Analysis Manager > Submit > Where to Run Jobs
Where to Run Jobs
A default host system or queue is provided. However, a different host system or queue may be selected using the Host/Queue list on the form. Select the host system or queue where the job is to execute.
If Patran Analysis Manager is to schedule the job, then select the host where the job will run. Make the choice by clicking the toggle to the left of the appropriate host name.
If another scheduling software system (i.e., LSF or NQS) is enabled, then select the queue to submit the job to. The queueing software executes each job on the host it selects.
Below is the UNIX interface (see Windows Submittal for the Windows interface).
The submit function can also be invoked manually from the system prompt. See Invoking the Analysis Manager Manually for details. It can be invoked in both an interactive and a batch mode.
Often, the user will look into the Host/Queue listing window described in Host/Queue, to see what host/queue is most appropriate (free or empty) before selecting from the list and submitting. When submitting to an LSF/NQS queue, the host is selected automatically, however you can select a particular host from the Choose Specific Host button (not shown) if desired.