Basic Functions > Working with Files > 4.3 File Commands
4.3 File Commands
The File Menu commands activate dialog boxes in which you interact with Patran. Although the commands are specific to the file-related action you want to perform, dialog box entries that deal with file names and types are common to several commands.
Look In
This text field displays the location where Patran starts looking for the various folders in which it can create and manipulate databases, session files, and reports. The subordinate folders and existing database names are also listed. If you don’t remember where your files are located, move up and down the hierarchy of all folders with the Windows icons, the Windows Explorer, or use Start>Find>Files or Folders on your Desktop to select the correct path for your database search.
File Name
Enter a new name or select a name from the displayed list. This text field, as well as the Files of Type field, also shows the default extension automatically assigned to different kinds of files (e.g., *.db, for database file). If you enter a name that already exists, you will be asked whether you would like to delete the existing database and create a new one.
Naming Conventions
Although Patran does not impose any limitations on file names, certain restrictions do exist, mainly due to the naming requirements of various CAD systems and translators, as well as analysis codes. Therefore, it is best to avoid spaces and other special characters from file names. Also, be aware, that some analysis programs limit the number of characters allowed in a file name and may truncate a longer name to the allowable length.
Files of Type
This text field shows the file type appropriate for the selected action, as well as the automatically assigned file name extension.
Creating a New File
The File>New command sequence activates the New Database dialog box.
In addition to the file name inputs that are required, two optional data entries are:
Change Template Button/Template Database Name
Modify Preferences checkbox
Change Template
If you press this button the Database Template dialog box will display all saved template database names. Select the template you want to use. For more about templates, see New..., 60.
Modify Preferences
Turn this toggle on (4) and the New Model Preferences form will be presented right after the new database is created. In this form you can specify a tolerance value (see Global Model Tolerance, 457), the analysis code you intend to use, and the type of analysis you want to perform on the model.
Changing a Template
The Database Template allows you to select a a previously defined and saved template file that will be used as the source when a new database is created.
Modifying Preferences
The New Model Preference form allows you to select those preferences that must be set at the beginning of the modeling process to avoid invalid input and irreversible results.
Tolerance specifies the maximum distance within which two like entities (e.g., points), are said to be coincident. Tolerance is a global parameter, that is, it affects the entire modeling process.
Entity coincidences and congruences:
coincident points--two points separated by a distance less than or equal to the tolerance
coincident curves--distance between all points of two curves is less than or equal to the tolerance
connected curves--two curves share the same endpoints
coincident surfaces--distance between all points of two surfaces is less than or equal to the tolerance
topologically congruent surfaces--two surfaces that share the same edge
topologically congruent solids--two solids that share the same surface.
If you attempt to create an entity that would be coincident with existing geometry, a system message will notify you that this entity already exists and will ask you if you wish to create a duplicate.
When two surfaces appear to be topologically congruent but meshes created on them do not match at their boundary, it is probably because the global model tolerance was set too low at the time the surfaces were created. If the geometry does connect but there are gaps greater than the tolerance, it may be necessary to relax the tolerance. On the other hand, too large tolerance may cause inaccuracies in the model.
The topology, or connectivity, of a model is determined when geometry is created, imported, or accessed from a CAD system. Once connectivity is set, you cannot modify it unless you delete the geometry, change the tolerance, then re-create the geometry.
Global Model Tolerance can also be specified in the Patran Main Form’s Preferences menu.
Based on Model
Calculates the tolerance based on the expected maximum model size. Recommended tolerance is .05% of the expected maximum model size, however, you may specify a different tolerance depending on the accuracy of the geometry construction.
Uses the current setting of the global model tolerance defined in the template database, normally .005.
Maximum Model Dimension
Enter the approximate maximum model size if you selected the Based on Model tolerance definition.
Analysis Code
Select the program you intend to use for the finite element analysis.
Analysis Type
Select the type of analysis you will perform on the model.
Your selection of an analysis code, as well as the analysis type, will affect all aspects of the finite element modeling process, since analysis codes have their own unique definitions for element types, MPC types, and all other FEM entities and properties.
If you decide to change the analysis code or the analysis type preference during the modeling process, you may lose the data that apply only to the previous preference settings. Therefore, to keep analysis-specific data from being lost, it is best to specify the analysis code and the analysis type at the beginning of the modeling session.
Analysis Code and Analysis Type can also be defined in the Patran Main Form’s Preferences menu.
Opening an Existing File
The File>Open command sequence activates the Open Database dialog box. Make sure you are displaying the appropriate folder in which the database resides, then select the name of the database you want to open.
File>Save a Copy
Saving a Copy of a Database
Use this command to save a copy of your database under a different name.
Save Journal File Copy Also
If you turn this toggle on (4), the journal file associated with the database will also copy to the new database. Note that the copied journal file will still refer to the name of the original database; you must edit the name to refer to the copied database.
Look in:
If you want to save the copy to a different folder, select the new folder.
File Name
Enter a new name for the copied database.
Freeing up Unused Disk Space
The Reclaim utility frees unused disk space allocated to the currently open database. Normally you may not need to use this feature, since the Reclaim process is executed automatically when you save or close a database that contains a significant amount of free space, provided that the following two conditions are met:
The database can be reduced by an estimated one megabyte or more.
The current database fragmentation is more than 5% of the size of the total database.
When you reclaim database space, the file’s Undo history is deleted. However, once the reclaim process is complete, the Undo capability will be reestablished after the next committed action and the database will again maintain Undo states.
When you request to reclaim database space, you will receive the following a message:
Whether you proceed with the reclaim utility or not will depend on what is more valuable, the amount of database space you can recover or retaining the Undo history of your file.
Reverting to the Original Database
This utility erases all changes made during the current session and returns a database to the state in which it existed when it was first opened.
The Revert utility is not automatically active. To make it available, you must do the following:
1. Select the Preferences menu in the Main Form.
2. Pick the keyword Global.
3. Click on the toggle in the selection box (4) Enable Revert Operation. This action will take effect when you next open this database.
4. Close the database.
5. Open the file; revert will be available in the database. Proceed creating entities.
6. If you want to return to the original state of the database, click File>Utilities>Revert.
7. The following message will appear:
8. Select Yes or No to complete the action.
Rebuilding a Model from a Journal File
With this utility, you can rebuild a model created in Patran using a journal file. The journal file contains a history of all user activity required to create the database, even if it spanned several separate modeling sessions. Because it is a sequential text file of PCL instructions, it can be edited using a text editor.
This utility is available only if there is no open Patran file. When you invoke File>Utilities>Rebuild, the Rebuild Database dialog box will display the list of journal files contained in the last-used folder (you can search through other folders as well).
Select the journal file to run. Once a journal file is read and executed, the database will be completely restored.
Importing Models and Results
With the File>Import command you can bring in model or results data created outside of the current database. If the imported object is specified as Model, the Import dialog box buttons and text boxes are related to model import choices. Imported model files may come from a number of different sources, therefore model data may be in Patran database format, Patran 2.5 neutral file format, MD Nastran input file format, or in one of several CAD formats.
Common Items in Import Dialog Boxes
A number of items in the Import dialog box are common to all model import functions regardless of the imported file’s origin and will appear in all model import dialog boxes.
Look in:
Shows the drive or folder where the search starts for the incoming database. The text field below displays the folders and files where you may locate this database.
File name
Select the name of the file you want to import.
Files of type
Indicates the valid file type and assigned file name extension, unique to the selected source of the imported file.
Identifies the software application used to create the imported model.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Although this item is dependent on the source file origin, it generally leads to a spreadsheet or a form that displays application-specific information about imported entities.
Importing a Patran Database
When you import an Patran database, the Import form contains the common import functions and two additional options, specific to Patran:
Equivalence Options
Allows you to select methods and conditions for merging coincident nodes.
Preview Patran Database
Displays a list of the number of entities and their ID specifications in the database targeted for import.
Patran DB Import Options
This selection presents a multipurpose spreadsheet that provides extensive information about how to manage incoming database entities.
Spreadsheet Headings
Numbered Entity Offset Defaults
This frame provides building blocks for resolving conflicts between duplicate entity identification numbers during the import process. The basis of the these building blocks is a count of successful database imports called the Submodel.
Default Offset
Indicates the amount by which the ID numbers of the incoming entities of the corresponding type will be incremented in the current database. A large offset makes it easier to group IDs for imported submodels and organize the database. The Default Offset is the product of the Increment and the Submodel number.
An arbitrary offset increment you assign.
The number of successful imports; this number is incremented after each subsequent import. If desired, it can also be overridden by any arbitrary number.
Named Entity Prefix Defaults
This frame provides building blocks for resolving conflicts between duplicate entity names during the import process.
Default Prefix
Indicates an alphanumeric prefix applied to incoming entity names. It may be used to organize the database based on each imported submodel. The Default Prefix is a concatenation of the Prefix and the Submodel number.
An arbitrary prefix that must start with a letter. The default, SM_, stands for submodel.
The Submodel number, incremented after each successful import.
Duplicate Entity Merge Options
When entities in an incoming (secondary) database are of the same type and name as those that already exist in the receiving (primary) database, you can resolve the duplication as follows:
Insert a prefix in front of the incoming entity’s name and import it with that name.
Try to combine the two entities into one. If the two cannot be combined because of conflicting properties, issue a warning and resort to the option above.
In some cases, the merge operation is not actually merging incoming and existing data. For example, if a material is already present in the receiving database and a material with the same name and properties exists in the imported database, the material definition in the primary database is retained, and that from the secondary database is discarded.
Groups, however, are not likely to have identical properties. If the incoming database contains a group with the same name as one that exists in the receiving database, the entities from the imported database will be added to the group in the primary database. A new group is created to contain all entities from the imported database. This group is given the name specified by the entity prefix.
Entities to Merge Upon Duplication
In these cells you specify the entities you want to merge if a duplicate name is encountered. If you do not click the merge toggle (or if the merge attempt fails), a prefix will be inserted in front of the name and a new entity will be created to hold the data.
For those entities with a “Compare Names” toggle, click the ones that must have duplicate names to merge. If this toggle is ON, the entities in the primary and secondary databases must have the same name and the same data to merge.
If the toggle is OFF, the entities in the receiving and imported databases need only have duplicate data to merge. If a duplicate name does exist in the primary database, the imported entity will merge with it. If a duplicate name does not exist, the imported entity will merge with the first alphanumeric entity found with duplicate data.
Real Number Equality Criteria
Significant Digits
This criteria is used to determine whether two real properties (scalar or vector components) are close enough in value to be assumed equal.
To determine near-equality, compare digits of the two numbers in normalized exponential form, from left to right (discarding leading zeroes) up to the specified number of significant digits. For example, for Significant Digits = 3, the following are considered equal:
0.234516E+08   0.234925E+08	
But, the following are not:
0.233925E+08   0.234925E+08
Spreadsheet Cells
The cells in the spreadsheet identify the imported entities and specify certain characteristics.
Import Column
In the Import column you select which entities of a given type are to be imported from the external database (All, None or a List). Group membership provides additional control of entities. For entities that can be placed in groups, if All or a List of groups is specified only those entities that are in the selected groups will be imported. If None is specified for groups, group membership is not a consideration.
For example, if you select All for Elements, and All for groups, and if Element 100 is not in any group, Element 100 will not be imported. However, if you pick All for Elements, and None for groups, Element 100, which is not in any group, will be imported.
Import Filter Options
If multiple cells from the column are selected at one time, the values for those cells are simply toggled from All to None, or vice-versa.
If you select a single cell, a second dialog box will provide a set of options.
Entities to Import
With each listed entity type, you can choose to import all entities of a give type, none of them, or those specified in an input list. If you set the switch to Input, you enable the List databox and may input a list manually.
<entity> List
Enter the desired list of entities. This label will vary according to the entity type you selected (e.g., Curve List).
Preview Database. . .
Displays the Patran Database Preview form that shows the entities, and their corresponding ID numbers, as contained in the import database.
Minimum ID and Maximum ID Columns
These columns show the range of identification numbers for the corresponding entity type in the current (receiving) database. Seeing these numbers may help you decide what ID offset values are most appropriate for that entity type.
ID Offset Column
This column indicates the number by which the IDs of the incoming entities are to be incremented relative to the entities of the corresponding type that exist in the current database.
Offset Options
If you select an ID Offset cell, a second dialog box will provide a set of options.
Offset Option
Pick one of the following:
Default--from the Default Offset databox (see Numbered Entity Offset Defaults, 81).
Auto--if the offset value is set to Auto, the IDs are offset starting at the current maximum ID plus 1. (Patran sets the default to Auto, unless the db_import_auto_offset environment parameter is changed).
Input--allows you to enter any offset value in the databox.
Offset Value
Enter the desired offset value.
Name Prefix Column
This column shows the prefix that is to be applied to incoming entity names. If the merge toggle for the corresponding entity type is ON, a prefix is applied only if the name duplicates the name of another entity in the current database and the merge operation failed due to conflicting data. See Duplicate Entity Merge Options, 82 for more details.
Prefix Option
Pick one of the following:
Default--from the Default Prefix databox (see Named Entity Prefix Defaults, 81).
Input--allows you to enter any prefix value in the databox.
Prefix Value
Enter the desired prefix value, starting with a letter.
Equivalence Options
Equivalencing is a process in finite element modeling whereby all coincident nodes are reduced to a single node. Two nodes are coincident if they are within a predetermined tolerance distance from each other (the number of significant digits for the equivalence tolerance is set in the Import Options form, see Significant Digits, 83). The change brought about when nodes are equivalenced is propagated throughout all other FEM definitions, (element connectivity definitions, MPC equations, loads and boundary conditions), geometry definitions, and groups.
ID Numbers
By default, the highest coincident node ID at a location in the secondary model will equivalence to the highest coincident node ID in the primary model.
Loads and Boundary Conditions
If the LBC toggle in the Patran DB Import Options spreadsheet is OFF, secondary LBCs will not be merged with primary LBCs. If this toggle is ON, there are two possibilities in merging loads and boundary conditions, depending on whether identical LBCs exist in the current database and the import database (two LBCs are considered identical if their types, set names, scale factors, LBC data, and coordinate frames are all equal):
If a secondary LBC is identical to a primary LBC--the secondary LBC will be equivalenced to the primary LBC and will no longer exist in the merged model. The application region of the resultant LBC in the merged model will cover both the primary and secondary application regions.
If a secondary LBC is not identical to any primary LBC--the secondary LBC will be embedded into the merged model, its name will be prefixed if the same name is found among the primary LBCs, and its application region and coordinate frame will be updated to the new IDs.
Discrete FEM Fields
Discrete FEM fields from different models are never considered to be equal, therefore, LBCs with data referencing discrete FEM fields can be equivalenced with a special option in the Equivalence Options dialog box that allows you to perform inter-model equivalencing of LBCs that reference discrete FEM fields. Accordingly, two discrete FEM fields (not necessarily with the same name) must be combined into one. Referenced by the resultant LBC, the combined discrete FEM field will contain all data from both the primary and secondary FEM fields.
LBCs are categorized into vector loads (e.g., force), or scalar loads (e.g., pressure), and boundary conditions (displacement). You can choose one of several equivalence options available for each category to produce the data at the surviving nodes after nodal equivalencing. Note that these equivalence options are only applied to the pairs of nodes being equivalenced. To be affected by the equivalence options, both nodes in a pair must be listed respectively in the two discrete FEM fields being combined. Other nodes in the two DFEM fields will be copied with updated IDs and their associated values will be copied to the combined DFEM field, which inherits the name of the DFEM field from the primary model.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Merge Rule
During nodal equivalencing the analysis coordinate frame at a surviving node is determined by a rule that takes into account the analysis coordinate frames and the boundary conditions at both the primary and secondary node being equivalenced. The following table shows this rule for various coordinate frames (CF) and boundary condition definitions (BC).
Analysis CF at Primary Node
Analysis CF at Secondary Node
Analysis CF at Equivalenced Node
Message Level
Global without BCs
Local without BCs
Global without BCs
Local with BCs
Global with BCs
Local without BCs
Global with BCs
Local with BCs
Local without BCs
Global without BCs
Local without BCs
Global with BCs
Local with BCs
Global without BCs
Local with BCs
Global with BCs
Local-1 without BCs
Local-2 without BCs
Local-1 without BCs
Local-2 with BCs
Local-1 with BCs
Local-2 without BCs
Local-1 with BCs
Local-2 with BCs
Equivalence Options Dialog Box
Equivalence Nodes/Geometry
Specify whether nodes and/or geometry are to be equivalenced as they are imported (both are ON by default). Only items that are common between the current database (primary model) and the import database (secondary model) are considered for equivalencing. If duplicate items are found within either model but none of those are duplicated in the other model, no action will be taken. In other words, only inter-model equivalencing is performed, as opposed to innermodel equivalencing.
Tolerance Method
Tolerance method applies to nodal equivalencing only.
Tolerance Source
You can accept the tolerance value defined either in the current database or in the import database, or you may choose to specify a new value.
Equivalence DFEM Loads/BCs/Props
Combine DFEM Fields
This toggle controls whether discrete FEM fields are combined when loads and boundary conditions or properties are merged. Two discrete FEM fields referenced by duplicate LBCs or Properties (one in the current model and another in the import) will be combined into one discrete FEM field. If this toggle is ON (default), further items pertaining to LBC equivalencing options are enabled.
DFEM Boundary Conditions
Specify how boundary conditions are merged within a DFEM field. By default, the boundary conditions in the primary model override the incoming secondary model values. Optionally, the secondary values can be added to the existing primary values.
DFEM Vector Loads
Specify how vector loads are merged within a DFEM field. By default, the loads in the primary model override the incoming secondary model values. Optionally, the secondary values can be added to the existing primary values.
DFEM Scalar Loads
Specify how scalar loads are merged within a DFEM Field. By default, the loads in the primary model override the incoming secondary model values. Optionally, the secondary values can be either added to the existing primary values or merged with them.
Patran Database Preview
In the Patran Database Preview form you can view the number of entities of each type contained in the import file database and the ID range (minimum & maximum) for each entity type. This form may be invoked either from the Import dialog box or from the Import Filter Options form. If desired, you can generate a named report file from the information displayed in the spreadsheet.
Importing PATRAN 2.5 Neutral Files
Neutral files provide a means for importing and exporting model data. You can import one or more neutral files into an Patran database. If more than one neutral file is read into a database, the entity IDs of each consecutive imported model must be offset to avoid conflict. The offsets may be defined either manually or automatically (see Entity Label Offset Definition, 96).
File Formats, 721 provides more information about the neutral file system.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Neutral Options
Brings up the Neutral Import Options form that enables you to select the types of entities targeted for import.
Neutral File Import Options
In this form you can select the entity types (packets) you want to import.
Define Offsets...
Select this button if the likelihood of entity ID duplication exists (e.g., when several neutral files are imported). It will activate the Entity Label Offset Definition form in which you can specify offsets to avoid conflicting IDs.
Entity Label Offset Definition
In this form you can specify entity ID offsets in order to avoid conflicts arising from duplicate ID numbers.
Options for Entity Selection
All entity packets offset the same way
Each entity packet offsets differently
Options for Offset Definition
Automatic--system obtains the next available ID in the database
Manual--you specify the offset value
Assigning Offsets
Same for all entity types:
click on Offset, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data, press Enter, or
pick Automatic Offset to let the system assign offset automatically.
Unique value to each entity type:
click on an entity, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data field, press Enter, or
select Automatic Offset.
Importing MD Nastran Input Files
While MD Nastran input files are used primarily to pass information into the MD Nastran solver, they can also be imported into Patran. You can import several files, however if duplicate entity IDs exist, the IDs of each consecutive model must be offset to avoid a conflict (see MD Nastran Entity Label Offset Definition, 99).
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
MD Nastran Options
Brings up the Entity Selection form that enables you to select the types of entities targeted for import.
MD Nastran Input File Options
In this form you can select the entity types (packets) that will be included in the imported database.
Define Offsets...
Select this button if the likelihood of entity ID duplication exists (e.g., when several MD Nastran files are imported). It will activate the Entity Label Offset Definition form in which you can specify offsets to avoid conflicting IDs.
Create Prop. & Matl. Groups
Select this button to create groups based on property sets and materials.
Retrieve Names From Comments
By selecting this button, Patran to attempt to figure out the names of properties and materials from the comments in the input deck. The only comments that Patran recognizes at this time are those comments made by Patran.
MD Nastran Entity Label Offset Definition
In this form you can specify entity ID offsets in order to avoid conflicts arising from duplicate ID numbers.
Options for Entity Selection
All entity packets offset the same way
Each entity packet offsets differently
Options for Offset Definition
Automatic--system obtains the next available ID in the database
Manual--you specify the offset value
Assigning Offsets
Same for all entity types:
click on Offset, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data, press Enter, or
pick Automatic Offset to let the system assign offset automatically
Unique value to each entity type:
click on an entity, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data field, press Enter, or
select Automatic Offset.
Importing Express Neutral Files
Express neutral files are intermediate files created during a Unigraphics or CV CAD Model Access process. You can obtain these files at any time and on any platform enabling you to access CAD geometry on systems where otherwise this may not be possible.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Express Options
Brings up the Express Import Options form where you can select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
Express Neutral File Import Options
In this form you can select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Import Preferences
Activates the Import Preferences dialog box in which you can specify how certain geometric entities will be represented in the Patran database.
Entity Types
Identifies the classes of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Types
Specifies the various kinds of entities available within the entity class you selected (for example, if the Entity Type you selected was Solid, the Geometry Type may be Solid of Revolution)
Entity Colors
Provides a color filter to further differentiate entities selected for import.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turn All Layers OFF and identify the layers on which the imported entities reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Preview Express File...
Allows you to display the contents of the import file to inspect prior to actually bringing it into your database.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the EXPRESS file with _Ln appended. For example, if the EXPRESS file name is test.model and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Express Import Preferences
In this dialog box you can specify your preferences on how to treat surfaces and solids, as well as tolerances, when importing entities in the Patran database.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database (simply trimmed or general trimmed).
Solid Representation
Solids may appear in boundary representation (B-rep Solids) or as a collection of constituent surfaces. The Parameterized Solid option allows B-rep solids, whose faces are biparametric surfaces, to be automatically converted to triparametric solids.
Enable Tolerance Prompt
If OFF (default), global model tolerance is calculated based on the expected maximum model size (see Global Model Tolerance, 457), without prompting for a response.
Enable Geometry Tracking
If ON, a geometry tracking log file will be created to describe geometric attributes of imported geometry.
Import Action
Import Geometry
Executes geometry import.
Calculate Model Tolerance
Processes the file to help determine the best tolerance for geometry import.
Preview Express File
You may get an advanced look at the type and number of entities contained in the file you want to import. Select the appropriate folder and file name to display this file.
Express Neutral Group Classification
Creates new Patran groups and enters imported entities into these groups based on entity attributes.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the class of the imported geometric entities (e.g., Curve) whose members will be added to the group.
Group Geometry Types
Highlights the entities that belong the class selected above. Pick one, several, or all to add to the group.
Group Entity Color
Filter imported entities by color. For example, having selected Curve before, click Red and only red-colored curves will be imported.
Group Entity Layers
All--select all entities regardless of layer assignments
Layer numbers--Toggle All Layers OFF and enter the layer number(s) where the imported entities reside in the CAD database
Show Express Groups
Display the Patran groups that have been defined for imported entities.
Delete Express Groups
Delete Patran groups defined for imported geometry.
Importing IGES Files
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) files are ANSI standard formatted files that make it possible to exchange data among most commercial CAD systems.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
IGES Options
Brings up the IGES Import Options form that enables you to specify the types and attributes of entities targeted for import.
IGES Entities Supported for Import
The following table lists the name and number of IGES entities that you can import into Patran.
IGES Entity Number
IGES Entity Type
IGES Entity Number
IGES Entity Type
Circular Arc
Tabulated Cylinder
Composite Curve
Transformation Matrix
Conic Arc
All Forms
Copious Data
Rational B-Spline Curve
All Forms
Rational B-Spline Surface
Offset Curve
Form 1
Positive Bounded Plane
Form 0
Unbounded Plane
Finite Element
Offset Surface
Parametric Spline Curve
Curve on Surface
Parametric Spline Surface
Bounded Surface
Trimmed Surface
Ruled Surface
Manifold Solid-Prep
Surface of Revolution
Plane Surface
IGES Import Options
In this form you can select the types and attributes of IGES entities targeted for import.
Entity Types
Identifies the geometric or finite element entities you can import.
Entity Attributes
Curve on Surface Preferences
Stipulate your preference as to how trimming curves should be represented on trimmed surfaces:
Per IGES File--as defined by IGES file preference.
2D Curve--use parametric space representation (if exists in the IGES file).
3D Curve--use real space representation (if exists in the IGES file).
If trimmed surfaces import inaccurately, try alternating between 2D and 3D curve representation, provided that they both exist in the IGES file.
Invisible, Subordinate, and Annotation Entities
Pick any or all three to include the listed entity types in the import process.
Color Filter...
Displays the Color Filter dialog box in which you can restrict entity import based on color designations.
Layer Filter...
Displays the Layer Filter dialog box in which you can restrict entity import based on layer designations.
Group Classification...
Activates a dialog box in which you can create new Patran groups for placing imported entities.
Preview IGES File...
Select an IGES file to preview.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the IGES file with _Ln appended. For example, if the IGES file name is test.model and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test.igs_L1 and test.igs_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
IGES Entity Color Filter
In this form you can select entities for import based on their color designation.
Color Definition Entity
IGES entities may refer to an IGES Color Definition Entity (Type 314) that defines the color of entities.
All--import all entities that refer to the Color Definition Entity
None--exclude all entities that refer to the Color Definition Entity
Specify--enter the Color Definition Entities to import
IGES Entity Level Filter
In this form you can identify the layer(s) that contain the entities you want to import via IGES. Optionally, you can specify that entities on all layers should be imported.
IGES Group Classification
This dialog box enables you to create new Patran groups and enter imported entities into these groups based on entity attributes.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the class of the imported geometric entities (e.g., Composite Curve) whose members will be added to the group.
Group Entity Color
Filter entities by color. For example, having selected Composite Curve, click Red to import only red-colored composite curves.
Group Entity Layers
All--select all entities regardless of layer assignments
Layer numbers--Toggle All Layers off and enter layer numbers where the entities targeted for import reside in the CAD database.
Show IGES Groups
View all groups defined for imported IGES entities.
Delete IGES Groups
Delete groups defined for imported IGES entities.
Show IGES Groups
This form shows the names of all groups defined for entities imported from an IGES, or Unigraphics database. When you pick a group name, the Group Classification form will display the list of entity types, colors, and levels that have been assigned to this group.
Delete IGES Groups
In this form you can selectively delete groups that contain entities imported from IGES, or Unigraphics databases.
Exporting IGES Surface Data to a Patran 2 Neutral File
Through the Patran 2 Neutral File Translator, you can export IGES type 114 and 128 surfaces as “Parametric BiCubic” surfaces. For information on converting IGES surface data into Parametric BiCubic Patches, see Exporting IGES Surface Data as Parametric BiCubic Surfaces, 199.
Create Groups from Layers
With this form you can select the types and attributes of IGES entities targeted for import.
Importing CATIA Files
In the Import dialog box, select CATIA as the source of the imported database.You may directly import a CATIA model into an Patran database.
Importing a CATIA Model
To import CATIA V4, CATIA V5, or CATXPRES geometry, select the block icon on the CATIA Import form.
Geometry Import Icons
Select the block icon (UNIX only) to import CATIA geometry.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
CATIA Options
Brings up the CATIA Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
Import to Parasolid
If ON, CATIA V4 models are imported in a Parasolid geometry format. CATIA V5 models will always be imported in Parasolid format and CATXPRES models will not be imported in Parasolid format.
File Type
Specifies the type of the imported input file. This may be a CATIA V4 model file (.Model extension), a CATIA V5 part file (.CATPart extension), a CATIA V5 product file (.CATProduct extension), or a CATXPRES output file (.cat extension).
Import Options for CATIA V4 Parasolid Format
If you are importing a CATIA V4 model with the Import to Parasolid option turned ON, the resulting geometry format will be Parasolid. Use the Import Options form to select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Import Geometry
The default, Import Geometry will import the geometry after the Apply button is selected on the import form. The secondary toggle, Import Preview will run the translator and provide a summary of geometry and layer information without importing the geometry.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Import NoShow Entities
If on, CATIA V4 entities that are classified as “NoShow” will be imported.
Import Attributes
If ON, attributes attached to the geometry will be imported. Turning Import Attributes OFF will improve import performance.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If on, all geometry will be imported regardless of whether or not the geometry is on layers.
Layer numbers
Specify which layers in CATIA V4 to import geometry from.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the CATIA file with _Ln appended. For example, if the CATIA file name is test.model and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
Instructs Patran to sew together sheet bodies using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a CATIA file is imported. This file will be assigned a.xmt_txt file name extension.
Load Database File
This toggle is ON and dimmed (unavailable) unless the “Save Transmit File” toggle is ON. In that case, you can uncheck “Load Database File” if you simply wish to create a transmit file and do not want to import a database.
Import Options for CATIA V5 Parasolid Format
If you are importing a CATIA V5 model with the Import to Parasolid option turned ON, the resulting geometry format will be Parasolid. Use the Import Options form to select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Import Geometry
The default, Import Geometry will import the geometry after the Apply button is selected on the import form. The secondary toggle, Import Preview will run the translator and provide a summary of geometry and layer information without importing the geometry.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Import Attributes
If this toggle is ON (the default), attributes attached to the geometry, including layer attributes, will be imported. Turning Import Attributes OFF improves import performance.
Attribute Name Types
Patran will create a string attribute and attach it to geometry associated with a CATIA V5 publication, feature name, or publication and Feature Name by selecting "Publication", "Feature Name", or both.
If you unselect both "Publication" and "Feature Name", no attributes will be created. If you select both, the CATIA V5 Tree structure will be imported as Hierarchical groups. An example is shown below.
Example Scenario 1:
P1.CATPart with a Part ID of P1 containing two entities;
A feature named Loft.1 with a published name PUB_EDGE,
A feature named SURFACE_FEATURE.
Selecting “Feature Name” option will result in:
attribute syntax: Part_ID;feature_name
The geometry associated with the feature “Loft.1” will have an attribute with the string "P1;Loft.1" and the geometry associated with the feature “SURFACE_FEATURE” will have an attribute with the string:
Selecting “Publication” option will result in:
attribute syntax: Part_ID;publication_name
The geometry associated with the publication “PUB_EDGE” will have an attribute with the string "P1;PUB_EDGE".
Selecting both “Feature Name” and “Publication” will result in:
attribute syntax: Part_ID;publication_name;feature_name
The geometry associated with the feature “Loft.1” will have an attribute with the string "P1;PUB_EDGE;Loft.1" and the geometry associated with the feature “SURFACE_FEATURE” will have an attribute with the string "P1;SURFACE_FEATURE".
Example Scenario 2:
A CATProduct file with a product id of BLISKPROD contains a subproduct file with an instance name of BLISKSUBPROD.1 and a CATPart file with an instance name of DAM3.1 that contains two entities,
A feature named Blisk.1 with a published name BLISK_ONE,
A feature named Blisk.2 with a published name BLISK_TWO.
Selecting “Feature Name” option will result in:
attribute syntax:
The geometry associated with the features “Blisk.1” and “Blisk.2” respectively will have an attribute with the string:
Selecting “Publication” option will result in:
attribute syntax:
The geometry associated with the publications “BLISK_ONE” and “BLISK_TWO” respectively will have an attribute with the string:
Selecting both “Feature Name” and “Publication” will result in:
attribute syntax: Product_ID\SubProduct_Instance_Name\Part_Instance_Name;publication_name;feature_name
The geometry associated with the features “Blisk.1” and “Blisk.2” and publications “BLISK_ONE” and “BLISK_TWO” respectively will have an attribute with the string:
Entity Layers
All Layers
If on, all geometry will be imported regardless of whether or not the geometry is on layers.
Layer numbers
Specify which layers in CATIA V5 CATPart or CATProduct to import geometry from.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the CATIA file with _Ln appended. For example, if the CATIA file name is test.CATPart and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities. The Import to Group Hierarchy toggle needs to be on if CATIA V5 tree structures are to be imported. This is ON by default. See the next section.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
Instructs Patran to sew together sheet bodies using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a CATIA file is imported. This file will be assigned a.xmt_txt file name extension.
In order to retrieve these attributes from the Patran database, there are two functions that may be used:
ps_get_body_string_attribute, 66 and ps_get_string_attribute (p. 67) in the PCL Reference Manual. For examples of how these functions are utilized please see, ps_get_body_string_attribute, 17 and ps_get_string_attribute (p. 18) in the PCL Reference Manual Examples.
Importing the CATIA V5 Tree
Below is an example of importing the tree structure of a CATIA V5 part or assembly file.
Once the CATIA V5 file is imported the tree is accessible as Patran heirarchical groups. For display purposes, these groups can be turned on and off (posted and unposted).
For more information on how Groups function in general, please see Group Concepts and Definitions, 260.
Import Options for CATIA V4
If you are importing a CATIA V4 model with the Import to Parasolid option turned OFF, the resulting geometry format will not be Parasolid. Use the Import Options form to select the types, layers, and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Import Preferences
Activates a dialog box in which you can specify how certain geometric entities will be represented in the Patran database.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turns All Layers off. Enter the layers where the entities you want to import reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the CATIA file with _Ln appended. For example, if the CATIA file name is test.model and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Import Options for CATXPRES
If you are importing a CATXPRES model, the resulting geometry format will not be Parasolid. Use the Import Options form to select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database (simply trimmed or general trimmed).
Solid Representation
Solids may appear in boundary representation (B-rep Solids) or as a collection of constituent surfaces. The Parameterized Solid option allows B-rep solids, whose faces are biparametric surfaces, to be automatically converted to triparametric solids.
Enable Tolerance Prompt
If OFF (default), global model tolerance is calculated based on the expected maximum model size (see Global Model Tolerance, 457), without prompting for a response.
Enable Geometry Tracking
If ON, a geometry tracking log file will be created to describe geometric attributes of imported geometry.
Group Classification for CATIA V4 Parasolid Format
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported CATIA model entities. When using a Parasolid format, groups are defined by entity type.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If on, all geometry will be imported regardless of whether or not the geometry is on layers.
Layer numbers
Specify which layers in CATIA V4 to import geometry from.
Show Groups
View all groups defined for imported CATIA entities.
Delete Groups
Delete groups defined for imported CATIA geometry.
Group Classification for CATIA V5 Parasolid Format
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported CATIA model entities. When using a Parasolid format, groups are defined by entity type.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If on, all geometry will be imported regardless of whether or not the geometry is on layers.
Layer numbers
Specify which layers in CATIA V5 to import geometry from.
Show Groups
View all groups defined for imported CATIA entities.
Delete Groups
Delete groups defined for imported CATIA geometry.
Group Classification for CATIA V4/V5/CATXPRES Files
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported CATIA model entities. Group membership may be based on both entity type and layer assignment.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Group Entity Layers
All--select all entities regardless of layer assignments
Layer numbers--toggle All Layers off and enter the layer(s) where the imported entities reside in the CAD database
Import to Group Hierarchy
ON by default. Necessary when importing the CATIA tree structure. Only valid for CATIA V5.
Show Groups
View all groups defined for imported CATIA entities.
Delete Groups
Delete groups defined for imported CATIA geometry.
Import Preferences
In this dialog box you can specify your preferences on how to treat surfaces and solids, as well as tolerances, when importing entities in the Patran database.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database (simply trimmed or general trimmed).
Solid Representation
Solids may appear in boundary representation (B-rep Solids) or as a collection of constituent surfaces. The Parameterized Solid option allows B-rep solids, whose faces are biparametric surfaces, to be automatically converted to triparametric solids.
Enable Tolerance Prompt
If OFF (default), global model tolerance is calculated based on the expected maximum model size (see Global Model Tolerance, 457), without prompting for a response.
Enable Geometry Tracking
If ON, a geometry tracking log file will be created to describe geometric attributes of imported geometry.
Import Action
Import Geometry
Executes geometry import.
Calculate Model Tolerance
Processes the file to help determine the best tolerance for geometry import.
Importing Pro/ENGINEER Files
In the Import dialog box, select Pro/ENGINEER as the source of the imported database.You may directly import a Pro/ENGINEER model.
Importing a Pro/ENGINEER Model
To import a Pro/ENGINEER Model, select the block icon on the Pro/ENGINEER Import form.
Geometry Import Icons
Select the block icon to import Pro/ENGINEER geometry. To import a mesh, see Importing Direct Mesh Meshes from a Pro/ENGINEER Model, 149.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Pro/ENGINEER Options
Activates the Pro/ENGINEER Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
Import to Parasolid
If ON, Pro/ENGINEER models are imported in a Parasolid geometry format.
File Type
Select the type of Pro/ENGINEER file you are importing.
Import Options for Pro/ENGINEER Parasolid Format
If you are importing a Pro/ENGINEER model with the Import to Parasolid option turned ON, the resulting geometry format will be Parasolid. Use this form to select the types of entities included in the imported database and to direct the handling of the imported entities.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
Instructs Patran to sew together sheet bodies using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a Pro/ENGINEER file is imported. This file will be assigned a .xmt_txt file name extension.
Import Options for Pro/ENGINEER
If you are importing a Pro/ENGINEER model with the Import to Parasolid toggle turned OFF, use this form to select the types of entities included in the imported database, as well as set an option for accessing and loading the model.
Import Preferences
Activates a dialog box in which you can specify how certain geometric entities will be represented in the Patran database.
Entity Types
Identifies the classes of geometric entities from which you can select.
Material Import details:
Two values will be extracted from each part (if a material reference is available):
Material name (a standard PTC part parameter) of type string
Material reference based on a user parameter named: ”PART_SPECIFICATION_NO” of type string.
These parameters will be written to the .geo file as a record “PTC_Material” with these values:
Part Name
Material Name
If the material reference is not available, the following material properties will be extracted from each part Material name.
Material property data:
young_modulus (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
poisson_ratio (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
mass_density (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
therm_exp_coef (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
therm_exp_ref_temp (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
therm_conductivity (a standard PTC material parameter of type double)
These parameters will be written to the .geo file as a record “PTC_Material” with these values:
Part Name
Material Name
Elastic Modulus 
Poisson Ratio
Mass Density
Thermal Expansion Coeff 
Reference Temperature  
Thermal Conductivity
When a part is assigned a material name, but there is no material data or user parameter (“PART_SPECIFICATION_NO”) assigned, the resulting record in the .geo file would be:
Part Name
Material Name
In addition, each solid will be associated with the proper material property via the creation of an element property record.
This will result in the creation of two Patran entities:
Material property - w/ name, and associated data (see below)
Element property - referencing material and associated solids(s)
The material property will be created with two different options:
1. If a non-null value is found for the user defined parameter "PART_SPECIFICATION_NO", an "Externally Defined" material will be created, with the following attributes:
Name=material name associated with the Pro/E part
Description="Material info extracted from Pro/Engineer on date-time-stamp – [MATERIAL=material-name-here] and [PART_SPECIFICATION_NO=part-spec-here]."
2. In all other situations (the user defined parameter "PART_SPECIFICATION_NO" is not found, or is a null value), an isotropic material will be created, with the following attributes:
Name=material name associated with the Pro/E part Description="Material info extracted from Pro/Engineer on date/timestamp [MATERIAL=material-name-here]."
Elastic Modulus (material word_id=2)=- young_modulus;
Poisson's Ratio (material word_id=5)=- poisson_ratio;
Density (material word_id=16)= - mass_density;
Thermal Expansion Coeff (material word_id=24)= - therm_exp_coef;
Reference Temperature (material word_id=1)=- therm_exp_ref_temp;
Thermal Conductivity (material word_id=17) =- therm_conductivity;
No modification or extension to the Patran database is required to support this implementation.
Note: the Description will be created “on-the-fly” by the sgm_ptc_access_v5 PCL function when the GEO file is read into Patran.
The element property will be created with the following options:
Property Name = derived from Pro/E part name (similar to group naming convention)
Material Name = material name associated with the Pro/E part
Application Region: Solid ID for corresponding Pro/E solid as created in Patran
Element type and property option IDs are preference dependent. Default values for MSC’s standard preferences are summarized in the following table:
Patran Thermal
Type ID
Geometry Option ID
Condensation Option ID
Formulation Option ID
Laminate Option ID
Patran 2 NF
Type ID
Geometry Option ID
Condensation Option ID
Formulation Option ID
Laminate Option ID
Surface Types:
Lists the kinds of surfaces available for selection if the Entity Type you picked is Solid or Surface.
Model Access Options
These options are coupled with the File Type selection (in the Import dialog box), to determine whether an intermediate file (.geo) will be created and saved, and whether or not the Pro/ENGINEER database will be loaded directly into the Patran database.
Save Geometry File (.geo)--create an intermediate (.geo) file
Load Database-- import data into Patran
Create Groups from Parts--if ON, a group will be created for:
each part in an assembly
each part that is not a component of an assembly
each .geo file created from an assembly--one group is created for each component part
each .geo file created from a single part--one group is created for the part.
Surface Types
Lists the kinds of surfaces available for selection if the Entity Type you picked is Solid or Surface.
Model Access Options
These options are coupled with the File Type selection (in the Import dialog box), to determine whether an intermediate file (.geo) will be created and saved, and whether or not the Pro/ENGINEER database will be loaded directly into the Patran database.
Save Geometry File (.geo)--create an intermediate (.geo) file
Load Database-- import data into Patran
Create Groups from Parts--if ON, a group will be created for:
each part in an assembly
each part that is not a component of an assembly
each .geo file created from an assembly--one group is created for each component part
each .geo file created from a single part--one group is created for the part.
Patran ProENGINEER Intermediate .geo File (Primitive Geometry)
Patran ProENGINEER creates and uses an intermediate ASCII (text) formatted file (with the assigned extension of .geo) to temporarily store Pro/ENGINEER geometric data of a part or assembly file. Patran ProENGINEER uses the .geo file to load the accessed geometry into an open Patran database. The format of this file is used only by Patran ProENGINEER and it is not compatible with any other Patran product or process.
Pro/ENGINEER File Types and Model Access Options
Pro/ENGINEER File Type
Model Access Option
Result of Setting Combination
Load Database
Apply these two selections together to:
create the intermediate .geo file
load the geometry into the Patran database
delete the .geo file.
Save Geometry File (.geo)
Load Database
Apply these two selections together to:
create the intermediate .geo file
load the geometry into the Patran database
save the .geo file.
Save Geometry File (.geo)
Apply these two selections together to:
create the intermediate .geo file
save the .geo file.
not load the geometry
Primitive Geometry
Save Geometry File (.geo)
Load Database
Create Groups from Parts
Apply these two selections together to:
not run Pro/ENGINEER (the .geo file has already been created)
load the geometry from the .geo file into the Patran database
if an Assembly, create groups from parts
save the .geo file.
Executing Patran ProENGINEER From Pro/ENGINEER (p3_proe)
MSC.Software Corporation provides a script file called p3_proe that allows you to start up Pro/ENGINEER and access Patran ProENGINEER through Pro/ENGINEER’s internal menus (for more information, see Accessing Geometry Using Patran ProENGINEER (p. 54) in the Geometry Modeling - Reference Manual Part 2).
Importing Direct Mesh Meshes from a Pro/ENGINEER Model
Selecting the mesh icon on the Pro/ENGINEER Import form runs Direct Mesh for Pro/ENGINEER to create a mesh that can be imported into Patran.
To utilize this option, you must have the following software products installed on the machine where Patran is installed: Pro/ENGINEER - Wildfire.
Geometry Import Icons
Selecting the mesh icon runs Direct Mesh on a Pro/ENGINEER model to create and import a mesh.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Direct Mesh Options
Brings up the Direct Mesh Options form that enables you to select the type and topology of the mesh.
Direct Mesh Import Options
Use the Direct Mesh Import Options form to define the parameters of the imported mesh.
Mesh Type
Specifies the type of mesh that Direct Mesh creates; Tri, Tet, or Tri and Tet.
Element Size
Specifies the element size either by instructing Patran to calculate the element size or by defining the Maximum/Minimum element size. If you define a Maximum, the minimum will be calculated as 10% of the maximum. This value may be overridden.
Element Topology
Defines the topology of the elements created during the meshing process.
Mesh Offsets
Enables you to define offset values if multiple meshes are being imported.
Importing Unigraphics Files
In the Import dialog box, select Unigraphics as the source of the imported model database.
Unigraphics uses Parasolid to define geometry, however, Parasolid is also part of the geometric kernel of Patran. Consequently, there is no need for translation when Unigraphics files are transmitted into Patran.
This is reflected in the File>Import menu that provides two different transfer methods for Unigraphics files. The default import method is Direct Parasolid, where you select a Unigraphics part, Unigraphics creates a Parasolid transmit file (with the extension .xmt_txt), and that file is imported. The second method of import is Express Translation, where you select a Unigraphics part and an Express Neutral file is created for import.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If a non-existent group name is entered, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Unigraphics Options
Activates the Unigraphics Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
Import Format
Parasolid--Unigraphics creates a parasolid transmit file (with the extension .xmt_txt), then that file is imported into the Patran database.
Express File --an express neutral file is created and imported.
Unigraphics Import Options for Direct Parasolid
In this dialog box you can select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turn All Layers OFF and enter the layers on which the entities reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Attribute Import
Displays the Attribute Import dialog box with options for importing Unigraphics attributes.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the Unigraphics file with _Ln appended. For example, if the Unigraphics file name is test.prt and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Assembly Import
If Preview Components is ON, a dialog box will display the names of the components in a Unigraphics assembly model. This list can be used to selectively import assembly components.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Unigraphics Sew
If Unigraphics Sew is ON, Unigraphics Sheet Bodies will be modified on import to enable Unigraphics Sewing software to equivalence or sew together adjacent edges of the sheets. This is to avoid “cracks” along adjacent surface edges.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a Unigraphics part file is imported. This file will be assigned a .xmt_txt file name extension.
Attribute Import
The attribute import form is used to filter the attributes that will be imported into Patran.
Preview Attributes
You can inspect the entities and their attributes contained in a Unigraphics part targeted for import and decide if any entities should be excluded from the import process.
Preview Components
You can inspect the component parts contained in a Unigraphics assembly targeted for import, in order to selectively include parts in the import process.
Unigraphics Group Classification
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported Unigraphics model entities. Group membership may be based on both layer assignment and entity type.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Group Entity Layers
All--selects all entities regardless of layer assignments.
Work Layer--selects entities from the currently active layer.
Layer numbers--turn All Layers OFF and identify layer(s) where the imported entities reside in the Unigraphics database.
Show Ug Groups...
Display all groups defined for imported Unigraphics entities.
Delete Ug Groups...
Delete groups defined for imported Unigraphics entities.
Unigraphics Import Options for Express Translation
In this dialog box you can select the types and attributes of entities included in the database imported via the Unigraphics express translation method.
Import Preferences
Activates a dialog box in which you can specify how certain geometric entities will be represented in the Patran database.
Entity Types
Identifies the types of geometric entities from which you can select.
Entity Layers
All--selects all entities regardless of layer assignments
Work Layer--selects entities from the currently active layer
Layer numbers--enter layer(s) where the imported entities reside
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the Unigraphics file with _Ln appended. For example, if the Unigraphics file name is test.prt and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Unigraphics Group Classification for Express Translation
One or several Patran groups may be created based on both entity type attributes.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Group Entity Layers
All--selects all entities regardless of layer assignments
Work Layer--selects entities from the currently active layer
Layer numbers--Toggle All Layers OFF and enter the layer(s) where the imported entities reside in the Unigraphics database
Show Ug Groups...
Display all groups defined for imported Unigraphics entities.
Delete Ug Groups...
Delete groups defined for imported Unigraphics entities.
Importing Parasolid (xmt) Files
Another way of importing a Unigraphics model is to use Parasolid xmt as the source of direct import. This file can also originate from any system using Parasolid as its geometry kernel.
File Name
The name of the Parasolid transmit file to import. In order to avoid the transmit file from being deleted after import, do not use “-ps0001” as part of the file name. For example, test-ps0001.x_t will be deleted after it is imported. (-ps0001 is a string concatenated onto the input file name for internal purposes.)
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
Parasolid xmt Options
Activates the Parasolid xmt Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
Import Options for Parasolid
In this dialog box you can select the types and attributes of entities included in the database.
Import Geometry
The default, Import Geometry will import the geometry after the Apply button is selected on the import form. The secondary toggle, Import Preview will run the translator and provide a summary of geometry and layer information without importing the geometry.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Entity Layers
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turn All Layers OFF and enter the layers on which the entities reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the Parasolid file with _Ln appended. For example, if the Parasolid file name is test.x_t and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
If Patran Sew is ON, Unigraphics Sheet Bodies will be equivalenced or sewn together using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Parasolid Model Units
Parasolid assumes model units in meters, and has an overall model size limit of a 1000 meter cube. In the Model Units form you can override the default units in the transmit file to either inches, millimeters, or a custom unit (default is None, meaning no override). If a custom value is desired, a scale factor entered into the databox will be used to calculate the appropriate unit value.
Importing ACIS (sat) Files
Geometry models from ACIS-based CAD systems can be imported directly into Patran.
CAD geometry is first exported in “sat” format. Next, Patran creates a Parasolid transmit (.xmt_txt) file from that, finally the transmit file is imported through the Parasolid import function.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
ACIS Options
Activates the ACIS Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import.
See the current Patran Release Guide for currently supported version of the ACIS® Geometric Modeler and Parasolid®. A summary of features and limitations follows.
Converting ACIS Entities to Parasolid Entities
Entity Classes
Parasolid Entity
(PK entity types)
If ellipse is circular
If ellipse is not circular
If cone is cylindrical
If cone is not cylindrical
If cone is elliptical
Spline Curves
Exact bspline curve
All other kinds
(e.g. surf_int_cur, int_int_cur, ...)
The corresponding edges may be tolerant in Parasolid.
Spline surfaces
Exact bspline surface
Offset surface
All other kinds
(e.g. pipe_spl_sur, skin_spl_sur ...)
The corresponding edges may be tolerant in Parasolid
Import Options for ACIS
In this dialog box you can select the types and attributes of entities included in the database.
Import Geometry
The default, Import Geometry will import the geometry after the Apply button is selected on the import form. The secondary toggle, Import Preview will run the translator and provide a summary of geometry and layer information without importing the geometry.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Group Classification
Displays a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Create Groups from Layers
Select the “Create Groups from Layers” button. A sub-menu appears. If the “Create Groups from Layers” toggle is ON (Default), a Patran Group is created for each Layer and all geometry on a layer is added to a Patran Group. The group name(s) will be defined by the “Group Name Prefix” provided by the user or if the user did not provide a “Group Name Prefix” the group name(s) will be the prefix of the ACIS file with _Ln appended. For example, if the ACIS file name is test.sat and there are two layers 1,2, then the two groups will be named: test_L1 and test_L2. See Create Groups from Layers, 116 for additional information.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
If Patran Sew is ON, Sheet Bodies will be equivalenced or sewn together using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Parasolid Healing
Healing routines of Parasolid are used if this is selected.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when the ACIS file is imported. This file will be assigned an .xmt_txt file name extension.
ACIS Group Classification
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported ACIS model entities. Group membership is based on entity type.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities to add to the group.
Group EntityLayers
All--selects all entities regardless of layer assignments·
Layer numbers--Toggle All Layers OFF and enter the layer(s) where the imported entities reside in the ACIS file.
Show Groups
Display all groups defined for imported ACIS entities.
Delete Groups
Delete groups defined for imported ACIS entities.
Importing STEP Files
ISO 10303 STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) is the standard that provides a complete, unambiguous definition of the physical and functional characteristics of a product throughout its life cycle. The standard has been created by a team of international experts from disciplines such as aerospace, automotive, shipping, process plants, CAD/CAE/CAM, academia, and government.
STEP Application Protocols (AP) AP203, AP209 and AP214 are used to support the design/analysis integration problem, typified by a requirement to share and exchange version controlled geometric shape and associated analysis information in an iterative environment. AP203 provides geometry and configuration controlled designs of mechanical parts and assemblies, AP209 extends this to include analysis (FEM/FEA) and composites, and AP214 provides core data for automotive mechanical design processes.
A variety of existing standards have been widely used as a means to exchange geometry data and FEM data between various companies and commercial software products (both CAD and CAE), including IGES for geometry (curves and surfaces only). However, today’s product designs and procedures require far more information than can be captured individually and independently. Fully associated and version controlled configuration management, product structure, geometry (including both nominal and idealized shapes, as well as solids), finite element model (FEM) and finite element analysis (FEA) results data must now be shared and exchanged between CAD/CAE products and environments. STEP AP203 and AP209 standards are capable of capturing this expanded data coverage requirement.
For additional information about STEP AP203 and AP214 on the World Wide Web, see For additional information about STEP AP209 on the World Wide Web, see
The ability to design, simulate and collaborate on a product model in an extended enterprise of many companies and engineering disciplines requires a standard for describing both geometry data (AP203, AP209, ???and AP214???). The STEP standards supported by Patran provide the following extended import/export/archiving benefits:
Support for Solids (B-rep) export. Previously, only IGES export of geometry was available, which does not support solids
Support for SDRC geometry import (including solids) via STEP. Previously, only IGES import of geometry was available.
Provides a standard-based mechanism to exchange CAD/CAE data between engineering companies with different CAD/CAE processes/tools.
Provides a standard for long term CAD/CAE data archiving.
Provides for the import/export of CAD generated configuration management and product structure information (STEP defined minimum subset) associated with the geometry imported into Patran. Additionally, AP209 provides for analysis version control, which is fully associated with design version control.
Accessing STEP Libraries
STEP import and export is developed as an independent shared library, and is not included on the Version 9 CD. Future major releases of Patran will have STEP included on the CD.
Downloading and Installing
The STEP libraries are available from the MSC.Mechanical Solutions Web site. The following support URL will contain the link to download instructions:
For more information on STEP support availability, visit the MSC.Mechanical Solutions Web site at:
STEP AP203 requires an Patran STEP AP203 Access license. STEP AP209 requires an Patran STEP AP209 Access license. STEP AP214 requires an Patran STEP AP214 Access license. For more information, contact your MSC.Software account representative.
In the Import dialog box, select STEP as the source of the imported database.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
STEP Options
Brings up the STEP AP203/AP214 or AP209 Import Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for import. Note that the same form is used to specify either STEP AP203 or AP214 options but that a different form is used to specify AP209 options.
Import to Parasolid
Converts STEP geometry into Parasolid geometry format.
File Type
Specifies the type of the imported input file. This may be a STEP 203 or 214 file or a STEP 209 file.
STEP Entities Supported for Import
Presently, only the MD Nastran Preference in Patran is supported for the FEM/FEA data imported from or exported to AP209 files.
Imported STEP Conformance Class 1 data (minimum subset of configuration management, product structure, approvals, etc.) associated with imported geometry, is maintained and replicated for STEP file export. However, no user interface is provided to view this data and review its content or associativity to the imported geometry entities. Prototypes of this functionality are being tested.
STEP composite surface entity has no suitable entity in Patran, so it is not supported.
STEP currently does not support Patran Composite Trimmed Surfaces.
Not all AP203 and AP209 data model entities are supported. The following sections define the scope of both AP data schemas’ coverage provided in this release.
Supported AP203 Import Entities
All AP203 Conformance Class representations (1-6) are supported.
Only the agreed upon minimum subset of Conformance Class 1 entities are supported.
Group-based geometry import is supported.
AP203 assembly is supported.
Assembly is imported in Patran and all the assembly instances are duplicated.
Group based Assembly import is supported.
Names of Geometric Entities are preserved using CATIA CAD association.
Class 1: Configuration Management Entities (Minimum Subset)
Class2: Geometrically Bounded Surface Shape Representation
Mapped Item
B_spline surface
Rectangular Trimmed Surface
Curve Bounded Surface
Spherical, Toroidal Surface
Swept Surface
Circle, Ellipse
Trimmed Curve
Composite Curve
Curve Replica, Offset Curve 3d, Offset Curve 2d, SeamCurve
Surface Curve
Boundary Curve, Outer Boundary Curve, Composite Curve Segment
Class 2: Geometrically Bounded Wireframe Shape Representation
Geometric Curve Set
Trimmed curve
Class 3: Edge Based Wireframe Shape Representation
Edge Based Wireframe Model
Edge Curve
Vertex Point
Line, Circle, Ellipse, B_Spline_Curve
Parabola, Hyperbola
Vertex Geometry (only cartesian point supported)
Class 3: Shell Based Wireframe Shape Representation
Shell Based Wireframe Model
Edge Loop
Edge Curve
Line, Circle, Ellipse, B_Spline_Curves
Vertex Geometry (only cartesian point supported)
Class 4: Manifold Surface Shape Representation
Shell Based Surface Model
Open shell, Closed Shell
Connected Face Set, Face Surface, Oriented Face
Elementary Surfaces
Spherical, Conical, Toroidal, Plane, Cylindrical
Bounded Surfaces
Swept Surface
Surface of Linear Extrusion
Edge loop
Edge Curve
Parabola, Hyperbola, SeamCurve
Class 5: Faceted B-Rep Shape Representation
Faceted Brep
Planar Surfaces
Edge Loop
Edge Curves
Parabola, Hyperbola, SeamCurve
Class 6: Advanced B-Rep Shape Representation
Manifold Solid Brep
Next Assembly Usage Occurrence
Mapped Item
Brep with voids
Advanced Face
Swept Surface
Surface of Linear Extrusion
Surface of Revolution
Edge Loop
Edge Curve
Oriented Edges
Cylindrical surface
Conical Surface
Toroidal Surface
Quasi uniform surface
Uniform Surface
Uniform Curve
B spline curve with knots
Quasi uniform curve
Rational bspline curve
Bezier Surface and Curve
Spherical Surface
Parabola, Hyperbola
Seam Curve
Supported AP209 Import Entities
AP209 is a major Application Protocol of STEP (ISO 10303) for composite and metallic structural analysis and related design. The Patran AP209 translators (both import and export) support three major CAD/CAE data types:
Geometry (nominal shape and idealized shape)
FEM/FEA (linear static and modes/eigenvectors)
Configuration Management data
Currently, AP209 support is for the MD Nastran Preference only. Specific coverage provided in this release is listed below.
Geometry data comprising Curves, Surfaces and Solids are exported, imported, from geometrically bounded surface shape representations and/or advanced-Brep shape representations. Assemblies are also supported. Association of Geometry data to Configuration Management data is maintained when exported. AP209 translation supports all of the AP203 geometry types.
Configuration Control Data
Support for Configuration Management data conforming to agreed upon STEP minimum subset.
FEM/FEA Data Nodes
Support for import and export of nodes in the global coordinate system.
Support for the following Element types:
Volume Elements:
Hexahedral elements:
HEX8, HEX9, HEX20, HEX21, HEX26, HEX27, HEX32&HEX64
Pentahedral elements:
Tetrahedral elements:
Surface Elements:
Quadrilateral elements:
Triangular elements:
Curve Elements:
Support for Isotropic, Orthotropic and Anisotropic Materials with linear constituent model.
Support for the element properties:
Surface Elements:
Membrane Stiffness, Bending Stiffness, Coupling Stiffness, Shear Stiffness and Thickness.
Curve Elements:
Cross sectional area, Second Moment of Inertia, Torsional and Warping Constant and Non-structural Mass.
Beam Cross Section Geometry and Beam Property Association.
Properties related only to MD Nastran Preference are currently supported.
Loads and Boundary Conditions (LBCs) and MPCs
Point Loads: At Nodal positions.
Pressure Loads: Element Uniform and Element Varying Pressure Loads are supported for loads applied on faces of Volume Elements and Surface Elements.
Distributed Loads: Element Uniform and Element Varying Distributed Loads are supported for loads applied on Curve Elements.
Single Point Constraints: Nodal Displacements.
Multi Point Constraints: Only Explicit MPCs are supported.
Support for constant value LBCs.
LBCs: Associated with at least one Load Case are only exported.
Load Cases
Load Cases which have at least one of the supported LBCs are exported.
Output Requests
Support for Multiple Jobs.
Support for association of Analysis reports and Jobs.
Output Requests are supported only for MD Nastran Jobs.
Static analysis:
Results are supported for Elemental Stresses, Strains, and Nodal Displacements.
Normal Modes Analysis:
Modes/Eigenvectors of normal modes and frequencies analysis results.
Support is available for only those Load Cases associated with a single result Subcase.
Support for Analysis Report.
Import Options for STEP AP203 or AP214 Parasolid Format
If you are importing a STEP AP203 or AP214 model with the Import to Parasolid option turned ON, the resulting geometry format will be Parasolid. Use the Import Options form to select the types and attributes of entities included in the imported database.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Geometry Preference
Identifies the surface type (solid or trimmed surface) to be created during the import operation.
Solid Type
Specifies how solids will be represented in the database -- either as B-rep or Parameterized Solids. The default is B-rep Solid. If you change to Parameterized Solid, all 5 or 6 sided B-rep solids will be converted into parameterized solids during import.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database. The default is general trimmed. You can change the trimmed surface type to simply trimmed.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
Instructs Patran to sew together sheet bodies using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a STEP file is imported. This file will be assigned a .xmt_txt file name extension.
Load CC1 Data
If ON, loads Configuration Control Data (Class 1).
Import Options for STEP AP203/214
The STEP AP203 Access Filter appears when importing a STEP AP203 model with the Import to Parasolid toggle turned OFF. Use this form to access entities based on a combination of entity type and the layer on which entities reside.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turns All Layers off. Enter the layers where the entities you want to import reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Load CCI Data
If ON, loads Configuration Control Data (Class 1).
Scale Factor
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, millimeters or custom value units.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Instructs Patran to sew together sheet bodies using Patran software.
Load CCI Data
If ON, loads Configuration Control Data (Class 1).
Import Options for STEP AP209
The STEP AP209 Access Filter allows the access of entities based on a combination of entity type and the layer on which entities reside.
Import Preferences
Activates a dialog box in which you can specify how certain geometric entities will be represented in the Patran database.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
All Layers
If ON, all entities are import candidates, regardless of layer assignment.
Layer Numbers
Turns All Layers off. Enter the layers where the entities you want to import reside.
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Imported Data
Use this pull-down list to select the types of data you wish to import.
STEP AP209 Import Preferences
In this dialog box you can specify your preferences on how to treat surfaces and solids, as well as tolerances, when importing entities in the Patran database.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database (simply trimmed or general trimmed).
Solid Representation
Solids may appear in boundary representation (B-rep Solids) or as a collection of constituent surfaces. The Parameterized Solid option allows B-rep solids, whose faces are biparametric surfaces, to be automatically converted to triparametric solids.
Enable Tolerance Prompt
If OFF (default), global model tolerance is calculated based on the expected maximum model size (see Global Model Tolerance, 457), without prompting for a response.
Enable Geometry Tracking
If ON, a geometry tracking log file will be created to describe geometric attributes of imported geometry.
Import Action
Import Geometry
Executes geometry import.
Calculate Model Tolerance
Processes the file to help determine the best tolerance for geometry import.
STEP AP203/AP209 Group Classification
One or several Patran groups may be created to accommodate imported STEP model entities. Group membership may be based on both entity type and layer assignment.
Group Name
Enter a group name.
Group Entity Types
Select the type of imported geometric entities that will be added to the group.
Group Entity Layers
All--selects all entities regardless of layer assignments
Layer numbers--Toggle All Layers OFF and enter the layer(s) where the imported entities reside in the Unigraphics database
Show Groups...
Display all groups defined for imported STEP entities.
Delete Groups...
Delete groups defined for imported STEP entities.
Importing STL Files
In the import dialog box, select STL as the source of the imported databas e.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
STL Options
Brings up the STL Import Options form that enables you to specify the types and attributes of entities targeted for import.
STL Import Options
In this form you can select the entity types (packets) you want to import.
Define Offsets...
Select this button if the likelihood of entity ID duplication exists (e.g., when several neutral files are imported). It will activate the Entity Label Offset Definition form in which you can specify offsets to avoid conflicting IDs.
Entity Label Offset Definition
In this form you can specify entity ID offsets in order to avoid conflicts arising from duplicate ID numbers.
Options for Entity Selection
All entity packets offset the same way
Each entity packet offsets differently
Options for Offset Definition
Automatic--system obtains the next available ID in the database
Manual--you specify the offset value
Assigning Offsets
Same for all entity types:
click on Offset, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data, press Enter, or
pick Automatic Offset to let the system assign offset automatically.
Unique value to each entity type:
click on an entity, type the offset in the Input Offset Value data field, press Enter, or
select Automatic Offset.
Importing VDA Files
In the import dialog box, select VDA as the source of the imported database.
Current Group
Displays the current group into which the imported entities will be placed. If you enter a group name that does not yet exist, a new group with this name will be created and made current.
VDA Options
Brings up the VDA Import Options form that enables you to specify the types and attributes of entities targeted for import.
VDA Import Options
The filter for VDA allows the access of entities based on a combination of entity type and the layer on which entities reside.
Entity Types
Identifies the type of geometric entities from which you can select.
Trimmed Surface Type
Specifies how four-edged faces of trimmed surfaces will be represented in the database (default is general trimmed, optionally you can change to simply trimmed).
Group Classification...
Brings up a dialog box in which you specify group assignments for imported entities.
Model Units
Brings up a dialog box in which you can override the model units during import. The settings now include: inches, meters, millimeters or custom value units.
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Sew Sheet Bodies
Patran Sew
If Patran Sew is ON, Unigraphics Sheet Bodies will be equivalenced or sewn together using Patran Sewing software.
Verify Boundary
The Verify Boundary command is similar to the Verify/Surface/Boundary command in Patran.
Equivalence Edge Vertices
If this toggle is ON, topological vertices will be equivalenced during import.
Save Transmit File
If this toggle is ON, the parasolid transmit file will be saved when a STEP file is imported. This file will be assigned a .xmt_txt file name extension.
Model Units
Parasolid assumes model units in meters, and has an overall model size limit of a 1000 meter cube. In the Model Units form you can override the default units in the transmit file to either inches, millimeters, or a custom unit. If a custom value is desired, a scale factor entered into the databox will be used to calculate the appropriate unit value.
The default Model Unit Override value is None for:
Parasolid xmt
The default Model Unit Override value is the Patran Preference value for “Geometry Scale factor for:
“Import to Parasolid”
The default model units override value is the Patran geometry preference value for "Geometry Scale Factor" which is 39.370079 (Inches).
If a different default value is desired when opening a new Patran database, create a new template database by opening the default template database delivered by Patran, change the Geometry Scale Factor to the desired value, then save as the new template database.
Then when opening a new database to import geometry into from a CAD System, it will use this value as the default model units for the imported geometry.
Importing Results
The File>Import command can also bring in results data created outside of the current database. If the imported object is specified as Results, the Import dialog box buttons and text boxes are related to result import choices. Imported result files may be in a variety of Patran formats.
Select the format of the imported results file.
Current Analysis Code
Indicate the current analysis code preference.
Zero Tolerance
Specify a tolerance value; a result with the absolute value less than this value will be considered equal to zero.
Template for PATRAN 2.5 Import Results
This window appears if the selected format is one of the PATRAN 2 files (see Patran 2.5 Results Files, 46 for more information about result files).
Exporting Files
With the File>Export command sequence you can transfer model data to use outside the current database. Exported output may be in the form of Patran neutral files, or formatted as ACIS, Parasolid xmt, CATIA V4, IGES, STEP, or VDA files.
Exporting to a PATRAN 2.5 Neutral File
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .out.
The output file may be a PATRAN 2.5 neutral file, IGES format, Parasolid xmt file, or STEP file.
Neutral Options
Activates the Neutral Export Options dialog box in which you select exported entities and groups.
Neutral Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the PATRAN 2.5 neutral file.
Neutral File Title
Activates the Neutral File Title form to enter a title for your file.
Entity Packets
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the packet(s) to send to the output file.
Existing Groups
Select the groups to transmit to the output file. Only those entities that belong to a group will be exported, therefore this is a required selection.
Neutral File Title
Accept the default or enter a new title; this will become a Neutral File Title Card (Packet Type 25).
Exporting IGES Surface Data as Parametric BiCubic Surfaces
The “Patran 2 Neutral File Translator” can export IGES type 114 and 128 surfaces as “Parametric BiCubic” surfaces. For example, the “Patran 2 Neutral File Translator” automatically converts an IGES 128 surface entity into a “BiCubic Patch Network”, and then exports a Patran Neutral File that contains the individual patches (Parametric BiCubic Surfaces) that make up the Patch Network.
To convert existing IGES surface data into Parametric BiCubic Patches, you need to first import an IGES file into Patran, and then either:
Turn ON the “Exportable to Neutral File” Geometry Preference and interactively refit the IGES type 114 and 128 surfaces into Parametric BiCubic surfaces using the Edit,Surface,Refit Geometry form to visualize the results. Then export a Patran 2 Neutral File by selecting File>Export and setting the Format option to “Neutral.”
Turn ON the “Exportable to Neutral File” Geometry Preference and export a Patran 2 Neutral File by selecting File>Export and setting the Format option to “Neutral”.
Exporting to ACIS Files
To export database entities to an ACIS file, select ACIS format in the Export dialog box.
ACIS Options
Brings up the ACIS Export Options form that enables you to select the type of entities targeted for export.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .sat.
Select ACIS to create an output file.
ACIS save file (SAT)
ACIS saves or stores, model information to ACIS save files (also known as part save files or part files). ACIS also restores model information from these files. These files have an open format so that applications not based on ACIS can have access to the ACIS model. There are two types of ACIS save files: text (file extension .sat, which stands for Standard ACIS Text) and binary (file extension .sab, which stands for Standard ACIS Binary). The only difference between these files is that the data is stored as ASCII text in a .sat file and in binary form in a .sab file. The organization of a .sat file and a ..sab file is identical. The term SAT file is generally used to refer to both.
Patran exports the .sat save file.
ACIS Version
The resulting ACIS file is ACIS version 13.0.
Scaling Factor
The scaling factor used during the translation is 1000. ACIS assumes this underlying unit to be millimeters and Parasolid units are meters, therefore, 1000 indicates the number of millimeters (the default unit) represented by each unit in the save file data.
Supported ACIS Export Entities
Curves, Surfaces, and Solids.
Attribute Transfer: Parasolid to ACIS:
The following table shows attribute transfer from Parasolid to ACIS:
Parasolid Attribute
ACIS Attribute
Color attribute
Name attribute
Layer attribute
ACIS Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the ACIS file.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the packet(s) to send to the output file.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Exporting a Parasolid Transmit File
To export database entities to an Parasolid Transmit file, select Parasolid xmt format in the Export dialog boxes.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .xmt.
Select Parasolid xmt to create an output file.
Parasolid xmt Options
Activates the Parasolid xmt Options dialog box in which you select exported entities and groups.
Parasolid xmt Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the Parasolid xmt file.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the packet(s) to send to the output file.
Parasolid Version for Export
Select the version for export.
Exporting to CATIA V4 Files
To export database entities to a CATIA V4 model file, select CATIA V4 format in the Export dialog box.
CATIA V4 Options
Brings up the CATIA V4 Export Options form that enables you to select the type of entities targeted for export.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .model.
Select CATIA V4 to create an output file.
CATIA V4 .model file creation
The CATIA V4 Export translator does not interact with either CATIA or CATIA API and therefore, does not require CATIA installation in order to create the .model file.
CATIA Version
The resulting .model file is CATIA version 4.1.9
Supported CATIA V4 Export Entities
Curves, Surfaces, and Solids.
Attribute Transfer: Parasolid to CATIA V4:
The following table shows attribute transfer from Parasolid to CATIA V4:
Parasolid Attribute
CATIA Attribute
Colour value from Element Directory Section
Color attribute
String from Data Section
Name attribute
Layer value from Element Directory Section
Layer attribute
CATIA V4 Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the CATIA V4 file.
Exporting to IGES Files
To export database entities to an IGES file, select IGES format in the Export dialog box.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .igs. For multiple files, version numbers will be appended to the file name.
Select IGES to create an output file in IGES format.
IGES Options
Activates the IGES Export Options dialog box in which you define the IGES file sections and select exported entities and groups.
Geometric Entity Types and their Supported IGES Equivalents
Geometric Entity Type
IGES Entity Type( #)
Circular Arc (100)
Parametric Cubic
Circular Arc (100)
Composite Curve
Composite Curve (102)
Conic Arc (104)
Piecewise Linear
Copious Data (106)
Copious Data (106)
Unbounded Plane (108)
Line (110)
Parametric cubic
Line (110)
Parametric cubic
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
Piecewise cubic polynomial curve
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
Cubic spline
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
Rational Bezier
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
MDC curve
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
CATIA curve
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
Piecewise rational polynomial curve
Parametric Spline Curve (112)
Bicubic patch network
Parametric Spline Surface (114)
Parametric Spline Surface (114)
Point (116)
Ruled Surface
Ruled Surface (118)
Surface of Revolution (120)
Surface of Revolution (120)
Surface of Revolution (120)
Surface of revolution
Surface of Revolution (120)
Tabulated cylinder
Tabulated Cylinder (122)
Bounded plane
Tabulated Cylinder (122)
Coordinate system
Type 1 - Rectangular
Form 10 - Cartesian
Type 2 - Cylindrical
Form 11 - Cylindrical
Type 3 - Spherical
Form 12 - Spherical
Nurb curve
Rational B-Spline Curve (126)
Nurb surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Rational Bezier network
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
MDC surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
MDC parent surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Fillet surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Generalized Coons surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Cylindrical Spline surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
CATIA surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Piecewise rational polynomial surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Curve interpolating surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Extruded surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Glide surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Sweep normal surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
MDC sculptured surface
Rational B-Spline Surface (128)
Parametric tricubic
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Ordinary body
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Surface interpolating solid
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Solid of revolution
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Solid 6face
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Extruded solid
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Glide solid
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Sweep normal solid
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Extruded body
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Tricubic net
Rational B-Spline Surface (128); 1 per face
Offset curve
Offset Curve (130)
Node (134)
Finite Element
Finite Element (136)
Offset surface
Offset Surface (140)
Trimmed surface
Trimmed Surface (144)
Ordinary trimmed surface
Trimmed Surface (144)
IGES Export Options
Start Section
Displays the IGES File Start Section form.
Global Section
Displays the IGES File Global Section dialog box.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the entities to send to the output file.
Entity Groups
Select the groups to transmit to the output file. Only those entities that belong to a group will be exported, therefore this is a required selection.
IGES Point Type
Specify what IGES point type will be created from Patran points.
IGES Export Parasolid Options
Start Section
Displays the IGES File Start Section form.
Global Section
Displays the IGES File Global Section dialog box.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the entities to send to the output file.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions supported by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
IGES File Start Section
In this form you can enter any text to serve as an introduction to the IGES export file. Optionally, you may accept the default text.
IGES File Global Section Parameters
In this dialog box you enter certain file parameters. All default values may be modified.
Exporting to STEP Files
To export database entities to an STEP file, select STEP format in the Export dialog box.
STEP 203/209/214 Options
Brings up the STEP 203/209/214 Export Options form that enables you to select the type and attributes of entities targeted for export.
Export Through Parasolid File Type
Uses Parasolid format as the starting format for exporting the geometry. STEP 203 and STEP 214 files can be created when this toggle is ON.
File Type
Select STEP AP203/209/214 to create a STEP AP203/209/214 output file.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .st.
Select STEP to create an output file.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions suppdtruittorted by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Supported AP203 Export Entities
Curves, Surfaces, and Solids.
Name of imported Geometric entities preserved using CATIA CAD association.
Exports Patran Geometry entities as either Class 2: Geometrically bounded surface shape representation, or Class 6: Advanced B-Rep shape representation.
All imported Class 1: Configuration Management data and its associations to geometry.
Supported AP209 Export Entities
AP209 is a major Application Protocol of STEP (ISO 10303) for composite and metallic structural analysis and related design. The Patran AP209 translators (both import and export) support three major CAD/CAE data types:
Geometry (nominal shape and idealized shape)
FEM/FEA (linear static and modes/eigenvectors)
Configuration Management data
Currently, AP209 support is for the MD Nastran Preference only. Specific coverage provided in this release is listed below.
Geometry data comprising Curves, Surfaces and Solids are exported, imported, from geometrically bounded surface shape representations and/or advanced-Brep shape representations. Assemblies are also supported. Association of Geometry data to Configuration Management data is maintained when exported. AP209 translation supports all of the AP203 geometry types.
Configuration Control Data
Support for Configuration Management data conforming to agreed upon STEP minimum subset.
FEM/FEA Data Nodes
Support for import and export of nodes in the global coordinate system.
Support for the following Element types:
Volume Elements:
Hexahedral elements:
HEX8, HEX9, HEX20, HEX21, HEX26, HEX27, HEX32&HEX64
Pentahedral elements:
Tetrahedral elements:
Surface Elements:
Quadrilateral elements:
Triangular elements:
Curve Elements:
Support for Isotropic, Orthotropic and Anisotropic Materials with linear constituent model.
Support for the element properties:
Surface Elements:
Membrane Stiffness, Bending Stiffness, Coupling Stiffness, Shear Stiffness and Thickness.
Curve Elements:
Cross sectional area, Second Moment of Inertia, Torsional and Warping Constant and Non-structural Mass.
Beam Cross Section Geometry and Beam Property Association.
Properties related only to MD Nastran Preference are currently supported.
Loads and Boundary Conditions (LBCs) and MPCs
Point Loads: At Nodal positions.
Pressure Loads: Element Uniform and Element Varying Pressure Loads are supported for loads applied on faces of Volume Elements and Surface Elements.
Distributed Loads: Element Uniform and Element Varying Distributed Loads are supported for loads applied on Curve Elements.
Single Point Constraints: Nodal Displacements.
Multi Point Constraints: Only Explicit MPCs are supported.
Support for constant value LBCs.
LBCs: Associated with at least one Load Case are only exported.
Load Cases
Load Cases which have at least one of the supported LBCs are exported.
Output Requests
Support for Multiple Jobs.
Support for association of Analysis reports and Jobs.
Output Requests are supported only for NASTRAN Jobs.
Static analysis:
Results are supported for Elemental Stresses, Strains, and Nodal Displacements.
Normal Modes Analysis:
Modes/Eigenvectors of normal modes and frequencies analysis results.
Support is available for only those Load Cases associated with a single result Subcase.
Support for Analysis Report.
Supported AP214 Export Entities
Curves, Surfaces, and Solids.
Exports Patran Geometry entities as either Class II: Wires, Geometrically bounded surface shape representation, or Class VI: Advanced B-Rep shape representation.
Attribute Transfer: Parasolid to STEP AP214:
The following table shows attribute transfer from Parasolid to STEP AP214:
Parasolid Attribute
STEP AP214 Attribute
As colour_rgb entities stored in styled_items
Color attribute
In label field of representation_items
Name attribute
STEP AP214 Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the STEP AP214 file.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the packet(s) to send to the output file.
Exporting to VDA Files
To export database entities to an VDA file, select VDA format in the Export dialog box.
VDA Options
Brings up the VDA Export Options form that enables you to select the type of entities targeted for export.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The default file name extension is .vda.
Select VDA to create an output file.
VDA Version
The resulting .model file is VDA version 2.0.
Supported VDA Export Entities
Curves, Surfaces and Solids
VDA Export Options
In this dialog box you can select the entity types (packets) and groups that are to be output via the VDA file.
Entity Types
Displays the names of all entity types that are candidates for export. Select the packet(s) to send to the output file.
Select Spatial Version
Using the Select Spatial Version form you can select available InterOp versions suppdtruittorted by Patran.
Alternatively, the default InterOp version for Patran can be changed by setting the environment variable P3_SPATIAL_VERSION to the recommended version by MSC, which will work in both batch mode and GUI mode. For more information on using environment variables please see, Environment Variables (p. 50) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide.
Session Files
This menu item appears if you have a valid installation of SimXpert on your local system and the environment variable MSC_SX_HOME is set pointing to the installation directory of SimXpert. Selecting this option will launch SimXpert. If you wish to export a current model to SimXpert, this can be done in the Analysis application with the Action/Object/Method set to Analyze/Entire Model/Load SimXpert in the MSC or MD Nastran preference.
Session Files
Publishes and retrieves Patran databases and other related analysis files directly from within Patran with the SimManager client. Once logged on, the user may publish and retrieve as well test connection and access the Web Client. The server settings need to be set in order for the SimManager client to communicate with the server. The following variables need to be set:
RC_LIBRARY_PATHFor more information on this, please see the Patran Environment Variables (p. 52) in the Patran Installation and Operations Guide or the SimManager documentation for more details. Client access to a SimManager server via Patran is only supported on Windows machines.
Session Files
A session file is a log of all database related commands and corresponding comments executed during a work session. A single session file may contain commands that were used for more than one database.
The File>Session>Play command sequence executes a specified session file either in its entirety or one command at a time for debugging or editing purposes.
File Name/Type
Select or type a file name. Session files are given filename extension, where xx is a number that shows where this session file is in the sequential order of session files.
Single Step
Plays back the session file one line at a time.
Commit Commands
Commits (saves) the database before each command is executed. This prevents an Undo from canceling an entire session file.
Stops playing the session file. After stopping, this button changes to Resume. Press Resume to continue playing the session file.
Effect of “Undo” in Session Files
When commands are canceled by Undo, the corresponding lines in the session file are deleted and an undo message is recorded. The built-in commit (LOGICAL) determines if each command played from a session file is committed. If FALSE (default), an entire session file playback may be undone. If TRUE, only the last session file command may be undone.
Recording a Session File
When you invoke the File>Session>Record command sequence, a new file will be created that records all database related commands executed during the current Patran session from the time this file was opened. The default session file will be generated as well.
File Name/Type
Enter a new file name. The extension .ses will be added automatically.
Record Rotations
Records each incremental rotation of your model in the session and journal files.
Stops recording the session file. After stopping, this button changes to Resume. Press Resume to continue recording the session file.
Printing Patran Images
The File>Print command sequence will send Patran images to a designated printer or to a specified print file. Print setups and properties are unique to the operating system and to each printer, but several Patran options exist that allow you certain control over the printed output.
Printing on Windows
Print From
Select Viewport(s) and/or XY Window(s) to print. You can print one or several viewports and windows on the same page. Invalid options are disabled (e.g., if there are no XY Windows posted, the Current XY Window option will be disabled).
One Viewport per page
If this toggle is ON, only a single viewport will be printed on a page.
Print to File
Toggle this ON if you do not wish to print immediately but want to save the output to a file for later use. The following form will be superimposed on the Print dialog box, listing the available print file options.
Postscript Files
Although different Postscript printers can have different setups and defaults, the Postscript Driver generally supports the options listed below. Defaults are shown in bold. If desired, defaults may be overridden in the Printer Configuration File, p3_printers.def.
Black to White
Converts spectrum colors to a black-to-white range. The range starts at 90% black and decreases to 5% black. Shaded colors are converted from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to gray.
White to Black
Converts spectrum colors to a white-to-black range. Shaded colors are converted from RGB to gray.
Color output is created with either an RGB or CMYK color model.
Background is white.
Background is black.
Background is printed with the actual color. Color is controlled by the Format option.
Lines & Text
Lines and Text are white.
Lines and Text are black.
Lines and Text are printed with the actual color. Color is controlled by the Format option.
Line Weight
0.5 pts
The Line Weight correlates a one-pixel line width on the screen to the line width on output. Most lines are one pixel wide. XY plot curves, however, can be of varying line thickness. Markers are drawn with half of the Line Weight.
Unit may be inch, cm, mm, pica, or point. If no unit is supplied, inches are assumed
(1 inch = 6 picas; 1 inch = 72 points).
Text Scale
Text scale and image scale may be independent of one another. Both “%” and “percent” are supported. If “None” is entered instead of a percentage, all text will be deleted.
Image Size
Fit on Page
The image is scaled so that it fits inside the margins of the selected Paper Size. Scaling is proportional and the image is optionally centered.
As Is
The image is printed at the same size as shown on the screen. It is optionally centered.
The image is centered on the page. The centering area is (page size) - (margins). Centering is performed after scaling, if any.
The image is placed in the upper left corner of the page. Left is relative to a rotation generated by the Orientation selection.
Draw Borders
Draw a border around the image that represents the edge of the viewport or the XY window.
Do not draw the border.
Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) Files
The purpose of creating Encapsulated Postscript Files is to place them in a document that you want to print at a later time. In the document, EPS files can be scaled, rotated, or clipped. Typical applications that utilize these files are word processors and page layout programs. Unlike postscript files, EPS files cannot be sent to a printer directly.
EPS files created by Patran are text files, therefore they can be transferred easily between various operating systems. There are file naming conventions, however, that must be followed.
PC programs will recognize files with the suffix .eps as Encapsulated Postscript Files and will display them in file selection menus presented when graphic images are placed. Note that the suffix is not case sensitive.
Macintosh programs will also recognize files with the suffix .EPS as Encapsulated Postscript Files, provided that the Macintosh File Type is “TEXT.” This usually happens as a byproduct of transferring files to a Macintosh. The EPS file can be arbitrarily named if the File Type is “EPSF.” The File Type can be changed with a Resource Editor or certain Disk Utilities. Note that the File Type is case sensitive. The suffix is not.
Patran EPS files do not contain a “preview.” Therefore, a gray box will appear when the EPS file is placed in a document. On systems running Display Postscript, the application may interpret the EPS file and build a preview on the fly. Although these previews are not always precise, the file will print as expected.
Color EPS files will separate into the four process colors (CMYK) provided that the application can produce separations. Non-color EPS files will separate onto the process black plate. There are no line screen directives in the EPS file. Color EPS files placed in a document and sent to a non-color printer will print in grayscale.
Printing on UNIX
For running Patran in a UNIX environment, use the Print form to generate output of your Patran images.
Page Setup
The Page Setup subform defines the paper size, margins, print orientation and number of copies to print. The defaults on the form are a function of the Current Printer. This form reverts to the printer’s default settings every time the printer is selected from the listbox on the Print form.
Postscript Options
The Options subform defines Driver specific options. Shown below is a typical setting for a PostScript laser printer. The options and defaults are unique to the current printer. They are defined in the Printer Configuration File, 244. The form reverts to the printer’s default settings every time the printer is selected from the listbox on the Print form.
The Postscript Driver supports the following options. The default choice is shown in bold. Note that this default can be overridden in the Printer Configuration File, 244.
Black to White
Converts spectrum colors to a black to white range. The range starts at 90% black and decreases to 5% black. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
White to Black
Converts spectrum colors to a white to black range. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
Color output is created with either an RGB or CMYK color model.
Background is white.
Background is black.
Background is printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Lines & Text
Lines and Text are white.
Lines and Text are black.
Lines and Text are printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Line Weight
0.5 pts
The Line Weight correlates a one pixel line width on the screen to a line width on output. Most lines are one pixel wide. XY plot curves, however, can have varying line thicknesses. Markers are drawn with half of the Line Weight.
Units can be inches, cm, mm, picas or points. If no units are supplied, inches are assumed. Note that there are 6 picas per inch and 72 points per inch.
Text Scale
Text can be scaled independently of image scaling. Both “%” and “percent” are supported. All text will be deleted if “None” is entered, instead of a percentage.
Image Size
Fit on Page
The image is scaled so that it fits inside the margins of the selected Paper Size. Scaling is proportional and the image is optionally centered.
As Is
The image is printed at the same size as shown on the screen. It is optionally centered.
The image is centered on the page. The centering area is the page size less the margins. Centering is performed after scaling, if any.
The image is placed in the upper left corner of the page. Remember that the left is relative to the rotation caused by the Orientation selection.
Draw Borders
Draw a border around the image that represents the edge of the viewport or XY window.
Do not draw the border.
How to Use EPS Files
Encapsulated Postscript Files are intended to be placed in a document which will later be printed. These files cannot be directly sent to a printer. Once placed, the EPS files can be scaled, rotated, and clipped. Typical applications that support these files are word processors and page layout programs.
Since the EPS files created by Patran are text files, they can be easily transferred between various operating systems. There are file naming conventions that must be followed.
PC programs will recognize files with the suffix .EPS as Encapsulated Postscript Files. That is, they will be visible in the file selection menus presented when graphic images are placed. Note that the suffix is not case sensitive.
Macintosh programs will recognize files with the suffix .EPS as Encapsulated Postscript Files. When transferring files to the Mac, the Macintosh file type must be “TEXT.” The EPS file can be arbitrarily named if the File Type is “EPSF.” The File Type can be changed with a Resource Editor or certain Disk Utilities. Note that the File Type is case sensitive. The suffix is not.
Patran EPS files do not contain a “preview.” Therefore, a gray box appears when the EPS file is placed in a document. On systems running Display Postscript, the application may interpret the EPS file and build a preview. These previews are not always precise, however, they will print as expected.
Color EPS files will separate into the four process colors (CMYK) provided that the application can produce separations. Non-color EPS files will separate onto the process black plate. There are no line screen directives in the EPS file. Note that color EPS files placed in a document and sent to a non-color printer will print in grayscale.
PatranHard File Options
CGM Options
Black to White
Converts spectrum colors to a black to white range. The range starts at 90% black and decreases to 5% black. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
White to Black
Converts spectrum colors to a white to black range. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
Color output is created with an RGB color model.
Background is white.
Background is black.
Background is printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Lines & Text
Lines and Text are white.
Lines and Text are black.
Lines and Text are printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Text Scale
Text can be scaled independently of image scaling. Both “%” and “percent” are supported. All text will be deleted if “None” is entered, instead of a percentage.
Image Size
Fit on Page
The image is scaled so that it fits inside the margins of the selected Paper Size. Scaling is proportional and the image is optionally centered.
As Is
The image is printed at the same size as shown on the screen. It is optionally centered.
Use Scale Factor
Use the Scale Factor setting. The image is optionally centered.
Scale Factor
The Scale Factor is only used if Image Size is set to “Use Scale Factor”. The value “1.0” means that the output is the same size as that shown on the screen.
The image is centered on the page. The centering area is the page size less the margins. Centering is performed after scaling, if any.
The image is placed in the upper left corner of the page. Remember that the left is relative to the rotation caused by the Orientation selection.
Draw Borders
Draw a border around the image that represents the edge of the viewport or XY window.
Do not draw the border.
Choose the resolution for imaging the graphics for hardcopy.
HP-GL Options
Black to White
Converts spectrum colors to a black to white range. The range starts at 90% black and decreases to 5% black. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
White to Black
Converts spectrum colors to a white to black range. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
Color output is created with an RGB color model.
Background is white.
Background is black.
Background is printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Lines & Text
Lines and Text are white.
Lines and Text are black.
Lines and Text are printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Text Scale
Text can be scaled independently of image scaling. Both “%” and “percent” are supported. All text will be deleted if “None” is entered, instead of a percentage.
Image Size
Fit on Page
The image is scaled so that it fits inside the margins of the selected Paper Size. Scaling is proportional and the image is optionally centered.
As Is
The image is printed at the same size as shown on the screen. It is optionally centered.
Use Scale Factor
Use the Scale Factor setting. The image is optionally centered.
Scale Factor
The Scale Factor is only used if Image Size is set to “Use Scale Factor”. The value “1.0” means that the output is the same size as that shown on the screen.
The image is centered on the page. The centering area is the page size less the margins. Centering is performed after scaling, if any.
The image is placed in the upper left corner of the page. Remember that the left is relative to the rotation caused by the Orientation selection.
Draw Borders
Draw a border around the image that represents the edge of the viewport or XY window.
Do not draw the border.
Choose the resolution for imaging the graphics for hardcopy.
Pen Mapping
The default mapping is color 1 to pen 1, color 2 to pen 2, and so on up to 16 pens. For example, 0111.223344447777 will map color 1 to pen 0 (no drawing), colors 2, 3 and 4 to pen 1. Colors 5 and 6 to pen 3, etc.
HP-GL/2 Options
Black to White
Converts spectrum colors to a black to white range. The range starts at 90% black and decreases to 5% black. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
White to Black
Converts spectrum colors to a white to black range. Shaded colors are converted from rgb to gray.
Color output is created with an RGB color model.
Background is white.
Background is black.
Background is printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Lines & Text
Lines and Text are white.
Lines and Text are black.
Lines and Text are printed with the actual color. The color will be controlled by the Format option.
Text Scale
Text can be scaled independently of image scaling. Both “%” and “percent” are supported. All text will be deleted if “None” is entered, instead of a percentage.
Image Size
Fit on Page
The image is scaled so that it fits inside the margins of the selected Paper Size. Scaling is proportional and the image is optionally centered.
As Is
The image is printed at the same size as shown on the screen. It is optionally centered.
Use Scale Factor
Use the Scale Factor setting. The image is optionally centered.
Scale Factor
The Scale Factor is only used if Image Size is set to “Use Scale Factor”. The value “1.0” means that the output is the same size as that shown on the screen.
The image is centered on the page. The centering area is the page size less the margins. Centering is performed after scaling, if any.
The image is placed in the upper left corner of the page. Remember that the left is relative to the rotation caused by the Orientation selection.
Draw Borders
Draw a border around the image that represents the edge of the viewport or XY window.
Do not draw the border.
Choose the resolution for imaging the graphics for hardcopy.
Pen Mapping
The default mapping is color 1 to pen 1, color 2 to pen 2, and so on up to 16 pens. For example, 0111.223344447777 will map color 1 to pen 0 (no drawing), colors 2, 3 and 4 to pen 1. Colors 5 and 6 to pen 3, etc.
Output Format
7 bit
Creates ASCII output file.
8 bit
Creates binary output file.
Laserjet III
The destination device is a HP-GL/2 LaserJet III.
The destination device is not a HP-GL/2 LaserJet III.
Opaque Mode
Images will be plotted with underlying images obscured by images in front.
Images will be plotted with underlying images showing through transparently.
Uses plotter’s cutter default setting.
Enables plotter’s cutter function.
Disables plotter’s cutter function.
0, 90°, 180°, 270°
Rotates the plotter’s coordinate system counterclockwise by the amount chosen about the plotter-unit coordinate region.
Printer Configuration File
Printers are configured with the p3_printers.def file, which is found in the pcl search path. Each printer must be assigned a valid “driver”. Driver Specific options need not be displayed in the Options form, yet they can still have a user defined default. For options with a set of choices, the choices can be limited to a subset. Note that this file is read only when Patran is started up.
For example, the following lines will define a postscript printer.
Printer = Engineering 
Device = HP LaserJet 4M
Driver = Postscript
Destination = lw9
Paper Size = Letter
Left Margin = 0.5
Right Margin = 0.5
Top Margin = 0.5
Bottom Margin = 0.5
Format = No Show; Black to White
Background = No Show; White
Lines & Text = No Show; Black
Line Weight = 0.5 pts
Text Scale = 100%
Image Size = Fit on Page, As Is
Draw Borders = No Show; Yes
The printer is named Engineering. It appears with this name in the Available Printers listbox in the Print form. The Destination is lw9. The only Paper Size assigned is Letter. The default margins are 0.5 inch. The output will be generated in a “Black to White” Format with a White Background. Lines & Text will be Black. Note that these last three options will not appear on the form. The default Line Weight is 0.5 pts and the default Text Scale is 100%. Two Image Size options (Fit on Page and As Is) will be available. Borders will always be drawn. The remaining options will be assigned the system default values.
Rules for defining a printer are as follows:
1. Each Printer must have a unique name (duplicate printers are ignored). This option must be first. The remaining options can be defined in any order.
2. Each printer must be assigned a valid Driver. Printers with invalid drivers are ignored.
3. The syntax to use is “Option = ( Choice 1, Choice 2; Default )”. Options are to be separated by commas. Undefined options are ignored.
4. Choices must be contained within parentheses and be separated by commas. An optional default can be declared at the end separated from the choices by a semicolon. Undefined choices are ignored.
5. If the first choice is “No Show”, then this option will not appear on the form. Its value can be preset with a default; otherwise, the system default will be used. This feature only applies to Driver Specific options. The Printer Definition and Page Setup options are always displayed. If all Driver Specific options are hidden, then the Options button on the main form will be disabled (for the subject printer only).
6. The @ sign continues the printer definition on the next line.
7. Options not assigned will be given the system default.
The following table lists each option and its possible choices. The first section refers to the Printer Definition options and the second to the Page Setup options. These are used by all drivers. Following this are Driver Specific options. System defaults for unspecified choices are shown in bold. Those options that accommodate multiple choices (Option menu instead of a Databox) are also shown in bold.
Section 1
Printer Definition
User assigned name
Device description
PatranHard File
Valid UNIX printer
Page Setup
Page Size
Letter ( 8.5” x 11.0” )
Legal ( 8.5” x 14.0”)
Tabloid ( 11.0” x 17.0” )
A ( 8.5” x 11.0” )
B ( 11.0” x 17.0” )
C ( 15.82” x 19.87” )
D ( 20.82” x 31.87” )
E ( 32.82” x 41.87” )
A0 ( 31.89” x 44.65” )
A1 ( 22.20” x 30.94” )
A2 ( 15,35” x 21.25” )
A3 ( 11.6929” x 16.5354” )
A4 ( 8.2677” x 11.6929” )
Roll 11 inch
Roll 24 inch
Roll 36 inch
Roll 44 inch
Left Margin
0.5 inch
Right Margin
0.5 inch
Top Margin
0.5 inch
Bottom Margin
0.5 inch
Number of Copies
Postscript Driver
Black to White
White to Black
Lines & Text
Line Weight
0.5 pts
Text Scale
Image Size
Fit on Page
As Is
Use Scale Factor
Scale Factor
Draw Borders
Color Model
Create Graphic Images
Images are graphic outputs of Patran models generated in a number of popular graphics file formats that can be accessed on various computer platforms. Image files utilize specific compression techniques. Outputs may be static images, animations, or 3D virtual models. The supported standard Internet graphics formats are BMP, JPEG, MPEG, PNG, TIFF and VRML.
The playback of generated images is highly dependent on the hardware and software used for viewing. Limitations, such as window size, color maps, file size, and the number of animation frames can affect the quality of the display.
When you select File>Images, the Output dialog box allows you to pick the output format type.
BMP Images Output
This option will produce an image file of the current viewport in Windows BMP bitmap format. BMP is a commonly used file format on IBM PC-compatible computers. BMP files can also refer to the OS/2 bitmap format, which is a strict superset of the Windows format.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder and file.
Default name is the current database name with the .bmp extension. Optionally, you can supply a new file name complete with the extension.
If you selected an existing bitmap file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing bitmap file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
JPEG Images Output
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) identifies and discards “extra” data, meaning information beyond what the human eye can see. This compression also economizes the way data is stored. Because JPEG discards data, the algorithm is considered “lossy”, that is, when an image has been compressed and decompressed it will have lost some data and may not be identical to the original image.
However, with the Quality slide bar in the dialog box, you do have some control over the image compression. If you set Quality to a higher value, the image file will be larger but the final appearance of the image will be closer to the original.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder or file.
Default name is the current database name with the .jpg extension. You can enter a new name but keep the .jpg extension.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Sets the relative quality of the image output. A value of 1.0 is the highest quality (least compressed, largest file), and a value of 0 produces the lowest quality (most compressed, smallest file) output.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
MPEG Images Output
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) is a family of international standards used for coding audio-visual information in a digital compressed format. Using the Start/Pause/Stop capabilities enables you to record complex animation sequences, for example animate model translations and rotations, or analysis results.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder or file.
Default name is the current database name with the .mpg extension. Optionally, you can supply a new file name complete with the extension.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Max. Frames
Set the maximum number of animation frames generated.
Start (1), Pause (2), and Stop (3) buttons to control animation file recording.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
PNG Images Output
The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format is useful for image editing and for storing intermediate stages of an image file. PNG's advantage is that its compression is fully lossless, furthermore, it supports up to 48-bit truecolor or 16-bit grayscale, therefore, quality will not be degraded after the image is restored and saved again.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder or file.
Default name is the current database name with the .png extension. Optionally, you can supply a new file name complete with the extension.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
TIFF Images Output
TIFF (Tagged-Image File Format) is used to exchange image files between different applications and different computer platforms. TIFF is a lossless image format.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder or file.
Default name is the current database name with the .tif extension. Optionally, you can supply a new file name complete with the extension.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
VRML Images Output
With VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) images you can capture 3D objects and create interactive simulations that incorporate animation, motion physics, and real-time, multi-user participation. VRML images and scenes can be displayed on another user's computer screen, or distributed using the World Wide Web and explored interactively by remote users. The current specification, VRML 2.0, supports JAVA, sound, animation, and Javascript.
File Select
Use this option to navigate to the desired folder or file.
Default name is the current database name with the .wrl extension. Optionally, you can supply a new file name complete with the extension.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will overwrite the image that is currently in the file.
If you selected an existing file name, the new image will be added to the image that is currently in the file.
Save the image file in the specified destination folder.
Creating Report Files
The File>Report command enables you to write and print a report file that contains a summary of a model, its node and element attributes, properties and results. You can control the format of the report with options you select in the Report File Preferences form, and read the completed report file using any word processor program (e.g. Notepad).
Open FIle
New--create a new report file
Append--open an existing report file to add new data.
File Name
Enter a new file name (keep the .rpt extension), or select an existing name if Append was selected.
Output Format
Activates the Report Format Preference dialog box in which you can provide format specifications.
Report File Name
The name of the report file is automatically entered from the File Name input field.
Report Contents
Select the data you want to include in the report file.
To generate a Report File:
First, you have to point the report writer to the Elements or Geometry application in order to collect the content information. Therefore, in the Menu Bar, click the Elements or Geometry icon.
In the Finite Element or Geometry application box, for Action select Show.
For Object you can pick either nodes or elements for Elements and Point for the Geometry application (Info will be Location, Distance or Attributes, respectively). The report will contain all information you request, regardless of which object you pick.
Press the Write Report toggle--this will activate the Report File dialog box.
For creating a new report, enter a name in the File Name data box, complete with the .rpt extension. To append information to an existing report, select its name in the folder/file field.
Click Apply in the left side of the dialog box and the right side entries will become available for selection.
Modify the output format, if desired, then pick the type of data options you want to include in the report.
Click Apply in the right side of the dialog box. The report will be generated.
To read the report, right click on its name in the file field and open it with a word processor program.
Report Format Preferences
Real Numbers
Select the format of displayed numerical data.
Field Width/Number of Decimals
Select the appropriate number with slide bar. The width of the field must accommodate the total number of digits and the decimal point contained in each field of the tabular report.
Select the number of integers expected in the numbers contained in the tabular report.
Select the number of spaces between columns in the tabular report.
Report File Output
The following is the beginning portion of a simple report file: