Basic Functions > Preferences > 9.3 Preferences Commands
9.3 Preferences Commands
The following is a detailed description of the commands and dialog boxes that manage global preferences.
Selecting/Changing the Analysis Code and Type
With the Preferences>Analysis command you specify the analysis code you will use to run the finite element analysis calculations and select the kind of analysis you want to perform. Setting the Analysis Preference activates code-specific definitions in the Patran database.
Analysis Code
Specifies the analysis program used for analyzing the model.
Analysis Type
Identifies the type of analysis that will be performed.
Input File Suffix
Displays the file name extension used by the analysis code to identify a finite element input data file.
Output File Suffix
Displays the file name extension used by the analysis code to identify a finite element result (output) data file.
Changing the Analysis Preference
If you elect to change the analysis code during the modeling process, the Analysis Preference form will include options for mapping code-specific data from the original analysis code to the new analysis code.
Preference Mapping
Mapping Functions
Using PCL generated mapping tables, you can convert many of the complex parts of the code-specific model from one analysis code to another. In particular, mapping functions allow for the mapping of element and material properties.
Mapping functions do not include converting contact conditions or analysis procedures. These parameters change so extensively from one code to another that generic mapping procedures are not possible. It is possible to write your own specific PCL functions that would map contact conditions or analysis procedures from one specific code to another specific code. These PCL functions can then be attached in the mapping procedure.
Legacy Mapping
Legacy Mapping converts the most obvious code-specific definitions such as, elements types, and basic loads and boundary conditions, to the corresponding definitions in the new analysis code. The more complex parts of the model such as, mpcs, shell thicknesses, material orientations, and nonlinear material models are not converted.
No Mapping
Selecting the No Mapping option leaves your database unchanged when switching to a new analysis code. This option may be appropriate when simply evaluating the capabilities of alternative analysis codes, or in a case where your model contains very generic model definitions.
Mapping Functions
Patran uses mapping tables to convert code-specific definitions from one analysis code to another. These mapping tables are specific to the old and new analysis codes and separate mapping tables are required for material properties and element properties.
A limited number of mapping tables are included in the Patran delivery. These mapping tables have been generated as part of included example problems or generated to map previously supported analysis solvers over to currently supported solvers. For example, the mapping tables for mapping from the MD Nastran Preference to the MSC.Marc Preference are included and an example illustrates the full model conversion between these solvers. In addition, you can access the MSC website under Product Updates for the latest information on mapping tables.
Material property mapping tables and element property mapping tables are generated through separate procedures that involve using spreadsheets to define translation instructions, converting spreadsheets to PCL functions, then compiling those into the system to be executed during a preference change.
Once these mapping tables are generated they can be used repeatedly to switch between analysis codes.
rocedure. Information in the Patran database that pertains to the old analysis code is overwritten with information for the new analysis code.
Property Set Spreadsheets
The Property Set Spreadsheet is composed of four sections. The first section defines the analysis code and type. The second section is a list of all the property sets defined for the specified analysis code and type. Every row represents one of the possible Element Property Forms. The third section is a list of all property words and IDs used for the given analysis code and type as well as whether the word is required, the default type, possible types and allowable values. The last section shows the valid property words for each property set.
Property set spreadsheets are tab-delimited files. You can open them in Excel to view and edit them. There are two points to remember. First, the fields should be defined as “text” in order to keep large numbers from converting incorrectly. When opening the text file, Excel presents a form for converting the data. Verify that “Delimited” is selected. Then hit “Next” and verify that “Tab” is the selected delimiter. Then hit “Next” once more, select all the columns and choose “Text” as the “Data Format”. Then hit “Finish”. The second point to remember is that spreadsheets read by Patran need to be tab delimited text files. Therefore, when saved out of Excel, they need to be saved as text files rather than Excel files. (The .xls file extension used above is just a convenient way to launch Excel.)
Material Property Mapping Tables
The following steps are used to do material property mapping.
Generating a Material Property Mapping Table
Create Materials Spreadsheets for Source/Destination Analysis Codes
Prior to changing the Analysis Preference, type in the command (on the command line):
map_materials.generate_leaflist( )
Change the Analysis Preference and repeat the command above.(You may have to restart Patran.)
This command generates files, or leaflists, in the working directory:
CodeATypeMaterials - used to generate the mapping table.
CodeATypeMaterials.xls - spreadsheet used to define actual mapping.
If switching from ABAQUS Structural to MSC.MARC Structural, these commands would generate: “AbaqusStructuralMaterials.xls,” and “MarcStructuralMaterials.xls.”
Create Pairs of Source/Destination Material Sets
For each material model in the original code (CodeA) enter a corresponding Leaf Number (from Code B) that designates what the material model will be translated to in the new code in the 3rd column, labeled “Maps To Leaf.”
Create the Materials Mapping Spreadsheet
Type in the PCL Command (all one line):
This command generates the file CodeAtoCodeBMaterials.xls.
Map Material Sets
For each material property, enter the Leaf Numbers from CodeA in the column labeled Old ID. Selecting which input data boxes should be mapped from Code A to Code B is up to your judgement and experience.
Converting the Mapping Spreadsheet into a PCL Function
Enter the PCL Command:
This generates a file named: CodeAtoCodeBMaterials.pcl. Remember, Code A and Code B are the exact preference names (without spaces or decimals).
Compile the PCL Function
!!COMPILE CodeAtoCodeBMaterials.pcl INTO CodeB.plb
You may choose to test the compilation prior to compiling the .pcl into the CodeB.plb using the command:
!!COMPILE CodeAtoCodeBMaterials.pcl INTO test.plb
Element Property Mapping Tables
The following steps are used to create element property maps.
Generating a Element Property Mapping Table
Create Property Set Spreadsheets for Source/Destination Analysis Codes
Prior to changing the Analysis Preference, type in the command (on the command line - all one line):
The “Code” and “Type” are case sensitive with the full name with decimals included and should be entered exactly as they appear on the Analysis Preference form, for example “MSC.Marc” and “Structural.” However “Filename.xls” can be whatever you want to name your property spreadsheet such as “MarcStructuralProps.xls.”
Now, change the Analysis Preference to what you want to map to or from and repeat the command above.
Keep track of whatever you name the spreadsheet as you will be needing this later.
Create Pairs of Source/Destination Property Sets
A property set is defined by the following information: a dimension, an element type, five element options (geometric, condensation, laminate, formulation, and dof set), a topology, two material rules (directionality i.e., materials category and linearity i.e., constitutive model) and a set of property words. It is this data that is shown in the second section of the “Property Set Spreadsheet” with the following exceptions. The topology and material rules are not shown, and only one of the possible dof set element options is shown.
The first and most tedious part of creating a property set mapping is to match “Source” property sets with “Destination” property sets. You will note that the first two columns in the “Property Set Spreadsheets” (in the property set and property word sections) are “Source” and “Destination”. The “Destination” column is just a count for identification. A mapping pair is created by entering one or more source property set counters in the “Source” column.
For example, when mapping Abaqus to MSC.Marc consider the first two Abaqus property sets, which are “Point Mass” and “Rotary Inertia.” In MSC.Marc, translational and rotational mass are defined by the “Mass” property set. Therefore, we want to translate all Abaqus “Point Mass” and “Rotary Inertia” property sets to MSC.Marc “Mass” property sets. This is done, by entering “1,2” in the “Source” column in the MSC.Marc “Property Set Spreadsheet” on the line containing the “Mass” property set (which happens to be the first one). This says source property sets 1 and 2 map to destination property set 1.
Map Property Words
Property words with the same IDs map automatically, regardless of the name. (The name is just an analysis code specific label.) Property words with different IDs but the same meaning (represent the same physics) are mapped like property sets. The counter for the source word is entered in the “Source” column of the destination spreadsheet. For example, Abaqus has two thickness definitions, “Shell Thickness -- ID 1080” and “Membrane Thickness -- ID 1081”. These two words should map to the MSC.Marc property word “Thickness -- ID 36”. This is done by entering “72,73” in the “Source” column in the MSC.Marc “Property Set Spreadsheet” on the line containing “Thickness – ID 36” (which is the 26th property word). So we have mapped source property word 72 and 73 to destination property word 26.
Create the Property Set Mapping Spreadsheet
Type in the PCL Command:
This spreadsheet shows each pair of source and destination property sets along with their source and destination property words. This block of data defines how the data will map. The first two lines of each block show the source and destination property set name, element type and element options. Following this are the source and destination property word maps. At this point, the mapped words include words with identical IDs and words that have been specifically mapped.
Not all source property words will map. (In this case, the corresponding cell in the “Destination” column is blank.) If the data cannot be used by the destination Analysis Code, it can be ignored. It will remain in the database, but will not be visible to the user. However, queries for element property data by forward translators, etc. will have to account for property words that are “unknown” to that Analysis Code. This is also true for unmapped property sets.
Make Additional Mappings
Some property words may not map in a general way. For example, you may want a property word to map only for a specific property set. In this case, you can paste the destination word into the appropriate cell next to the source word. Note that the spelling of the property word and the accompanying ID must be accurate. The double hyphen is used as a delimiter and is therefore also important.
If a complex translation is required, the general function can be used. See the section below describing the use of the general function.
There are possible conflicts with acceptable data types or data values. For example, the source Analysis Code allows either a real or a real nodal field to define a specific property word but the destination Analysis Code only allows a real. Let’s assume we have one of these property sets to convert and a real nodal field has been used for this property word. By default, the field will be stored. This can be overridden by entering “No” in the column labeled “Store Incorrect Datatype”. Likewise, if the source Analysis Code does not impose a limit on a specific property word, but the destination Analysis Code does, the data will be mapped unless directed otherwise. As mentioned above, queries for element property data by forward translators, etc. will have to account for this inconsistent data. An easy way to identify these inconsistencies is to do a “Modify” (with no changes) on each property set after the mapping is done. Any data consistency problems will be flagged by Patran by an error or warning message.
Defining General Function Tags
The property mapping capability provides access to the mapping process via a specified function. This function is declared in the “Property Set Mapping Spreadsheet” in the cell to the right of the cell containing “GENERAL FUNCTION”. If a general function is specified and it exists, it will be called at several points in the process. Specifically, it is called at the beginning and end of the entire property mapping process, at the beginning and end of each “source” property set and following each “source” property word, provided that a “tag” has been specified. (The “tag” is not required for the two calls at the beginning and end of the entire property mapping process.)
You’ll note in the “Property Set Mapping Spreadsheet” following each source and destination property set pair are cells containing “Initial Property Set Function Tag” and “Final Property Set Function Tag”. If data is entered in the cell to the right of the cell containing “Initial Property Set Function Tag”, then when this specific source property set is encountered in the database, the general function is called and is passed the current state add the specified tag.
This function can then perform whatever actions are required including calling back to the “map_properties” class for current data on the property set in hand. (See below for a list of available functions.) Note that if no “Point Mass” property sets exist in the database, this call will not be made.
Likewise, if a “Property Word Function Tag” is provided and that source word is encountered, the general function is called. Note that these tags are specified in the column to the right of the “Destination Word” column in the “Property Mapping Spreadsheet”. Also note that “Property Word Function Tags” can only be specified for “Source Words”.
Converting the Mapping Spreadsheet into a PCL Function
Type in the PCL Command:
Recall that Code A and Code B are the exact preference names (without spaces or decimals). “FunctName” is the name of the function that will be called to do the property mapping.
For the ABAQUS to MARC Change, this command generates the PCL file, “abatomarcprops.pcl” which contains the function “abatomarcprops.”
This function consists of the spreadsheet data loaded into pcl variables, which are then passed to the element property mapping logic. This function needs to be compiled and made accessible to Patran. The suggested location is the analysis plb, which in this case is “mscmarc.plb.”
The property mapping logic currently does not consider topology, linearity and directionality data. Neither does it verify that materials mapped to laminate property sets are laminate materials. Further, only the first DOF set value for each set of geometric, condensation, laminate, formulation options is considered in the “Property Set Spreadsheets”. This could pose some problems for logic accessing the mapped element property set data, such as forward translators.
Invoking the PCL Function for Preference Switching
During a preference change, analysis specific functions are called. Two arguments are passed, the current action ("add" or "remove") and the target Analysis Type. Consider a preference change from MD Nastran to MSC.Marc where the Analysis Type is "Structural." The following two preference functions are called:
mscnastran_pref_control ( "remove", "structural" )
mscmarc_pref_control ( "add", "structural" )
Note that by convention, the function name is "codename_pref_control". Also note that this is a function without a class, which means that you can potentially replace it with your own function.
If you have selected "Mapping Functions" in the Analysis Preference Panel, the MSC supplied preferences make the following call during the "add" action.
mscmarc_mapping.go ( old_code, old_type, new_code, new_type )
In general, this class then calls MSC supplied mapping functions. However, you can override the supplied mapping functions and provide your own.
For example, in the case of a preference change from MD Nastran to MSC.Marc with "Mapping Functions" chosen, the normal flow is
mscmarc_pref_control( "add", "structural" )
mscmarc_mapping.go ( "MD Nastran", "Structural", "MSC.Marc", "Structural" )
map_to_mscmarc.from_mscnastran ( "MD Nastran", "Structural", "MSC.Marc", "Structural" )
map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_materials () map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_elmt_props () map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_lbcs () map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_mpcs () map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_job_definitions ()
If you want to provide your own set of mapping functions, perhaps because none have been supplied by MSC, that can be accomplished by telling the preference mapping class which function to use. This is done with the following call
mscmarc_mapping.set_mapping_function ( "mscnastran", "my_mapping_class.go" )
In this case, instead of calling "map_to_mscmarc.from_mscnastran", the "mscmarc_mapping.go" function will call
my_mapping_class.go ( "MD Nastran", "Structural", "MSC.Marc", "Structural" )
Knowing the specific function calls that are made by the MSC supplied mapping functions, you can augment or completely rewrite the mapping behavior. For example, if only the LBC's needed modifying, your function "my_mapping_class.go" could call the "normal" mapping functions for materials, element properties, mpcs and job definitions. And call your own function for LBCs. Thus,
map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_materials ( ) map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_elmt_props ( ) map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_mpcs ( ) map_mscnastran_to_mscmarc.structural_job_definitions ( )
my_mapping_class.do_the_lbcs ( )
The logical place to make the call to "mscmarc_mapping.set_mapping_function" would be in the p3epilog.pcl file. But this call can be made anytime before a preference change is made. In addition, the user would have to compile and add their plb to the system, again, most likely in the p3epilog file.
A little used but useful place to install this code on an enterprise basis would be in the "init.pcl" function in "p3_home", probably just before the call to "p3epilog.pcl".
Using the General Function
Let’s return to our example of mapping Abaqus property sets to MSC.Marc. Assume that the general function is named “map_abaqus_elmt_props_to_mscmarc”. (This was defined in the “Property Set Mapping Spreadsheet”.) Recall that a “Point Mass” property set maps to a “Mass – (MASS)” property set. Say an “Initial Property Set Function Tag” of “Point Mass” was specified in the “Property Mapping Spreadsheet” for this source/destination property set combination. When an Abaqus “Point Mass” property set is encountered during the mapping process, the following call is made:
map_abaqus_elmt_props_to_mscmarc ( “Start Region Mapping”, “Point Mass” )
Also, let’s assume we have defined a tag, “Translational Mass” for the Abaqus property word “Mass Magnitude”. If the mapping process encounters a “Point Mass” property set with a “Mass Magnitude” property word, then the mapping process first maps the word to the specified destination word (if any) and then makes the following call:
map_abaqus_elmt_props_to_mscmarc ( “Map Property Word”, “Translational Mass” )
As you can see the general function takes two arguments, a state and a tag. There are five possible calls:
“Start Property Set Mapping”, Blank Tag
“Start Region Mapping”, Initial Prop Set Function Tag
“Map Property Word”, Property Word Function Tag
“End Region Mapping”, Final Prop Set Function Tag
“End Property Set Mapping”, Blank Tag
The suggested structure of the general function is a switch on the state with switches on the specific tags. For example:
FUNCTION general_function ( state, tag )
		STRING state[ ]
		STRING tag[ ]
		SWITCH ( state )
			CASE ( “Map Property Word” )
			CASE ( “Start Region Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “End Region Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “Start Property Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “End Property Set Mapping” )
Now lets do something practical. The Abaqus “Point Mass” property set allows a single quantity for “Mass Magnitude”. The MSC.Marc “Mass – (MASS)” property set however defines mass in three directions, “Transl Inertia, X”, “Transl Inertia, Y” and “Transl Inertia, Z”. Clearly when we map from Abaqus to MSC.Marc, we want any “Mass Magnitude” to map to each of the three MSC.Marc property words. Rather than handling this complexity in the “Property Mapping Spreadsheet”, we do it with the general function.
Assume we have created a “Property Word Function Tag” for the “Mass Magnitude” property word in the Abaqus “Point Mass” property set as described above. Our general function might look like the following.
FUNCTION map_abaqus_elmt_props_to_mscmarc  ( state, tag )
		STRING 	state[ ]
		STRING 	tag[ ]
		INTEGER 	status
		REAL 	mass
		STRING 	word[32]
		SWITCH ( state )
			CASE ( “Map Property Word” )
				SWITCH ( tag )
					CASE ( “Translational Mass” )
					$	Recover the current “Mass Magnitude” value. We’re
					$	assuming it is a real value and not a field.
						word = "Mass Magnitude"
						status = map_properties.get_active_src_word_rval ( word, mass, datatype,	 
																 field_id )
					$	status = 0, if word is valid, exists and defined
					$	status = 1, if word is valid, exists, but is not a real
					$	status = 2, if word is valid but doesn’t exist
					$	status = 3, if word is not valid for current property set
					$	status = 4, if a property set conversion is not active 
						IF( status == 0 ) THEN
						$	Create three MSC.Marc words using the Abaqus value
						$	Note that word definitions have to be specified exactly
						$	and they have to be valid for the destination property set.							
							word = "Transl Inertia, X"
							map_properties.create_dest_word_rval ( word, mass, datatype, field_id) 
							word = "Transl Inertia, Y"
							map_properties.create_dest_word_rval ( word, mass, datatype, field_id) 
							word = "Transl Inertia, Z"
							map_properties.create_dest_word_rval ( word, mass, datatype, field_id) 
						END IF
			CASE ( “Start Region Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “End Region Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “Start Property Set Mapping” )
			CASE ( “End Property Set Mapping” )
Controlling Global Operational Parameters
Parameters defined in the Global Preferences dialog box affect operational characteristics and geometric construction.
Session File
Selects whether or not a session file will be saved. Options are to save after Patran completes, delete after Patran completes, or to be prompted as to whether or not to save the session file.
Enable Revert Operation
Controls the use of the File>Revert command (see File>Revert, 76). If ON, the revert operation will be enabled. This selection does not have immediate consequences; to have it take effect, you must exit the current work session then reopen the database.
Warning Message Options
Picks the type of feedback you receive whenever Patran needs to issue a warning.
Default Coordinate Frame
Selects an existing coordinate frame as the default.
Default Construction Plane
Specifies the default construction plane in the selected coordinate frame.
Global Model Tolerance
Defines the maximum distance within which two like entities are said to be coincident (default is 0.005).
Specifying Graphic Display Parameters
In the Graphics Preferences dialog box you can stipulate certain view settings, specify the colors used for highlighting, and select the shape, color, and size of markers, used in some geometric and FEM procedures (e.g., node equivalencing).
Automatic View Settings
Auto Extend
If ON, automatically fits the view whenever new entities are created and they fall outside the viewport.
Auto Fit View
If ON, automatically fits the view after any view rotation.
Hardware Rendering
If ON, rendering will utilize a hardware device.
Default Background Color
Background Color
Sets the background color of newly created viewports.
All Existing Viewports
If ON, sets the background color for all existing viewports to the Background Color setting.
Background Effects...
Opens the form to set default background effects. This is explained in Changing the Background Effects, 335.
XY Color
Sets the background color on XY plot windows.
All Existing XY Windows
If ON, sets the background color for all existing XY viewports to the Background Color setting.
Disable Auto Updates
If ON, the graphics display does not update after each operation. This technique is particularly useful at times when you are performing a number of operations but do not want to see the results of each interim step.
Highlight Colors
Primary Color
Assigns the color that will be used for highlighting entities selected for an operation.
Secondary Color
Identifies a second color in case the primary highlight color is already in use.
Error Color
Selects a color to highlight entities associated with an error condition.
Marker Options
Picks the type, color, and size (in pixels) of markers.
Programming the Mouse for View Transformations
With the Mouse Preferences options you can program the middle mouse button to perform incremental view transformation functions.
Middle Mouse Button Map
All four functions can be programmed with different MMB / key combinations simultaneously.
Rotate X/Y
Rotates the view about the global or screen X and Y axes.
About X
move the mouse up to rotate clockwise
move the mouse down to rotate counterclockwise.
About Y
move the mouse right to rotate clockwise
move the mouse left to rotate counterclockwise.
Rotate Z
Rotates the view about the global or screen Z axis.
move the mouse right to rotate clockwise
move the mouse left to rotate counterclockwise.
Pan X/Y
Pans the view in the screen X or Y direction.
move the mouse left or right to pan left or right
move the mouse up or down to pan up or down.
Zoom the view of the model in (enlarge) or out (reduce).
move the mouse left to zoom in
move the mouse right to zoom out.
Transform in Wireframe
If ON, view transformations are performed in wireframe even if the model is rendered in shaded or hidden line mode.
Transform with Edges
If ON, and the toggle above is OFF, view transformations are performed in shaded mode and solid edges are shown.
Mouse Tracking
This parameter is meaningful in hardware graphics mode only. If ON, partial redraws will be created as rendering tries to catch up to the mouse motion (in software graphics mode this happens automatically).
Spin Model
With the mouse button map set to one of the rotate functions, and this toggle turned ON, you can spin the view of the model. When you press the middle mouse button, the view will transform as expected, but you can make it spin by releasing the button. The speed of rotation is proportional to the speed with which you release the button.
Transformation Options
Brings up a subordinate dialog box in which you can set the rotation angle increment, pan factor and zoom factor.
Displays the rotation angle in degrees. Each mouse movement will rotate the view by that increment.
Model/Screen Relative
Selects whether the rotation axis specified is to be interpreted as a global axis or a screen axis.
Pan Factor
Displays the panning rate. Each mouse movement will move the view of the model by that increment.
Zoom Factor
Displays the zooming rate. Each mouse movement will zoom the view of the model at that rate.
Parameters of Interactive Screen Picking
Many geometric and finite element operations require that you select one or several entities as the object of some action. The Picking Preferences dialog box contains a variety of options for picking entities with the mouse (for more information on interactive screen picking, see Screen Picking, 33).
The selections you make in this dialog box will not take effect immediately. After selecting the parameters, exit Patran. The choices you made will be saved in a file (settings.pcl) that will activate the new parameter settings when you restart Patran.
Single Picking
These options apply when you select single entities.
Picks the entity whose centroid is closest to the center of a “pick box”.
Picks the entity at which the cursor is pointing.
Entity Picking Cursor
In entity picking mode, selects the shape of the cursor. In centroid picking mode the cursor always remains an arrow.
Rectangle/Polygon Picking (Multiple)
These options apply when you select a number of entities at the same time.
Enclose entire entity
An entity is selected only if it is totally inside the selection rectangle or polygon.
Enclose any portion of entity
An entity is selected even if it is only partially inside the selection rectangle or polygon.
Enclose centroid
An entity is selected only if its centroid is inside the selection rectangle or polygon.
Cycle picking form
In entity picking mode:
lists the names of two or more entities that overlap at the place the cursor is touching. You can then accept the highlighted selection, or pick the entity you wanted to target.
In centroid picking mode:
lists all entities whose centroid lies near the point where the cursor is touching.
Horizontal Select Menus
If ON, the Select Menu (Picking Filters) will be horizontally placed. Note that this is one of those parameters that will take effect only in the next Patran work session.
Show Picking Icons
If ON, the Select Menu will contain the icons to add, reject, and replace a selection whenever a screen picking option is evoked.
Preselection Settings
These options control the highlighting of entities prior to selection as the cursor passes over them.
Label Highlighting
If ON, entity labels will be highlighted along with the entities.
Entity Highlighting
If ON, entities will be highlighted as the cursor passes over them.
Node/Point Marker Size
Controls the size of the marker that is highlighted when the cursor passes over a point or a node.
Formats of Numerical Entries in Analysis Result Reports
The Preferences>Report command controls the format of numerical entries in reports that output finite element analysis results.
Real Numbers
Floating Point
Outputs result data in floating point format.
Scientific Notation
Outputs result data in scientific notation format.
Field Width
Selects the width of the numeric field. This size must accommodate all digits and the decimal point. In scientific notation the field width takes on the maximum value.
Number of Decimals
Defines the number of decimal digits in a numerical entry. In scientific notation format, this number defaults to the maximum value.
Selects the number of integers the numerical entries may contain in the tabular output.
Selects the number of spaces between numerical entries in the tabular output.
Parameters for Representing Geometric Entities
With the Geometry Preferences options you can specify the way parameterized curves and surfaces are represented in the database. These preferences apply to geometry imported from an external source, as well as to geometry created in the Patran system.
Exportable to Neutral File
If ON, curves, surfaces, and solids will be created as parametric cubic geometry.
Solid Origin Location
With the options in this category, you can select the method by which left-handed parameterization created by some hyperpatch construct or transform methods is changed to right-handed parameterization.
This selection is important only when you are running session files (see Session File, 46), because the hyperpatch origin location must be set according to whether the session file came from Patran or PATRAN 2.
The origin location will be determined according to Patran convention.
The origin location will be determined according to PATRAN 2 convention.
Solid Property Assignment Inherit From Parent
Default OFF. Controls the inheritance of property sets by new/modified solid geometry created from existing solids. Whenever new solids are created, this setting will be used to determine if property sets should be assigned. The following rule will be applied for those solid creation operations where existing solids are used. If the preference is On and the original solid has a property set assigned, this property set will be assigned to the new/modified solids. Otherwise, no property set will be assigned to the new/modified solids. The following solid editing operations are affected:Geometry/Edit/Solid/Break|Blend|Refit|Boolean| EdgeBlend|Chamfer|Imprint|Shell
NURBS Accelerator
If ON (default), NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) curves and surfaces will be converted to piecewise polynomials without introducing any approximations. This format accelerates evaluation of geometry and provides increased performance.
Auto Update Solid Mesh/LBC
If ON (default), the mesh, loads, and boundary conditions applied on a solid model will automatically update after you performed a Boolean operation or other editing applications, namely edge blend, imprint, or shelling.
If you turn this parameter OFF, the update action becomes a selectable item in the Geometry>Edit>Solid command dialog boxes for the above editing functions.
Geometry Scale Factor
Because the model unit of Parasolid geometry is meter, a scale factor is applied to Patran geometric extents so that they can be expressed in the appropriate Parasolid dimensions. The default scale factor is 39.37, the equivalent of one meter in inches. Other possible scale factors are:
If you select Customize, an arbitrary scale factor must be entered into the Geometry Scale Factor databox.
Note that when importing Unigraphics (see Importing Unigraphics Files, 150) and Parasolid files (see Importing Parasolid (xmt) Files, 160), an existing scale factor in those files may override this global parameter.
Preferences>Finite Element
Setting FEM Parameters
Several parameters are defined in the Preferences>FEM dialog box. They are described in the table below.
Node/Edge Snap Angle
Controls the angle that determines whether a node will snap to a vertex where the slope of a composite edge changes. If the angle of the slope is greater than the specified edge snap angle, a node will snap to the vertex when you create a mesh seed or a mesh. If, however, the angle of the slope is less than the snap angle, no node will snap to this vertex.
You may realize that you need to change the Node/Edge Snap Angle value after you have created a mesh seed on a composite edge and discovered that no control point was placed on the vertex. If it is important that a node be located there, you can invoke the Preferences>FEM command and change the Node/Edge Snap Angle so that it becomes less than the slope angle. When you press the Apply button, the following will appear:
Select Yes and a mesh seed control point will snap to the vertex and the mesh seed will be adjusted along the entire edge.
DFEM Field Equivalence Options
Specifies which values of discrete FEM fields, that associate loads and boundary conditions (LBCs) with nodes, will be associated with a node that “survived” after coincident nodes have been equivalenced in the finite element model.
Presents various options for associating displacement values with the surviving node.
Use Retained -- use the value associated with the node retained after equivalencing.
Add -- use the sum of the values associated with each of the equivalenced nodes.
Use Deleted -- use the value associated with the node that was deleted during the equivalencing process.
Presents the same options for associating vector (e.g., force) values with the node that survived the equivalencing process
Presents various options for associating scalar values (pressures and temperatures) with the node that survived the equivalencing process.
In addition to those already seen for vector field values, the option exists to use the average of the two scalar values associated to the equivalenced nodes.
Preference Specific Verify
Specifies whether analysis code specific element verification parameters should be used in the Elements/Verify forms. Currently this value is on by default for MD Nastran and off by default for all other analysis codes.
Enable Pseudo Surface ASM
Specifies whether pseudo-surface tool icons will be displayed on the Finite Elements/Create/Mesh/Advanced Mesh form. The tools are used to convert between tessellated surfaces and pseudo-surfaces, to stitch gaps in pseudo-surfaces, and to edit pseudo-surfaces.
Geometry/FEM LBC Association
These parameters affect how Geometry to FEM association is processed for LBCs. Each of these settings is saved in the database and are restored each time the database is opened.
Additional Geometry to FEM Evaluation Check
This checkbox specifies whether additional proximity checking is done when associating LBCs to FEM that were applied to Geometry. Patran always uses the node to geometry association determined by the mesher to associate LBCs to element faces and edges. Sometimes the mesher must adjust the mesh in order to create elements that are acceptable to the solver. In these cases associativity can miss the application of some LBCs. Proximity checking adds a closeness and face angle test which can catch the missing LBCs and apply them. Proximity checking is a compute intensive process, which can take a considerable amount of time to perform on large models.
By default, proximity checking is turned off. If it is turned on, the Edge Length Tolerance and Elem Face/Surface Normal Angle Tolerance may be used to control the process. The user can change the default value to on by placing the following in the settings.pcl file:pref_env_set_logical( "fem_geo_lbc_prox_check", TRUE )
Edge Length Tolerance (0-100%)
The proximity check is measured in percent of the average edge length of the element face in question. The element edge lengths are computed, averaged and then factored by a percentage that may vary from 0% to 100%. If the node or centroid is within this distance of the loaded geometry solid face, it is accepted. The default value is set to 20%.
Elem Face/Surface Normal Angle Tolerance (0-90 Deg)
In addition to the proximity check, the angle between the element face normal and the surface normal at a point on the surface closest to the centroid of the element face is computed. If the angle is less than or equal to this value, the node is accepted. The angle may vary from 0 to 90 degrees and the default is 30 degrees.
Check Adjacent Geometry
This checkbox specifies whether adjacent geometry is checked when associating LBCs to FEM that were applied to Geometry. Patran always uses the node to geometry association determined by the mesher to associate LBCs to element faces and edges. When adjacent solids or surfaces have overlapping or duplicate faces or edges, an element may be associated to one piece of geometry but some of its nodes may be associated to an adjacent geometry. When this check is turned on, element nodes associated to the adjacent geometry are included in the LBC evaluation.
By default, adjacent geometry checking is turned on. The user can change the default value to off by placing the following in the settings.pcl file:pref_env_set_logical( "fem_geo_lbc_adj_geo_check", FALSE )
Connection Elements
The maximum normal angle controls the Maximum and Nromal Angel between the surface patches of a connector. This value is used to determine if the validity of a connector is suspect, since the elements onto which the connector location was projected do not face in relatively the same direction. For the PARTPAT or PROP formats, the wrong element may be found, since a point can have multiple projections.
During a create or modify operation, angle checks are done, and upon failure an attempt is made to find the correct elements that will satisfy the angle check.
Preferences>Main Form
Controlling the Appearance of the Main Form
On UNIX platforms, the Preferences>Main Form options enable you to change the layout and appearance of the Main form. The changes will not take effect until you restart Patran
Add Latest History Line
Adds latest history line to be written at top of history list (history lines scroll down). Defaults ON and allows last history line to be viewed above viewport in default orientation. If using history list to enter PCL commands or debug PCL functions, you may want to turn this OFF. Latest history line will be displayed at bottom of history window and will scroll up.
Popup Applications Switch
Causes application switch to be removed from Main form (allowing a larger viewport) and displayed as a popup. As a default, this is mapped to the right mouse button and can be activated by clicking almost anywhere in a Patran form or in the history list on the Main form. This will not activate with the cursor on the menu bar, the toolbar, on an icon or in a select databox. Try several locations to see the best places for using this option.
Small Screen Layout
Causes initial orientation of Main form and viewport to fit better on a small computer screen so that forms do not extend off the screen.
Save Visible History Line Count
Allows any changes made during the current session to the vertical height of the main form to be saved between sessions (Default is ON). If turned OFF, the next session will startup ignoring any main form height changes made during the present session.