Thermal > Thermal/Hydraulic Input Deck > Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions
This section is used to implement boundary conditions for the problem. The parameters and options controlled by boundary conditions input are listed below.
Microfunction Data
Heat Source Macrofunction
Temperature Control Macrofunction
Mass Flow Rate Control Macrofunction
Pressure Control Macrofunction
Initially Fixed Nodes
Nodal Classification Change
Initial Globally Initialized Temperatures,
Pressure and Heat Sources
Individual Assignments of Initial
Temperatures and Pressures
Individual Assignments of Constant Nodal
Heat Sources and Mass Flow Rates
Microfunction Data
This describes how QTRAN microfunctions are defined that in turn will be used to compose QTRAN macrofunctions (macro functions are used for variable nodal heat sources and temperature controls). The procedure used for defining QTRAN microfunctions is described below:
1. Enter all microfunction data for MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323. This data defines the microfunction ID number (MFID), specifies the independent variable of the microfunction (e.g., time, temperature, Δ temperature or average temperature, or Δ radiosity), and gives the microfunction library option (see the function catalogue of Microfunction Library (Ch. 10), for available function options).
2. Enter all microfunction data for Microfunction Parameters or Data Tables, 324. This is the necessary tabular data or parameter data used with the microfunction library option to totally define the microfunction. When all of the parameter or tabular data is entered, enter a slash (/) in column one of the input data file.
3. When all of the microfunctions have been defined enter a dollar sign ($) in column one of the input data file and proceed to Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definition, 325. If you wish to define more microfunctions, return to Step 1 of this procedure and continue until all necessary microfunctions have been defined.
This data is not generated by Patran or PATQ. Use the system editor to generate this data. This data is normally put in the file MICRODAT.
MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type
MICRO        27     0      9
This begins a microfunction data packet for MFID 27, with 0 (time) as the argument, and option 9 (Hermite table) as the function type.
Microfunction Identification number. Each microfunction must be assigned a unique MFID number greater than zero. This MFID number will be referenced by the macrofunctions, see (p. 325) through (p. 331), in the same manner as a material property ID number (MPID) is referenced by resistors and capacitors. This referencing scheme allows the same microfunction to be used in many different macrofunctions.
Identifies the microfunction independent variable as time, temperature (T), Δ T, or a radiosity difference according to the following argument code:
T[1] and T[2] are converted to absolute temperatures (i.e., Kelvin or Rankine, depending on the value of ICCALC) prior to raising them to the 4th power. This is done ONLY for ARGUMENT = 3.
Identifies the Function Library option that has been selected. For more information, consult the Microfunction Library (Ch. 10). If the Function Library option number is input as a negative number of the option number (e.g., specify option 2 as option -2), QTRAN will use the reciprocal of the function. For example, SIN(X) would be evaluated as 1/SIN(X).
Microfunction Parameters or Data Tables
MICDAT	 1.0	  2.0	 3.0	 15.0
The example defines parameters P(1) to P(4) as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 15.0, respectively. The / declares that this is the end of the parameter data. How the parameters are used is dependent upon the microfunction option.
This example defines tabular data for a tabular microfunction. Note that there is only one data pair per line. How the data pairs will be used is dependent upon the microfunction option.
Data that is used to define a specific microfunction. QTRAN now expects to read parameters or tabular data pairs, depending upon the Function Library option that you selected. If parameters are input, put as many parameters on each line as desired (but at least 1). If tabular data is entered, put 2 and only 2 table entries on each line. Each line must begin with the keyword MICDAT. The data is all free format input. Linear tables require a minimum of two data pairs, whereas Hermite tables require at least three data pairs.
When all of the parameters or table data pairs have been entered, enter a slash (/) in column 1. To define more microfunctions, loop back to MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323 and continue defining microfunctions until done. When no more microfunctions are to be defined, simply enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 and proceed on to Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definition, 325.
Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definition
The following sections allow the heat source/sink macrofunctions to be defined. This is done by arithmetically combining one or more of the microfunctions defined in Microfunction Data, 322. The procedure used to define a heat source/sink macrofunction is described below.
1. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Data, 326. This information identifies the node number of the macrofunction heat source/sink input, the number of microfunctions that make up the arithmetic string, and the node number(s) whose temperature is to be used as the independent variable for any of the microfunctions that are temperature-dependent.
2. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Building the Macrofunction from Microfunctions, 327. This information consists of identifying which microfunctions are to be combined arithmetically to form the macrofunction.
3. When all of the heat source/sink macrofunctions have been entered, enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 of the input data file and proceed to Temperature Control Macrofunctions, 327. To define more heat source/sink macrofunctions, return to Step 1 of this procedure and continue until all heat source/sink macrofunctions have been defined.
As many heat source/sink macrofunctions may be assigned to any node. If more than one macrofunction is assigned to a node, the node receives the summed output of the macrofunctions. Because a macrofunction consists of microfunctions that are multiplied (or divided) by each other, it is allowed to effectively add or multiply functions to arrive at the desired heat source/sink functional form. Division is also possible, because microfunctions can be defined as the reciprocal of any option contained in the Microfunction Library (Ch. 10) by placing a negative sign in front of the specified option. Microfunctions can also be effectively used as arguments of other microfunctions to specify any nodal temperature as the argument for the temperature-dependent microfunctions of a macrofunction, and to specify nodal temperatures themselves by using temperature control macrofunctions. Note that User-Coded microfunctions are yet another method of applying exotic boundary conditions. See User-Supplied Subroutines (Ch. 11).
QMACRO functions are normally generated by PATQ menu pick two and placed in the file QMACRODAT.
Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Data
QMACRO       1      2      1      7      23.174
The example declares that a QMACROfunction data set is being assigned to node 1, is built from 2 microfunctions, that node number 1 is the first temperature node and node number 7 is the second temperature node to be referenced for temperature-dependent microfunction arguments, and that a scale factor of 23.174 is to be applied to the QMACROfunction.
Node number to which the macrofunction heat source is assigned.
Number of microfunctions that will be used to construct the macrofunction.
Node number of the temperature that will be used as the T[1] independent variable for the microfunctions, assuming the specified temperature on the microfunction input data as the independent variable. See Microfunction Data, 322. If any microfunctions are defined to be functions of D temperature or to be functions of a radiation potential difference (see MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323), NODE1 will correspond to T[1] when QTRAN computes the DT, radiation potential difference, or Tbar. If no microfunctions use temperature, D temperature, a radiation potential difference or Tbar as an independent variable, a 0 may be entered for NODE1. A 0 value for NODE1 will cause QTRAN to substitute the value of NODE for NODE1.
Node number corresponding to T[2] of the microfunction arguments if using D T, a radiation potential difference, or Tbar as the independent variable for a microfunction. If no microfunctions use D T, radiation potential differences, or Tbar, a 0 may be entered for NODE2. A 0 value for NODE2 will cause QTRAN to substitute the value of NODE for NODE2.
A scaling factor for the macrofunction. The value for the macrofunction will be scaled by multiplying it by FACTOR.
Building the Macrofunction from Microfunctions
1      5      7
The example declares that MFIDs 1, 5, and 7 will be used to form the QMACROfunction. The QMACROfunction will have already declared that there will be (3) MFIDs to read.
Identification numbers (MFIDs) of the microfunctions that will be used to form the macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. All microfunctions given will be multiplied and the product, scaled by factor, will be used as the macrofunction input. No keyword precedes the MFID numbers.
Temperature Control Macrofunctions
This section allows the temperature control macrofunctions to be defined. This is done by arithmetically combining one or more of the microfunctions defined in Microfunction Data, 322. The procedure used to define a temperature control macrofunction is described below.
1. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Temperature Control Macrofunction Data, 328. This information identifies the node number of the macrofunction temperature control input, the number of microfunctions that make up the arithmetic string, and the node number(s) whose temperature is to be used as the independent variable for any of the microfunctions that are temperature dependent.
2. Enter all data for the macrofunction. Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions, 329. This information identifies which microfunctions are to be combined arithmetically to form the macrofunction.
3. When all of the temperature control macrofunctions have been defined, enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 of the input data file and proceed to Mass Flow Rate Control Macrofunctions, 329. To define more temperature control macrofunctions, return to Step 1 of this procedure and continue until all temperature control macrofunctions have been defined.
As many temperature control macrofunctions as desired may be assigned to any node. If more than one macrofunction is assigned to a node, the node receives the summed output of the macrofunctions. It is allowed to effectively add or multiply microfunctions to arrive at the desired temperature control functional form because a macrofunction consists of microfunctions that are multiplied (or divided) together. Division is also possible because microfunctions can be defined as the reciprocal of any option contained in the Microfunction Library (Ch. 10), by placing a negative sign in front of the specified option. Microfunctions can also be effectively used as arguments of other microfunctions to specify any nodal temperature as the argument for the temperature-dependent microfunctions of a macrofunction, and to specify nodal temperatures themselves by using temperature control macrofunctions.
This data is normally generated with PATQ menu pick 2 and placed in the file TMACRODAT.
Temperature Control Macrofunction Data
TMACRO       1      2      1      7      23.174
The example declares that a TMACROfunction data set is being assigned to node 1, is built from 2 microfunctions, that node number 1 is the first temperature node and node number 7 is the second temperature node to be referenced for temperature-dependent microfunction arguments, and that a scale factor of 23.174 is to be applied to the TMACROfunction.
Node number that the macrofunction will control.
Number of microfunctions that will be used to construct the macrofunction.
Node number of the temperature that will be used as the T[1] independent variable for the microfunctions, assuming that the specified temperature is independent for one or more of the microfunctions used for this macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. If any microfunctions are defined to be functions of DT, radiation potential difference or Tbar (see MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323, NODE1 will correspond to T[1] when QTRAN computes the DT or radiation potential difference. If no microfunctions use temperature, DT or a radiation potential difference as an independent variable, a 0 may be entered for NODE1. A 0 entered for NODE 1 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE1.
Node number corresponding to T[2] if you wish to use D T, a radiation potential difference, or Tbar as the independent variable for a microfunction. If no microfunctions use temperatures as arguments, a 0 may be entered for NODE2. A 0 entered for NODE2 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE2.
A scaling factor for the macrofunction. The value for the macrofunction will be scaled by multiplying it by FACTOR.
Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions
1      5      7
The example declares that MFIDs 1, 5, and 7 will be used to form the TMACROfunction. The TMACROfunction that uses this data will have had the MICRO_COUNT variable given as 3.
Identification numbers (MFIDs) of the microfunctions that will be used to form the temperature control macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. All microfunctions given will be multiplied and the product, scaled by FACTOR, will be used as the macrofunction input.
Mass Flow Rate Control Macrofunctions
This section allows the mass flow rate control macrofunctions to be defined. This is done by arithmetically combining one or more of the microfunctions defined in Microfunction Data, 322. The procedure used to define a mass flow rate control macrofunction is described below.
1. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Mass Flow Rate Control Macrofunction Data, 330. This information identifies the node number of the macrofunction mass flow rate control input, the number of microfunctions that make up the arithmetic string, and the node number(s) whose pressure is to be used as the independent variable for any of the microfunctions that are pressure dependent.
2. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions, 331. This information identifies which microfunctions are to be combined arithmetically to form the macrofunction.
3. When all of the mass flow rate control macrofunctions have been defined, enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 of the input data file and proceed to Pressure Control Macrofunctions, 331. To define more mass flow rate control macrofunctions, return to Step 1 of this procedure and continue until all mass flow rate control macrofunctions have been defined.
As many mass flow rate control macrofunctions as desired may be assigned to any node. If more than one macrofunction is assigned to a node, the node receives the summed output of the macrofunctions. It is allowed to effectively add or multiply microfunctions to arrive at the desired mass flow rate control functional form because a macrofunction consists of microfunctions that are multiplied (or divided) together. Division is also possible because microfunctions can be defined as the reciprocal of any option contained in the Function Library in Section 6.2 by placing a negative sign in front of the specified option. Microfunctions can also be effectively used as arguments of other microfunctions to specify as the argument for the pressure-dependent microfunctions of a macrofunction, and to specify nodal temperatures themselves by using temperature control macrofunctions.
This data is normally generated with PATQ menu pick 2 and placed in the file MMACRODAT.
Mass Flow Rate Control Macrofunction Data
MMACRO       1      2      1      7      23.174
The example declares that a MMACROfunction data set is being assigned to node 1, is built from 2 microfunctions, that node number 1 is the first pressure node and node number 7 is the second pressure node to be referenced for pressure dependent microfunction arguments, and that a scale factor of 23.174 is to be applied to the MMACROfunction
Node number that the macrofunction will control.
Number of microfunctions that will be used to construct the macrofunction.
Node number of the pressure that will be used as the P[1] independent variable for the microfunctions, assuming the specified pressure is independent for one or more of the microfunctions used for this macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. If any microfunctions are defined to be functions of DP or Pbar (see MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323), NODE1 will correspond to P[1] when QTRAN computes the DP. If no microfunctions use pressure or DP, a 0 may be entered for NODE1. A 0 entered for NODE1 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE1.
Node number corresponding to P[2] if D P or Pbar is used as the independent variable for a microfunction. If no microfunctions use pressures as arguments, a 0 may be entered for NODE2. A 0 entered for NODE2 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE2.
A scaling factor for the macrofunction. The value for the macrofunction will be scaled by multiplying it by FACTOR.
Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions
1      5      7
The example declares that MFIDs 1, 5, and 7 will be used to form the MMACROfunction. The MMACROfunction that uses this data will have had the MICRO_COUNT variable given as 3.
Identification numbers (MFIDs) of the microfunctions that will be used to form the mass flow rate control macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. All microfunctions given will be multiplied and the product, scaled by FACTOR, will be used as the macrofunction input.
Pressure Control Macrofunctions
This section allows the pressure control macrofunctions to be defined. This is done by arithmetically combining one or more of the microfunctions defined in Microfunction Data, 322. The procedure used to define a pressure control macrofunction is described below.
1. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Pressure Control Macrofunction Data, 332. This information identifies the node number of the macrofunction pressure control input, the number of microfunctions that make up the arithmetic string, and the node number(s) whose pressure is to be used as the independent variable for any of the microfunctions that are pressure dependent.
2. Enter all data for the macrofunction. See Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions, 333. This information identifies which microfunctions are to be combined arithmetically to form the macrofunction.
3. When all pressure control macrofunctions are defined, enter a dollar sign ($) in column one of the input data file and proceed to Initially Fixed Nodes, 333. To define more pressure control macrofunctions, return to Step 1 of this procedure and continue until all pressure control macrofunctions have been defined.
As many pressure control macrofunctions as desired may be assigned to any node. If more than one macrofunction is assigned to a node, the node receives the summed output of the macrofunctions. This allows the user to add or multiply microfunctions to arrive at the desired pressure control functional form because a macrofunction consists of microfunctions that are multiplied (or divided) together. Division is also possible because microfunctions can be defined as the reciprocal of any option contained in the Microfunction Library (Ch. 10) by placing a negative sign in front of the specified option. Microfunctions can also be effectively used as arguments of other microfunctions to specify any nodal pressure as the argument for the pressure-dependent microfunctions of a macrofunction, and to specify nodal pressures themselves by using pressure control macrofunctions.
This data is normally generated with PATQ menu pick two and placed in the file PMACRODAT.
Pressure Control Macrofunction Data
PMACRO       1      2      1      7      23.174
The example declares that a PMACROfunction data set is being assigned to node 1, is built from 2 microfunctions, that node number 1 is the first pressure node and node number 7 is the second pressure node to be referenced for pressure dependent microfunction arguments, and that a scale factor of 23.174 is to be applied to the PMACROfunction.
Node number that the macrofunction will control.
Number of microfunctions that will be used to construct the macrofunction.
Node number of the pressure that will be used as the P[1] independent variable for the microfunctions, assuming the specified pressure is independent for one or more of the microfunctions used for this macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. If any microfunctions are defined to be functions of DP or Pbar (see MFID, Independent Variable, and Function Type, 323), NODE1 will correspond to P[1] when QTRAN computes the DP. If no microfunctions use pressure or DP, a 0 may be entered for NODE1. A 0 entered for NODE1 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE1.
Node number corresponding to P[2] if D P or Pbar is used as the independent variable for a microfunction. If no microfunctions use pressures as arguments, a 0 may be entered for NODE2. A 0 entered for NODE2 will cause QTRAN to use NODE for NODE2.
A scaling factor for the macrofunction. The value for the macrofunction will be scaled by multiplying it by FACTOR.
Construction of the Macrofunction from Microfunctions
1      5      7
The example declares that MFIDs 1, 5, and 7 will be used to form the PMACROfunction. The PMACROfunction that uses this data will have had the MICRO_COUNT variable given as 3.
Identification numbers (MFIDs) of the microfunctions that will be used to form the pressure control macrofunction. See Microfunction Data, 322. All microfunctions given will be multiplied and the product, scaled by FACTOR, will be used as the macrofunction input.
Initially Fixed Nodes
This section allows temperature and pressure nodes to be fixed (a fixed node does not change value during the simulation). To change the fixed/non-fixed classification of temperature nodes as needed see Nodal Classification Changes, 334. When all data necessary for the thermal simulation has been entered for Initially Fixed Nodes, 333, enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 and continue on to Nodal Classification Changes, 334.
This data is normally generated from PATQ menu pick two and placed in the file TFIXDAT for fixed temperature nodes and PFIXDAT for fixed pressure nodes.
Fixed Temperature Nodes
TFIX         1001
The example declares that node 1001 is a fixed node.
Temperature node being designated as fixed.
Fixed Pressure Nodes
PFIX         222
PFIX         1001
The example declares that node 222 and 1001 are fixed pressure nodes. The same node can be fixed in both temperature and pressure. The assignment of fixed temperatures and pressures is problem-dependent and one has no requirements imposed on the other.
Pressure node being designated as fixed.
Nodal Classification Changes
This section allows changes to be made to the fixed/non/macrofunction controlled classification of a node. The classification of a node can be changed as many times as desired. When all data necessary for the thermal simulation has been entered for Nodal Classification Changes, 334, enter a dollar sign ($) in column 1 of the input data file and continue on to the next section.
CFIX  1      23.7   2
The example declares that node 1 will change classification at time 23.7 from whatever it was to CLASS = 2, TMACRO function controlled.
Node number to which the classification change is to be made.
Time at which the classification change is to occur.
New classification value that will be assigned to node NODE at time TIME. Allowed CLASS values are described below.
0 Nodal temperature is calculated. (This is the default value of all nodes.)
1 Nodal temperature is fixed.
2 Nodal temperature is to be controlled by macrofunctions. See Temperature Control Macrofunctions, 327. Changing the CLASS code to 2 is one way to turn on a temperature control macrofunction, while changing the CLASS code to any other value would cut out the macrofunction. For example, if CLASS is changed to 1, the nodal temperature would become fixed and the temperature control macrofunction would be turned off. If a temperature control macrofunction is assigned to a node in Temperature Control Macrofunctions, 327, QTRAN will automatically assign a CLASS code of 2 to the node. If necessary, this can be overridden by changing the classification of the node before the simulation start time TSTART. See Control Parameters, 236, or by initially fixing the node. See Initially Fixed Nodes, 333. Each node classification can be changed as often as desired.
Notice: This data is not generated by Patran or PATQ. Use the system editor to generate this data. Normally, this data is inserted directly into the QINDAT file.
Initial Globally-Assigned Temperatures, Heat Sources, Mass Flow Rate, and Variable Gravity Fields
This section allows the system’s initial temperatures pressures, mass flow rate and/or heat sources to be globally initialized for convenience only. Assign individual initial nodal temperatures (p. 337) and individual constant nodal heat sources in (p. 338). Note that temperature control macrofunctions (Material Properties, 263) will normally override the TINITL data. Exceptions to this override are listed as follows:
1. The node is declared to be fixed (see Initially Fixed Nodes, 333. In this case, the value given by TINITL will be assigned to the node until such time as the node’s classification is changed via Nodal Classification Changes, 334.
2. The node has its classification changed (see Nodal Classification Changes, 334 prior to the start of the simulation so that the node is fixed (class = 1) or free (class = 0) instead of macrofunction controlled (class = 2).
The example assigns a global initial temperature of 247.5 Kelvin to all nodes, an initial pressure of all hydraulic nodes of 101325.0, and a global per-unit-volume heat source to all nodes of 0.0.
Initial temperature that is globally assigned to all nodes in the system. To define initial temperatures that vary from node to node, see Individual Assignments of Initial Temperatures and Pressures, 337.
Temperature scale code R, F, C, K, or blank that specifies what units TINITL is in. If blank, TINITL is assumed to be in the same temperature scale that you specified in Temperature Scale and Time Units Definition, 230 for ICCALC. TSCALE is entered on the same data line as TINITL, following TINITL. Only the first letter of TSCALE is significant.
Globally assigns an initial pressure PINITL to all the flow network nodes.
Gravity Head material property ID which is used to define a variable gravity head.
Material property ID which defines the variable gravity field that is aligned with the x-global axis.
Material property ID which defines the variable gravity field that is aligned with the y-global axis.
Material property ID which defines the variable gravity field that is aligned with the z-global axis.
A globally assigned mass flow rate for the hydraulic network. The mass flow rate is calculated for the network; however, if an initial estimate of the mass flow rate is available, it should be input to speed the rate of convergence.
A globally applied constant heat source. This heat source will be applied to every node in the system on a per-unit-volume basis, and is additive to any macrofunction defined heat sources that you will define in Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definition, 325. The value entered for QGLOBL will be multiplied by the volume entered for each nodal capacitance that will be entered in Thermal Resistor Assignments, 276 (via 1-D automatic mesh generation) or Capacitor Data, 320 (capacitors) and this product will be used as a nodal heat source contribution.
Notice: QGLOBL is a PER-UNIT-VOLUME heat source, whereas the individual nodal heat sources applied by macrofunctions ((p. 325)) or constant heat sources (p. 335) are not. This data is not generated by Patran or PATQ. Use the system editor to generate this data. Normally this data is placed directly into the QINDAT file.
Individual Assignments of Initial Temperatures and Pressures
This section allows initial temperatures or pressures to be assigned for individual system nodes dependent on the keyword. Specify the node number NODE and the initial temperature of the node TEMP as an ordered pair for each node until all nodes have been entered. If the TSCALE parameter is not included, the temperature is assumed to be in the units of ICCALC. Pressures are input as a data pair of node number and pressure with the keyword PRESS. When the data entry for this section has been completed, enter a dollar sign ($) in Column 1 and proceed to Individual Assignments of Constant Nodal Heat Sources and Mass Flow Rates, 338.
This data is normally generated by PATQ via menu pick 2 and placed in the file TEMPDAT for temperature assignments and PRESSDAT for pressure assignments.
The example assigns a temperature of 1443.7 Rankine to node number 157. A pressure of 17.43 was assigned to node 344.
Node number whose temperature is to be initialized.
Initial temperature being assigned for node number NODE.
Temperature scale code R, F, C, K, or blank for TEMP. If blank, TEMP is assumed to be in the units specified by ICCALC. See Temperature Scale and Time Units Definition, 230. Only the first character of TSCALE is significant.
Node number whose pressure is to be initialized.
Initial pressure being assigned for node number NODE.
Individual Assignments of Constant Nodal Heat Sources and Mass Flow Rates
This section allows constant heat sources to be assigned to individual system nodes or mass flow rates to individual hydraulic nodes. Specify the node number NODE and the constant heat source value QVALUE or mass flow rate MDVALUE for the node as an ordered pair for each node depending on the keyword until all such constant nodal data has been entered. When data entry for this section has been completed, enter a dollar sign ($) in column one and the input data file is finished. Please note that this section is used only for CONSTANT nodal heat sources. The heat sources applied by this section cannot be changed or modified in any way by any other control parameters in the program (although they could be modified by user-supplied subroutines). The heat source macrofunctions should normally be used for variable heat sources. See Heat Source/Sink Macrofunction Definition, 325. For cases where constant nodal heat sources are appropriate, this section is less cumbersome to use than the heat source macrofunction section, and the CPU requirements are substantially less for this section's data. Heat sources are additive with any QMACRO function and QGLOBL heat sources that may have been applied to the same nodes.
If more than one QBASE or MDBASE value is assigned to a node, the values are summed.This data is normally generated by PATQ via menu pick two and placed in the file QBASEDAT for heat source assignments and MDBASEDAT for mass flow rate assignments.
The example assigns a constant heat source of 1443.7 to node number 15 and assigns a constant mass flow rate of 0.07 to node 20.
Node number which has a constant heat source applied.
The constant heat source value.
Node number which has a constant mass flow rate applied.
The constant mass flow rate. Remember that specific weight is used to define flow rates and internal units conversions are performed for the English system of units.