivity. See Patran Element Library (p. 345) in the Reference Manual - Part III. For example, if the element is a CQUAD4, with node connectivity of 1, 2, 3, 4. The positive x directions for each edge would be from nodes 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and 4 to 1. The z direction is normal to the surface or element. Positive z is in the direction of the element normal. The y direction is normal to x and z. Positive y is determined by the cross product of the z and x axes and always points into the element. The MD Nastran entries generated, depend on the element type.
For the element variable type, a field reference is evaluated at all element nodes lying on the edge.
Input Data
Edge Distributed Load (f1,f2,f3)
For axisymmetric solid elements (CTRIAX6), the PA, PB, and THETA fields on the PLOADX1 entry are defined. For other 2D elements, the input vector is interpreted as load per unit length and converted into equivalent nodal loads (FORCE entries).
Edge Distributed Moment (m1,m2,m3)
For 2D shell elements, the input vector is interpreted as moment per unit length and converted into equivalent nodal moments (MOMENT entries).
Analysis Type
Element Uniform
This form is used to define certain data for the MD Nastran contact entries. Other data entries for contact are defined under the Analysis Application when setting up a job for nonlinear static or nonlinear transient dynamic analysis. A contact table is also supported; by default, all contact bodies initially have the potential to interact with all other contact bodies and themselves. This default behavior can be modified under the Contact Table form, located on the Solution Parameters subform in the Analysis Application when creating a Load Step.
Note that contact bodies (BCBODY entry) are written to the MD Nastran input deck in alphanumeric order, deformable bodies first followed by rigid bodies. The only way to control the order in which bodies are written to the input deck is to name them alphanumerically in the order you wish them to be written..
Preview Rigid Body Motion
After defining the Input Properties you can use the Preview Rigid Body Motion to check the movement of the rigid bodies in place. This is an effective tool for verifying the directions for LBCs.
Slideline (SOL 400 and SOL 600)
Penetration Type
If the Penetration Type is One Sided, nodes in the Slave Region are not allowed to penetrate the segments of the Master Region. If Symmetric, in addition, nodes in the Master Region are not allowed to penetrate segments of the Slave Region.
Static Friction Coefficient (MU1)
Coefficient of static friction between the two surfaces.
Stiffness in Stick (FSTIF)
FSTIF is a penalty parameter in the contact formulation. The default value is usually adequate.
Penalty Stiffness Scaling Factor (SFAC)
SFAC is a penalty parameter in the contact formulation. The default value is usually adequate.
Slideline Width (W1)
Slideline Width is constant along the slideline and is used to determine the area for contact stress calculation. This is the Wi field on the BFRIC entry.
Vector Pointing from Master to Slave Surface
A vector must be defined which lies in the contact plane and points from the Master region to the Slave region. This vector is used to define the coordinate system on the BCONP entry and the BLSEG entries for each region.
Deformable Body (SOL 400, SOL 600, and SOL 700 )
Coefficient (MU)
Coefficient of static friction for this contact body. For contact between two bodies with different friction coefficients, the average value is used.
Define (type of contact)
Select 1) Analytic Contact, 2) Contact Area, 3) Exclusion Region, or 4) Glue Deactivation. The Contact Area and Exclusion Region are defined using MD Nastran entry BCHANGE in the .bdf file, with NODE for Contact Area, and EXCLUDE for Exclusion Region. The Glue Deactivation is defined using MD Nastran entry UNGLUE.
Boundary Type
Select either 1) Analytic, or 2) Discrete. By default, a deformable contact body boundary is defined by the free faces of its elements; this is used by the Discrete option. However, instead of using the free faces of the elements (Discrete), it is possible to use spline surfaces (2D) to represent the outer faces (element faces) of the contact bodies; this is used by the Analytic option. The Analytic option can improve the accuracy of deformable-deformable contact analysis.
C0 Continuity
Using this, enforces C0-continuity at edges where the normal vector to the outer contour of the structure indicates a discontinuity. This is enabled for 3D analysis only.
Auto Detect Discontinuities
Select this to cause the automatic detection of any discontinuity.
Feature Angle
If the angle between the normals of two touching (adjacent) segments of contact bodies is greater than the Feature Angle, there is a discontinuity there, and the discontinuity (at edge) is preserved.
MFD Increment
The MFD file contains the spline surfaces that were created to represent some or all of the outer faces of the contact model. Using this causes the spline surfaces to be written to an MFD file every nth increment. This file is an Patran database, and can be opened with Patran, and the spline surfaces can be compared with the contact model.
Select Discontinuities...
Edge Contact...
Select Contact Area...
Select Exclusion Region...
Select Deactivation Region...
Select Discontinuities Subform
Select (entity type)
Choose to either select Geometry or FEM to define any discontinuities.
Detect Discontinuities
Click on this button to determine if there are any discontinuities for the entities that define the Application Region.
Define Discontinuities
Select entities to define the discontinuities.
Edge Contact Subform
Include Outside (Solid Element)
When detecting contact of solid elements (for example, CHEXA elements) use this to include contact of the outside of the elements. For details refer to the BCBODY entry (defines a flexible or rigid contact body in 2D or 3D) of the MD Nastran QRG. The entry that is used for the BCBODY entry is COPTB (flag that indicates how body surfaces may contact).
Check Layers (Shell Element)
For contact bodies composed of shell elements, this option menu chooses the layers to be checked. Available options are: Top and Bottom, Top Only, Bottom Only. Check Layers and Ignore Thickness combination enters the appropriate flag in the 10th field of the 2nd data block.
Ignore Thickness
Turn this button ON to ignore shell thickness. Check Layers and Ignore Thickness combination enters the appropriate flag in the 10th field of the 2nd data block.
Include Edges (Edges)
Use this to specify how body surfaces may contact. There are three options, Beam/Bar, Free and Hard Shell, or Both. For details refer to the BCBODY entry (defines a flexible or rigid contact body in 2D or 3D) of the MD Nastran QRG. The entry that is used for the BCBODY entry is COPTB (flag that indicates how body surfaces may contact).
Select Contact Area
Select (entity type)
Choose to either select Geometry or FEM to define the contact area.
Define Contact Area
Select entities to define the contact area.
Select Exclusion Region
Select (entity type)
Choose to either select Geometry or FEM to define the exclusion region.
Define Exclusion Region
Select entities to define the exclusion region.
Select Deactivation Region
Select (entity type)
Choose to either select Geometry or FEM to define the glue deactivation region.
Define Deactivated Entities
Select entities to define the entities that are to be un-glued.
Rigid Body (SOL 600 and SOL 700 only)
The input data form differs for 1D and 2D rigid bodies. One dimensional rigid surfaces are defined as beam elements, or as curves (which may optionally be meshed with beam elements prior to translation) and used in 2D problems. Two dimensional rigid surfaces must be defined as Quad/4 or Tri/3 elements, or as surfaces (which may optionally be meshed with Quad/4 or Tri/3 elements prior to translation) and are used in 3D problems. The elements will be translated as 4-node patches if meshed or as NURB surfaces if not meshed.
Flip Contact Side
Upon defining each rigid body, MSC.Patran displays normal vectors or tic marks. These should point inward to the rigid body. In other words, the side opposite the side with the vectors is the side of contact. Generally, the vector points away from the body in which it wants to contact. If it does not point inward, then use the modify option to turn this toggle ON. The direction of the inward normal will be reversed.
Symmetry Plane
This specifies that the surface or body is a symmetry plane. It is OFF by default.
Null Initial Motion
This toggle is enabled only for Velocity and Position type of Motion Control. If it is ON, the initial velocity, position, and angular velocity/rotation are set to zero in the CONTACT option regardless of their settings here (for increment zero).
Motion of rigid bodies can be controlled in a number of different ways: velocity, position (displacement), or forces/moments.
For velocity controlled rigid bodies, define the X and Y velocity components for 2D problems or X, Y, and Z for 3D problems.
Velocity (rad/time)
For velocity controlled rigid bodies, if the rigid body rotates, give its angular velocity in radians per time (seconds usually) about the center of rotation (global Z axis for 2D problems) or axis of rotation (for 3D problems).
Coefficient (MU)
Coefficient of static friction for this contact body. For contact between two bodies with different friction coefficients the average value is used.
Reference Point
This is a point or node that defines the center of rotation of the rigid body. If left blank the rotation reference point will default to the origin.
Axis of
For 2D rigid surfaces in a 3D problem, aside from the rotation reference point, if you wish to define rotation you must also specify the axis in the form of a vector.
First Control Node
This is for Force or SPCD controlled rigid motion. It is the node to which the force or SPCD is applied. A separate LBC must be defined for the force, but the application node must also be specified here. If both force and moment are specified, they must use different control nodes even if they are coincident. If only 1 control node is specified the rigid body will not be allowed to rotate.
Second Control Node
This is for Moment controlled rigid motion. It is the node to which the moment is applied. A separate LBC must be defined for the moment, but the application node must also be specified here. It also acts as the rotation reference point. If both force and moment are specified, they must use different control nodes even if they are coincident.
Planar Rigid Wall (SOL 700 only)
Analysis Type
Planar Rigid Wall
Explicit Nonlinear
Two different planar rigid wall options exist:
1. Kinematic rigid wall without friction
2. Penalty method based rigid wall with friction
These are seen as options at the top of the Input Data form. The user must select which wall will be used. Both wall’s position and orientation are defined by selecting a coordinate system which has its origin on the plane and the local z axis as the outward normal from the contact surface. This defines a WALL Bulk Data entry. There are only parameters associated with the penalty based planar rigid wall.
Input Data
Static Friction Coefficient
Static coefficient of friction.
Kinetic Friction Coefficient
Kinetic coefficient of friction.
Exponential Decay Coefficient
Exponential decay coefficient EXP.
Initial Rotation Field (SOL 700 only)
Analysis Type
Init. Rotation Field
Explicit Nonlinear
Defines a velocity field of grid points consisting of a rotation and a traslation specification.
Creates a TIC3 Bulk Data entry.
Input Data
Trans Veloc(v1,v2,v3)
Defines the initial translational velocity values. These are in model length units per unit time.
Rot Veloc (w1,w2,w3)
Defines the initial rotational velocity values. These are in degrees per unit time.
Rotation Center
Defines a point at the center of rotation.